by Seth Rose
Chapter 34: Jobs
In most circumstances, I recommended having a job or internship while in school, and especially over the summer. It’s not just for making some extra dough, but it’s great for a number of reasons.
It will force you into social situations. When I worked at a café I was forced to interact with customers every time I worked. It forced me to be friendly and put a smile on my face, something I was not accustomed to.
It will also keep you disciplined. Instead of watching Netflix or jerking off, you’re going to be working and making money. It’s not fun, but it’s a good use of time.
If you live on a college campus, internships during the semester isn’t going to be too feasible, so that is best saved for the summer. This leaves you with a traditional college job for the school year.
Jobs are plentiful on college campuses as long as there are students. It’s not as subject to economic downturns as the broader economy, especially if the government will always back up college tuition with loans.
Here is a list of some jobs you may want to consider:
Being behind a bar, despite the fact that it requires no special intelligence or skill, conveys a sense of worthiness on college campuses. If you’re a bartender men and women will flock to you as a provider of social currency. Oh, and the money is great relative to the minimum wage type jobs.
Every bar will have a couple of bouncers. Unlike at posh nightclubs, you don’t need to be 6’4” and jacked to be a bouncer, though that will make getting the job easier.
Bouncers have a lot of social currency too. At one of my campus’ favorite bars the bouncers would get a ton of attention from girls--both strangers and ones they knew. Think about it: Everyone that walks in that bar has to go past you. If just a few girls out of the hundreds that come to that bar that night have a thing for you, you have a perfect opportunity to spit game at them.
Being a bar-back is the least glamorous job at bars. However, you’re still at a bar which means you get to meet cool people and get with the “in” crowd of cool bartenders.
Uber Driver
Uber is a company that is taking the world by storm. Everyone benefits from this new company, as customers can get cheap, and convenient rides, while drivers can make money in their free time.
As a college student this is an excellent opportunity. On a night out, you can make some serious cash driving drunk people around. And on game days you can make a killing! It may be a bit obnoxious to have to deal with drunk people, but it’ll be worth it.
Registration is quite easy. You can sign up here. Within a week you can drive people around for $15-20 per hour listening to music, podcasts or audiobooks.
Other Jobs
There aren’t too many glamorous, high-paying jobs on college campuses. Other jobs include working in a cafe, at a library, dining hall, or retail outlet. The pay here really sucks, as does the quality of work. It’s up to you whether you choose take one of these jobs.
Perhaps a better option is to become a freelancer. I started freelance writing back in November of 2014. I was working at a bookstore prior to that for $8+ an hour and it sucked. Within a few months of freelance writing I was making $15 an hour. The work was easy and I could work from home! It was a no-brainer.
Check out or See if any of the types of jobs on there you could do (Anybody can do writing and editing!). These jobs will pay easily more than a crappy retail job and will help you develop applicable, real-world skills.
Chapter 35: Living Arrangements
Living on your own for the first time is a wonderful experience. Not only do you have freedom from your parents, but you can enjoy doing all the hedonistic things that you could not have done otherwise in your parents’ house: Have loud sex, drink booze in the living room, have giant parties etc.
But as Superman said, “With great power comes responsibility.”
Too many college guys live on their own for the first time and took for granted that their mom cooked and cleaned for them. Their rooms and houses are disgusting. I would never want to live in such a place (Although my frat house was like that).
There are several other crucial factors in making your living situation the best possible, but let’s start with choosing the type of housing you may live in during college:
You’re most likely going to be living in the dorms your Freshman year. Though you’ve moved out, a dorm has pretty strict rules: Quiet hours, no alcohol, no smoking etc. Moreover, you don’t have a ton of chicks partying there like a frat house, or a nice big living room like you would in an apartment.
While dorms aren’t great, they’re a good stepping stone to moving out on your own. Plus, you’re surrounded by other 18 year olds who just escaped from their parents’ house. There are a ton of opportunities for socializing which you should take advantage of.
To make the most of your dorm experience, I suggest you bring as many amenities from home as you can: Speaker system, posters, gadgets, rugs etc. Making the dorm feel cozy, and not like a prison cell is crucial for your well-being.
It also makes your dorm a place where people want to hang out. Whether that means drinking or playing videogames is up to you, but either way you’re increasing social capital
Something else you have to remember is that you’re going to have at least one roommate. Moreover, you can’t choose your roommate. They may be weird, loud, smelly or something else undesirable. Suck it up! You can handle it. No matter what your roommate is like, make an effort to get along with them. Build them up as a person, inviting them to events and going out. Give them advice when the situation calls for it. This is a good lesson to keep for the rest of your life
For the man who has had his fill of cheap booze and late nights, an apartment is the answer. It offers peace and quiet during the daytime, and an opportunity to party and play host on the weekends.
Most college living choices have their downsides: Dorms are cramped spaces with shared bathrooms and RA’s; frat houses are loud and filthy; houses have multiple people under one roof and get loud and dirty too.
Apartments offer your own space. You’re probably going to have a roommate, but if you two get along you can really make the most of that space and not have to worry about killing each other’s vibe or getting on one another's nerves. In fact, you don’t have anyone telling you what to do with your apartment except paying rent. This can be a problem.
In my fraternity house people didn’t take care of their own spaces. I was the ‘Housing Manager’ for a while and had to harass people about cleaning up. In an apartment, no one is going to tell you to clean up. You have to be that person, otherwise your place is going to become filthy. Sure, you can let it get disgusting, but why would you want that? Learn some responsibility and be accountable for cleaning up after yourself. Girls will love going over to a guy’s place and not see dirty laundry and dishes everywhere.
Choosing the right apartment is crucial. It will have a huge impact on your finances, and will determine how much you get laid. It comes down to several different factors:
Location: You want to be located in an area that is close to the nightlife you frequent most. This is going to take your game to the next level being right next to the hottest bars and clubs. Telling girls to come to your place down the block for another drink is much more appealing than having to hail a cab to go across town.
Tenants: What kind of people live in this building? Are there cool guys and pretty girls or crack whores and drug pushers? Make sure the building is full of young, fun people you want to be around.
Cost: As a college student, you want to keep cost to a minimum. However, you don’t want to sacrifice too much as that will get you a crappy apartment in a poor location. Allocate no more than one-third of your budget to rent. Having a roommate or two will make this much easier. If there’s a really nic
e apartment outside of your budget, just make more money! Pick-up an extra five hours a week at your job and that can easily offset an increase in rent.
Depending on the type of campus you live on, there should be a number of off-campus houses available. These offer really cheap rent, as you’re splitting up a house with 3, 4, or 5+ people. This can also be a lot of fun, as you can host parties too.
Personally, houses are my least favorite option. I would rather go all out with a frat house, or take an apartment and enjoy the coziness. Houses on college campuses are often dirty and poorly built. Frat houses are too, but at least you get better parties and have more roommates to hang out with.
If there is a room in a house available with some cool people, then don’t hesitate to take it! Just consider all your options.
Frat House
In terms of social capital frat houses reign supreme. Fraternity houses are a combination of clubs and hotels, kind of like what you would find in Vegas. You have your luxury, high class clubs inside luxury, high class hotels. Now, pretend you’re part club promoter/part hotel owner. Plus you live in the hotel. Do you think it will be difficult to get laid in this environment assuming you have your shit together? Fuck no.
Spending three years in a frat house was a phenomenal experience. I had so many great memories and made many great friends who I hold dearly to this day. If you have the opportunity to live in one, I recommend spending at least a year doing so.
Frat houses are certainly not without their downsides: They’re loud and dirty. Having roommates play music at 3 AM on a Wednesday is a drag. And taking showers in a bathroom with black mold is unpleasant to say the least. It’s certainly a trade off, and if you can manage the downsides you will have some amazing experiences.
Most people won’t be living at their parents’ house when in college. Even if they stay in-state it may be too far away to commute. This is definitely reasonable. If you have the opportunity to live at home while in college, or at least as an underclassman, I would urge you to consider it.
If your parents are willing to pay for a dorm, awesome. If money is more of an issue than living at home and commuting is something to consider. It won’t be as fun in terms of your social life, but the benefits of living at home are numerous.
Your Room
I’m not going to tell you to clean your room… actually fuck that I am. Clean your damn room! No matter if you’re in a dorm, frat house, apartment etc. You need to have a clean room. If you bring a girl home from the bar at 2:30 AM she probably won’t care whether or not your room is dirty, but your room isn’t just for banging.
You should plan on hosting people in your room for shots, mixed drinks, pregaming etc. No one will want to go to your room if it looks and smells like dog shit.
Tip: Don’t have excessive furniture in your room. This way, when bringing a girl to your room, sit in your desk chair (assuming you have one). She’ll have to sit on the bed and it makes escalating much more efficient.
Interior Design/Pimping Your Crib
Your crib says a lot about you. Right after walking through your door someone can get the gist of the type of person you are. Whether you’re a potential serial killer or rad playboy it will show.
I’m no interior design expert, but the process isn’t too complicated. You want to fill your place with nice furniture and decoration, especially cool looking party stuff. These things don’t have to be expensive—a little can go a long way.
Don’t be overly concerned with decorating. And for the love of God don’t buy the same stupid posters everyone has in their room Freshman year. The “Pretty Boy” bought some art work for his room. Whether it was for his own pleasure or to impress girls I can’t say for sure, but it shouldn’t be the latter. No girl is going to decide to have sex with you because of a picture on your wall. Your room should simply aim to be comfortable; a place where you, your friends, and women can feel comfortable.
Here are a few more ideas to really take your pad to the next level:
● Speakers
● Glasses: You can get nice-looking, cheap wine glasses and rocks glasses at many stores. Definitely a good investment.
● Beer Pong Table
● Ambient Lighting
● Netflix: Don’t worry too much about having a sweet TV in college. With Netflix, you can watch tons of shows and movies on your laptop. Moreover, it’s a fantastic way to escalate with girls in your room, because it forces them to cuddle up next to you.
You also want to make sure your bathroom is damn near spotless. Having a grimy bathroom is an easy way to kill a girl’s horniness. Scrub your toilets, sinks and showers every weekend!
Chapter 36: Events and Travel
College students will find any excuse to celebrate. And when there’s an actual reason to celebrate they go all out. There’s a number of holidays throughout the year that will have college kids going crazy. Individual schools also have their own events and festivals like the “Little 500” at Indiana. Even as a Freshman word will get out about these events, so make sure you’re partying when the time comes.
Since you always want to be the life of the party and be the center of your social network, it is your responsibility to plan the night out. You should be hosting the party, or at least the pre-game, and then decide where to head out afterwards.
The single best holiday in college is Halloween. No longer are you going door-to-door trick or treating, rather Halloween has turned into a week-long event with huge parties. The women are dressed insanely slutty and looking to have a good time.
There’s a lot of things you can do right or wrong to get laid on Halloween weekend. The principles of flirting and socializing are the same, but there’s a bit more nuance on Halloween and other weekends. Instead of rehashing this information, I’m going to point you to a great article from Hans Dix (See Footnotes).[28] This is a fantastic article on the subject that I recommend you check out.
Road Trips
Road trips with your friends is always a blast. It’s a fun way to spend a weekend in a new place and will always leave you with a ton of memories.
As the facilitator of fun, it is your job to set up these road trips. Search for cities, other college campuses, festivals or general places of interest within driving distance of your campus. Another great option is to find a chapter of your fraternity at a different campus. Not only will these guys show you a good time, but they will give you a place to crash. If you don’t have a car, just find a buddy who does. Or take a bus somewhere.
I wish I did more road trips in college. Not only to have more memories, but to have done more traveling in general.
I was never spontaneous with these trips. I always had to plan them out. I suggest you do to, for the most part. The reason is that your main priority in college is studying, and therefore you shouldn’t just be traveling hours away on a whim. In general, you should get your studying and work done as early in the week as possible, so that on the weekends you can relax and enjoy yourself.
Spring Break
When tens of thousands of students from around the country flock to sunny shores to party, you know crazy shit is going to happen. Spring Break is a time where partying is non-stop and people are just looking to let loose and enjoy some fun in the sun. It’s like Vegas for college students.
I’m sure you know a thing or two about Spring Break: The beaches, the boobies, the crazy antics. Pandemonium!
I told you earlier that the image of college is largely exaggerated which is true. As for Spring Break…it is exactly as it is portrayed. Again, beaches, boobies and booze. The week I spent in Panama City Beach was probably the most fun week I’ve ever had in my entire life.
I absolutely recommend going on at least one Spring Break during college. It is an opportunity that you will never have again. If you don’t know anyone going on Spring Break remember: Be the Facilitator of Fun. Get a group tog
ether and rent a hotel room for a few nights.
There are a ton of destinations out there to choose from. From the shores of Florida to Texas to Mexico, there’s a spot that will fit everyone’s schedule and budget.
Here are a few:
Panama City Beach, Florida (PCB)
PCB was where I spent my only college Spring Break. It was an absolute blast. The environment is perfect and everything is conducive to college students partying.
You could even say that PCB was the king of Spring Break spots. To some it may still be, but to others like Hans Dix, it’s dead. In the Campus Hustler II, he writes that it has been dethroned as a top spot. There are definitely problems with PCB, as its cheap prices and convenient location attract some less than reputable characters. A place like Cancun is going to keep out these characters because they’re not paying for a plane ticket or for a resort. Though you will have to deal with Cartels…