by Seth Rose
Despite the drawbacks, PCB is a great choice for first-timers, or for people who don’t want to jump through hoops to go outside the country or who don’t want to shell out big money for a nice resort in Miami.
South Padre Island, Texas (Padre)
Padre is located deep in the South of Texas, virtually on the border with Mexico. This is a popular spot with people from the Southwest and parts of the Midwest. People fly in too from across the country.
The big difference with Padre is that it is more oriented to getting out boats and gently cruising along as you sip cheap beer and holler at girls. Padre also has good day clubs and bars like PCB.
Recommended for people out West.
“We’re going to Cancun for Spring Break!”
The rallying cry of bitches and bros.
Cancun has continually been a hot spot for Americans and other international tourists to experience beautiful beaches and an authentic Mexican cultural experience (diarrhea included).
Going to Cancun is a big decision—and a tough one. It has a lot of great aspects, but a lot of drawbacks too.
International Travel: The appeal of going abroad…
Drinking Age: For those who aren’t 21, they won’t be bothered with having to get around America’s draconian drinking laws.
Nice Resorts: The quality of Cancun’s resorts are much better than the cheap hotels along Florida’s shores.
Costs: Not only do these resorts cost a good amount of money, but you have to factor in international travel costs. Plus a passport if you don’t already have one.
Sausage Fest: There are a ton of dudes that go here in giant groups. My fraternity just went last Spring Break, and I saw pictures of 20+ dudes…no Bueno. The competition is thus fierce at these clubs. A girl I used to bang told me guys just came up to here and started kissing and groping her. Hey, whatever works, but that’s what you’re going to have to calibrate your game to. And when 5 guys are chasing the same girl, it makes things that much worse.
Getting Laid on Spring Break
I’m sure you’ve heard guys talk about how they got mad pussy on Spring Break. Most likely they’re bullshitting.
When it comes to getting laid, don’t get your hopes up. While Spring Break would seem like the perfect opportunity to bang girls what with all the skin showing and alcohol flowing, the logistics make it a nightmare. I didn’t get laid on my trip (quite a few make outs, which are a cakewalk on Spring Break). I only know of one or two guys who did get laid on Spring Break and the girls they had sex with they already knew.
Here’s why: Hotels give you wrist bands and you can’t get into a hotel without a wrist band. This means you’re going to have to hookup with a girl in your hotel. That doesn’t seem too hard, but girls tend to not leave their friends during these trips.
Don’t get too caught up in getting laid, pussy is pussy wherever you go. Enjoy this week as it will be blast.
That said, you should still make an effort to get laid. Just don’t let it consume you and make you ignore your friends.
There are a ton of opportunities to talk to girls. In fact, anytime you see some cute girls talk to them. I was still pretty shy when I went on Spring Break, but the environment is such that it feels completely normal to chat with strangers. Whether you’re waiting for a table at IHOP, or taking the elevator down for a day at the beach, chat the ladies up.
Ask them what school they’re from. Always give them shit about their school. Whether it’s their sports teams, that it’s in the middle of nowhere, give them shit! It’s a great way to start a push-pull dynamic.
Now, when chatting up girls at random times, you aren’t likely to get an insta-bang. Girls are with their friends and won’t abandon them just because some cute guy started chatting them up. Moreover, getting phone numbers are not helpful, as girls have so much going on and are meeting so many different people.
If you do want to get laid during the day, your best bet is to meet a girl and find an excuse to go back to your hotel room.
“Oh man, I’m out of booze. I need to get some more. Come with me and we’ll do shots!”
It’s cognitive dissonance, and is the most effective way to get past a girl’s barriers and her friends menacing glances and jealousy.
The more effective way to get laid would be to do so at night. Whether you’re at a bar, club or beach party, cute and horny girls will be in plentiful supply. They are not looking for a boyfriend or a husband—they’re looking for some dick and a memorable experience that will be kept under wraps.
The game plan here is to move fast. Chatting about exams and internships is going to get you nowhere. You need to keep her attention, rev her engines, and escalate quickly.
Study Abroad
The opportunity to spend time abroad as a young man in college is a transformative experience. Seeing different parts of the world, experiencing new cultures, and learning a new language will open your mind in ways you cannot imagine.
I did not study abroad in college, but I did intern abroad—it was quite similar to what studying abroad would have been. It was an amazing experience I can’t recommend highly enough.
Most schools should have exchange programs or study abroad programs. Check your school’s study abroad office and see what they offer. Most schools are going to offer your traditional study abroad locations: England, Italy, France, Germany etc. I would recommend against these traditional, European spots. While all these countries have a lot to offer, it’s not going to change your perspectives on the world as much as on off the beaten path location. Nor will it change you as much.
What I recommend is to go to a lesser traveled destination by Westerners. These countries may include China, Russia, the Middle East, South America and other non-1st world countries. There are several reasons for this:
The Women: Once you spend time in a city like St. Petersburg or Buenos Aires, you won’t be looking at American women the same way (if at all). The class, grace, and femininity of women around the world far surpasses Western women. You’ll learn to stop putting pussy on a pedestal after dating these girls.
Language: Learning a language like French or Spanish is cool, but it is not as sought after as a language like Chinese or Arabic. These languages are tough, but if you spend four years studying them (not necessarily in a class, but on your own) plus spending a few months in-country, your language skills will be quite good. So much so it could land you a job.
Culture Shock: Living in a country where you can’t drink the tap water or where cops are corrupt is a pain in the ass, but it will make you grow as a man. Living in the West makes you soft. Travel to less developed places to see how most people in the world live. It will make you a better person when you return home.
If you study abroad, not only do you get to travel abroad, but you will be taking classes as well. This is a great way to be productive while traveling abroad.
Keep in mind it’s a good to do your study abroad earlier rather than later. As an upperclassman you should focus more on internships and jobs prospects than traveling. Sophomore or Junior year fits nicely.
As a kid, the summer is the best time of year. School sucks so you’re excited to have 2-3 months off. You get to go to camp, play sports, videogames, go to the pool and more. What’s not to love?
As a college student, the summer is much less exciting. In fact, a lot of students don’t look forward to the summer for the fact that campus is too quiet. Oh, how times change.
When you’re in college, the summer should not be a time to party anyway. It’s time to work.
I recommend that you make the most of your summers by doing the following:
Take classes
You can do as many of these as you want. Whatever you can fit in your schedule.
The preference should certainly be to do
an internship. Most internships are offered during the summer, and it is convenient for students as they can commit 40 or so hours per week to working.
You should start looking for internship months in advance. Seek out your career advisers for advice on where to apply as soon as the Fall. This will give you a few months to do research and then you can submit applications over winter break.
Summer Jobs
If you can’t find an internship, get a job. Work as much as you can so that you can save as much money as possible for expenses during the school year.
There are always jobs available for college age students, including the aforementioned jobs. But you can also find summer-specific jobs like being a camp counselor or a lifeguard.
It’s going to be tempting to spend your money during the summer when spending time with old friends, but avoid this trap. Saving money is crucial, for not only having money to spend in the future, but for cultivating discipline.
Summer Classes
And there’s also the option to take classes during the summer. This is a great option, and I’m surprised more students don’t take advantage of this. It takes the burden off you during the school year, and also helps you keep your summer productive. It’s an especially good choice for engineers, who are going to be swamped with school work during the year.
The summer is also a valuable time to get your shit together. If you’re living back home, then you’re away from the distractions of campus life.
Start hitting the gym 5 days per week.
Get a tan.
Go running or hiking out in nature.
Head to the mall and get some new clothes (Be wise with your spending).
By the time you get back to school, you’ll be a changed man. Do your best to keep up these habits as you get back to school, as it’s easy to fall off track.
Don’t let your summer go to waste! Have fun by all means, but make sure the important things are taken care of.
Part 5: Your 4 Year Action Plan
You need a gameplan for everything in life. College is no exception.
This book was written in such a way that it assumes that you’re not even in college yet. I know this is not the case, but it just keeps things consistent. So, I will start this 4 year plan from the time a student would even hypothetically enter school, to the time of graduation and beyond.
Before College Starts
Before you even come to school, you want to hit the ground running. Ideally, you will have a potential network of cool people to hang out with before you even get to school!
To start, see if there is a Facebook group for your graduating class. Let’s say you’re going to be starting school in August 2017 at Florida State. Search Facebook for “Florida State Class of 2021”. Guaranteed if you go to a decent sized school there will be a few thousand people in this group. Even if there’s a smaller group there will be a few hundred people. Go on this group and start friend requesting people, especially if they live near your hometown. Make sure to friend both cute girls and cool guys. It’s an amazing opportunity that you should leverage to your advantage.
This may seem creepy, but it’s not. I did it, and had multiple people friend request me that I never even met. Kids coming to college want to meet as many people as possible, specifically those that will add to their college experience. Go through every single profile on that Facebook group and add every cute girl you see. After they accept (if they do), wait a few days and send them something like “Can’t wait to start in August! What dorm are you living in?” If they seem cool tell them you guys should drink sometime or some type of get together.
Be the facilitator. Most people in this world are followers. They need a leader to guide them through life. When it comes to college, most kids are easily manipulated. Tell them you’re going to some party, they’re coming. You’re eating dinner at 7:12 PM at West Dining Hall, they’re coming. College students, especially Freshman are always looking for something to do and if you want to have a good social life, become the guy who is the go to for a good time.
Another great way to preemptively enhance your social life is to check out some fraternities before coming to campus. Again, even if you’re opposed to Greek life, taking some time to look into fraternities will pay dividends as a Freshman your first semester. Check out some frats at your school, and pick a few you like. E-mail them or post on their Facebook group and ask about their Rush schedule. This will give you some events to do in the first few weeks of school.
I would also recommend searching around for various activities that your school will offer. Usually there are some big events in the first few weeks to get students excited about the coming year. And of course, don’t forget to buy your football tickets. Don’t miss out!
On the academic side of things, you should have your classes picked out well in advance. Like I said earlier, start with some easy general education courses. This will get the mandatory classes out of the way like English 101, and also give you a feel for the college life.
As for picking a major, I would recommend searching for employment data. This should be done even when applying to schools, but it will help you hone in on a specific major for your school. For example, check out Ohio State’s engineering career statistics. The average salary is about $60,000. You can see the differences though by specific major, and although that should not be the only factor in your decision, it will give you good insight into the financial outcomes of your major of choice.
Arriving on Campus
You’ve finally arrived in college—the place you’ve been waiting for all these years. There’s a nervous energy in your dorm as everyone has expectations about what college will be like, but not sure if they’re going to be able to live up to them.
Once move in day arrives, the game is on. Leave your door open, all the time! Unless your roommate has a problem with it, leave your door open unless your dick is hanging out for the first few weeks of school. It may get annoying and distracting to always have your door open when you’re trying to get work done.
Even if you’re shy leaving your door open is an invitation for people to come into your room. Again, people are always looking for something to do, even if it just means shooting the shit with someone.
Walk around your floor and if someone’s door is open, go in (We’re pretending this is the first day, so introduce yourself and chat a bit with them). Tell them you two should party this weekend. They’ll dig it.
Now, time to meet the RA. RA’s aren’t always that bad. In fact I had a buddy who was an RA who banged a few girls in his hall! End well that did not, but that’s another story. Just try and get on your RA’s good side, and pretend like you’re a sweet little angel.
As for socializing, go back and check out the section ‘Independents’. The first few weeks of school you must emulate the strategy that non-Greeks will use throughout their college experience to make friends and meet people.
Freshman Year
For me Freshman year was by far the worst year in college. Though most guys will have a lackluster Freshman year relative to their other years, mine was exceptionally disappointing. I simply lacked a group of friends to party with and missed out on a bunch of opportunities.
Navigating the college landscape for any college man is a tough task. Don’t let it get to you if you haven’t already had a threesome your first month in college. In fact, if you don’t get laid a ton your Freshman year, don’t beat yourself up about it. Instead, use this first year to force yourself out of your comfort zone, especially if you were shy in high school. Pretend like you’re an explorer, who seeks adventures on the weekends. And make sure to find a crew (with a few girls) to explore with.
When you hit up house parties, you’re Game is going to be weak. And so is your tolerance level. Don’t try to act like hot shit chugging beers left and right. Instead, work on building your social skills. Always find the hosts of the house parties and introduce yourself and thank them for hosting. You may m
eet some cool dudes who can hook you up in the future.
What you should focus on most Freshman year is academics. If you choose your general education courses that first year, there’s no reason not to get all A’s.
You should also spend this time seeking out like minded individuals, whether that be in a fraternity or through a club. Figure out who are the ass-kickers and who the time-sucks are. The guys who party all the time may seem cool now, but when they have no job after college they won’t seem that impressive.
Freshman year will come and go. Your head will be spinning at the major life changes you experienced. Take a deep breath and take a step back. Reflect on what you’ve learned to make the most of your next three years. If you had a crappy social life Freshman year—fret not. You can still kick ass next year as long as you take action.