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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

Page 85

by Douglas Howell

  Although the EOD would have embrace mind control technology they didn’t because it was viewed as the technology of a dystopian civilization. As time went on it was no longer viewed in that manner. It was the desire of a person to fit in that the EOD had always capitalize upon, so there was no need to embrace mind control technology. If there ever was an attempted coup within the EOD all of that could change in a heartbeat. No more infiltrations, no more rebellions, no more people like Lenkov, Omori and Ramirez. Although there will never be people like Parker who wished to join, the EOD would no longer have to persuade people to join. It could make them. The EOD would become an unstoppable killing machine. All would fall before it, and all would stand up against it.

  The Founder always had the clarity of power not to embrace technology that would turn hordes of people against the EOD. There were times in which he was put under extreme pressure to embrace such technology but he stood firm. In time, people stopped questioning his orders. It was something that he hated, but he learned to live with. What the Founder wanted was an idea that maybe he haven’t come up with yet. But because of his intelligence, that rarely occurred. He wanted smart people around him not mindless puppets. But that’s all that he ever got.

  Until that data on his wife was uncovered nobody really knew anything about her. Oh, everyone knew that the Founder had a wife, but nobody knew who she was. People, including the enemies of the EOD, knew far more on the Founder than his wife. Is not for lack of want or try, or the difficulties on finding out who she is, but for some reason or another there was no information on her. Some people jokingly said that maybe the solution is one of those Norman Bates sort of things where the Founder and his wife is the same person. And now, here is the data on her. Somebody, most likely her supporters along with herself, obviously wanted information on her to be preserved. But the most shocking thing about her, is not what was done to her, but rather what that data said of her.

  She was born Cynthia Amber Vella in Anzio, Italy on October 23, 1978 to an Italian mother and a American soldier. Her father was a good Christian man who wanted to marry her mother so that they wouldn’t have an illegitimate child, but her mother refused to get married. Nevertheless, he stayed with her even after she gave birth. Hoping that she might change her mind before their daughter was born. It was her father who gave her, her name. He wanted to give her a name that went well with her mother’s last name. For the next seven years her father tried his best to be a good father to her. He even taught her some English. He cried as he held her when he had to return back home to the States. He told her in English (her mother couldn’t speak a word of it) that when she is old enough to move out, to remember that he left her a present at the base where he was stationed at.

  Her mother, however, was never a good mother. Cynthia’s mother was an atheist, a socialist, a drunk, a porn addict. She would occasionally bring men home with her to have sex with them. Sometimes she would yell at, and curse at, some of those men and throw things at them. But not once did she ever hurt the young Cynthia. Some of those men saw things in Cynthia that her mother could not. It was clear to those men, and to her father, that she was gifted and smart.

  In 1991 two events occurred that would forever change Cynthia’s life. First her mother asked her if she knew what the ancient Roman name for Anzio was. When Cynthia said that she didn’t know, her mother told her that it was Antium. She then asked her if she knew which two Roman Emperors were born there. Cynthia said that she didn’t know. Her mother told her that it was Caligula and Nero. She then told Cynthia that her birthday is in the middle of both of those two Emperors. Which is why her mother started to call her “Nero’s little boot.” Her mother then told her that her family originally came from Genoa and after the end of the war they moved down to Anzio. She then told Cynthia that her family had lived in Genoa for several centuries. But what she said next had the greatest impact upon Cynthia’s life. Her mother told her that their ancient name once was Visconti and she (Cynthia) was born 666 years after the establishment of the Visconti supremacy. When Cynthia asked her Italian family if what her mother said was true, they said that the part about Genoa is true, but as for the part about the Visconti lineage they neither confirmed nor deny it. Because of that, Cynthia believe that it was all true. She would later find out that the Visconti lineage was a lie, but the damage was already done. The second event is when she saw her mother kill a man before her eyes, but it freed her from her mother.

  During her mother’s trial Cynthia informed the judge that she wanted to live with her father. But her mother’s family wanted her to stay with them. It was also during the trial that she learned her mother’s lie about her family lineage. (Her mother had no explanation on why she mentioned that.) Cynthia’s break came when the judge asked her if she knew whether or not her father wanted her. When she mention that her father left her some type of gift at the base where he used to be stationed at and that she doesn’t know what it is, the judge allowed it to be submitted in court as evidence on her behalf. The gift that her father left her was all the information, including money, if she ever wanted to come to the States to live with him. With that in mind, combine with her mother’s behavior, her Italian family indifference, and her potential, the judge allowed her to live with her father. (Her Italian family never appealed the judge’s decision.)

  Although her father had her best interest at heart, he made the serious mistake of trying to undo what her mother did to her by falsely thinking that she needed Christianity in her life. She wanted her father, not Christianity, in her life. He misinterpreted her resistance to Christianity as nothing more than the damage that her mother caused to her is far deeper than he originally thought. He would try different tactics of trying to reach her, but not once did he ever consider that she wanted the father that she once remembered. He always falsely assumed that he was being a good father by being a good Christian. It never occurred to him, nor would he have believed it, that the two are two different things. The only good thing that her father ever did for her was to push her in furthering her education. He was tough, hard and fair in that regard, and she respected him for that.

  In 1998 while she was at Yale she got a luckily break but it changed her in a negative way. She was a very beautiful woman - 5’10” tall, blonde, blue eyed, long legs, great smile, pear-shaped breast, an IQ of 182 – a perfect model, and she was recruited as one. She got the chance to hang around beautiful, famous people, who gave her sympathy pains for what she went through as a child. Her talents and her IQ also helped to further her career. She was a gifted and very talented singer/actress. One day she will become worldly famous and she, her father, and everybody else, knew it. But there was one problem – everybody kept on stroking her ego.

  By the time she turned 25 her career went as far as it could go. She was not worldly famous. Only one cameo in a major movie and three low-budget ones. The reason: she became a diva. Too self-absorbed, too shallow, and too vane. She loved her body so much that she had a mirror placed over her bed just so that she could watch herself masturbate. And then her life changed forever.

  While she was at a Mensa meeting she met the Founder of the EOD. The two of them were drawn to each other. As she would later put it, “It was as if though I knew him all of my life. Like we knew each

  other in a past life. It’s why we got married.” It became clear in the beginning (even to both of them) that they didn’t love each other. But there was something inside both of them that said that they were meant to be together. When she was 28 years old, after they’ve been married for two years, she finally learned that he was the Founder of the EOD. Her reaction – all she said was, “You could have at least told me this sooner. I always wanted to be the Queen of the Earth.” Shortly after that she got pregnant with their first, and only, child. Although he was delighted to have a son, she was scared and she didn’t know why. Her next action would change everything.

  She made the decision (without telling him) that,
not only is she going to have an abortion but also, she is going to get a hysterectomy. Although he was beyond furious, not once did he ever threaten to have her killed. He complained constantly to his closest advisors about that. Both of them were driven insane over the incident. They didn’t love each other, not once did he had the thought to kill her, she told her closest advisors that she didn’t trust him around their future son, and yet they couldn’t explain their strange feelings. She finally broke down one day and told the Founder that she had this strange feeling that he was going molest their son one day. She would later write in her journal that the look in the Founder’s face told her that her feelings were correct. The very next entry in her journal simply read the following, “Both of us had a dream that explain everything. My God. The life, the pain, the horror of being married to that man. Nonyous qrvlb of a man.” It was the last entry.

  “Maybe I was mistaken. Maybe the best thing to do is to let her out.” Omori said to herself after she read the final entry in Cynthia’s journal.


  “Ma’am, I think you need to come and see this.” Ramirez informed Vaistll.

  “What is it?” She asked him. Not knowing what horror awaits her. Starting to grow tired of hearing of the same old song and dance.

  “Like I said, ‘you need to come and see this.’”

  “Alright. Where are you?”

  “Subterranean Sector: Security Storage.” Ramirez informed his captain.

  It was not an easy thing for Vaistll to find the 4S. The area was so top secret that the computer didn’t acknowledged it’s existence, nor did it provide help on a person’s location. Once they cross a certain point the computer, no matter how far they travel, inform them that they are still at that point. The only reason why Ramirez found it is was because of a sneak thief who headed there. It was so typical of the EOD to design places like that when they want to hide something of value. Neither Colonel Blackburn nor Captain Dawson knew of the existence of the 4S. Nobody really did.

  When she finally found Ramirez she didn’t asked him about the fate of the sneak thief because she knew that whoever it was, they must have been a member of the EOD Spec-Ops. The person knew where they were going. Which is why only Ramirez went after him. Ramirez knew all the techniques that any EOD Spec-Ops may use to sneak inside. So he kept his “eyes and ears” open. The only way to deal with someone in the EOD Spec-Ops, who is obviously on a suicide mission, is to kill them. And that is what Ramirez had to do.

  Written on the blast proof door were the words, “Holding Cell. Subject: Medusa Pandora.” Both of them just stood there for a brief moment before they went in. What they saw was an oddity. From what they could tell, the EOD went to extreme lengths to keep this monster in her holding cell. Normally the EOD would have destroy it if it was so dangerous that they couldn’t control it. This holding cell had all the hallmarks of a prison cell. Not something that is design to hold some new monster. They could also tell from the technology that it was seventy to eighty years old. If the technology is that old then surely the original purpose of Golden Hyperion may have been to contain this monster. But why go through all of that trouble for this monster?

  Medusa Pandora, as they could see through the shatter proof reinforced glass, stood at 9’4” tall, black, look like a cross between a dark Goth queen and the Grim Reaper himself. Had a featureless face with two reddish oval eyes. Whatever this cybernetic monstrosity could do, the EOD at the time period must have given it unholy powers of darkness. Just simply from looking at it told both of them that there is no way that they will ever let it out. They don’t want to know what it can do. They don’t want to find out the hard way how to destroy it. They want to leave it alone and forget about it.

  When Sayaka first looked at the decrypted data on who, or what, Medusa Pandora is, she only briefly looked at it. She knew that Task Force ZH-3C time was precious and she didn’t want to waste it. Part of what she told Vaistll was based on her suspicions. Later, after she finished reading the personnel data on Mrs. Idelle, she read the technical part and reached a crossroad. A part of Sayaka wanted to let out Medusa Pandora because of who Mrs. Idelle was in her past life. The other part strongly feared the consequences if that occurred. It was Medusa Pandora’s power that she feared.

  Medusa Pandora’s power made her the ultimate genetic assassin. She had the genetic makeup of all known intelligent life forms, and the diseases that can kill them, in data form, inside of her. Although that may not seem like much, she also had the base pairs of those life form’s DNA. Having the base pair of all of those DNA allowed her to create any DNA of her choosing. To make matters worse, she had the capability to combine the DNA in any format. In effect, she was nothing more than a walking bio-weapon laboratory. Is it any wonder why Sayaka felt the way that she did?

  Sayaka knew that there is no way that Joseph would let anybody let Medusa Pandora out. She knows that there is nothing that she could say to convince him otherwise. And yet her intuition tells her that it is going to happen. Unfortunately her intuition is right. Somebody will come and let out the monster, but not for several decades. Because of everything that was going on that godforsaken world, Sayaka was starting to get deeply spiritually frustrated. It was not enough to cause her to question her beliefs. But it was enough to cause her to do a lot of soul searching. She was looking for a higher reason and knowing full well that the answer never comes in the present, only from the future. Her soul searching would eventually change the course of history forever.


  While en route to the lab complex the pilots bearing reinforcements and supplies saw the army of demons approaching the lab complex. None of the pilots could find a safe place to land. They didn’t have the time or the opportunity. All they could do was to circle overhead watching the horror that was going on below them. It was quite demoralizing. The pilots, because of their training, knew that they had to find another place to land to prevent the further demoralization of the crew. But the damage was already done. The crew lost full faith and confidence and started to realize that they were on a suicide mission. They weren’t the only one.

  “Oh my god! I thought I heard an emergency beacon!” 2nd Lieutenant Sinclair mentioned over the intercom. Nobody heard it.

  “What the hell are you talking about? What emergency beacon?” One of the pilots responded.

  “I could have sworn that I… There it goes again! I think it’s coming north of my position” Sinclair mentioned. Before Sinclair’s co-pilot could say anything, she heard it too.

  “Then how come I haven’t heard it?” One of the pilots asked Sinclair.

  “Because you’re south of my position! I’m going to go and check it out.” Sinclair snapped back.

  “No you’re not! You’re the one carry our supplies!” One of the reinforcement personnel mentioned.

  “Well… there’s a problem.” Sinclair responded.

  “What?” The personnel asked.

  “I outrank you, and I’m going.” Sinclair responded.

  As Sinclair headed to where he thought the signal was coming from it started to get louder. But not by that much. Eventually he found the source and to everybody’s surprise, it was coming from a previous unknown entrance to the tunnel that Mad Dawg met his demons. Since no one wanted to go into the tunnel (afraid of the demons down there) Sinclair and his co-pilot went down there and discovered the lone survivor - 1st Lieutenant Illes.

  Everybody, including the defenders at the lab complex, couldn’t believe the miracle that was Illes. It was the one thing that everybody needed to lift their spirits. If the lieutenant could survive an army of demons, then surely they could as well. But for Illes, he was still trapped in his nightmare. It was only Sinclair’s co-pilot who managed to get out of Illes how he managed to escape. Illes used his good left leg to push him into the waste duct. When he landed in the bio waste, he waited for the nanoprobes to heal his broken left arm and wrist. As for his right leg one of the Demon X’s sna
pped it off at the knee. When his body was well enough he climb out of the waste and crawled to where the supplies were. He then noticed that there was an emergency beacon there so he activated it.

  After the medic helicopter came and took Illes to the nearby hospital, Sinclair and his co-pilot return to their duties and waited for the attack upon the lab complex to come to an end. In the meantime, both of them lied about Illes’ state of mind. He would at times laugh hysterically and say, “You’re not going to eat me! I would rather drown!” It was clear to the doctors that Illes would forever need psychiatric counseling for the rest of his life. Through his momentary lapse of sanity, he made it absolutely clear how much he hated Captain Dawson. Illes called him a coward and a traitor for deserting him and his personnel. The news media was there to record him saying that, and Dawson would later hear it being repeated over and over again by the media.

  At Omori’s request, and when Illes was well enough to make the journey, he was transported back to The Hammer of Doom. She saw the most pitiful sight, a man who survived the most incredible odds, sitting up in his bed with the look of shear terror in his eyes, crying. (Lenkov and Maxwell came by earlier to meet him, and out of pity, gave him a promotion.) She didn’t know what to say to him. What could she say? Things will get better. At least he is alive. She stood there trying to find the right words to say until the doctor noticed her.

  “Omori, what are you doing here?” Deveau, the doctor on duty, asked her.

  “I was wondering that myself. I was doing soul searching earlier and thought…” She responded. She couldn’t bring herself to finish her thought.


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