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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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by Douglas Howell

  The Cross of Mithras

  Vol. 1

  EOD Operation: Welcome to Hell


  Douglas Howell

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright © 2016

  ISBN: 978-1-944787-49-3

  Thanks to my mom for you love and support.

  My Facebook Page

  Author’s Note

  Since this story takes place in the year 2288, it assumes that humanity has some form of contact with extraterrestrials. The problem with most sci-fi movies and TV shows is that they put a human face on all ETs. That in our image, ideas, and concepts it is the same way as it is with them. This is very arrogant of us as a species. What I have decided to do in writing this book is to think outside the box. That they are not the same as we are, that in some way, they are different. They might seem as equally strange and bizarre to us, as we are to them.


  Who are the Apollinarians? The Apollinarians are the main ETs in the storyline. Although the only Apollinarian in the story is Vaistll Adnrwal in due time she will not be the only one. That one day she will discover her people and will have all of her questions in life answered. But for her, she knows that when that day occurs it will be bitter-sweet. For what she knows about them is the fact that they can have a dark side. For they are the master race and somebody has to be the slave. What makes matters worse is the fact that they have some type of mission on the Earth, and nobody knows what it is, not even Vaistll. It is this mission that brought her to the Earth in the first place.

  Symbolism: The Tylkuoply hive

  The Tylkuoply hive is symbolic of a society that has an, image complex disorder. An image complex disorder is characteristic of an individual and/or society that suffer from an acute image problem. The individual and/or society perceive an unrealistic image as something that they must obtain. The image then becomes their new ego. However, it is an ego without a soul for it robs the individual of just that. The image robs them of their will power as well. In addition, it leaves behind a void that can never be filled with anything other than the image. Hopelessly trapped, their lives begin to spiral out of control until they die or reject the image. The image is just one cell out of many. When taken together, each cell becomes an image complex disorder – the Tylkuoply hive.

  Symbolism: Project 21 & the EOD

  The Era of Darkness is symbolic of the Dark Ages in human history. While Project 21 symbolizes all that is best in human civilization - before the fall of any Empire. It is the fact that the Dark Ages cannot be, overcome with the defeat of a one single nation. But rather it can be overcome with Enlightenment, another Renaissance. The struggle for the Renaissance at times seems to be one sided in favor of the darkness. There will always be those brave heroes who carry that precious torch through the darkness, despite their pain and suffering. For they hold the truth that has long since been forgotten. It is the triumph of the human spirit over evil.

  Table of Contents

  Introduction & Symbolism

  Part One: The Arrival

  Red Book Case File: S219-K4706


  My Life, My Friends, My Crew

  A New Day

  The Mission

  Getting Ready to Roll

  Golden Hyperion

  Peaceful Landing

  Part Two: A Sinister Discovery

  The Two Ghost Towns

  Let’s Rock

  First Contact, First Blood

  A Kick in the Gut

  To Know Fear

  The Science of Terror

  The Dark Hand of Nemesis

  Part Three: The Army of Demons

  Endless Slaughter

  Soulless Beast

  The Factory

  Wave of Death

  The Airbase

  Darkness Vanquished

  Part One: The Arrival

  Long ago when all the lands were frozen

  There was a family struggling through the bitter cold

  Like all the others, the cold and the hunger was their greatest enemy

  An enemy that delights in the taking of lives without a care

  Then one day with the lost of the young ones, she knew that something must be done

  Food, water, clothing and wood were clay turned into words

  With the numbers of their salvation, a bitter enemy dropped to its knees

  But the enemy would not be vanquished so easily

  For it was a cruel enemy who sent the waters, so bitter, so cold

  With great pain in their heart and soul, they watch their beloved home washed away

  But their hearts were made strong as they created their raft

  Saying goodbye, the water took them to a new land

  Kill and take was their concern as they met the family in the new land

  The gifts and new words became their joy as they said their goodbye

  Traveling for days they were stopped by the mountain made of ice

  Cursed are thou was the meaning of the new word damned

  Traveling on they met the wolf people who devours all

  Run, run, run they did to safety so far away

  The beast of hunger gnawing at their bones

  With the hunger growing more ferocious by the hour

  Three bodies weaken by the day, both by the cold and by the hunger

  Life slowly slips away into the darkness of death

  With a desire to consume the forest, they discover the mushrooms

  The choice of life and death meant nothing to the fllustl who eat a little, and not a lot

  Oh, fortune how you mock us, they all cried

  Pain in the stomach, the lost of food, the dizziness in the head

  They travel off and saw a strange and wonderful sight

  So many people with homes living together in peace and harmony

  Talking to the elders they must prove why they should stay

  Then the fllaistl gave the elders the words that was created

  And for this, they were allowed to stay

  Never forget the value of knowledge dear little ones

  For it will save your life one day

  A story of how the Iomiyyans got their language.

  Red Book: In Effect

  Classification Code: Omega X

  Case 1: Highly Sensitive / Severely Restricted.

  Case 2: Authorize Personnel Only.

  Case 3: Authorize Personnel Only for all Case Files mentioned below.

  Case 4: FOIA Does Not Apply.

  Case 5: Unauthorized Personnel will be shot.

  Case 6: Proper Clearance Code needed for AP to mention any Case Files.

  Case 7: Failure to obey Case 6 - Severe punishment will be levied upon all offending parties.

  Case Files: S219-K4706, BSM-38-M7, YR-5110-SA, PDR-29M, S1482-K12,

  LGU-13AP, KEA 3085-X7, 489-UR24, K32-SF555 and VBF-129

  14 October, 2032: Changed Classification Code to Maximum R

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  11 July, 2057: Changed Classification Code to Authorize HR44

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  15 June, 2077: Changed Classification Code to Epsilon Prime

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  13 August, 2103: Changed Classification Code to Omega Red

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  8 February, 2118: Changed Classification Code to Krypton

; Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  22 November, 2138: Changed Classification Code to Omicron Plus

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  9 April, 2165: Changed Classification Code to Restricted RO44

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  29 March, 2215: Changed Classification Code to Omicron Flat

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  30 July, 2248: Changed Classification Code to Spectral 13

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  24 August, 2255: Changed Classification Code to Ultraviolet 99

  Consult Red Book Classification Code Guide for each Case.

  Sub Case 1: Declassify above mentioned Case Files in 25 years.

  Sub Case 2: Move all mentioned Case Files to Captain Vaistll Adnrwal record.

  Sub Case 3: Access granted to Captain Vaistll Adnrwal COs.

  Sub Case 4: Access denied to Captain Vaistll Adnrwal subordinates

  CASE FILE: S219-K4706

  9 August, 2001


  On 30 June, 2001 at 02:43 PST we arrived at Chinook Pass, Washington. We encountered a small landing craft twice the size of a minivan, which I took to be of extraterrestrial origins. There was one extraterrestrial at the scene which, from the tone of the voice, I took to be a female. From the clothes that she wore and the fact that she had shackles (the chains were broken) on her hands and neck, I took this to mean that she is either an escaped slave, or a captured primitive person. I also notice that in her right hand she had a sword.

  As we approached with caution she became agitated and distressed. Before I had the chance to say anything, she put the sword down at her feet and step away from it. She then put her left hand over her left breast and her breathing appeared labored. I took this to mean that she was having heart problems. I then called for the medic. I notice that as the medic approached she took off the glove on her right hand. As the medic came near, her demeanor suggested that she was trying to calm everybody down.

  I notice that as the medic began to examine her, she put her left hand on the back of his head, and then she put her right hand on his forehead. Although the medic was in no danger, both of them began to act as if though they had a migraine. I notice that both of them had blood (her blood was bluish) coming out of one of their nostrils. After one or two minutes she let go of him, and both of them put their hands on their heads, and reacted as if though they had a major headache.

  PFC Jackson then asks the medic if he was okay. The medic then replied in the language of the extraterrestrial. She, the extraterrestrial, then said in fluent English, ‘You’re thinking in my native tongue. Think in yours.’ She then wanted to know where she was and what type of species we were. She added that she never saw our type of species before. She also wanted to know how she got here. As we tried to explain everything to her, the shock caused her to have major heart problems that needed immediate evac.

  She then said that there was medicine in there, referring to the escape pod. As the medic ran to retrieve the medicine she asked that he also get a large book in there as well. As the medic faced the entrance of the escape pod, he looked to his right; he then reached in with his right hand, and grabs the medikit. He then looked down and saw the book in question. He then put his right foot in the escape pod, at the same time with his left hand, reaches in and grabs the book. An alarm then went off in the escape pod. The medic then turned and ran to where she was, and shielded her from a perceived explosion. As the medic was running to her, I saw the escape pod beginning to glow a soft bluish-white color. It then disappeared in trillions upon trillions of streaks of light. It took about ten seconds from the moment he stood at the entrance of the escape pod, till the moment it disappeared. There were no reported injuries when it disappeared.

  The medic then gave her the heart medication and her condition was beginning to stabilize. The medic found something in the medikit and she asked what it was. They then began to speak in her language. He then told me how long her species can live and how old she was. He added that what he had in his hand could make her 250 years younger, and that there were only two of them left. I gave the okay for her to take one. She then asked where she was and what type of species we are. As we began to explain it to her again, we got the impression that she is a tribal person with no knowledge of modern day technology, let alone more advance technology. I then asked her how she got here and she explained it to me. Seeing that she was in no longer in any need of an immediate evac, I decided that we should return to base.

  Consult Case File: BSM-38-M7 for the debriefing on Project 21 agents who were at the scene.

  Consult Case File: YR-5110-SA for the debriefing on Vaistll.


  Their intentions are unknown. Top priority is given to the discovery of their intentions.


  Consult Case File: PDR-29M for all items collected from Vaistll. Those items are not included in this report because they hold no technological value to us.

  A nano-cloaking device was found in the medikit. This device permits an Apollinarian to look more like a human. The nanoprobes within the device have a six hour cycle which would cause the Apollinarian to de-cloak. There is a four hour waiting period before it can be used again.

  The Apollinarians are using a nano-disassemble security device which prohibits us from acquiring their technology. All field agents MUST contact HQ before entering an Apollinarian vessel.

  It is unknown what type of method the Apollinarians are using to travel through outer space. It can be narrowed down to two possibilities which are; one, a wormhole, and two, they are exploiting a loophole in relativity which is time travel. Before they arrive at their destination they simply travel backwards through time. It is also conceivable that they are using both types of technologies.


  Unfortunately we do not know much about their planet. Since Vaistll did not notice much in the change of gravity, we assume that their planet is the same size as the Earth. Their planet has two large moons, one of which resembles our moon, and the other is more like Saturn’s moon, Titan. That moon is further away. Like the Earth they have only one star.

  Consult Case File S1482-K12 for more detailed information on the Apollinarian planet.


  Vaistll said, ‘So long as it is not a derogatory name, typically, whatever is the name that you call us, that would become the name that we would go by.’ I have therefore decided to name her species, “Apollinarians.” I got the name from Apollinarianis Patera which is a shallow crater on Mars.

  The information that Vaistll gave us on the Apollinarians, paint a very dark picture. That information says there are two different types of intelligence on their planet. The first is the Apollinarians, and the other is called the Half-Wits. That information states that the Apollinarians evolved to be the master race, and the Half-Wits evolved to be the slaves. Both the Apollinarians and the Half-Wits must have evolved through co-evolution.

  The co-evolution that the Apollinarians went through affected the female more than that of the male. While the proto-Apollinarian male was both the provider, and the one who kept order, one group of females had to evolve to assume the role of the male. So if the male was out being the provider, she stayed behind and kept order, and vice-versa. Eventually, both of them evolve to where they could do both together. All of this affected her ability to give birth, as well as her bond with the male. It strengthen the bond, but at the expense of her ability to give birth. Although she still can give birth, most have some type of problem in doing so. So she becomes the Apollinarian, “third” gender. This third gender is called the fllustl, pronounced flu-sta, while the “surrogate” mother is called fllaistl, pronounce
d flea-sta.

  Apollinarians breed at the same rate as humans. Half-Wits, on the other hand, produce a litter of three, to five offspring.

  One out of two, of the big difference between an fllaistl and fllustl is the fact that an fllustl has a muscle memory where they can catch an arrow with their dominant hand. The other difference lies in the fact that an fllustl can run as long as, and hard as a horse. The drawback to them running that hard is they have a tendency to overheat, depending upon the weather.

  On Vaistll’s home continent the enslavement of the Apollinarians was either-or. They also stop enslaving the Half-Wits. This is in part due to the discovery of agriculture. She was very adamant in suggesting that it went against the Half-Wits nature in enslaving an Apollinarian. Outside of Vaistll’s home continent, the Apollinarians enslaved the Half-Wits without it being either-or. It was a rarity for the Half-Wits to enslave each other on her continent.

  The Apollinarians did not want the Half-Wits to handle their food due to the possibility of being sickened by them. This was because the food that the Half-Wits could eat was typically soiled, rotten, or even molded.

  The height of a typical Apollinarian is between 6’4” to 7’4.” If their height is outside of this range they will have some type of a physical deformity. A Half-Wit is typically shorter than 6’1.” It is rare for them to be taller than that.


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