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Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College

Page 21

by Seth Rose

  To achieve this goal at a young age, rather than when you’re 65, you must start a business. This is easier than it sounds. All you need is a website, and a set of skills or unique knowledge that you can leverage for money. Creating an online business is beyond the scope of this book, but I suggest you check out my Recommended Reading in the section below.


  Gentleman, I have written nearly everything I know about college into this book based on my experiences and insights, as well as the experiences and insights of close friends. There really isn’t much more to it. Even if there was I wouldn’t want to write about it. The fun of college, if not life in general, is to experience it, enjoy it. Live!

  To round out this book I want to talk about where I fell short and how you can learn from my mistakes.

  I had a pretty spectacular college experience. Sure, I didn’t fuck a hundred girls or get a kick ass job once I graduated. Nonetheless, I consider it a success because of the progress I made while in college on all levels.

  One of the major themes of the ‘Play’ section is to be the life of the party. To do this you need to be an extrovert, or at least summon vast amounts of energy on short notice. I’m naturally an introvert, and while that shouldn’t be an excuse for not forcing oneself out of your comfort zone, realistically it is difficult to be able to party hard twice, if even once a week. For me it was once, maybe twice, a month if I was sober (which was pretty much always).

  If you’re not a natural extrovert, then getting laid via social circle will be an uphill battle especially if you don’t drink much. That’s why it is so crucial and of the utmost importance that you push yourself out of your comfort zone. It is so easy to just want to stay and hide and rest in the safety net that is your comfort zone. You can’t enjoy life like that. Push yourself and you’ll make it. I know you can.

  What I didn’t mention was that nearly all my lays in college came on nights where I was tipsy or was just brimming with energy. If I was having an “On” night, I was getting laid that night, or at the very least a number or make out. I never even thought to explore ways to bring out this side of me that was super outgoing. Worst of all, I didn’t take advantage of the most obvious means of doing so. I just couldn’t get past that mental block of drinking booze in excess. I am proud that I was able to regularly cold approach sober in alcohol fueled environments, but if I really wanted to ramp up my notch count I should’ve hit the bottle more.

  I had a 3.3 GPA in high school. My GPA in college was a 3.6. This was probably due to the rigor of my classes, or lack thereof, that contributed to this. It was a decent improvement, but with my major’s I could’ve easily have gotten a 3.75+. I didn’t come up with the idea of the “Home away from Home” until my last semester in school. I could’ve done a lot better in school, and just have been overall more productive had I spent 2-3 hours every week day in the library or coffee shop.

  I also half-assed studying a lot of the time. There was so much reading I had to do over the years, and I didn’t do about 80% of it. I could get by, but I can guarantee I would have done better.

  All I Ask...

  Before I conclude this book, I want to ask three things of you:

  1.) Take Action: I really hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it; it was a great way for me to vicariously relive my college experience. However, I don’t want all my work to be for naught. Take action! Go out and meet people. Study your ass off. Get a good job. Take the time to build habits and discipline while simultaneously eliminating clutter and negativity from your life. The time you spend doing this now, will pay off greatly down the road.

  2.) Show me some love: If you enjoyed this book, then I think you’ll really enjoy my site: (if you hadn’t noticed it in any of the footers) and my site for some great book reviews and related articles. Read the blog and follow me on twitter.

  3.) Give me Feedback: For the sake of posterity, I implore you to let me know what you thought of the book. Whether you loved it or loathed it. Were there any particular sections that you find useful/not useful? Sections that had too much/too little information. Sections missing entirely? Etc… Hit me up at or drop me a comment on my website.

  To conclude this book, I’ll leave you with the wise words of Rodney Dangerfield:

  “Hey Everybody. We're All Gonna Get Laid!”


  Criminal Offenses

  If you can go through college and not get arrested, or at least a citation, hats off to you good sir. I’ve always been a pretty straight edge kid. As I’ve said numerous times, I don’t even like to drink that much. I did like the idea of going to bars though. So when I was 19 or 20, I got my older brother to give me his ID. It worked like a charm. I only got turned down once.

  One night I was at bar with two friends. We were drinking like usual on a Wednesday night when suddenly, a group of cops come in. They made their way over to me and asked for ID. It was game over.

  Two weeks later I was in court. After getting a thorough shaming from the judge and a $100 fine, plus court fees, I was good to go. Oh yeah, it was on my record for a year and I still have yet to get it expunged (I don’t think I ever will because Franklin County can go fuck themselves!)

  People make getting an underage to be a big deal. A ton of people get it in college. It’s not a big deal at all. I was able to get a Secret-level security clearance for an internship within 10 months of getting a citation, and still having it on my record. Don’t sweat it.

  I by no means condone partaking in illegal activity, but if you so choose to do so and get caught for being naughty, then it’s not a huge deal unless you commit a Felony (Don’t do that, seriously).

  I didn’t have to hire a lawyer, as the university has lawyers for students. If you ever get into legal trouble see these folks ASAP (if your school has it). They will help solve your problem for free or at a reduced rate.

  Changing Majors

  You’re a year and a half into school. You always grew up wanting to be a doctor, but it turns out that the rigor of pre-med has proven to be a bit too much. You don’t want to continue this course anymore, but feel as if you’re already in too deep. In my opinion it’s really never too late to change paths, though you should think deeply about doing so.

  This problem highlights the idea of picking a major you love. Things can change, and not just in the few years in college, but for the rest of your life. Sure, you may have wasted a lot of time and money taking courses you didn’t need, but if this degree will help you more in the long run than it is a smarter move.

  I highly recommend against switching to some cupcake major like sociology (unless you plan on law school). Unless you’re attending school on your parents dime, then these majors are worthless. You’re better off dropping out.

  College is not supposed to be easy! It should be rigorous and challenging. The reason I used the example of med school, is because if you want to be a doctor you have to attend at least four more years of school. That is a big investment, and if you’re hesitant about it, then you should definitely change majors.

  Let me give you a good real world example against changing majors: I recently hosted one of my best friends from college. We were talking about a mutual acquaintance who was pursuing sports management or something along those lines. My friend works for a major company doing software work, but told me that in college he actually considered switching to sports management because Computer Science was too tough. He stuck with it despite two semesters with a <2.0 GPA and ended up with a job offer right out of college from one of the world’s biggest companies.

  If my friend had given up on computer science and chosen a major he “loved” he would not be where he is today. Don’t choose a career for love or passion, choose it for practicality. If you truly are passionate about something, turn it into a business!

  Transferring to a Different School

  The idea of going to a
liberal arts school sounded really appealing during your Senior year of high school. Unfortunately, they didn’t tell you how everyone is a self-righteous, bleeding heart liberal pansy who wouldn’t know a good time if the government gave it to them in the form of a welfare check.

  Just like changing majors, you don’t want to end up at a school that you hate. The sooner you get out of there the happier you’ll be.

  Now, maybe this school is close to home, you have a good scholarship, or they have a top program for what you’re studying. In that case, go over the material in this book and really make an effort to seek out happiness. Ask yourself if it’s really the school, or your lifestyle that you dislike.

  If you do decide to change schools, I would recommend a big state school (in-state preferably). They’ll have all the programs you want, low tuition rates, and lots of social activities.


  Even as an introvert, I often crave being around others just for the sake of doing so. I can’t really explain it. It is important for your well-being to be around people on a regular basis, whose company you not only enjoy, but can also better your life. Alas, sometimes we’re not always so lucky. I’ve heard the horror stories.

  If you’re living with a roommate you don’t like I’m guessing it’s not by choice. While you’re forced to live with them, you’re not forced to spend every waking hour with them. Remember the “Home away from home”. Find a spot and spend time there so you can escape any pestilent roommates.

  How about if you’re roommate is loud, obnoxious, eats your shit, is dirty etc.? The best way to solve this is to be direct. None of this passive aggressive bullshit. Most guys are pussies that can’t handle confrontation. If you come at him man to man and call him out he will most likely back down. Don’t be a dick, just be assertive.

  No Car

  The hindrance of not having a car will vary from campus to campus. I never had one in school and it was no big deal at all. In fact it was just one less thing to worry about. The only time I really needed a car was to get groceries in which I’d have a roommate drive me. Otherwise I would walk nearly everywhere, unless it was ridiculously far I’d take the bus.

  Hooking up with “Friends”/Girls you Know

  I never had too many friends growing up, let alone friends that were girls. Even though I never had a female friend, I didn’t see any value in it. If I wanted advice, someone to go out or chill with, I’d hang out with one of my boys. Plus, if I did ever start hanging out with a girl on a regular basis and she was cute, why would I not be fucking her? Sure she could be ugly, but I’ve found that I tend to not spend time around ugly girls…

  I became very close with a girl my last semester. I had known her for years, but we started hanging out a lot the last two months before I graduated. She was close with a lot of the guys in my fraternity and even dated one for a while. She was pretty, but I was not attracted to her if that makes sense. Anyway, our last week together some of us went out, including her. We ended up dancing at the bar. She was getting down. Where am I going with this… anyway we ended up having sex. Surprise!

  It was awful. I was nearly raped. I only did it for the notch (thanks Roosh).

  It wasn’t as big of a deal as it could have been because she left for break the next day. She started texting me all the time which was annoying, but I started ignoring it.

  Look, if for some reason you end up getting close to a girl that you’re not banging first ask yourself why? Are you attracted to her, but pretending to be her “friend”? That’s pathetic and I hope you’re better than that. Maybe she’s really into you? Look at it objectively and make a decision to stick with it or move on…

  In general, I like to avoid drama. Banging a friend, girls you know well, or ex’s of your guy friends is often going to make things confusing and annoying. Learn to control your dick and think of how your actions will affect you in the long-run. There are plenty of hot girls on college campuses, don’t settle for one just because you’re a horny bastard.

  Sex ‘Troubleshooting’

  It’s not fun to admit it, but I had plenty of issues when it came to hooking up for the first time with girls. Usually I was unable to keep my boner. I put too much pressure on myself before the act and my dick retracted like a frightened turtle. Shit happens.

  I’ve worked on this over time and have gotten a helluva lot better with it. I have an article posted on my site for reference.[30][31][32][33][34] If your first time sucks, no worries. It’s likely that she will tell her friends, but as long as you don’t let your performance get to you she won’t give two shits.

  There it is my friend, you’ve just bagged a college slut!


  Email Conversation with a Freshman

  The following is an e-mail conversation I had with a Freshman student in his first few weeks of school:


  Hey man. I read some of your articles but I still feel lost. I've been in college for about 3 weeks now, and I feel like I haven't made much progress towards being a player. I go to [State university] but there's two campuses. I'm an engineering major so on the campus I'm at there's a lot of nerdy dudes. My friend group isn't so big and I have no connections to parties. Also I have no understanding of how to transition a friendly relationship to a FWB relationship. I want to have fun and mess around with girls, but it seems like it's so hard at this point. Thanks for reading this and any advice you can give me is much appreciated.


  I know how ya feel man. I was in the exact same situation my Freshman year.

  Your e-mail wasn't that long, but there's really a lot in there. Let me try and break it down line by line.

  I've been in college for about 3 weeks now, and I feel like I haven't made much progress towards being a player.

  Of course you haven’t! Becoming a ‘player’ is a process that takes many years.

  Also, you probably had the idea that you can suddenly reinvent yourself when starting college. Unfortunately, this won’t happen. You’re still the same guy you were in high school. You can change of course, you just have to take action.

  Also, Step One to becoming a player is talking to girls. How often are you going to parties? When you do, how many girls do you talk to?

  I go to [State university] but there's too two campuses. I'm an engineering major so on the campus I'm at there's a lot of nerdy dudes. My friend group isn't so big and I have no connections to parties.

  It would be nice to have some guys to rely on for finding parties, but rarely does this happen. If you want to party, you must take initiative! Most guys won’t do this, and will thus spend their college days in Pussy Purgatory.

  Even if you are shy or introverted, do your best to set up and schedule activities for your social group. When you do, you can invite girls and other guys to tag along, thus growing your circle of friends.

  For example, my first instinct after reading this email was to check your school’s football schedule. Your team is by no means a powerhouse, but I‘m sure game days are still fun. Even if you don’t get tickets, there should be events going on. I went to Ohio State, a huge football school, so maybe I’m biased.

  And my number one recommendation for guys in college is to join a fraternity! I just checked out your school on Greek Rank here ( I really can’t recommend it enough. If you have reservations, feel free to ask and I can help walk you through the process.

  In the meantime, just seek out parties. Literally just go to where students live off campus and walk up to the front door.

  Also I have no understanding of how to transition a friendly relationship to a FWB relationship.

  This is a concept beyond the scope of this email.

  Quite honestly, it’s real hard. To get to a FWB stage you have to be overtly sexual. And if you are just ‘Friendly’ being overtly sexual is going to likely lead to rejection.

  My advice is to play it cool and aloof. Seek out ot
her girls. Make her jealous.

  Plus, leading your social circle will make you the ‘Alpha’ of the group, giving you status.

  I want to have fun and mess around with girls, but it seems like it's so hard at this point.

  It’s only hard because you’re not in the right environment. If you want to mess around with girls, you have to be around them! You’re living with a bunch of nerdy engineers. There aren’t hot, slutty girls all around you. You have to seek them out.

  That’s why I recommend joining a Frat. You have girls put out for you on a platter. If you’re decent looking and not autistic, you will get laid.

  Otherwise, nothing will change.


  Hope that helps man! Please follow up and let me know your thoughts.


  Wow. Thank you for this insight.

  You were right about me having the wrong idea about what it takes to become a player, I had thought that it would be a much quicker process.

  And I haven’t been to a single party since I’ve been here!


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