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Billionaire's Virgin - A Standalone Romance (An Alpha Billionaire Virgin Romance)

Page 102

by Joey Bush

  My phone chimed.

  “Yes Max,” I answered.

  “Are you going to be a no-show again?”

  “Nope, I will meet you inside. Save me a seat. I will be a couple of minutes late. Kelly isn’t here this morning and I want to leave the room clean or at least tidy.”

  “Where is Kelly?” Max asked.

  “Why do care where Kelly is Max?”

  “Just curious. See you in class.”

  Max disconnected and I smiled. The fact that Max was curious was a start. I was playing cupid and it was time to sharpen my arrow.

  I swiped on some lipstick and I was ready to go. My phone chimed again, just in time because I was ready to switch off my ringer.

  I saw the golf ball, Ryder’s symbol, and answered.

  “You are going to be late for class. Why are you calling me?”

  “Wanted to make sure you were going. Been doing your stretches?”

  “Yes, I think I pulled a muscle in my ass.”

  “Good, I’ll massage it for you.”


  I laughed nervously. “I will see you in a bit, Professor Curran.”

  I ended the call and slammed the door behind me. I was off to class.


  Max saved me a seat near the front of class. It was obviously a seat selection made with me in mind. In the row ahead of us were Rozi with the perfectly arranged messy ponytail and Rosemary. She was in desperate need of a dye job. I would have to look at her roots for the next hour.

  “Thought you were going to be late. You got here before Professor Curran. I wonder what’s keeping him. He’s usually on time,” Max said.

  “Not sure, Max. Are you on a fishing exhibition to find out what is going on with Ryder and me?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Max smirked. “Ah ha! So you admit that something is going on.”

  “Max, I clearly recall you saying that you would allow me some space when it comes to Ryder.”

  “Babe, it’s me, Max. I won’t tell a soul,” he said as he leaned back in his seat.

  I sneered at him. “Ick. Don’t call me babe.”

  “What does Ryder call you? Does he call you lover yet?”

  “Max, Ryder—I mean Professor Curran—is here. Shut the hell up.” I gave him a harsh look that he knew well.

  “Greetings all. Give me a show of hands. Who had fun inflating the condoms I gave out at the last class? Even better, any one make water balloons? For those of you who used them for the purpose for which they exist, I hope you used them correctly.”

  Ryder noticed me quickly and nodded in my direction. He was especially alluring as he strutted across the stage. He was wearing khakis and an oxford with a navy South Carolina tie. Embroidered on his tie were tiny gamecocks. He looked more like a student than a professor. He had on glasses, which I didn’t know he needed. It just contributed to the list of things I didn’t know about Ryder.

  “Jenna,” Max whispered. “Are you able to separate Ryder the professor from the guy you blew?”

  I nudged Max hard.

  “Ouch. I’m just curious because it’s a very unique situation.”

  “Max shut up before Ryder hears you or anyone else for that matter.”

  Ryder had continued with his lecture, which was focused on the use of diaphragms. There were several diaphragms displayed on a table. I was interested because I had never used one.

  “The use of a diaphragm is declining but I hope you have all have considered this method of birth-control. As always, raise your hand if you have any questions while I’m speaking.” He picked up one of the models. “As you can see, it’s a pliable silicone cup. It is inserted into the vagina, all the way up so that it covers the cervix.” He nodded towards a student. “Yes, I see a question.”

  “Does the male partner feel it?”

  “Probably not, unless it’s inserted improperly. In some cases, a large penis will go all of the way up and touch it. Unusually hard thrusting may also cause the penis to encounter the device,” Ryder answered and the crowd erupted into excited conversation.

  “Bull-shit. I can feel the thing.”

  “I believe him, and he doesn’t even have a big dick.”

  “How do you know the size of his cock?”

  “I know a chick that got pregnant using a diaphragm, twice.”

  “Okay guys. I welcome the hearty conversation, but it’s time to move on. There are many advantages,” Ryder continued.

  “See what you’ve been missing Jenna. This class rocks. He must be a pro in the bedroom,” Max said.

  “Shut up Max.”

  “I think the guy should pay for the diaphragm. Don’t you?” Max asked and raised his hand. “Professor Curran. How much does a diaphragm cost and do you suggest the guy give it to his girl for like a Christmas gift or something?”

  “Good question. I would encourage a conversation between partners. It can’t be a pop-up gift because the woman will have to get a fitting.”

  “Oh. Thanks.”

  “Can you shut up now Max? Please,” I whispered.

  Max was finally silent. Ryder was discussing the use of spermicides with the diaphragm, which seemed to be of interest to Max.

  Ryder was in his element when he was in front of the class. He was very good in front of a crowd and he was a specialist when it came to sex. I began to feel intimidated because in comparison to him I was an amateur. He was like the Arnold Palmer of sex. I was afraid I would fall short of his expectations.

  In the back of my notebook, I had the class syllabus. I glanced at it to see what topics Ryder planned to cover. I wondered if he was planning to use me for all of the things he was talking about in class. Was I his test subject?

  I started collecting my things when class was ending.

  “Is Jenna Walsh here?” Ryder asked, pretending that he had not seen me.

  “I’m here.”

  “Jenna, I would like to see you after class for a moment.” Ryder smiled.

  Heads turned in my direction. Rozi and Rosemary were speaking rapidly between each other. I knew the request seemed odd to everyone. We had no upcoming test or assignments. Ryder had no valid excuse to speak with me.

  What the hell was he up to?

  I got up out of my seat. Max stood in my way before I could get to Ryder.

  “Looks like we have a teacher’s pet,” Max said in a hushed tone, but loud enough so others could hear. He meowed and scratched my arm like a feline.

  I stood before Ryder with no emotion. I felt as if I was in 3rd grade again and called to the front of the class.

  “Yes Professor Curran. You asked to see me?”

  Ryder walked to the door and closed it.

  “Jesus. I almost lost it when I saw you. Was the bright yellow meant for me? It’s my favorite color but it looks horrible on me. It makes me look jaundiced.” Ryder touched my hair and gently caressed my face. “You are so fucking beautiful. It makes me crazy because I want to tell the world that you’re my girl. I know that Max is just your friend but I was fucking jealous when I saw him whispering in your ear.”

  I blushed. “You have nothing to worry about Ryder. Nice lecture by the way. You are quite the expert on all things related to…sex.”

  “I’m not so interested in sex exactly. The human anatomy fascinates me and sex comes into play naturally. It is nothing to be ashamed of or to sweep under the rug. If we make it some secretive dirty thing, STD’s and unhealthy impulses run rampant. Sex is a beautiful thing when it’s entered into by two consenting adults who care for one another. At some point the act of sex becomes making love and that’s indescribable.”

  I doubted that I had ever made love before. Perhaps I would with Ryder.

  “Well, I’m sure you have work to do and I should hit the library. Perhaps we can do another lesson at Westlake. I’m itching to use my new clubs,” I told him and smiled.

  “Westlake sits on a polluted slough. According to our friend Can, there are probabl
y old duffers floating in their dead. I want to take you to a real lake. We can go right now if you want. I have an extra jacket in my car in case it gets cold.”

  “Pretty spontaneous don’t you think?”

  “Hell yeah. Spontaneous is good. Life is short. Let’s make the best of the moment!” An animated Ryder shoved his papers in his bag. “If anyone sees us, say it’s golf related.”

  Chapter Seven

  The drive to the lake was beautiful. We took the scenic route, which included country roads lined with live Oaks that were hundreds of years old. Dotting the sides of the road were vegetable stands and old, brightly-colored shacks. Ryder had on a pair of vintage Ray-Bans and he blasted the music. The image was surreal.

  “I love this drive,” Ryder said loudly over the sound of the wind and music. “There is history on these roads. The houses you see are on land passed down through generations. It went from plantation owners to former slaves and then through the family. These folks have been excellent stewards of the land. The veggies sold at these stands taste like sunshine. You can’t buy this stuff down at the Piggly Wiggly or even in the most expensive markets in New York and LA. It’s a gift we have in the south.”

  I was pleasantly surprised to hear Ryder speak of something other than golf. I wasn’t used to being with a man who had knowledge beyond the hottest new pop-artist or the easiest way to score weed. Being with a thirty-three year old had advantages. Ryder was refreshing.

  “Why are these houses brightly colored? I have never seen anything like it. They are an odd variety of shades that I don’t see every day. There is a mustard yellow, only it’s honey-mustard. That one is blue but it’s a brighter hue than I have ever seen on a house. I love the color pink, but for a house?”

  Ryder laughed. “There is an explanation for the rainbow of odd colors. According to the Gullah tradition, the bright colors scare away evil spirits. You have never seen the colors because they’re often sold inexpensively. There isn’t a huge demand for these shades. They were made in error or they’re the results of combining factory leftovers. I think it’s a nice change. Moss green and beige are boring.”


  “I know a little about a lot. Don’t be too impressed.” Ryder smiled and turned up the music.

  Ryder threw me a gym bag as we pulled onto the gravel road by the lake.

  “What’s this? More surprises?” I asked as I grabbed the bag.

  “Not really but you never know when you’re getting another surprise with me. Your reaction when I gave you the golf clubs was so damn cute. My bad, you hate being called cute. You were so jubilant.”

  “Nice save Ryder.” I winked and opened the gym bag. “Shorts and a pair of used water shoes.”

  “It is just stuff my niece left in my car. She’s 12 years old and I hang out with her sometimes. I like to help my sister when I can. She’s about your size so I thought you could use her things.”

  “We’re the same size?”

  “Yep. She’s going to be tall like her dad. He’s almost seven feet.”

  “Was there something wrong with my clothes though?”

  “Jenna. You would look amazing in a potato sack. I didn’t want you to get your white jeans filthy.”

  “What are you planning?” I asked.

  The car came to halt.

  “Wait by the picnic table over by the shore. I will be back shortly. It’s a surprise. There is a restroom that you can change in.”

  I hopped out and began making my way to the table.


  Ryder took off, leaving me alone by the lake. I hit the restroom to change my clothes. There was a pair of jean shorts that fit perfectly. They were snug, but that was a good thing. I planned to keep on my yellow tank because Ryder liked the color but I threw on the white one provided. I would transform back into a sunflower later. I brushed my hair, remembering Ryder’s gentle touch from earlier. I decided to leave my hair down, but I put an elastic hair tie around my wrist just in case.

  I wore the water shoes provided by Ryder. I guessed that they were appropriate for whatever he had planned. I took a seat at the picnic table. It was worn and marked with the initials of past lovers who had left their memories. If I had a pen, it would be tempting to scrawl “RC+JW” but even the thought was too saccharine sweet. I giggled at the passing thought.

  A few people were enjoying the lake. There were small families with children in diapers that looked to be weighing them down. I spotted couples. Some appeared to be young and testing out a new romance and others were older. The latter didn’t speak much, as they seemed to communicate just fine without words.

  It was a lovely fall day. Some found it difficult to distinguish a day in late September from a day in mid-April. The temperature was similar but the smell was vastly different. There was the smell of home, a musky scent that was hard to explain. There was also a tenor in the air in the fall that was missing in the spring. A sense of calm. It was the time of year to focus on the important things in life like family, friends and home.

  The water on the lake was flat and gin clear. In the distance, I saw gathering clouds, but they had no effect on the lake. The trees were swaying slightly. There were rain trees and magnolia that were past their bloom but were still wearing brilliant green foliage and provided shade. Rows of palmetto trees circled the edge of the lake. A landscape crew had arranged them perfectly although they were native to South Carolina and probably would’ve grown there anyways.

  A few great blue herons stood in repose. They waited patiently for the right fish to grab. Brown pelicans showed a different approach as they dove headlong into the water. I thought about what type of fish were lurking beneath the water. Perhaps we were going to fish.

  Finally, I heard Ryder’s vehicle driving back up the gravel road. He got out of the car. Gone were the tie and khakis. He wore a pair of distressed designer jeans, sneakers and a t-shirt. His blue shirt wasn’t tight but it pulled on his muscular body perfectly. I was pleased because I thought he looked as he acted, which was closer to twenty-five than thirty-three.

  “Did you miss me?” Ryder asked.

  I grinned widely. “You bet. However, you did leave me in a beautiful spot. I would rather have taken in the view with you by my side though. Where have you been?”

  “They have a kayak rental place up the road. Surprise number two, we’re going kayaking! I rented a double. The woman at the rental shack is going to paddle it down. She’ll have all of the gear we need.” Ryder waited hesitantly for my reaction.

  “Okay. I’m game. You should know that I have never been in a kayak before.”

  “I have quite a bit of experience so I will save you if you need saving. I don’t think we will encounter any wild rapids on this man-made lake.” He smiled.

  “Good,” I said.

  The woman brought the kayak up to shore and threw the gear on the sand. I pulled the shorts that were a little tight out of my ass.

  I heard Ryder laughing and then he asked, “Can I help you out there?”

  “I got it. Just pay attention to her.” I smiled and then he snickered.

  “You are all set Ryder. You know the drill. Tie up the rig when you return and we will be down to pick it up. If you run into trouble, call the number provided. It goes without saying that flotation devices are required. There is a storm coming in. I can’t say for sure if it will hit us. Good luck and stay safe.”

  “Thanks for your help.”

  Ryder picked up my life vest and put it over my shoulders. Our faces were inches apart and it felt so…right. We both resisted the pull as he secured my vest.

  “I brought something for you to wear.” He pulled a crushed golf cap from his back pocket. It was his Ryder Cup hat. He pulled it down over my gossamer locks. “Perfect fit.”

  I was flattered and the cap fit as well as we did in the kayak. We paddled away from shore with Ryder in the front and me closely behind him.

  “This is more beautiful than I co
uld have imagined”

  “I thought you would like it. There is something about this place. I come here a lot by myself. It is nice to have someone to share it with.”

  I was in a trance. The sound of the paddle cutting into the water was mesmerizing. Ryder’s shoulders flexed each time he pulled back the paddle. It was the ideal combination of grace and power.

  “I was going to say you seem comfortable on a kayak, but then you seem comfortable in everything you do. The golf course seems like home to you, but then I see you teaching and that’s where you’re meant to be. You are a jack of all trades, a renaissance man.”

  “You are a smart woman. There is a common denominator in all of the things you have seen me do. Figure it out.”


  “Listen, I seem at home when you’re around. Regardless of what I’m doing, I’m in my comfort-zone when you’re present.”

  “Ditto on that. Have you taken many women to this place? I don’t mean to pry, just curious. ”

  “Yes,” Ryder said and my heart dropped into my stomach.

  “That’s nice.” I didn’t really think so; I had to force the words out.

  “My sister Grace and her daughter Jane love coming out with me. That is why I have Jane’s shit in my car. Any other questions?” Ryder laughed. I realized he was tiring of my inquisitive nature.

  “Have you noticed the storm clouds? They are definitely coming this way. I think we should turn back before it begins to rain,” I said.

  “Okay, Al Roker. Time to turn about the ship.”

  I had no idea how to turn a kayak. Ryder did not tell me which way we were turning. We were fighting against each other and the kayak tipped over. At the same time, it started to rain. It was coming down in buckets. I flopped around in the water. To a passerby it would’ve looked dangerous but we were close to shore and I could almost touch the bottom of the lake. I was laughing hysterically and Ryder was frantic as he tried to help me. Through it all, Ryder’s cap remained in place. Even in the water, he had control of the damn hat. After flailing around for a few minutes, we righted the kayak and we managed to climb in.


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