Cancans, Croissants, and Caskets
Page 19
“We are,” Tina said. “Is something the matter? We were waiting for Maria.”
“She’s . . . she’s . . . the police have just arrived,” he stammered. “There’s been a . . . She’s dead.”
Photo by Susan Hamovitch
Mary McHugh graduated from Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts, with a BA in English literature and studied at the Sorbonne in Paris. She is the author of two previous books in the Happy Hoofers series, Chorus Lines, Caviar, and Corpses and Flamenco, Flan, and Fatalities; nineteen nonfiction books; and two other novels. She was a contributing editor for Cosmopolitan, an articles editor at Woman’s World, Travel Holiday, and Bridal Guide, and has written articles for the New York Times, Good Housekeeping, and Family Circle. She loves to tap-dance and to travel—two passions that inspired her to write the Happy Hoofers series. She lives in the New York area. Visit her at
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KENSINGTON BOOKS are published by
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Copyright © 2015 by Mary McHugh
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ISBN: 978-1-6177-3363-5
First Kensington Mass Market Edition: September 2015
eISBN-13: 978-1-61773-364-2
eISBN-10: 1-61773-364-4
First Kensington Electronic Edition: September 2015