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Supergirl at Super Hero High (DC Super Hero Girls)

Page 2

by Lisa Yee

  Maybe going to Super Hero High was a good idea after all.

  Kara spent the rest of the afternoon researching. Super Hero High had just won the 100th Super Triathlon, thanks to Wonder Woman and her team, and it was known for its reputation of training the best and brightest young super heroes. Just look at how well her cousin had done for himself.

  On the other hand, Korugar Academy boasted an extensive roster of powerful and famous alumni, too. And there were no tests.

  But Super Hero High had Wonder Woman. Plus, its principal, Amanda Waller, had reached out to Kara personally, sending her a video invitation that said “I sincerely hope you’ll join our Super Hero High family.”

  Then again, Korugar Academy was known for having lots of transfer students. It had one of the highest enrollments of aliens in the solar system.

  It was a difficult decision. But it was one she would have to make for herself. Whatever school Kara picked would surely have a big impact on her life.

  “Kara! It’s time to go. Are you ready?” Aunt Martha called from the bottom of the stairs, bringing her back to reality.

  “Yes, be right there,” Kara yelled back.

  Using her X-ray vision, she scanned her room for her suitcase and saw it buried under a pile of blankets and clothes. Like a whirlwind, Kara packed and cleaned the room, and mere moments later, she was at the top of the stairwell.

  “Here I come,” she called out, right before tripping and tumbling down the stairs. Her suitcase went flying, opening in midair and sending everything spilling out, including a brochure for Korugar Academy.

  “Thank you for considering Korugar Academy!” a robotic voice intoned from the brochure as it sailed through the room. “Located in space sector 1417, Korugar is your far-off destination for higher education! We are a test-optional school! No grades! You will become your best because we accept nothing less. Join us at Korugar Academy!”

  As Kara tried to catch her falling suitcase and its contents, she bounced against the walls, breaking furniture, destroying Aunt Martha’s collection of ceramic owls, and bowling down Uncle Jonathan’s shelves of antique railroad lanterns.

  “Well, that was impressive!” Aunt Martha said as she crawled out from under the dining room table.

  Kara surveyed the destruction. It looked as though a hurricane had blown through the house. Maybe it had—and its name was Supergirl.

  “Thank you for helping us dispose of these old things,” Aunt Martha said cheerfully. “This gives us an excuse to redecorate!”

  Uncle Jonathan came in from the barn and surveyed the room. “Nice job!” he said, unfazed by the mess.

  Supergirl hung her head, embarrassed.

  “Super Hero High will help you control your powers,” Aunt Martha promised, putting an arm around her. “You’re going to love it there.”

  “They graduate the best super heroes in the business,” Uncle Jonathan added confidently.

  Doubt washed over Kara. She knew that Super Hero High had sky-high standards. The rigorous training, the endless tests, the pressure to succeed…She was just a girl from Krypton who couldn’t control her most basic abilities. What if she didn’t want to be a super hero? Had anyone asked her about that?

  How can I be a super hero? Kara wondered. I can’t even save my super self from being such a super mess.

  She looked at the Korugar Academy brochure on the floor. It was saying “Join us…join us…join us…” Kara snatched it up and threw it away, hoping the Kents hadn’t seen it.

  Kara bid her aunt and uncle goodbye and began her ascent into the sky, suitcase in hand. She flew around the planet a couple of times to help shake off her uncertainty. As she looked down, Kara noted how beautiful the Earth was. It was like a colorful quilt stitched together with many remarkable cultures and landscapes. Using her super-hearing, she tuned in on the music across the continents, pausing to listen to a girl about her age playing the violin with such passion that it made Kara stronger just listening to it.

  Instinctively, Kara clutched her crystal necklace. The necklace began to glow. If only her parents could experience this. Her father had always wanted to travel. She wished they could experience this together.

  “You have the heart of a hero,” she could hear her mother saying. “Always do your best, Kara, and you’ll be fine. I promise.”

  With her mother’s words ringing in her ears, Kara flew faster. As she crossed each country, she felt braver, more confident, and eager to start anew. Soon, she pierced the clouds, waving as she shot past airplanes, and soared toward a city called Metropolis, where a new life awaited her.

  One hundred miles out, using her telescopic vision, Kara spotted the warm, welcoming glow of the high school’s iconic Amethyst Tower. Holding on to her suitcase with one hand, she instinctively gripped her crystal necklace with the other. It lit up as bright as the Amethyst. Before landing, Kara paused to peer down through an opening in the clouds. She recognized Harley Quinn from “Harley’s Quinntessentials,” doing cartwheels toward the main building. The sight of Harley gave her a giddy feeling, and suddenly she couldn’t wait to be a part of Super Hero High. Energized, Kara dived down, shouting, “Yoo-hoo! Hellooooo!” She lifted a hand to wave…and dropped her suitcase in the process.

  Kara swooped in the air to catch it but only succeeded in crashing into Amethyst Tower, bouncing off the cafeteria, and landing in a heap on the ground, with her belongings scattered all over the school.

  “Are you okay?”

  Everything was spinning. Kara sat up and opened her eyes. She was certain she was seeing things—or not seeing them! She could hear a voice, but where was it coming from? Then she saw it: a tiny bee buzzing around her. Kara waved her arms to swat it away.

  “Hey!” the bee yelled.

  Kara stared as the bee grew into a girl about the same size as her. The super hero’s yellow wings glistened in the sunlight, and her black hair was streaked with golden tresses the color of honey.

  “I’m Bumblebee. I’m not going to hurt you,” the girl said. Her voice was friendly and her smile genuine. She motioned to a girl with flowing red hair wearing a green frock over green leggings. “That’s Poison Ivy. We’re here to help!”

  Poison Ivy knelt down and handed a bunch of flowers to Kara, motioning for her to sniff. “The scent from these flowers can help heal you,” she said, barely meeting Kara’s gaze.

  Kara buried her nose in the bouquet and took a deep breath, relishing the floral perfume. She felt better already.

  “Thanks. I’m…I’m Supergirl.”


  She’d actually said it.

  She had called herself Supergirl!

  But before Supergirl could embrace the moment, a large shadow fell over her.

  Poison Ivy and Bumblebee jumped to attention.

  “Students, initiate damage control protocol!” a woman’s voice bellowed. Supergirl recognized Principal Amanda Waller from the school’s videos. “Wonder Woman, you’re on Amethyst inspection!”

  Supergirl gasped. Heading straight toward the tower was none other than Wonder Woman! In person! She flew with the confidence and determination that Supergirl could only dream of possessing one day. She desperately wanted to meet her—but Wonder Woman was too focused on her task to stop and chat.

  “Bumblebee, check for microscopic damage,” Waller continued. “Barbara! Where is Barbara Gordon?”

  “Here!” an auburn-haired girl called out. She adjusted her glasses, then pulled a microcomputer from her Utility Belt. “I know, check the electrical. I’m already on it!”

  The principal turned to a large gorilla lumbering toward them. His sport jacket was slightly too small. The buttons threatened to pop any moment. A red handkerchief was tucked into his breast pocket. “Vice Principal Grodd, you got this?” she asked. The gorilla grunted and nodded as he munched on a bamboo stalk.

  “Double-check everything,” Waller ordered. “Any crack could be disastrous. This Amethyst contains more energy
than a nuclear power plant—enough energy to amplify a villain’s arsenal a hundredfold. The assembly’s starting soon. I have to go! Someone assist the new girl!”

  Still clutching the flowers, Supergirl sat up with the help of Poison Ivy and Bumblebee. Putting on a bright smile, she assured them, “I’m fine. Really, I am!”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” Poison Ivy said. “We’ll walk with you to the auditorium. There’s going to be a big announcement!”

  As she was ushered into the auditorium, Supergirl looked around at the other teens. Everyone seemed comfortable with one another, whether they were humans, aliens, machines, animals, or a combination. Supergirl used to have a lot of friends on Krypton. She was known for her friendliness and optimism. In another world and time, this could have been her high school. Instead, she was the new girl.

  Determined to make a good impression, Supergirl took a deep breath and turned her sadness into a smile. There was a hushed silence when Waller began talking about the school’s Hero of the Month. Everyone was facing forward, on the edge of their seats.

  “WONDER WOMAN!” the principal called out. Supergirl gripped the wall as crashing cheers rocked the auditorium.

  Onstage, Wonder Woman, with a combination of power and grace, accepted the Hero of the Month award. She was even more charismatic in person than in the videos.

  “Wonder Woman, as one of your first duties as Hero of the Month, you will show our newest student around Super Hero High,” Waller informed her.

  New student?

  Supergirl stood up straight. Before the principal even finished her sentence, she was bounding up the aisle with such enthusiasm that she tripped over her shoelaces and tumbled out of control. She knocked over several teachers, who then crashed into Commissioner Gordon and another teacher, who slammed into the first two rows of students and sent them flying wildly into the air. Chaos erupted as Harley Quinn let out a raucous laugh and caught it all on camera for “Harley’s Quinntessentials.”

  The airborne Supers recovered before they hit the ground, and in spectacular fashion righted themselves and maneuvered to save their classmates. The school’s other flyers also swooped in to assist midair, turning the disaster into an impressive synchronized save.

  Supergirl ran over to Wonder Woman, stumbling twice, but jumping up each time as if nothing had happened. Her eyes bright, she held out her hand.

  “I am a huge, huge, huge fan!” Supergirl gushed. “I am sooooo excited to meet you, Wonder Woman. I hope we can be friends! Can we? Please say yes!”

  “Yes, of course,” Wonder Woman said, smiling.

  Supergirl’s blue eyes sparkled with happiness.

  As the students cheered, Principal Waller straightened the collar of her slate-gray suit and cleared her throat to silence them. “Supergirl,” she said, regaining control of the room. “Welcome to Super Hero High. We hope you’ll enjoy your new school and excel in your studies. Wonder Woman will be here to assist you with anything you need.” Wonder Woman smiled at Supergirl, who smiled back. “Is there anything you’d like to say to your fellow students? Anything you’d like them to know about you?”

  Supergirl looked out over the audience. All eyes were on her. Should she tell them that she lost her parents and her planet? Or that she was nervous about being the new student at such a prestigious high school? And that she was scared?

  Everyone was waiting for her to speak. Supergirl looked at Wonder Woman, who nodded at her encouragingly. She gulped and then said brightly, “I am so thrilled to be here at Super Hero High. And sooooo, sooooo sorry that I tripped. In fact, if you’d rather call me Super Klutz instead of Supergirl, I’d totally understand!”

  Warm laughter swept the room, and Supergirl soaked in the smiles.

  That afternoon, true to her word, Wonder Woman took Supergirl around, showing her the school, introducing her to the students and staff, and even giving her valuable insight into confusing things.

  “This is cereal,” Wonder Woman said as they walked through the dining hall. Supergirl admired the brightly colored shapes and sizes housed in clear, thick, tall tubes. “We can eat all we want! I like to mix the flavors.”

  Supergirl nodded. She wondered if she ate a lot of cereal, would she be more like Wonder Woman?

  “Those are boys,” Wonder Woman said, pointing to Green Lantern and The Flash.

  “Hey, Wonder Woman,” The Flash called out, giving her a friendly wave. “Welcome to Super Hero High,” he said to Supergirl.

  Wonder Woman whispered to Supergirl. “Boys are exactly the same as us girls, only different.”

  Supergirl nodded. She had heard that before.

  “That’s the library,” Wonder Woman continued. “Almost every book in the world you could want is in there.”

  Every book? Supergirl mused. “Even books about Krypton?”

  “What was that?” Wonder Woman asked, leaning in.

  Supergirl was suddenly hit with a bout of shyness. After all, here was her idol taking her around school, and even talking to her as if they were friends. I could really use a friend, Supergirl thought.

  “When you meet someone new, you shake hands with them,” Wonder Woman explained, moving on. “Like this!”

  As she approached several students with her hand outstretched, some ran, others shoved their hands in their pockets, and most just pretended not to see her. Miss Martian was not one of the lucky ones. Her hand trembled as Wonder Woman took it in hers and began shaking it so vigorously that her head bobbed up and down until she just disappeared. Literally.

  “Oops! Where’d she go?” Wonder Woman asked. “Invisibility must be a fun power to have. That reminds me, I have to go, too. It’s so nice getting to know you, Supergirl. If you have any questions, just ask. Oh, and please call me Wondy. That’s what all my friends call me!”

  “Wondy, what does…,” Supergirl began. But Wonder Woman had already flown away.

  Alone at her locker—a private space on the second tier of storage units, near the ceiling, since she was a flyer—Supergirl wasn’t sure what to do. She was relieved when Bumblebee flew up to her. “Everything okay?” she asked just as someone rounded the corner and called out.

  “Supergirl, I’m Barbara Gordon. I’m here to give you your locker combination,” Barbara said. “I can also help you with any tech concerns.”

  “It’s true,” a voice said softly. Supergirl looked around but didn’t see anyone. “It’s me,” Miss Martian said meekly, reappearing in front of her. The shy green girl looked slightly shaken after Wonder Woman’s vigorous greeting. “I can read minds. And yes, it’s true, everyone here is so nice and helpful. Well, almost everyone.”

  Supergirl noticed a girl in a glorious lavender outfit watching her. She didn’t look friendly. Miss Martian disappeared once more.

  “Ignore Star Sapphire,” Bumblebee whispered in her ear. “She’s rich and spoiled, so she may not be the best friend in the world.”

  Supergirl took note of this, but at the same time, reminded herself that with everything that had happened over the past month, she wanted—no, needed—to make as many friends as possible. She longed for a lifetime of friends.

  “Hello!” Supergirl said, waving.

  Star Sapphire gave her an almost imperceptible nod. When the purple ring on her finger glowed, Supergirl found herself feeling happy just to be in Star’s presence. But when she turned her back and walked away, Supergirl felt alone once more.

  “Good morning!”

  “Good morning!”

  “Good morning!” Supergirl made sure to greet everyone she saw with a smile. Maybe they’d want to be friends. One could never have too many friends, right?

  “Good morning!”

  “Good morning!”

  “Good morning!” she said, smiling brightly.

  Wonder Woman was at the cereal dispensers, happily filling up several bowls with colorful crunchy-munchy bites. “Join us!” she called out to Supergirl as she headed to her table.
r />   Supergirl looked down at the crispy dark brown pancake and gray-green scrambled eggs on her tray. They reminded her of Aunt Martha’s hearty breakfasts, only these had an entirely different color palette. Supergirl smiled at Wonder Woman, grabbed a big bowl, and said, “Be right there!”

  If Wonder Woman was a cereal fan, then so was she!

  A chic girl with shiny straight black hair removed her sword from an empty chair and scooted over. “You can sit here,” she said. She tossed a peeled banana in the air and sliced it so that it covered her waffles, creating the letter K.

  “I’m Katana.”

  Supergirl reached out to shake her hand, spilling her bowl of cereal in the process. She watched in horror as bite-sized bits of colorful sugary goodness rolled around on the floor. The crunching could be heard throughout the dining hall as some Supers tried to avoid the mess, while others purposely stomped on it.

  Parasite growled and grabbed a broom. His purple skin complemented his blue-gray janitor’s uniform. Though he hated cleaning up after the teens, at least it was better than prison, where many of his cronies had ended up.

  Wonder Woman gave Supergirl a consoling smile and offered her one of her seven bowls of cereal, which Supergirl accepted with a thank-you.

  “Good morning, roomie!” Supergirl called out to Bumblebee. The tiny moons and stars were delicious.

  Bumblebee gave her roommate a sleepy nod. They had been up all night. Yesterday, when Bumblebee had generously said, “If you have any questions, just ask!” Supergirl had made a list.

  Supergirl looked down at her notebook and was about to continue her questions, when Bumblebee took a big gulp of her honey lemon tea, and said, “Oh! Let’s give someone else a chance to answer, shall we?”

  “Oh, okay,” Supergirl agreed, glancing around the table. Everyone averted their eyes except for Wonder Woman.

  “Ask away!” she said. Was she always this nice? Supergirl wondered.


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