Grades and Girls: What Your Parents Never Told You About College
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The most important thing though is that you take action.
Don’t wait for shit to happen, make it happen. I know that this might sound intimidating to an 18-year-old introverted guy, but it’s repeated for a reason: It will separate you from the other guys who are beating off and playing league of legends or whatever the fuck. A good rule of thumb from the book: When in doubt, go out. I actually used this rule myself right after I turned 21 and wanted to pull a girl from a bar. There might only be a 1% chance of getting laid, but those are far better odds than the 0% from staying in.
There is a breakdown of college social cliques, and extensive advice on how to join a frat. The author offers a list of Dos and Don’ts for the aspiring frat boy (Do: have cool stories; Don’t: wear cargo shorts) and a pledge survival guide. Seth’s love for frats is made clear and to be honest, it sounds great. The guys sound like normal dudes, not the type to get easily offended. The author classifies and examines four males (including himself) who were successful with women in college. Each friend represents a sort of archetype based on style, personality, and the sorts of girls he pulled in order for the reader to identify with, and mold himself accordingly.
There were disapproving remarks from the author about guys using PUA-style game on girls in college. For any guy who frets about not having a model to follow, don’t panic. The author offers his own, unrefined (in the best sense of the word) method for college bangs.
1.) Find DTF Girl
2.) Isolate her
3.) Relentlessly push the interaction towards sex
4.) Bang
Each step is unpacked with more information within the book. After reading, even a virgin will have the tools he needs to pull a girl. Again, the most important step is taking action.
The book definitely has aura of being written by a frat boy, and it's pretty funny.
On the morality of fucking drunk girls
“As you can see, banging a girl when drunk is significantly easier than when sober. So does that mean I am encouraging you to hit on drunk girls? You bet your ass I am.
“Omg you’re so immoral saying to take advantage of drunk girls blah blah blah…”
Shut up pussy! While alcohol does lower inhibitions, unless you drink absurd amounts drinking alcohol won’t make you do something you don’t want to do.”
Along with the informal frat boy tone, there are some genuinely insightful messages. One that comes to mind is a brief, reflective interlude on the merits of alcohol, and why people who are drinking don’t like to be around people who are not.
The secondary purpose of the book is to share tips on other aspects of college life. These include internships and work, balancing your schedule, and setting yourself up for a successful career after college. Most people aren’t reading the book for this but I found it all interesting. Most popular college majors are discussed and the author explains what sort of path each field leads to.
Overall the book was a concise, information-packed guide for how to be successful in college. Highly recommended.
RE: Why fraternities should admit women via CNN
The thing is that they already do have co-ed fraternities. Most of them are more academically and professionally oriented than they are socially, but nonetheless they exist. Also, if women want to join Greek life they can join a sorority.
What I see going on here is not about "diversity" or "gender equality", rather an attack on fraternities and masculinity. There's been a lot of threads on frats lately and I keep quoting this post I wrote a few days ago:
Quote: Universities are doing everything they can to neuter fraternities. Fraternities are currently one of the few bastions of masculinity in America, which of course stands in the way of the cultural Marxists’ endgame. Seeing as academia is a hotbed of liberalism and feminism, traditional fraternity lifestyle will likely be eradicated within the next decade or so.
IF this was about equality, why shouldn't sororities be forced to accept men? Why isn't that mentioned??
As for the article itself, it's referring to Wesleyan university, a notorious liberal school. Also, I find it funny they're trying to take down Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE). DKE is one of the most prestigious, if not the most prestigious fraternity around. Some of it's
Hell would probably freeze over before DKE would flush all their history and prestige down the toilet so they can pander to a bunch of cultural Marxists.
RE: Why do college girls 7.5 up all have boyfriends?
Noir Wrote: They have boyfriends to show face. It's usually status. College is incestuously narcissistic in that manner. They aren't looking for others but they are open to auditions.
Most colleges are composed of social circles, and few people tend to venture out of those circles. If you go to a state school, many people probably know each other from high school and will stick with that group all four years.
Girls are not an exception to this rule. They'll stick with the same group of friends throughout college and only date guys preapproved by their social circle.
Do they cheat often?
I don't think so. Here's why: If a girl (with a boyfriend) goes out to a bar and a guy starts hitting on her, her friends will cockblock him to maintain the natural balance of the social circle. And that's assuming the boyfriend isn't out with her, because he probably will be as he's a clingy beta.
As for Greek Life, the hottest sorority girls date guys in the top fraternities solely for status. You should see the mugs on some of these dudes.
Your best bet is to make your way into these top social circles, and the pussy will start to flow like the Ganges.
RE: university campus newbie. first post
Gio, killing it as usual. I think most of the advice regarding Day Game, and night game to an extent has been covered. College, and the game dynamics are something that I've looked into and A LOT, experienced on several spectrums, and am actually working on a book about it now.
Unfortunately, you're 20 minutes off campus. Like Gio said, live closer. This is HUGE. The reason for this is to get laid and have an awesome time in college, you need to lock down a social circle. You ask how you can break into a social circle? Don't! Make your own! Take the friends you have now and plan events. Be the facilitator of fun. When you meet a girl in class or at the coffee shop, imo it's better to suggest her meeting up with you at a party or a bar (fuck you're only 20), as opposed to a date. In fact, I think cold approaching is a much less effective way to get laid in college, as opposed to a social circle. I was in a fraternity and there wasn't much cold approaching involved.
Like you pointed out, few people do actually have impressive social circles, social lives, let alone sex lives. Why? Because people are complacent with having a close group of a dozen or so friends (guys and girls). The girls they will fuck in college will be from THIS social circle only, they will RARELY cold approach, and if they do they'll be piss drunk. They'll be lucky to fuck 3-4 girls in college, if that. That's the truth. The myth of everyone getting laid in college is for people in the Greek scene, or someone who has created their own social circle. If it's too late for the former, you've gotta work on the latter. Take matters into your own hands.
It shouldn't be too difficult. I see you're not 21 yet, so that rules out bars, that really sucks ass! Haha sorry to keep rubbing it in. Just find ways to create events, invite your friends, and new people to them. Do this week every week and you'll slowly start to build a social circle. You wanna be THAT GUY, the guy who's got his shit together and has parties. A la Van Wilder, but make sure to keep your grades in check.
College can be a scary place, because people feel like their missing out. 80% of guys are "missing out". Dude, do you know how many college guys cold approach during the day?? Nearly zero, pat yourself on the back man. Keep that up in the meantime, while slowly building a social circle of your own.
I could go on all day, and will in
my book haha. If you have any more specific questions I'd love to help out.
Required Reading/Resources
Though we’ve covered a ton of ground in this book, there’s always more to learn. There are so many brilliant and talented people out there that you should read. These recommendations will not necessarily have to do with college, but are fantastic resources in general that will help improve your life:
These books will cover everything from starting a business to seduction. I have reviewed almost every one of these books on my site, so if you want to read my reviews and decide which book(s) you want to read go to
● 30 Days of Discipline by Victor Pride
● The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
● The Alabaster Girl by Zan Perrion
● Art of Non-Conformity by Chris Guillebeau
● Bachelor Pad Economics by Aaron Clarey
● Bang by Roosh V
● Choose Yourself by James Altucher
● The End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson
● Essentialism by Greg Mckeown
● Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich
● How to Fuck Women Properly by Will Freemen
● How to Get Laid on Tinder by Will Freemen
● How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie
● Mastery by Robert Greene
● Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi
● Reconnaissance Man by Aaron Clarey
● Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
● The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco
● The Unchained Male by Caleb Jones
● The Way of Men by Jack Donovan
● Walden by Henry David Thoreau
● Worthless by Aaron Clarey
30 Days to X
Bold& Determined
Financial Samurai
Good Looking Loser
Roosh V
Wall Street Playboys
* * *
[1] Here’s my review of Reconnaissance Man—highly recommended for all young men.
[2] Check out my review of this book, or get the book here.
[3] Peter Diamandis. “When Given a Choice, Take Both”. Medium.
[4] Matt Forney, “Why Men Should Not Go to College.” Return of Kings,
[5] “A Look at the Shocking Student Loan Debt Statistics for 2016.” Student Loan Hero,
[6] “Average Student Loan Debt Is At A Record High – Where’s The Crisis?”
[7] Wall Street Playboys. “The Real Guide to Our College Education System.”
[8] See the End of Jobs by Taylor Pearson for more info. Check out my review.
[9] The Real Guide to Our College Education System from Wall Street Playboys
[10] “Why College Rankings are a Joke.” The New York Times,
[11] “Why Do Smart Kids Make Dumb Decisions About Private School?” Financial Samurai.
[13] Jordan Soze “The Social Hierarchy of College Campuses.” The College Player, August 28, 2015.
[14] See Gorilla mindset by mike Cernovich for more information on this subject (Read Amazon)
[15] “Getting Ahead in the College Bar Scene.” The College Player.
[16] Bang is an exceptional book by Roosh V. It’s foundation is what I’m advocating to you here. While I don’t like to follow a rigid structure, it definitely helps out. I can’t recommend it enough.
[17] Check out the review here.
[18] There are a lot of guys out there that discuss day game. The reason I recommend Roosh V and Day Bang is because it focuses on ‘Indirect Game’. That is, your approach, vibe and conversation is generally non-sexual. It is effective at keeping a girl’s attention and getting a number, especially in close-knit environments like college. If you want to purchase a copy of the book or read more about it you can go to the Amazon page or to the Bang website.
[19] Check out these posts and threads (1, 2, 3) on day game from the Roosh V Forum.
[20] Schow, Ashe. “No, 1 in 5 women have not been raped on college campuses.” The Washington Examiner, August 13, 2014.
[21] “New DOJ Data On Sexual Assaults: College Students Are Actually Less Likely To Be Victimized.” The Federalist, December 11, 2014.
[22] “How to Avoid a False Rape Case.” Danger & Play.
[23] “How to Avoid a False Rape Accusation.” Roosh V.
[24] Kathleen Elkins, “How one Bay Area janitor made $276,000 last year.” CNBC, November 4, 2016.
[26] For the best book reviews check out
[27] “Why Edgy Masculine Looking Guys Will Always be More Appealing to Hot Girls.” Good Looking Loser.
[28] 5 Tips For Getting Laid on Halloween by Hans Dix on October 29, 2015
[29] Here is the review.
[32] and