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Taming the Beast: Eleven Paranormal Romances

Page 61

by Alyse Zaftig

  “You have?”

  “Your obsession is fairly obvious … but not in a creepy way,” she said with a chuckle.

  “They are sweet creatures. I appreciate the way they cling to their rituals.”

  “You can create new ones with her.” Zara exhaled loudly and let her hands drop to her sides. “What do you have to lose?”

  Javelin grew quiet before giving her a sly smile. “Brilliant idea to bring them here.”

  She bowed in appreciation. “There is a certain full circle quality to this. We’ll have to see how it all pans out. You were foremost in my mind when I thought of it. You are too good a dragon to give up so easily.”

  Before Javelin could leave, there was a knock at the door. Lagos poked his head in slowly. “I heard you were down here.”

  “Here I am,” Javelin muttered. “How are those guttural moans working out for you?”

  “I’m an asshole,” Lagos said, staring down at his feet. “I don’t know why I say half the things I do.”

  “You already answered that. You’re an asshole.”

  “I was rude and I’m sorry.”

  Zara got up and approached him, gently lifting his face and looking into his eyes. “Lagos is smitten,” she teased. “Look at him. Still want to bang every human in sight?”

  He shook his head. “Weird, isn’t it? I woke up next to Delilah this morning and didn’t want to be anywhere else. I felt it last night, but I wasn’t ready to admit it. I can’t control it.”

  “No, you can’t,” Zara said. “Your mate is your mate and there’s no right or wrong time limit.” She glanced over her shoulder at Javelin and smiled. “Why are you still here? Go get your mate and find your wings again.”

  Madeleine was up in her room, layering on every item of clothing she had available. Dragons must have soft spots. Hit him in the nose, no the belly … shit, it’s a fucking dragon not a dog. She paced in her room and waited for the orb to light up. What is the schedule in this place? Where’s the gold? He said he didn’t even want to mate with you. Calm down. Why would he not want to mate with me? I’m perfectly mate-able, a dragon’s dream. However, I will not be skewered on the end of some prehistoric alien cock. Nope, not going to do it.

  Then her mind shifted to Javelin in human form. Well, that’s different. Right? Yes, it would be perfectly fine to let THAT Javelin ravage me. Madeleine wished she hadn’t been in such a panic and had more time to just chat with him … and stare at him. The colony had its share of handsome men, but not like that. Not built like a freight train with those piercing blue eyes … and the treasure she imagined him packing below the waist.

  She left her quarters to find Delilah, who seemed to be no worse for wear. In fact, she was oddly smitten with Lagos as if he’d injected her with some sort of love potion. I saw where that love potion came from. I’m sure it was dripping down her legs. But Delilah looked happy, although she was walking as you would expect one to walk after having a massive cock thrust inside her pussy.

  “I feel like I’m not alone,” Delilah said, rubbing her belly.

  “What, you already think you’re pregnant?”

  “I can’t explain it. It’s a warmth that overtakes you.”

  “Are you sure it’s not severe injuries?” she said with a laugh.

  She shook her head. “It’s the future. Here, touch my belly.”

  Madeleine hesitated before reaching over and obliging. Her eyes grew bigger and she pulled her hand away quickly.

  “You felt it, didn’t you?” Delilah asked.

  “It’s buzzing! Like a battery or something like that.”

  “I know. Isn’t it amazing?”

  “Did you eat too much moss?”

  “Don’t be silly. Lagos thinks the little one will arrive in about forty weeks, just like a human gestation period.”

  “I know you said you were resigned to this, but don’t you think things are progressing a little too quickly? Are you happy?”

  “No such thing as too quick if it’s right. Besides, look at our options. We’re trapped on a planet that hates us.”

  Delilah had a point. She also had plenty of company, as it seemed many couples had mated the night before. Although Zara’s plan for everyone to get slathered with sunscreen seemed like a bad scene from a B-movie, it had been a success. Bellies were buzzing all around her. With everyone on the same schedule, it seemed a little too sister-wifey for Madeleine’s taste. But one gorgeous dragon to call her own? Maybe that was an idea she could accept. None of it would matter, though, if she couldn’t save her father.

  Chapter 5

  A few days passed before her globe grew brighter one early afternoon. She performed a few jumping jacks in the mirror to get the energy flowing and flung open her door with a growl. Her growl quickly turned into a scream, as she was now face-to-face with Javelin in his human form.

  “Sorry! I wasn’t expecting you to open the door so quickly,” he explained. “You looked like you were prepared for battle.”

  “I was … I am.” She tugged at her clothing, which only emphasized the bulk of her layers.

  “Are you wearing everything you own?”

  “Possibly. I didn’t realize there were rules against that.”

  Javelin laughed and said, “We don’t have a dress code, but you might be more comfortable in less.”

  “Why?” she asked, clutching the fabric on her chest. “What do you have planned for me?”

  “I thought we could just have a chat and get to know each other better. That would be a little nicer than our first meeting, wouldn’t you agree? I don’t know all your Earth customs, but I’m pretty sure you don’t just walk in and start rubbing someone’s tail.”

  “Not unless you’re a dog.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Dogs. They sniff each other. Not the same as rubbing, but anyway … you don’t have pets here. I guess you could count the chameleons, but they’re really not the same.” She caught herself and looked down in embarrassment. “I ramble. Sorry.”

  “Do I make you nervous?”

  “All of the Vizalians make me nervous, but especially you.”

  “Would you be more comfortable if I brought out my dragon?”

  “No! This is fine.”

  Javelin tried not to laugh at her quick response. “Okay, what would you like to do?”

  She bit her lip as the thought for a few moments. “Would it be possible to visit the settlement? My father is ill.”

  “Oh … um, sure. We can provide transportation…”

  “No, with you.”

  “Me? You want me to go to the colony?”

  “Why not? You don’t have to meet everyone, but I’d like to check on my family.”

  Javelin was flattered by the request. “I don’t see why not,” he said. “I’ll meet you in the main room.”

  Madeleine nearly started skipping on her way to the first floor. The others stared at her while she whistled and smiled broadly in every direction. She was waiting for almost fifteen minutes when the people around her started pointing towards the higher levels. Her mouth dropped when she looked up and saw human Javelin riding on the back of a dragon. They circled gracefully like a hang glider until they landed softly in front of her.

  “Give me your hand,” Javelin said, reaching towards her.

  “We’re riding a dragon?”

  “Unless you want to walk.”

  She shook her head and took a few cautious steps before grabbing his hand. He easily hoisted her in front of him and wrapped one arm firmly around her waist.

  “Hold onto this piece of his neck,” he said, tapping his finger on the thick fold directly in front of her. “I won’t let you fall.”

  The moment her hands dug into the flesh, the dragon took off. Madeleine shrieked when the creature first went airborne and slowly settled in as Javelin’s grip tightened. She thought they would fly directly to the colony, but the creature went higher until they were soaring over the cliffs.
/>   “I thought you’d enjoy a tour,” Javelin said into her ear.

  The heat from his breath sent tingles down her spine. She was already getting turned on from the vibrations she felt coming from the beast below her and the tension caused by gripping her legs.

  “Why is he vibrating?” she asked over her shoulder.

  “He’s harnessing his energy to fly. We all vibrate to varying degrees depending on what we’re doing.”

  She nodded, trying not to focus on all the thoughts racing through her head. Every part of him vibrates? This could get interesting.

  They circled the perimeter, taking an extra loop around the highest parts and swooping into the valleys. It was wider and larger than she imagined, but then again, its inhabitants were large, flying creatures so it only made sense. When they finally switched directions and got closer to the colony, the damaged transport ship came into view. Javelin pointed and tapped the dragon’s shoulder, causing him to land next to the vessel.

  “I just want to check this out,” he said, dismounting. “I haven’t seen this thing in ages.”

  “In ages? When were you over here?”

  “Umm … I think it was back when you first landed. Beautiful spacecraft, but it will never fly again. The thrusters were destroyed in the atmospheric storm.”

  “Wait, they’re destroyed?”

  “They appear fine, but look…” Javelin easily lifted up one corner and pointed at the crushed intake valves. He walked to the section with the enormous burn mark from the second strike and ran his hand along the piece of metal. From her vantage point and with him standing near the craft, she noticed the burn mark looked more like an outline. Something … or some dragon had been there to take the blow.

  Son of a bitch, why didn’t he say something? I owe him my life. “Why do you think we were able to land?” She asked in the hopes he would respond with an honest answer.

  He paused for a long moment. “It was meant to be.”

  “You might be right,” she whispered while staring at his broad, muscular back.

  He climbed back on behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist once more. “Should we make a grand entrance?”

  “Let’s do it!”

  He tapped the dragon again and said, “Let’s take a few laps.”

  June was in the greenhouse checking on the moss that Madeleine had delivered. It was growing quickly. They were hesitant to try the bottle of green sludge, but eventually relented and used it in a broth. It seemed to be working quickly. Their father was already feeling better. She was busy squirting the potted samples with water when she heard commotion outside.

  “It’s a dragon!” someone yelled from outside.

  June raced outside and looked up in time to catch a glimpse of her sister zipping by. “Madeleine!” She ran to the long, central corridor that connected the entire colony and looked up at the glass ceiling as the dragon continued to circle. She jumped up and down and waved to get her sister’s attention while she continued running to their condo.

  Their parents were standing at the window, waving with shocked expressions. “June, your sister is riding a dragon,” her father said.

  “I saw and it’s awesome.”

  Madeleine’s family was waiting outside when they finally landed.

  “Can I pet him?” June asked, ignoring her sister and running directly to the dragon.

  “Sure,” Javelin said. “I’m sure he would love it.”

  June slowly moved closer until her hand was directly touching the dragon’s side. “It’s smoother than I thought. Is he vibrating?”

  Javelin laughed and said, “Mykos must like you.”

  June blushed and continued her gentle strokes.

  “We may have another convert,” Madeleine joked.

  “That’s quite an entrance,” her father said as he walked over with his arms primed for a hug.

  “Are you feeling better?” she asked, nuzzling her face against his chest.

  “That moss concoction you sent over really did the trick.”


  “I’m serious. Where did you find it?”

  “It grows inside the cliffs.” As she turned back to point towards the rocky structure, she realized Javelin was standing quietly to the side. “I’m so rude! Everyone, this is Javelin.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said, stepping forward. “And this is my friend Mykos.” The dragon exhaled a hot breath in response.

  Her mother reached up and moved a piece of hair from her face. “Are they treating you well?”

  “Everything is good.”

  Javelin was relieved to hear her answer. He wasn’t sure she would want to return after visiting her family. Sitting behind her in close proximity for the ride had caused his body to vibrate with desire and he wanted it to continue. He was happy to have the vibrations from Mykos for cover and glad he’d been able to angle his hips slightly, preventing the massive erection from poking her for most of the trip.

  “That moss is growing in the greenhouse,” June told her proudly. “We won’t have to find gold anymore or touch smugglers if we cultivate it correctly.”

  “Smugglers?” her mother asked with an expression of horror.

  “A story for another day, Mom,” Madeleine explained.

  “You can come home now, right?”

  Madeleine looked over at Javelin. “Guess I didn’t think that far ahead.” He was busy chatting with her father and hadn’t heard their conversation. “Maybe you can cultivate it a little slower,” she whispered to her sister.

  June shook her finger at Madeleine. “What are you up to?”

  “Hopefully, something naughty.”

  “You mean you’d want to stay even if we don’t need the gold?”

  “I do. I know it sounds crazy, but I want to see where this goes.

  “I don’t think that’s crazy at all. There’s something about them and … oh my hotness, those human bodies.”

  “I know. They’re all built like that, June. ALL of them.”

  June glanced at Mykos and nodded approvingly. “I can only imagine.”

  They spent most of the day touring the colony. Javelin was impressed with the ambition behind the project even if it didn’t have the desired quality in the end. “You have a good foundation to build on here,” he said. “I’m sure our two groups can think of solutions to benefit us all.” He didn’t mind the stares and was happy to answer any questions asked of him. “I didn’t realize my tribe had been so reclusive. We should have done a better job as cultural ambassadors.”

  “So, we start now,” Madeleine said. “Dragon rides for everyone.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” he said with a laugh.

  “We might end up with even more mixed couplings,” she said, watching him from the corner of her eye.

  “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

  “If done right. I don’t see how our group will survive in the long run without it. Moss or no moss, we simply need more of us to keep the cycle of life going.”

  He bit his lip nervously and asked, “Cycle of life? Do you see yourself participating in that?”

  “Having children? I think it’s vitally important, but what do I know? I’m just a servant.”

  He caught her smirking when she said it. “And what would the servant like to do next?”

  She looked him straight in the eye and said, “Sunscreen.”


  “Yes. I think you’re overdue. You must have tons of scales just begging to be slathered with green goo.”

  “So this slathering is for my dragon side?”

  “Yes, your better half.”

  Javelin laughed at her playfulness. “Okay, anything you want.” He had no idea what she was up to, but there was no way in hell he was missing out.

  They said their goodbyes and made plans for her family to visit the cliffs. On the flight back, Javelin was less careful about letting her feel the erection behind her. She pressed he
r hips back, enjoying the bulge along with the vibrations coming from below and behind her.

  “Are you sure you want me as a dragon when we return?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Positive,” she said, pressing her hand against his and encouraging him to hold her tighter against his crotch. At least for the start.

  Chapter 6

  They ignored everyone who asked about the visit and raced to the elevator, willing it to move even faster.

  “Meet you in five,” Madeleine said, disappearing into her room. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and slowly removed all her clothing. “There’s no turning back after this. Blink twice if this is what you want.” She hesitated and slowly fluttered her eyelashes twice. “Thanks. Nice talking to you.”

  Her steps were deliberate now as she opened the door to the shared hallway and made her way to his chamber. “Keep your eyes closed,” she called out.

  “Your wish is my command.”

  He had his back towards her with his tail extended like the first time. Water was running in his tub as he’d drawn a bath for her and placed a few glowing orbs over it for mood lighting. She looked at his tail and sized up the situation before retreating halfway down the hallway. She took a deep breath and got a running start before running up his tail and leaping onto his back so her legs were straddling him.

  “What the fuck?” he growled with surprise.

  “Show me your wings.”

  “No,” he said, trying to shake her off.

  She dug her heels into his side and squeezed her legs tightly against him. “You can’t fly, can you?”

  “What difference does it make?”

  “It doesn’t make a difference to me, but I know it probably does to you.”

  “Get off me.”

  “Nope. Show me your fucking wings.”

  He turned his head and gave her a blast of heat, which only caused her to dig in tighter. “What is the point of this?” he asked.

  “I’m trying to confirm something.”

  “What, that you’re being a bit of a jerk right now?”


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