Book Read Free

Good Vibration

Page 5

by S M Mala

  Then it hit him.

  Maybe that’s what Juliette thought about the black chef she screwed.

  Glancing back at her for a second, he could see why his wife might find the appeal of a having a fuck with someone so deeply contrasting.

  ‘You should go and meet the employees,’ she said, jumping up to her feet and startling him out his thought. ‘I’ll show you around, if you don’t mind? Do you mind Mr Chambers?’

  ‘I’m not quite sure.’

  Not caring whether he followed or not, Sylvie walked to the other office where Elizbieta and Gillian worked.

  The ladies were the exact opposite. Gillian was short, round and black with a very pretty happy face whereas Elizbieta was thin, wiry and wrinkly, though she was the same age as the other woman.

  And both ladies loved to laugh.

  As she turned around, she was surprised to see Finlay was as tall as Toby and, once again, she smiled cheerfully only to be met with a scowl.

  ‘Ladies,’ she said gently. ‘I know you’re concerned about Piers but Mr Chambers here…’ she used her hand to point in his direction without even looking at him. ‘…has kindly offered to tell everyone about the current situation.’

  ‘Have I?’ she heard him gasp.

  ‘Well, you are going to run the company until Christmas, aren’t you?’ she said brightly and noticed Gillian’s mouth drop open. ‘We can’t do it without Piers, can we?’

  ‘We can’t?’ asked Elizbieta who looked puzzled for a moment then realised what she’d said. ‘We can’t!’

  ‘Follow me,’ Sylvie continued and knocked on Toby’s door. ‘Meeting!’

  Then she stood on the balcony of the mezzanine.

  ‘What are you going to do now? Ask them to down clit stimulators?’ Finlay sniffed as she pushed her hair away from her face.

  ‘Do you know where the clitoris is, Mr Chambers?’ Sylvie asked quietly and noticed he did a double take. ‘And you’d probably ask your other employees, in your large important company, to put down their rolled up twenty pound notes and stop sniffing the white stuff to hear your dulcet tones? Maybe they have to be off their heads to listen to you.’ She was unable to hide her annoyance then noticed he was trying not to smile. ‘As you’re so experienced with all things business, you address them.’

  ‘Fine!’ he said, stepping forward as she stepped back.

  Then she caught the eye of Samina and noticed Della was taking off her coat. Sylvie saw the woman’s eyes light up when she looked at Finlay, all suited and booted, standing to attention.

  Biting her lip she tried to hide her grimace.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen, could you please stop working for a moment?’ he said, loud and clear.

  Everyone stopped and looked at him.

  There were eleven people, not including herself, looking at him in anticipation. Then Wanda walked in, all glamour model pretty. Sylvie stepped forward and noticed Finlay had seen her by the grin on his face.

  ‘Typical man,’ she said under her breath as Gillian elbowed her and she gently squeezed the woman’s fat arm.

  ‘What’s he doing here?’ Gillian hissed.

  ‘Who knows?’

  ‘Firstly let me introduce myself. I’m Finlay Chambers one of the owners of ‘Chambers Caplin’,’ he began.

  Sylvie shook her head seeing he was going to be an arse about the whole thing and flicked a glance at Toby who seemed in awe.

  ‘And he’s my big brother,’ Toby sweetly added as Sylvie noticed Finlay try not to sneer then smiled politely.

  ‘Family aside,’ the man continued. ‘You may know that Piers Caplin suffered a mild heart attack last Thursday. He’s getting better but has been signed off until he recovers which might take some time. So in the interim, I’ll be here as much as possible to help run the business.’

  At that moment she noticed twelve pairs of eyes dart in her direction as she looked away. She could see Finlay was looking at her from the corner of his eye.

  ‘Have you got any questions?’ Finlay asked as Sylvie smiled cheerfully before seeing Samina start to open her mouth.

  ‘That’s good! Well back to work!’ Sylvie said loudly and quickly ran down the stairs seeing Samina walk up to her followed by Pria, a skinny young Pakistani woman who was a third of the width of Samina, coming out from behind.

  ‘What he doing? Work here? Why? His stepfather not do work so why he?’ Samina said loudly and Sylvie pushed her into a corner but knew Finlay was looking at them.

  ‘You promised not to say a word,’ Sylvie hissed.

  ‘But she’s only statin’ the bloody facts,’ replied Pria in her West London twang. ‘Come on gal, you know his father don’t do nuttin, innit?’

  Standing there for a moment she knew Marianne could hear what she was saying as Della and Wanda walked towards her.

  ‘Oh my god, he’s hot!’ hissed Della, her low toned Dublin accent sounding as if she was going to purr. Sylvie smiled at the pale skinned, dark haired beauty who was still reeling from her husband leaving her and the two kids to go off and find himself in Bali with a lady boy. ‘I’m in need of a good shag. Is he single?’

  ‘Oh Jesus,’ mumbled Sylvie seeing her plan of action was already fading.

  ‘He’s alright,’ sniffed the lovely Wanda, flicking her newly dyed light brown hair. ‘We Liverpudlian’s aren’t impressed by posh, you know. I like ‘em to be manly. He’s too preened.’

  ‘That funny coming from you, with your face paint like dolly!’ laughed Samina as Sylvie shook her head from side to side trying not to smile.

  ‘Ladies,’ she said calmly as Wanda tried to pretend to hit Samina, who was now cackling. ‘I’m going to call everyone up to meet him. I’m sure he didn’t bother to do that when he came in last, did he?’


  Watching her walk back into the room, he noticed she seemed a little agitated. Finlay realised everyone had looked at her when he said about him sticking around and swore the elderly Indian lady from the ground floor was questioning Sylvie about it.

  Next thing he knew, Sylvie had thrown a copy of the employee flow chart onto his laptop.

  ‘I’ve got a copy,’ he said, pushing it to the side. ‘Piers or was it you, emailed it over.’

  ‘If you’re going to work here then you need to know the people. I don’t mean share personal business but I, personally, think it’s a good idea to understand who you employ.’

  ‘Did I ask for your opinion?’ he said, looking at her and wondered if she had any idea of what he did for a living. ‘I deal with multi pound companies every day and-.’

  ‘I’m really happy for you!’ she said sarcastically and folded her arms.

  This time Sylvie Mather wasn’t smiling.

  She just stared at him for a moment and seemed to be ticking something over then shrugged.

  ‘And?’ he said, seeing her pout for a moment as she glanced away.

  ‘I’ll call them in and introduce you. Piers does care about the people who work for him.’

  ‘Like you? Isn’t it a little strange you go and see my stepfather in hospital when no one’s around? I think that’s odd.’

  ‘You were there and nearly broke my ribs in the process,’ she sighed and walked to the door before turning around slowly. ‘You want to know if I’m sucking you stepfather’s cock?’ Even Finlay knew his mouth had dropped open as she started to laugh. ‘Just so typical!’

  ‘It’s a valid question.’

  ‘Why don’t you do what your mother wants and get on with it,’ the woman replied.

  ‘Which is what?’

  ‘Give Piers a little bit of hope he can do something well, then take it away. Isn’t that your plan? You think I’m stupid and can’t see it? Three or four visits and you’ve made your mind up that this company isn’t worth it, based on your own personal petty prejudices and-.’

  ‘Now hang on a minute! I never-.’

  ‘It’s written all over your face!’

  Finlay sa
t back in his chair, looking at her up and down trying his hardest to throw the filthiest look he could. He was met with a smirk.

  ‘Go and get them, these people you think I should meet,’ he eventually said and realised he was getting turned on by the challenge, mainly because she seemed to have figured out his game plan which meant she was going to be a problem.

  Sylvie stood at the door and knew she was getting angry as she started to call everyone up. Her opening line was the same to all of them,

  ‘This is Mr Chambers. Please tell him your name, your job title and what you do for the company. No personal details.’

  To which he immediately replied each time,

  ‘Please call me Finlay.’

  The cheerful customer services people came in first, Elizbieta then Gillian. They were short and succinct, apologising for not saying too much as they had to answer the silently ringing switchboard.

  Next came in Dan, a slightly built young polish man, who Sylvie knew was pretending not to speak good English asking if Finlay spoke Polish. Finlay looked blankly at him and again at Krzysztof, older, tall and muscular, who did the packing, distribution and returns.

  ‘Do you have anyone that speaks English?’ Finlay asked as Krzysztof left the office.

  ‘Are you prejudiced against Eastern Europeans? And Gillian, like me, is born and British bred with a gorgeous colouring that doesn’t need to be topped up or indeed, exposed to sun burn,’ Sylvie replied flatly, knowing he had the sort of colouring that needed factor fifty, while he looked at her as if she was a bad smell. ‘Maybe you’ll understand Marianne.’

  Sylvie tried to stop laughing when Marianne came in and Finlay seemed visibly shocked at the woman with heavy gothic make-up.

  ‘I’m Marianne, packing, distribution and returns. If it wasn’t for Sylvie and Piers, I’d be shootin’ up crack in a squat near Glasgow. They gave me a reason to get self-respect,’ she said as Sylvie smiled at her, knowing that was a blatant lie and the strongest powder she’d ever got high on was sherbet dabs.

  ‘Still no English?’ Finlay quipped as she shook her head from side to side.

  Matthew, the fifty something St Lucian driver walked in. With his happy face and friendly manner, she noticed Finlay break into what could be determined a small smile or wind.

  She hadn’t figured it out.

  ‘Don’t you dare say it,’ she added quickly as the door shut and noticed Della walking up the stairs.

  Sylvie looked at Finlay, who watched the attractive woman approach the door. After she made the introduction he seemed to be more attentive, even asking questions.

  ‘How long have you worked here?’ he grinned and Sylvie noticed he was putting the end of his pen on his lips.

  She wondered if that was a sign he wanted a blow job or was imagining Della giving him one. Biting her cheek she tried not to smile.

  ‘Most of us have been here since the start of the company. Sylvie interviewed and hired us,’ she purred as Finlay automatically flashed Sylvie a dirty look. ‘As well as Piers who has the final say. It’s a very friendly, warm place to work.’

  Finlay raised his eyebrows as if unconvinced. It occurred to Sylvie maybe Della could help her soften the man. When she eventually walked out of the office with a big grin, Sylvie smiled.

  ‘Still no English,’ he grumbled as Sylvie hit her head gently against the door frame before smiling brightly at him.

  She swore she saw him trying not to laugh.

  Then Stephen was coming towards her and she stood up straight.

  Flinging the door open he marched over to Finlay and shook his hand.

  ‘I’m Stephen Seas, accountant and researcher. A pleasure to, officially, meet you!’ He was shaking Finlay’s hand furiously as Sylvie smiled for a moment, knowing Stephen had a very firm handshake. Though every time he’d touched her it was with a stroking motion, as if trying to soothe a cat which made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end… and not in a good way. ‘Anything you need to know then just ask.’

  ‘I have many things to ask so I’m pleased to know you’ll be co-operative.’

  ‘What do you mean by that?’ Sylvie hissed quietly and was ignored by the other two.

  ‘The company’s doing very well and in our product meeting I’ll be able to show you what sells successfully,’ gushed Stephen.

  ‘Can’t wait,’ Finlay replied with a fixed grin and Sylvie glared at him. ‘We’ll talk later.’

  Stephen turned around and raised his eyebrows in her direction before leaving. Then to Sylvie’s horror she saw Pria and Samina coming up the stairs together.

  ‘Quickly come in and say your piece,’ she said flashing Samina a warning glance as she slowly followed Pria before hissing. ‘Don’t go blabbing.’

  ‘I’m Pria. I do packagin’, distribution and returns, innit,’ the younger woman said, standing in her crop top and very tight jeans, hair pulled back into a pony tail with her various piercings and tattoos as she smiled, then walked out.

  ‘I call Samina. I sixty seven years old with four husband and-.’

  ‘Don’t tell him personal things, just what your job title is and what you do,’ Sylvie said quietly, seeing Finlay was sitting forward, bemused by the woman standing before him.

  ‘Four husbands?’ he asked.


  ‘I’m sorry.’

  ‘I not.’

  ‘Tell him what you do and then you can go,’ Sylvie gently coaxed knowing the person who would land them in shit would be Samina, with her honest approach.

  ‘What you do here? Why you come? You think we not work hard? We work very hard for Piers Caplin and-.’

  ‘Seriously Samina, there’s a lot of work to be done. Mr Chambers-.’

  ‘Please call me Finlay,’ he quickly interjected and she noticed he was smiling. It seemed genuine and this unnerved her. ‘So what do you do?’

  ‘Packing, distribution, return and testing,’ Samina said proudly as Sylvie could see Finlay was amused by the comment. ‘Why laugh?’

  ‘How do you test them?’ Finlay smiled, then let out a little snigger.

  ‘How you think? I stick them where they should be put,’ Samina replied dead pan as Finlay laughed out loudly.

  Sylvie flashed Samina a warning glance knowing full well she was showing off.

  ‘You make the employees use these things?’ he said, taking a deep breath.

  ‘How we know they work?’ the old Indian woman said defiantly. ‘Like I say. All husband dead.’

  At that moment she noticed Wanda and pulled her into the office seeing Finlay do a double take.

  ‘This is Wanda,’ Sylvie said quickly. ‘She’s the face for the website product reviews and works in other areas as-.’

  ‘She test too! She test anal product on her boyfriend,’ Samina said and flashed Wanda a glance who in return pulled a face. ‘You test too Mr Finlay Chambers then you know what is good, what is bad. Sylvie not test as she say she allergy to rubber. I say, no allergy to rubber just allergy to sex!’

  ‘Samina!’ Sylvie shouted, seeing Wanda put her hand over her mouth trying to hard not to laugh. ‘Go back and do some work. Do you hear me?’

  ‘I’m Wanda, nice to meet you. I want to be a presenter and I’ve been given this fantastic opportunity to gain some experience,’ she said very politely, in her thick Liverpool accent, as Samina walked to Sylvie and gently pushed her as she left the office.

  ‘And what do you want to eventually front?’ Finlay asked and Sylvie saw him eye the young woman up and down.

  Today Wanda was wearing a short skirt and a very tight long sleeve top with high heels that were nearly as tall as Sylvie. She realised she had two women who could deflect Finlay’s attention.

  Della and Wanda.

  ‘Me? Well, I want to work on a shopping channel, that’s my ambition.’

  ‘And you will,’ sighed Sylvie, realising from Finlay’s current expression he wasn’t impressed then suddenly Toby bounced in and s

  ‘Hi Toby,’ said Wanda, flashing him a bright smile as the young man grinned and nodded. ‘You alright?’

  ‘Thanks Wanda,’ Sylvie said, closing the door after the glamorous young woman left, knowing Wanda fancied the arse off baby Caplin.

  ‘I don’t understand a word she says,’ Toby sighed. ‘She’s the only foreign person working here, you know.’

  The roar of his laugh took her by surprise when she saw Finlay face down at the desk, his body vibrating. It was a rich, joyous noise which she’d have never expected to come out of such a cold fish. When he put his head up his whole face had changed.

  It was happy and completely radiating joy.

  And sickeningly handsome.

  Then she realised what he was laughing at.

  All of them.

  Including her.

  ‘Oh god, I can’t take this,’ he eventually said, still laughing, as Sylvie stood by the door, her arms firmly folded. ‘So Toby what do you do?’

  ‘You know what I do,’ his brother shrugged. ‘I’m the production assistant and, well I think you need to know. I’m totally in love with Sly.’

  Finlay immediately stopped laughing.

  Toby stood in front of him grinning while Sylvie just put her hands over her face for a second. Even with her brown skin, he knew her colour had drained as his brother was oblivious to her reaction.

  ‘And no, I’m not sleeping with your brother either,’ she said wearily, sitting back at her desk.

  ‘I want to but she won’t ever,’ added Toby and he watched her shake her head from side to side.

  ‘Toby, can you go please?’ she asked gently as his brother winked at her before leaving the room.

  Finlay watched him walk past and then turned his chair towards this woman, who seemed to have enraptured both his father and now his little brother. He couldn’t understand what the attraction was as he shook his head from side to side.

  ‘I’m not leading anyone on,’ she said without looking up at him. ‘You can draw your own conclusion, write your own narrative on what you think’s going on but there isn’t anything.’ Then she looked up at him. ‘Those people you just met are the kindest, sweetest folk you’d ever want to work with. Remember that when you come to your decision of what’s best for the company.’


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