The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell Page 41

by Douglas Howell

  For the first time since they been together, La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o and Dr. Costa got into an argument over the height of the Imperial family. She wanted them to be their original height, he didn’t. She told him that she was going to do it whether he wanted her to or not. He then turned around and mentioned under his breath, ‘ynieno’ (e-nay-no), which in the Hau’rino language means: thanks, thank you, etc. She then smiled when she heard him say that and said, ‘You’re welcome. Don’t worry about it my love. Everybody will still look up to him like they always did.’ He just smiled and walked on.

  Before that March was over with, Emperor Zeno’y’lk was resurrected. The people quickly learned that, although he can be ruthless to his enemies, he was more of a benevolent ruler than a malevolent one. He is highly-intelligent, very smart, quick-witted, loves to laugh, multi-language, enjoys all types of music and movies, multi-cultural, well articulated, and quite appreciative. But what they loved the most about him was he gave them a sense of purpose. He gave them something to believe in that is greater than then themselves without it making them arrogant. He had that spiritual wisdom that could guide them through their darkest hour. He’s the type of an Emperor that the people would die for and he never would ask them to. The people loved him.

  The people also got another gift before that March was through – the Empress. Like her husband she is intelligent, smart and well learned. She is happy-go-lucky, and kind hearted. She is the reason why her husband is a benevolent ruler. She warmed his heart with love. She was not born of royal blood. She is a former actress who caught his eye. The two of them fell deeply in love with each other after they met. They became the celebrity couple on Golden Hyperion.

  The people would stand there in those months of April and May, in any type of weather, looking at the 7’3” Emperor Ikanyney (e-ka-ni-nay) and the 7 foot Empress Naya’ni (na-ya ni) Zeno’y’lk giving their speeches of praise and congratulations. It made the people feel proud. The people felt closer to the royal family then to their own politicians in the whole galaxy. The people would do anything for them. And all that is being asked of them is to prepare the Omicron Ultra star system for the arrival of 3.11 million Hau’rino nationals and x number of humans.

  With the resurrection of Emperor Ikanyney Zeno’y’lk in that month of March, the Hau’rino Empire was reborn. Throughout the month of April the rest of the Imperial family was resurrected. All of them kept their original heights. From that point forward, it is the Emperor who would choose who to bring back next. The people did, and didn’t care that the rest of the Hau’rino nationals were not their original heights. As for the Hau’rino nationals, they were glad that they were free of the Tylkuoply hive.

  There were no more than twenty thousand humans living on Golden Hyperion in March 2289. And they would have laughed at the thought that they might become a major power one day. And now, with someone who they consider a true Emperor, they are starting to believe that one day they may turn out to be a major power, a force to be reckoned with.

  They consider all other Emperors to be fake because with Zeno’y’lk, his blood-line goes back at least 2 -to-3,000 years – uninterrupted. In the year 2354, the remaining 3.11 million Hau’rino nationals will be brought back. And shortly after that, the Omicron Ultra star system will become a major power in the region.

  One year, after La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o got his body back, on Valentine’s Day, both he, and Dr. Costa (she was six months pregnant) got married. The entire Imperial family, including the crew of Ziin’lyi’tols, was there on that day. Everyone look so beautiful on that day. Both the Emperor, and the Empress’ outfit complimented their color. Ikanyney, like Vaistll, is a beautiful red, while Naya’ni is a beautiful blue. Their outfits also complimented each other.

  Although 48% of the Hau’rino nationals (including Ikanyney, Naya’ni and their children), who were once part of the Tylkuoply hive, became a cyborg, La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o did not. They did it because of one simple fact: the Tylkuoply hive does not like cyborgs. The cybernetics components interfere with controlling the individual.

  For all of the successes of the new, revived, Hau’rino Empire, none of it would have been possible if not for the sacrifices of both Galactic Prime and Task Force ZH-3C. And the people never forgot that. The story of their losses will always be told, and re-told throughout the history of the Hau’rino Empire. The Hau’rino nationals, out of gratitude, just like in the founding of their capital Tyknuna, built a very beautiful hallowed monastery and shrine to the two teams. They also added a obelisk to those who lost their lives. In the Hau’rino tradition, like with their capital, they placed the monastery, the shrine and the obelisk on the battlefield. Nobody cared about those like Mad Dawg who did wrong. They only remember the honor, the courage, the bravery, and the sacrifices on that day. The survivors of the two teams will one day choose to be buried there. They are the only ones who can.


  Four days after arriving on the Robotic Control moon, Ramirez finally acquired all the information that he needed. That information told him that they will not have any problems in getting to Golden Hyperion. He wish that he knew precisely what the EOD plans for the star system was. Other than where Galactic Prime is located, it is the orbit above Golden Hyperion where the Marines (who came before Galactic Prime arrived) found any more resistance in the star system. The only, and unknown, resistance that is left is on Golden Hyperion.

  As soon as Ramirez got back to Galactic Prime he immediately went to the Conference Room to talk to Vaistll, Taylor and Second Lieutenant Murphy. Ramirez just didn’t know what to make of all of the intelligence that he collected. The EOD is defending the star system as if though something valuable is located there. But there isn’t any intelligence that could explain what is located there.

  “So what did you find out about the EOD forces in this star system?” Vaistll asked Ramirez.

  “A paradox.” Ramirez responded.

  “What do you mean by, ‘a paradox’?” Taylor asked.

  “There are no more EOD forces, robotic or otherwise, that we have to deal with. At least not until we get to Golden Hyperion. That would suggest that what is here is not that important. But the EOD is not treating this system as such.”

  “Do you have any ideals as to why they might be acting that way?” Second Lieutenant Murphy asked.

  “Only Golden Hyperion can answer that question.” Ramirez responded.

  “Then in what matter are they treating this star system that gives the impression that it is important?” Taylor asked.

  “Well… there is the link to their behavior with Roscadia. Then there is the extreme length that they are taking in protecting this system. Such as, the Robotic Control moons that we already encountered. Then there is the defenses in orbit, and on the ground at Golden Hyperion. They converted the third planet into a supply and some type of a huge industrial-super-complex. And they converted another planet into the communicational equivalent of the third planet. All of that suggests that something extremely valuable is on Golden Hyperion.”

  “Just HOW powerful is that communication on the third planet IS?” Vaistll asked in a concerned tone of voice.

  “Ma’am… that too is another paradox. It’s so powerful that it can communicate with all EOD forces in the known galaxy. But it is not operational.” Ramirez responded.

  “Why?” Second Lieutenant Murphy asked.

  “Once again… only Golden Hyperion can answer that question. Let me put it to you this way: the EOD is acting like their Central Command & Control Headquarters is located on Golden Hyperion, but it isn’t. Not by a long shot.”

  “Do you have any ideals as to what IS on Golden Hyperion?” Taylor asked.

  “Nothing but dead Marines, Special Forces… and too many dead Project 21 agents. In short, a blood bath. As to the type of EOD forces… it was probably mentioned in the report that Admiral Lowenthal was suppose to give us. So I have no ideal what is, and isn’t there.”

; “What type of defenses should we expect when we get there?” Lieutenant Murphy asked. He was too deeply concerned since Galactic Prime has no defenses.

  “The Marines kicked in the door for us. As to how big that door is… I have no idea. Let alone what their defense are.” Ramirez responded.

  “Then let’s get this showboat on a roll.” Vaistll said.

  With that, they all got up and went to the bridge. Second Lieutenant Murphy than gave the orders to head for Golden Hyperion. Vaistll then turned and looked at Ramirez, thought for a moment, and then asked Murphy to open the ship’s intercom to all decks and crewmembers. She then led the crew in a prayer for a blessing of their trip. She did that because she was afraid they might all die on Golden Hyperion. Ramirez was the only one who knew that was the reason why she wanted to pray.


  “You fuckin’ asshole!” Crewman Guerrero said to Crewman Kaminski.

  “So what cha goin’ to do about it… you pussy? Cry?” Crewman Kaminski said.

  Both of them were in the barracks along with Wexler, Caparzo, Lucarelli, Blumenthal, and Coté. Everybody was trying their best to ignore both of them, but it wasn’t easy. Guerrero and Kaminski wasn’t angry with each other, they were just bored out of their minds. So both of them were trying to out-tough-guy each other.

  “How ‘bout I’ll shoot your ass!” Guerrero said pointing a loaded handgun at Kaminski.

  “What da fuck is goin’ on in here?” Sanchez said.

  “Nothing ma’am. Kaminski is just being an uber pussy.” Guerrero said.

  “You cock suckin’ mother fucker.” Kaminski said. He then shot Guerrero and said, “Take that you pussy!”

  “You two are fuckin’ crazy!” Sanchez said.

  “Relax ma’am. Don’t let your panties crawl up your bitch-hole. Both of us, like everyone else, have nanoprobes that will heal us. Plus these handguns are from the latter 20th century. And both of us are wearing body armor. We’re bullet proof ma’am.” Guerrero said.

  Guerrero then shot at and missed Kaminski. The bullet came so close to hitting Wexler in the right side of his head he felt the bullet going by. He then raised his right hand up, touched his ear, looked at his fingers and shook his head.

  “It’s not bullet-proof you morons! It’s bullet resistance! Which means…!” Sanchez was saying.

  Guerrero then shot Kaminski. The bullet went through his body armor and into him. The nanoprobes in him then repaired him, moved the bullet to his stomach, and then started to make him cough it up. Sanchez started to say something, but Guerrero beat her to it.

  “What’s the matter… you goin’ to cry?” Guerrero said in a mocking matter.

  Before Kaminski could finished coughing up the bullet, Guerrero shot him again. Kaminski stood there trying to swallow the bullet since he was shot, at the same time trying to cough it up. Guerrero stood there laughing out loud until Kaminski shot him. Guerrero then shot him in his right arm, five inches below Kaminski’s elbow.

  “Oh god it hurts!” Kaminski cried out in pain after he spit out the bullet.

  “It’s suppose to hurt you dumbass!” Sanchez yelled at him.

  Kaminski stood there looking at the nanoprobes healing him. When the nanoprobes finished healing him, Kaminski shot at, and missed Guerrero. The bullet went below Sanchez’s right arm, below her arm pit. She then raised her arm up, and looked at where she thought the bullet went. She then got fed up with their behavior.

  “You two knock it off before I’ll throw both of you into the brig so fast it will make your heads spin! Do you read me!?” Sanchez yelled at them.

  “Yes ma’am.” Both Guerrero and Kaminski said at the same time.

  “Now you two dumbasses listen to me right now. I…” Sanchez started to say. She was interrupted by Second Lieutenant Murphy.

  “Attention! This is acting captain Second Lieutenant Murphy. Captain Vaistll Adnrwal would like to have a word with you.”

  Vaistll then told the crew that they are now underway to Golden Hyperion. She then asked them to pray with her. When Vaistll was finished, Sanchez got back to dealing with Guerrero and Kaminski.

  “You know…” Sanchez was saying. “…I know that all of you hate me. And… you probably want to kill me when you get the chance.”

  “Why do you say that ma’am?” Wexler asked her.

  “Come on now. I’m not stupid. I watch movies. I know how it is with you guys. But what I want all of you to remember is this: you don’t have to kill me. Knowing these two dumbasses… they will not only kill me, but also each one of you.”

  “I heard that.” Caparzo said.

  “So here is a suggestion to each one of you… update your Goodbye Video before we arrive at Golden Hyperion.” Sanchez said. She then left.

  The Goodbye Video that she was referring to is the one that they are told to make in case they die. It is for their family and friends. A way to help them to heal. It always starts out in the same way, “If you are watching this… then I guess I died.” When Sanchez mentioned the video, she was not referring to the behavior of Guerrero and Kaminski in the sense that they might get each of them killed, but rather to Golden Hyperion. Those who confronted the EOD before knew what she meant.

  Sanchez left to quickly update her Goodbye Video. She never did update it before. But now she feels that she should update it. In her Goodbye Video she told her children that she died a long time ago. She mentioned that she died when the EOD did what they did to their father. She said that she was sorry for how she treated them. She said that one day they will understand. She said that the only way she could die in peace, is to die striking a major blow to the EOD. In her Goodbye Video, she mentioned that she believes that if they can win, and she dies on Golden Hyperion, then she can rest in peace.


  While Galactic Prime was heading to Golden Hyperion, both Dr. Verrone and Tech Specialist Torrio went through something that they will never forget as long as they live. Both of them were examining the Liquid Death jar. Torrio had his unpleasant experience with it first, early in the morning. Afterward he immediately took the jar to Dr. Verrone.

  “So what did you learn about it?” Dr. Verrone asked.

  “It’s a haunted liquid.” Torrio responded.

  “How do you figure?”

  “First: it can amplify an electrical current. Second: it gives off high EMPs.”

  “So how does that make it haunted?”

  “After I finished testing it’s electrical conductivity, I started to remove a diode… and I got a static shock. My life then flash before my eyes. I then started to hear…”

  “Hear what? What did you hear?”

  “Whispers. Thousands of them. I then had this strong feeling that a thousand people were watching me. And then I felt…”

  “What? What did you feel?”

  “Something blew in my right ear.”

  “Maybe it was something in the room.”

  “No. I already thought about that. But I couldn’t logically narrow it down… as to what could have caused it. There was nothing in the room that caused it.”

  “Maybe it was a draft or an open door.”

  “Look around this room… if something blew in your ear… could you narrow it down?”

  “No… I guess not.”

  “After a few moments… after whatever it was that blew in my ear… I finally understood what that liquid really is. I couldn’t believe it until I did some research.”

  “What is it?”

  “It… IS… liquid death. A liquid form of pure death. Perhaps some type of a vortex into the afterlife. A gateway into the afterlife.”

  “What led you to draw that conclusion?”

  “There are certain similarities between ghost haunting and electricity. When a ghost comes into this world it draws in heat making the room colder. A ghost also creates an EMP field. Which is why ghost hunters use an EMP reader. Ghost hunters also uses an electronic recording device to record a ghost, quote-
talk-end quote, to them. The ghost doesn’t actually talk to them. The ghost hunter asks the ghost a question, if the ghost is there then the recording device records the answer. A ghost is supposed to talk at a level that humans cannot. All electronic recording devices uses an electromagnet.

  All of that suggest that the soul is electrical. Electricity is energy. Heat is a form of energy. If you ran a electrical current through a copper wire it would produce a magnetic field. And if you ran a magnet over a copper wire it would produce a electric current.”

  “So… you’re saying that ALL machines have a soul?”

  “No. There is one thing that separates you from a machine… a conscious. Don’t forget that your body produces a bio-electric field.”

  Dr. Verrone being more of a scientist than religious had no commit. He didn’t say anything because science couldn’t completely explain Double Shock away. He couldn’t prove, or disprove whether or not Little John’s soul went into the afterlife and Double Shock’s soul came back.

  “Look…” Torrio continued on. “…for right now I’m done with that jar. Yes I do have some ideals about how I might be able to use that jar to achieve our objectives… but right now I’m just too creep out to continue. So you can have a go at it.”

  “Alright.” Dr. Verrone said. Torrio then left.

  Several hours into Dr. Verrone studying the liquid, he started to feel as if though he was being watch by someone.. He knew that one of the systems of being exposed to high EMPs is the feeling that you are being watch, so he did nothing. While he was reaching for his cup of coffee, it slid across the table, fell into the floor and broke. He then heard somebody walk behind him, and when he turn to look he saw the door open and close. He knew that an EOD Ultra Class ship has sensors to detect anyone with a cloaking device on. If the ship even detects one single cloaking device, used or not, the alarms will sound. Remembering what Torrio said about being able to record, but not being able to hear a ghost, he decided to listen to his recording device. Dr. Verrone then got the shock of his life. He could clearly hear a man’s voice, talking in some language that he didn’t recognize. He then called La’jyn’eu to see if he could recognize the language. Dr. Verrone was nervous, scared and shook up by what he just experienced. For the first time in his life, he started to believe in the afterlife.


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