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Forgotten Magic (Elementals Book 1)

Page 21

by Vicky Garlick

  The twins looked at each other, then at Brean who gave a single nod in answer to their unspoken question. Tom sighed loudly, “Several weeks ago,” he began slowly, not really wanting to say the words as he knew the reaction they would get, “Kiræ and I, and our friends were attacked.” The shock on Vala’s face was exactly what Tom expected and she hugged them both again, not really wanting to let them go.

  “Was it the mingual?” Vala asked still hugging them and she felt Kiræ’s nod against her shoulder, she squeezed them both but finally released them and sat back down. “Where did this happen? Was anyone injured? How did you get away?” The questions tumbled from Vala’s mouth before she could stop them and she looked apologetic. The twins began to explain the events that felt as if they’d happened years ago now, and skimmed quickly over the actual battle, emphasising that they were ultimately able to protect their friends.

  Vala looks at them suspiciously and turned to Brean, “What is it they’re not telling me?” she asked sternly.

  Brean sat silently for a few seconds then, “Tell her everything,” he said his eyes still locked with Vala’s, “it’s important for her to know.”

  “Know what?” she asked feeling a little agitated, the twins sighed simultaneously. Vala sat in near silence as Kiræ and Tom explained everything about their true heritage and their magical abilities, giving demonstrations to help her understand.

  She sat wide eyed and speechless and turned accusingly to Brean, “Why didn’t you explain this when Sara and I volunteered to take them in?”

  Brean looked a little sheepish, “In truth I was worried you might judge them and refuse.” She shook her head and called him a fool but there was very little malice behind her words. As the tension in the room evaporated Kiræ asked Vala what had happened while she was away, Vala sighed wearily and recalled for a second time the events of her journey.

  She could see the worry in their faces on the revelation that not only had one of their allies turned against them but that they were also happily housing the mingual. They seemed less shocked when Vala explained about Malum and on seeing a brief look between the three of them she pressed the subject.

  “You’ve heard of him,” it wasn’t a question, the three of them nodded, “how? Who is he?”

  “I’m afraid we’ve still not been entirely honest with you,” he said and she just stared as if she had already worked that out.

  “I was wondering how you’d been teaching them unless you too have some sort of ability.”

  “You are correct of course, though you haven’t quite guessed the full truth.” He paused and Vala waited patiently for him to continue, “I am a God,” he said finally, then added, “the God of Magic.”

  This, Vala had not been expecting and she sat in silent disbelief for several minutes, “You’re a God,” she finally said as if speaking it aloud would help her accept it and then almost as soon as the words left her mouth, the realisation dawned, “that’s how you’ve heard of Malum.” Brean nodded, “and you knew he was helping Bælana?” There was an accusatory tone behind the second question but Brean shook his head quickly before Vala could verbally attack him.

  “Malum has not lived in the Higher Realm for centuries, I didn’t know where he was or what he’d been doing, it’s not in my power to see things like that.”

  “Have you heard of someone called Rævenda?” Vala finally asked after being silent for several more minutes.

  Brean nodded, “She is my niece, I take it you’ve met her.”

  “In Amga Nek, she told me the borders were protected.”

  “She too prefers life outside of the Higher Realm, but she’s young,” he said smiling more to himself than the others, there was another small silence and Vala finally concluded her tale.

  “You have to go back,” Tom said slowly and Vala nodded.

  “This isn’t going to be like Denward,” she explained, “technically we’re the ones invading, their towns have been upgraded and by now they probably know we’re coming.” Vala paused and Kiræ began shaking her head as the final words were emitted from Vala’s mouth, “there’s a good chance that this time I won’t return,” her voice wavered as she spoke.

  “We could come with you,” Kiræ said pulling away from Vala’s grasp, “with our abilities we’re more than capable of helping to-”

  “No!” Vala said firmly staring into the younger woman’s emerald green eyes, “I need you to stay here and continue your training, all of it,” she added looking to Brean, “I don’t want you in any unnecessary danger.”

  “But we’ve already been in danger,” Tom said defiantly, “in case you hadn’t been listening the mingual were here, in our country, what if they attack the city?”

  Vala smiled, “Then at least now I know you’ll be able to protect yourselves and those around you.” Tom tried to protest but Vala held up a hand, “this isn’t a negotiation Tom,” she said firmly, “you’ve not graduated, you’re not a warrior, to the king you’re a civilian and he would never allow a civilian to go to war. Now promise me you’ll stay here and complete your training, and I promise that I’ll do everything I can to return.” She stared at them both firmly and eventually, very reluctantly, they promised to stay in the city.

  Chapter 25

  Vala hugged the twins tightly causing Kiræ to gasp as she lost her breath, Vala pulled back and smiled apologetically.

  “Stay safe,” she said eyeing them sternly.

  “We will,” Tom replied as Vala mounted her horse.

  “I’ll see you both soon,” she said, hoping it wasn’t an empty promise and joined Alten and Julen at the head of the army. It would unfortunately be a slow journey as the majority of warriors were travelling on foot and they had a significant amount of young, new recruits. The weather was surprisingly calm and although there was still a layer of snow on the ground, the early morning sun was shining, which would hopefully cause it to melt. Vala had sent a couple of scouts on ahead to ensure their way was secure and hopefully they wouldn’t see them until the first campsite.

  “How are the twins?” Alten asked carefully, knowing Vala was unhappy about leaving them.

  “I’m worried about them.”


  Vala glanced at Alten, “I can’t explain it, I’ve got this nagging feeling in my stomach that something’s going to happen to them.”

  “I’m sure everything will be okay, they’re in the safest place possible,” he said reassuringly. “You had barely a week with them and you found out they had been attacked, it’s natural that you would worry.” She nodded as if agreeing with him but remained silent as he continued, “you will see each other again.” He stretched his hand out, placed it on her shoulder and Vala smiled, trying to convince him that he had reassured her. She faced forward and her smile dropped, turning instead into a frown as she couldn’t stop the knot of worry that was forming in the pit of her stomach.

  The days passed slowly and uneventfully, they were up at dawn and journeyed well into the night, travelling by the light of the twin moons. Although the snow fell steadily around them, the terrain was flat, which caused minimal disruption.

  It was just before midnight when they finally stopped to make camp and the scouts were waiting for them as usual. Vala tried without success to sleep, so pulled on her boots and jacket and left her tent. She still felt uneasy, and walked round a small section of their large camp, taking care not to disturb the sleeping warriors. As she approached a couple of guards on watch, they turned and nodded their heads in respect.

  “Any sign of activity?” she asked in a low voice.

  “All quiet,” replied a young female warrior. Vala nodded and continued walking in the crisp air; her breath produced a fine mist as she exhaled and she shoved her hands in her pockets to try and keep them warm. She heard footsteps behind her and instantly her hand fell to where her sword should have been, she cursed under her breath and spun, fists raised to see Alten; she relaxed instantly, then looked a
t him accusingly.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Couldn’t sleep,” he replied shrugging, “the guards told me you were up, I thought I would join you.”

  “You should really get some rest, you’re not used to this type of travel” she pointed out.

  “And you’ve barely recovered from your last journey,” he retaliated, “you’re still covered in bruises, and I’ll wager you’ve not slept for a full night since you left Diapanm.”

  Vala was silent, and he took that as admittance, “I still don’t think it was wise for you to come,” she said in hushed tones as she began walking again.

  “It wasn’t your decision.”

  “You can be such a stubborn ass at times.”

  Alten laughed, “You’re one to talk.” Vala smiled and they continued to walk in silence. Alten eventually returned to his tent but Vala, knowing she wouldn’t sleep took over the watch for the two guards she had first encountered. Julen emerged from his tent just before dawn and began rousing the warriors, he reached Vala and shot her a look.

  “Did you sleep at all?”

  She shook her head, “I’m fine,” she said quickly as concern crossed his face then she moved away from him and called, “I’ll help you rouse the troops,” so she didn’t have to look at his stern gaze.

  “Vala you need to rest,” he urged her, “you’re no good to us if you’re exhausted.”

  She paused, sighed and turned to him, “I’ve tried Julen I really have, I’m not avoiding sleep, it’s avoiding me,” she turned away again and this time he didn’t follow but continued to rouse the warriors.

  It took far longer than it should have for them to reach and cross the Infiato River, just south of Taffer but the weather had not been kind to them and their days had become shorter. Thankfully they hadn’t encountered any mingual warriors, for which Vala was grateful, but they had stumbled across a large group of rebels, who by the looks of things had just robbed a merchant.

  On seeing the large army they had fled, abandoning their prize and Vala had sent a couple of warriors with the cart to the nearest town, where she hoped the merchant lived. Although it was only just reaching dusk Vala signalled for the warriors to stop and set up camp. She had spent a large portion of the last few days walking with the newer recruits and had noticed they were beginning to struggle with the weather.

  Vala had slept little since they set out from Caan and it was beginning to take its toll. She retired shortly after they had eaten, feeling her eyelids become heavy and being thankful for it. She closed her eyes and after what felt like a few seconds they snapped open as she heard a yell. Within seconds she was up and out of her tent, ignoring her armour, her sword in her hands.

  She saw one of the guards on watch fall lifeless to the ground and a mingual warrior stood in his place. The sky was beginning to lighten casting purple hues on the ground and she saw that the group of mingual attacking their camp were few in number, though they were taking full advantage of the fact the army had been caught off guard. Their enemy charged into the camp, violently attacking anything that moved, Vala raised her sword as an enemy warrior ran towards her, weapon drawn and teeth bared.

  She was knocked off her feet instantly as he feinted causing her to block the air whilst his pommel made contact with her face. Blood ran from a large gash in her forehead and she quickly wiped it from her eyes as her enemy bore down on her. She scrambled to her feet, blocked an attack, then aimed low at her enemy; he blocked, kicked towards her and aimed at her neck. Vala threw up her sword to block, raised it slightly and twisted it to the left as she stepped forwards and into the mingual's neck.

  A second mingual warrior approached Vala’s exposed back and raised a large blood stained axe before bringing it down with force. Vala heard the loud clang of metal resonate through her and turned to see Alten standing between her and the almost fatal axe blow. Vala nodded her thanks and turned to review the battle; the mingual were being easily overpowered and she relaxed as she realised they weren’t in any real danger. Suddenly she saw several attempting to retreat and realised the real reason they had attacked.

  “Julen!” she called as the young man disposed of another enemy warrior. She pointed towards the retreating mingual and Julen nodded; he was closer to them than she was and grabbed several warriors to pursue them.

  It wasn’t long before Julen returned and seeing that the army had dealt with the remaining mingual he walked over to Vala, who was helping bandage the few wounded, she looked up as he approached.

  “Did any escape?” she asked and he shook his head, Vala heaved a sigh of relief.

  “You think they were scouting?”

  “I think it’s possible, and the less warning Yutshan has the better.”

  “Were there many casualties?” Alten asked walking over, his left arm newly bandaged.

  “Thankfully no,” Vala replied, securing a dressing on a young warriors shoulder, “we’ve got to get the camp packed up and get on the move,” she said to Julen who nodded and began organising the warriors.

  “Thank you for what you did back there,” Vala said turning to Alten, “I would have been killed if you hadn’t intervened.”

  Alten smiled, “I would never let anything happen to you,” he said as he walked towards his tent.

  Vala and her warriors had managed another three days marching without any interruptions, though Vala had doubled the night watch as a precaution. She estimated there were only a few more days of travel before they reached Cronne; usually a small and quiet town Vala wondered whether it had been ‘upgraded’ by the mingual like Diapanm.

  She continued to have a nagging feeling regarding the ambush a few nights before; if the mingual had been sent on a scouting assignment and hadn't returned, then surely more would be sent, or had the other allies already turned up, causing unwanted distractions for their enemy. Whatever the reason Vala barely slept and spent most of her nights patrolling various parts of the camp for signs of unusual activity, though none had occurred.

  She had taken to riding slightly ahead of the others in order to look for signs of their enemy and was startled when she heard hoof beats behind her. She twisted in her saddle to see Alten and Julen riding quickly towards her, she smiled at them as they approached.

  “Any sign of activity?” Alten asked slowing beside her.

  She shook her head, “Nothing I can see,” she replied turning to face forward again.

  “What are we going to do about the other allies?” Alten asked, Vala looked confused so he elaborated, “are we meeting them to discuss tactics? Or form a plan of attack?” Vala remained silent, not sure how to answer but Julen came to her rescue.

  “Sire I was the one who sent the letters to our allies, and I regret that in our haste to return to Caan I did not disclose to Vala their contents.”

  “I see,” Alten said, “well perhaps you could enlighten us both now.”

  Julen nodded, “There are six towns in the country,” he began and the other two nodded in agreement, “I knew that Jelicæ, Auradal and Cyptxon would certainly rally, but considering their own problems I wasn’t sure whether Eriba would assist.”

  “They'll help,” Vala said interrupting, to which Julen nodded.

  “I suggested to Jelicæ, Auradal and Cyptxon that they target the northern town’s together, while we and hopefully a portion of Eriba's warriors target the southern towns.”

  “And the capital?” Alten asked.

  “I suggested we converge around Limmi once the towns are free, I didn't say any more.”

  Alten nodded thoughtfully, “That sounds like a good strategy,” he said smiling Julen who swelled with pride. Vala agreed, stating multiple attacks were probably their best course of action and they fell into a thoughtful silence for some time. Vala watched a small group of birds flying just ahead of them and began to wonder what it was like to fly; she became lost in her own thoughts and didn't hear when Alten spoke.


p; She looked up sharply, “I'm sorry,” she said looking apologetic, “what did you say?”

  “I wondered how long you wanted to ride today?” he asked.

  Vala looked again at the sky and saw the sun wasn't as low as she had expected, “I think we can continue for another hour or two if you think the warriors can handle it.” she replied turning to Julen who nodded. The weather had improved and the ground was only lightly covered when they halted.

  Vala found she was once again restless so she walked for several hours round a small portion of the camp, chatting to the warriors on guard, helping them feel at ease. When there were only a few hours left until dawn she returned to her tent and fell into an uneasy sleep.

  Vala opened her eyes and found herself once again in the dreary underground chamber facing the large pool of water in the centre. The manacles that adorned the walls were currently vacant, though Vala wondered for how long. As expected the only door into the chamber flew open and Bælana strode in followed by a well-dressed mingual warrior, who stuck to her side like a dog.

  Vala heard screams from the corridor beyond the chamber and several beaten and ragged looking men were dragged inside by the mingual. Vala stared, silently watching as the men were chained to the wall, there was no shock in her eyes anymore, the dream was so frequent now that she could predict everything that would happen.

  Bælana was stood before the dark pool as she always was and held her hands out over it, palms facing down. Although Vala didn't know exactly what Bælana did to the water, she knew it was something magical, and after talking to Brean she guessed it was linked to the elements. The water began to swirl and darken as if a black fog had somehow developed under the surface. Eventually the crystal clear water became black and the chained men struggled violently.

  Bælana pulled a long gleaming knife from her dark robes and sliced her left hand; several large drops of blood fell into the dark liquid and it began frothing a red-black foam, the men began to scream. Bælana walked to the first man, wiped the knife and held it near the man's bare chest.


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