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by Foster, Alan Dean;

  c2350 Discovery of Moth. Cetacean Poleetat has legendary fight with Megalichthyian on Cachalot.

  2360 First Human contact with Pitar. Terran-norm world in the Pitar System is colonized.

  2365 Destruction of Treetrunk (Argus V) by Pitar. Beginning of the Humanx-Pitar War. DIRGE.

  2366 Humanx teams invent the SCCAM missile, and make major breakthroughs in improving the operation of the posigravity drive. SCCAM missiles used in shattering of complex Pitar defenses.

  2367 End of the war with the cleansing of the Pitar homeworlds.

  A.A. (After Amalgamation) 0 A.A. corresponds to 2400 A.D.

  0 A.A. The signing of the articles of Amalgamation and the creation of the Commonwealth. The signing ceremony is performed by the Fourth Last Resort David Makezinski and the Tri-eint Arlenduva. DIUTURNITY'S DAWN.

  1 The Commonwealth Council meets for the first time, on Terra.

  2 Commonwealth Council meets for the first time on Hivehom.

  c10 Commonwealth Science Headquarters established near Mexico City.

  c20 Formal recognition of the United Church. Island of Bali becomes Church HQ on Terra.

  33 The starship Curryon turns inside-out when stellar debris strikes its KK-drive field projector at the instant of activation.

  c50 Refinement of the HIPnosis drugs later used on SCAAM stingships. Bril de-Panltatal hears legends of the City of the Dead on Horseye for the first time.

  86 Marriage of Eitienne and Lyra Redowl, shortly after graduation.

  c88 Alaspin discovered.

  c95 Horseye discovered by Terrans.

  c97 Satellite survey taken of Horseye.

  98 Commonwealth relations with the Quillp are formalized.

  c99 The Thranx build and staff Steamer Station on Horseye.

  c100 Krigsvird-ty-Kalstund founds the Fortress of Wannome on the island of Sofold on Tran-ky-ky.

  106 Eitienne and Lyra Redowl arrive on Horseye, and after five months start their trip up the Skar River VOYAGE TO THE CITY OF THE DEAD.

  c150 Brisbane, Australia becomes the capitol of Terra.

  c175 First human settlers arrive on Cachalot. The CusnunC begins developing a mind-control polyp.

  c300 Discovery of the Blight. Survey ships do preliminary mapping. RNGC 1632 (Cannachanna) discovered by a Visarian probe.

  c361 Establishment of the Commonwealth-wide surfing contest on Dis.

  448 Birth of Mother Mastiff on Moth.

  449 Birth of Truzenzuzex on Willow-Wane. The Horde begins taking tribute from Sofold on Tran-ky-ky.

  470 Birth of Knigta Yakus.

  474 Birth of Bran Tse-Mallory.

  c480 Birth of Hellespont duKane.

  493 Joao Acorizal born on Thalia Major.

  496 Birth of Aljean on Moth.

  497 Commonwealth drone probe discovers a collapsar near the Velvet Dam nebula. Birth of Skua September. Founding of the Meliorare Society on Terra.

  c500 Repler system discovered by Johannes Repler. The AAnn Empire contests the claim, and are eventually granted a small concession on Repler III. AAnn attack on the Quillp colony world of Goodhunting is foiled by Commonwealth Task Force.

  c511 Anasage (Flinx's mother) born on Terra.

  512 Idonian Mask discovered by a prospector on Alaspin.

  513 Acorizal marries Kirsi.

  c515 Tran-ky-ky discovered. Humanx outpost of Brass Monkey founded on the island of Arsudun. Lord Estes Dominic Rose begins dealing in forbidden pharmaceuticals. Lumpjaw is born on Cachalot.

  518 Birth of Ethan Frome Fortune. Birth of Lauren Walder on Moth.

  521 Janwin's first time in the surfing competition on Dis.

  524 Nuotuan has a complete ride on the Monster of Dis, but dies.

  c525 Brothers Skua and Sawbill September break forever over Sawbill's becoming an emoman. Death of Skua's lover by Sawbill's drugs. Birth of Yu Hwoshien. THE EMOMAN.

  527 The Analava System War-120 million perish. Skua September's possible involvement in the start of the conflict remains uncertain. Birth of Flinx's sister Teleen.

  530 Meliorare Society is broken up; its most "normal" experimental subjects are dispersed throughout the Commonwealth.

  c532 Birth of Kitten Kai-sung.

  533 Birth of Philip Lynx (Flinx).

  534 Joao Acorizal wins surfing contest on Dis. SURFEIT.

  537 Death of Anasage. Truzenzuzex and Bran-Tse Mallory begin joint research on the Tar-Aiym.

  538 Skua September attempts to buy Flinx, but fails. Mother Mastiff does buy him. Flinx finds his pet minidrag Pip.

  543 Atha Moon hired as starship copilot by Maxim Malaika. Rashalleila Nuaman finances the building of an illegal research station on Midworld.

  545 Hyperion trees on Annubis destroyed. Destruction of covert commercial outpost on Midworld by the natives. MIDWORLD.

  546 Agreement between Nuaman Enterprises and the AAnn result in the building of an illegal station on Ulru-Ujurr. The first Janus jewels are mined and put on the market.

  548 Attempted kidnapping of the duKanes fails; lifeboat crashes near Sofold on Tran-ky-ky. ICERIGGER. Planet Booster and the Krang found by a prospector in The Blight. Isili Hasboga begins prospecting in Mimmisompo on Alaspin; Habib and Pocomchi arrive there. Sawbill September working as an emoman on Thalia Major. Deaths of Terence Wu, Jasper Jordan, and Joann, due to Sawbill's drugs. Mother Mastiff is kidnapped by the Meliorare Society. Death of Cruachan and destruction of Meliorares. Flinx meets Lauren Walder while pursuing the kidnappers. FOR LOVE OF MOTHER-NOT.

  549 Expedition to the Blight investigates the Krang. Flinx discovers its function. THE TAR-AIYM KRANG. KK-drive plant on Terra destroyed by scientist Endrickson while under Janus Jewel influence. Destruction of the nomadic Horde on Tran-ky-ky. Tran-ky-ky downgraded in Commonwealth status from IVB to V, possibly due to machinations of Resident Commissioner Jobius Trell. MISSION TO MOULOKIN.

  550 Death of Rashalleila Nuaman. Flinx meets Sylzenzuzex. He breaks a Church Edict by traveling to Ulru-Ujurr. He solves the mystery of the Janus jewels, and discovers clues to his parentage. Ujurrians begin "Game of Civilization". Death of Teleen Rudanuaman. ORPHAN STAR. The Slanderscree arrives back in Brass Monkey. The duKanes leave Tran-ky-ky. Ethan Fortune, Skua September, and Milliken Williams leave Brass Monkey to form the Union of Ice. THE DELUGE DRIVERS.

  551 Flinx travels to Alaspin. Deaths of Habib and Pocomchi Expedition to the Cannachanna system in the Blight discovers the anticollapsar weapon. Hur'rikku weapon creates a "rainbow star" from the collapsar near the Velvet Dam. THE END OF THE MATTER. Flinx returns to Moth. He meets Kniga Yakus and accompanies him to a Hallowseye mine in Dead-Place on Map. SNAKE EYES.

  551 Flinx returns to Alaspin, meets Clarity Held. With aid of Ulru-Ujurrians, he is projected sufficiently to brush the fringe of the threat that drove the Xunca from the known universe-and discovers more about himself. FLINX IN FLUX.

  552 Fleeing pursuers, Flinx discovers Midworld-and it discovers him. MID-FLINX.

  553 Flinx encounters another great artifact of the Tar-Aiym...and an old relation. REUNION.

  c561 AAnn explorers in the Blight encounter the Vom and transport it to Repler III. Death of Lord Estes Rose. Vom destroyed by the revived Tar-Aiym Guardian and Flinx. Its assignment terminated, the Guardian Peot commits suicide. Birth of Cora Xamantina. BLOODHYPE. Mother Mastiff tells Flinx what she knows of his background.

  c558 Birth of Sam Mataroreva.

  c564 Hwoshien appointed Resident Commissioner of Cachalot.

  570 Dewas Hazaribagh starts his fishing/salvage company on Cachalot.

  571 A group of observers from Horseye visit Cachalot. In surviving on Prism, Evan Orgell learns the true nature of the unique local sentients. SENTENCED TO PRISM.

  572 Crisis on Cachalot with destruction of five floating towns. Investigation leads to discovery of the CusnunC. CACHALOT.

  573 On Senisran, Pulickel Tomochelor and Fawn Seaforth discover a native ritual that activates an intact transportation gate left behin
d by the long-vanished Xunca. THE HOWLING STONES.

  583 Flinx turns fifty, the reality and ultimate threat emerging from the Great Emptiness makes itself known to the civilizations of the galaxy, and the Final Confrontation commences.

  c1530 Light from the Rainbow Star reaches Midworld.

  12,550 Tunnel digging ends on Ulru-Ujurr; the planet shifts to a closer orbit to its sun. The Ulru-Ujurrians undergo an epiphany.

  c13,000 Cold cycle ends, warm cycle begins anew on Tran-ky-ky.

  About The Author

  Born in New York City in 1946, Foster was raised in Los Angeles. After receiving a Bachelor's Degree in Political Science and a Master of Fine Arts in Cinema from UCLA (1968, l969) he spent two years as a copywriter for a small Studio City, Calif. advertising and public relations firm.

  His writing career began when August Derleth bought a long Lovecraftian letter of Foster's in 1968 and much to Foster's surprise, published it as a short story in Derleth's bi-annual magazine The Arkham Collector. Sales of short fiction to other magazines followed. His first attempt at a novel, The Tar-Aiym Krang, was bought by Betty Ballantine and published by Ballantine Books in 1972. It incorporates a number of suggestions from famed SF editor John W. Campbell.

  Since then, Foster's sometimes humorous, occasionally poignant, but always entertaining short fiction has appeared in all the major SF magazines as well as in original anthologies and several "Best of the Year" compendiums. Five collections of his short form work have been published.

  Foster's work to date includes excursions into hard science-fiction, fantasy, horror, detective, western, historical, and contemporary fiction. He has also written numerous non-fiction articles on film, science, and scuba diving, as well as having produced the novel versions of many films, including such well-known productions as Star Wars, the first three Alien films, and Alien Nation. Other works include scripts for talking records, radio, computer games, and the story for the first Star Trek movie. In addition to publication in English, his work has appeared and won awards throughout the world. His novel Cyber Way won the Southwest Book Award for Fiction in 1990, the first work of science-fiction ever to do so.

  Though restricted (for now) to the exploration of one world, Foster's love of the far-away and exotic has led him to travel extensively. After graduating from college he lived for a summer with the family of a Tahitian policeman and camped out in French Polynesia. He and his wife JoAnn Oxley, of Moran, Texas, have traveled to Europe and throughout Asia and the Pacific in addition to exploring the back roads of Tanzania and Kenya. Foster has camped out in the "Green Hell" region of the Southeastern Peruvian jungle, photographing army ants and pan-frying piranha (lots of small bones; tastes a lot like trout); has ridden forty-foot whale sharks in the remote waters off Western Australia, and was one of three people on the first commercial air flight into Northern Australia's Bungle Bungle National Park. He has rappelled into New Mexico's fabled Lechugilla Cave, white-water rafted the length of the Zambezi's Batoka Gorge, driven solo the length and breadth of Namibia, crossed the Andes by car , sifted the sands of unexplored archeological sites in Peru, gone swimming with giant otters in Brazil, and surveyed remote Papua New Guinea and West Papua both above and below the water. His filmed footage of Great White Sharks feeding off South Australia has appeared on both American television and the BBC.

  Besides traveling he enjoys listening to both classical music and heavy metal. Other pastimes include basketball, hiking, body surfing, scuba diving, collecting animation on video, and weightlifting. He studied karate with Aaron and Chuck Norris before Norris decided to give up teaching for acting. He has taught screenwriting, literature, and film history at UCLA and Los Angeles City College as well as having lectured at universities and conferences around the country and in Europe. A member of the Science-Fiction Writers of America, the Author's Guild of America, and the Writer's Guild of America, west, he also spent two years serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission of his home town of Prescott, Arizona. Foster's correspondence and manuscripts are in the Special Collection of the Hayden Library of Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.

  The Fosters reside in Prescott in a house built of brick salvaged from a turn-of-the-century miners' brothel, along with assorted dogs, cats, fish, several hundred houseplants, visiting javelina, porcupines, eagles, red-tailed hawks, skunks, coyotes, bobcats, and the ensorceled chair of the nefarious Dr. John Dee. He is presently at work on several new novels and media projects.


  Author: Alan Dean Foster Title: Phylogenesis Series: The Founding the Commonwealth Series No: 01 0f 03 Original copyright year: 1999 Genre: Science Fiction Date of e-text: 05/09/2001 Prepared by: Last Revised: 07/08/2005 Revised by: Jack Version: 1.6 (html) Comments: Please correct any errors you find in this e-text, update the txt file's version number and redistribute. Jack: added all maps.





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