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The Elementalist : Next of Kin: The Kothian Chronicles

Page 24

by Andrew Wood

  Anden sat there delighted that his nation was once more free, and that if his father had been alive, how happy he would have been at the news. He knew there would never be anyway to repay the Icenians for what they had done, and he would forever be in Joren's debt. Now the man before him had explained all he needed, Anden knew it was time they discussed the contents of the third letter he had been sent. "Perhaps Maxim and Zack would be so kind as to leave us discuss personal matters," he finally said getting to his feet. Joren quickly cottoned on to what the young king was referring too, and readily encouraged his son to leave.

  Both Maxim and Zack were confused as to why they had been excluded from the room, but neither appeared overly bothered by it. Instead, they decided to catch up, and go find the others, Maxim for one had questions to ask, although he was not sure he wanted to know the answers. If Zack went to Berxsley with the king, would he be left in Pitford, living apart from him? As strange as it seemed, Maxim was not sure he could do that.

  Zack was unsure for how much longer Maxim would be with him. Now he had found his father he would surely want to go and live with him on the other side of the world, so far away the land was not shown on any map he had ever seen. Once he had gone back, there would never be any way for him to even pay a visit, and this very thought caused him great sadness.

  They found the others in their room, although as Maxim felt a little peckish after his travels, he asked if anybody wished to join him in the dining hall. Zack naturally agreed instantly, as did Connor who quickly reattached himself to Maxim's side, and then the others all readily followed suit. As they made the short way to the hall, they chatting amongst themselves, as Zack was finally allowed to tell them all of what the Icenians had achieved. Mikel punched the air, "Yes...Got to love those robe wearing weirdo's" he blurted out forgetting Maxim was actually walking just half a yard away, dressed in exactly the same thing.

  Mikel realised what he had said and immediately apologised, "Sorry, I did not mean it as an insult," he said trying to backtrack. Maxim looked sternly at him, before laughing, "Well they do look kind of strange," he replied, much to Mikel's relief. Melia pulled her boyfriend in closely to her, "Trust you to put your foot in it," she whispered to him before planting a kiss on his cheek. "Don't I always," Mikel chuckled.

  Whatever it was they were discussing back in the office, certainly took a long time, as neither Zack nor Maxim were permitted back in. Maxim's father must have had plenty of matters to discuss as the meeting had gone on long into the night, so much so that he had retired for the night before his father had finished.

  Chapter 32.

  With the Queen mother heavily sedated, Anden watched on as two Icenians took both her and his sister away into the distance. Several of the more personal house staff followed shortly after them, all being carried off to the city they had been forced to flee. The young king turned to Ramon, not sure what to say other than to thank him for all he had done to aid his father and family. "We would not have succeeded if not for you and your Magicians Ramon," he said shaking the man's hand. "We should keep in touch, every week at least," he added feeling all emotional.

  The seer watched the young monarch disappear off in to the distance, and eventually out of sight completely. Six Icenians would remain at Pitford, for the time being at least, just in case the enemy tried any form of counter attack. With that being the case, Maxim knew that at least his father would be stopping for a little while longer yet; although quite what he was going to do when the time came for him to go he did not know.

  Other Icenians carried off more of the young king's staff, until only Maxim and Zack were left. "Why are we waiting father?" Maxim asked getting confused as to how he was going to travel, knowing Zack would need transporting back. "We are waiting for one more," his father replied with a smile.

  "One more? How am I going to travel?" He enquired, as to a complete loss as to what the arrangements were.

  Joren explained, "I believe you and Zack can link, a practice even Icenians did not know was possible. I am taking someone else."

  "So I am taking Zack...Well he is taking me," he replied just to clarify.

  Mikel, Melia, Danton and many others, even Kurtis, stood and watched as Maxim prepared to say goodbye. Melia was a little tearful, and although Mikel tried his best, he also, could not stop the tears rolling down his cheeks as he gave Maxim a hug, "Take care my friend," he said. Maxim felt his own emotions getting the better of him as one after the other, the people who he had befriended bade him farewell.

  Their attention was turned to a young voice shouting behind them, "I'm coming...sorry Sir for being late," Connor said causing Maxim more uncertainty. "Connor is coming with us," His father told him. "He has not settled so well without you around, so I thought he can stop with us...You don't mind do you?" Maxim just shook his head, as he felt Zack's fingers entwine with his own, "Don't go to fast," Zack reminded Joren, "I cannot jump as far as you, and I have to concentrate on keeping the link with Max," he added. Joren nodded before gesturing for them to head off.

  Maxim took one final look back at the town of Pitford, the place he had thought of as home, unsure as to what his immediate future now held. How could he decide between Zack and his father, either way he was going to upset one of them? With his mind troubled, he felt Zack squeeze his hand as he sent the small trickle of power to his friend, before he felt himself being whisked off into the distance. Joren waited for his son and friend to teleport first, before holding onto Connor, "You ready?" he said with a smile to the youngster. "Yes Sir," came the over enthusiastic reply.

  Mikel wiped away a tear, "Do you think we will ever see them again," he said feeling another burst of tears coming. Melia looked at him, before leaning forward and kissing him very tenderly on the lips, "I do not know," she said wiping Mikel's tears from his cheek, with her thumb. Ramon and Danton stepped up beside them, "I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of them both," the seer said with a mischievous grin on his face. "You know something we don't?" Melia quickly asked, although she got no reply, aside from Danton smiling and giving her a wink.

  Zack and Maxim travelled at their own pace, meaning they took some while longer than the other Icenians making the same journey. This was something Joren had actually allotted for, as he wanted to arrive some time after the king, to allow the young monarch to sort certain matters out before they all arrived. Zack stopped a little over half way for a bit of a break, although more to check he was actually going the right way. He was glad to see Maxim's father appear just to the left of them a few moments later.

  Connor appeared to be loving every minute of the trip, "This is amazing," he told them both excitedly, "Why are we stopping?" he then asked realising they were not jumping forward again. "Zack just needs a little break," Maxim told him.

  "Sorry, I do not have the power you have," Zack said apologising to Joren.

  "No need to apologise Zack, I am amazed how well this linking works," came the reply. "Just go your own pace, there is no hurry," he added trying to alleviate any worries the young royal may or may not be having.

  After a little drink and a bite to eat from the food they carried, from one of the packs they had strapped on their backs, they continued onwards. Joren once more let Zack carry his son forward, before following behind whilst holding on to young Connor. With all the deliberate time wasting on his behalf, he hoped he had allowed Anden enough time to arrange things in Berxsley.

  Maxim had only ever seen the capital city from afar, when his father had pointed it out to him a few weeks back; seeing it closer up was certainly more impressive. The walls were tall, but even they were dwarfed by some of the buildings within. "Makes the Bosarian capital look like a pile of crap," Connor told them before quickly apologising for his selection of words. Joren chuckled; the youngster was certainly a colourful character.

  Maxim and Zack walked alongside Joren and Connor up the main thoroughfare. It was wide with buildings either side, and considering the place ha
d only just been liberated, was a hive of activity. "Good to see the people returning to normality," Joren said to nobody in particular, "They look more cheerful than the other day," Maxim added remembering the moment he had been taken into the city just after his father had removed the Bosarians.

  As they passed in through the palace gates, Maxim noticed a familiar figure stood waiting for him. "Thought you were not coming," Anden said as he stepped forward to greet them. "I hope my choice is suitable for your needs Lord Joren," he then added. Maxim looked puzzled thinking he must have misinterpreted what was said.

  "Zack," the young king said, "Although I still need you at hand, your position as my Royal advisor is no longer required." Zack stopped in his tracks, why had he bothered coming all this way if not to carry out that very task. "Okay...If that is what you want Sire," Zack replied a little tentatively. "It is," Anden replied, "Follow me," he then ordered them setting off once more a little more quickly.

  The small group walked back out of the palace gates and towards a building just a several hundred yards away. "I hope this will suffice. It used to belong to the head of government," Anden told them waving a hand to one of the guards on the gates to let them through. The wall surrounding the building was dwarfed by that of the palace, but enough to give the occupier privacy. The grounds to the main house were quite extensive, and mostly laid to lawn, although Joren could see a number of flowerbeds around the edge that he thought would look nice in bloom come summer time.

  The house itself was white stone and quite large, with three steps leading up to a set of oak doors. "I am afraid we have not had much time to prepare everything for you, but I have had the staff make up the bedrooms, light the fires and prepare some food," Anden said gesturing for them to step inside. Maxim thought that this must be the house Anden was giving to his father to stay in, before he returned to Icenia, although a lot of work seemed to be going into a place that was only being used for a short stay.

  In the large open hallway, he noticed something familiar piled up along the wall; some of the chests and crates brought ashore when they landed. "So Max, what do you think?" his father turned asking the question. "You think we will be happy all living here?" he said with a smile. It took a few moments for Maxim to understand what exactly his father was implying. "Living?" he asked, "You mean we are not going back to Icenia?" He added thinking he must be making a mistake.

  Joren smiled as he looked lovingly at the son he had thought lost. He placed a hand on Maxims shoulder and explained his intentions. He was stepping aside as High Lord of Icenia, allowing his brother to take up the position he had always wanted. Joren was instead going to remain behind in Kothia after the other Icenians returned home, and if Maxim was okay with it, live in Berxsley with him.

  Maxim stood there absolutely gobsmacked, and felt a tear roll down his cheek. He could not think of any words to say, but understood the huge sacrifice his father had just made for him and settled instead for a hug. "Thank you," he said, his voice all muffled. "I have only just found you Max, I know you were not keen on Icenia, and I was not going to lose you again," his father added, holding him tightly for a little longer.

  "That is not quite all of it," Anden spoke up, "If I may Lord Joren?" he asked. Maxim watched on as his father nodded and replied, "If you would be so kind Sire." Maxim was once more confused; his father had never referred to Anden as Sire before. "As some small token of repayment for all he has done, I have proclaimed your father be given title and this property. From last evening, he is now to be known as Lord Joren of Kothia, Protector of the northern lands, Advisor to the King, and Head of the Berxsley Magic Academy," Anden told them with a big childish grin on his face.

  Maxim turned to Zack, "Did you know any of this?" he asked. His friend was stood there as dumbfounded as he was, and just shook his head in reply. Joren smiled at both the young men before him, before suggesting they find the dining room. "Come on, let us sit and chat whilst we have a little refreshment." Anden clapped his hands together, and with a spring in his step lead the way.

  The staff had gotten the fire burning in the large stone hearth, giving the room a welcoming warmth. It was bright and airy, with a myriad of paintings along one wall, and a huge glass window looking out onto the back garden area. On seeing them enter the room, one of the staff bowed and gave the table one more quick wipe, before telling them tea would be just a few more minutes.

  Maxim's head was in a spin, and although his father and Anden had already told him so much, there were still so many questions he needed answers too. Why was Connor with them for one? Why was Zack with them if Anden no longer needed his help? "Excuse me, but what is this Magic Academy you mentioned Lord Joren was head of?" Zack piped up. Maxim had not even thought of that one, "Yes," he added, "What is it?"

  There was an exchange of glances between Anden and Joren as if both were checking to see who was going to explain, before the young king nodded. Joren gave a slight bow and proceeded to tell them. Whilst Pitford would remain a safe haven and place of learning for any person with magical ability, it was so far away it was not feasible for people in the north. Hence as from next week, the old government buildings were going to be transformed into something similar.

  Zack had to admit that was an utterly brilliant idea, and decided to say as much. "I am glad you like it Zack," Anden told him, "Because you are going to be one of the teachers." Maxim looked at the shock on his friends face and could not help but laugh out aloud. "Oh and so are you Max," his father then added stopping him in his tracks. "Me?" he asked, as Connor suddenly laughed at the pair of them. Joren nodded, "You both are very knowledgeable young men, and I can think of no one I would like to work alongside more than you two."

  Maxim had never considered himself smart enough to become a teacher, after all, his own reading and writing was little better than that of a young child. Teaching magic though was something quite different, and he found himself quite excited at the prospect. "So much to take in...You pair have certainly been busy," he finally said to his father and Anden. "Oh we have not finished yet," the king told them still grinning. "If it is okay with Zack, he can live here with you and your father...oh and young Connor too."

  Zack looked across at Maxim and grinned, before returning his focus to his cousin, "Really?" he said turning to Joren just for confirmation. "If you want to that is? I have made the arrangement, but I could not answer for you," Anden told him. "Oh Maxim, Connor is now technically your brother," the young king added just throw more confusion into the mix. Maxim looked at his father who explained, "I know the lad has no one else but you, and so I asked if I might adopt him as my son, and hence...your brother." Maxim looked at the youngster sat beside his father, "I think we will get along just fine."

  Connor smiled, "Will we be able to play in the gardens?" he asked. Joren nodded, "Of course, although it might be a bit cold for you this time of year, and don't forget you'll have your school work to do first," he added. The youngster looked up at him, "Oh do I have to do crappy reading and stuff?" he asked sounding totally disgusted by the idea. "Oh yes. You will go to school, learn to read and write, work with numbers and not to mention teach you a few manners," Joren told him firmly. Maxim looked over at his new brother and laughed, "Not to worry Connor, you might still have some spare time to play," he chuckled thinking his remark quite witty.

  The lady carrying the tray of tea and cups, placed it gently down on the table before them, and was about to place the cups when Joren told her he would do so. Anden watched the lady bow her head a little before heading back through the door. "We will have to find you a few more house staff," he told them, "I have given you three of mine, but with so much to do in the palace and Mother still not being well, I cannot really afford to let you have more." Joren placed the cups around and poured a little tea into each, before answering, "I will send my people to fetch more tomorrow Sire. We will need to bring Commander Denny Porter and his men back as well," he added as an afterthought.

  Chapter 33.

  As the last of the Bosarians had been removed from Kothian Lands, the Icenians tasked with escorting them started returning to Berxsley. The man they served, although technically no longer their leader thanked each one personally, before seeing them returned to the ships anchored off the northern coast. It was only after the last ship had departed did the finality of it all eventually sink in. Joren would unlikely ever see Icenia or his brother again, deciding instead to start afresh with the son he had always thought dead. Since first meeting the young man, he had felt almost immediately, the love a father had for his child. He was unsure as to whether the love between a mother and child was any different, but he had known from that first day there was no way he could let his son go.


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