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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

Page 96

by Douglas Howell


  “And so it begins.” Grumett said with a sigh. Unlike the Demon Cy-X army this one had all the so-call training of Captain Dawson. Each one did not underwent the training since it was either in their genetic makeup, something that was imbedded within the physiology of their brains, or it was a little bit of both. Whatever the case, the defenders have their work cut out from them.

  “We are not here to kill you, we’re just here to bleed you slowly! All in the effort to make you suffer and yearn for the fiery realm of HELL!” They all heard it coming from the loudspeaker within the new beast army. Everyone had their own term for this army but what Ramirez called it seemed somehow appropriate. It will take a little more death and suffering before they will have to call it that.

  “Now who’s being the stupid bitch! You fucking cunt whore!” Grumett yelled at Olivia who just left to attack the new threat. What was surprising (or at least should have been) was how long Olivia lasted before her dropship was shot down. The strange thing about it was that it sounded like she was singing some very old gangsta rap song.

  “Hey Valeria don’t worry, me and my crew will come and rescue you!” Olivia said over the intercom. She laughed after she finished the transmission.

  Olivia held a strong defensive position that she called her “hood.” She was a strong fiercely proud black woman from one of America’s west coast ghettos. She loved serving under the EOD, especially under Lenkov, because they showed that they cared about her hood. It was Lenkov who gave her a second chance when she would have spent the rest of her life behind bars. How did the EOD feel about giving these people a second life? Nothing. The EOD always understood why these people would care so much about the hood, they were the same way with their so-call hood. Both Lenkov and Omori saw it more as a business investment. They did, and they didn’t care, about these people. Criminals are just that, but if not, if the only thing that the people are doing is just surviving than they still have value that their own society did not, or would not, see. Olivia Porter loved serving on The Hammer of Doom so much that she called both Lenkov and Omori her “homies.” Both of them loved that. And now here she is fixing to die a hero.

  Although Olivia Porter died last both her and her crew manage to hold off the enemy long enough that it gave the defenders extra time. Without the her sacrifice it was quite possible that this new army would have taken the lab complex. Worse still, too many would have died. Both combined would have meant that without a doubt Dawson would have possibly have won. It’s not to say that he would have, it’s to say that it would have made victory for the defenders that much more problematic.

  At the same time that Olivia took off Caleb Hackett manned the Weapons Control Computer and reprogrammed it. If Valeria knew she would have stopped him but she was just too busy dealing with Peter J. Mazzinghi. Hackett was just shear brutal in having the SAI gun down literally everything and everyone (friendlies included). (The SAI was one of Sayaka’s inventions and it stood for Superior AI. It was her prototype of true machine intelligence. [Some actually thought that it was an actual machine intelligence.]) Caleb was quite enthusiastic about the blood and slaughter that he was causing upon the battlefield. Eager and excited about the chaos that he was causing he went around reprogramming that which he could get access to. Although he did not want to target any friendlies and he knew that was an automatic death sentence, he also knew how rare it is to successfully execute that order. It’s not that he wanted to target them, it’s just that if they get in the way… oh well. What further caused him not to care is the fact that an order was given that stated that if he attempts to leave that lab complex he will be executed. Of course the media and the community knows what he looks like. They knew that when he first arrived in the star system. It was a international law that the EOD didn’t mind obeying. And thus Caleb knows that he will die there.

  The death of Caleb Hackett proved that he was never in the EOD military nor had much experience in dealing with them. During the height of the confusion of battle he secretly got to a dropship, kill both the pilot and co-pilot and tried to take off. Although he did know how to pilot a dropship he did not know about the EOD security measures. As soon as he arrived on The Hammer of Doom his DNA was downloaded into the ship’s security. (That he knew but he didn’t fully understand the real significance of it.) Because of who and what he is, and the fact that he can pilot a dropship, any dropship that he tries to steal it’s DNA scanner would read him, go into lockdown mode, put in poisonous gas, then suck it into a gas transformation container which would transform it into harmless gas, then vent it out. Although he died a coward and a monster, it was his actions in changing robotic defensives that help to saved lives. It made it far harder to take the lab complex and that gave the defenders the extra chance to prevail over the attackers.

  “Shit. It’s the peace that spells our doom.” Valeria said under her breath. The beast army stopped their assault and Valeria knew why.

  “Why do you say that?” Mazzinghi asked her.

  “They’re going to regroup, rethink, and it’s going to get harder on us all.” Grumett responded. Now more than ever she wished that she listen to her fiancé. It was also at this time period that Captain Maxwell learned of the attack.


  La’jyn’eu Ikkry’o, Dr. Costa, Dr. Verrone and Tech Specialist Torrio finally arrived on The Hammer of Doom. They brought with them everything that was asked of them. Like Dr. Verrone had suggested from the beginning the crew of Ziin’lyi’tols (EOD Ultra Class M1) must be kept in the dark about what is going on at Golden Hyperion. It was for no other reason than to control any rumors that may end up demoralizing their eventual new guests. Before they arrived the engineers did everything that they could to convince them that everything is okay. They even went so far as to take the old bodies of both Lenkov and Omori and made them remote controlled so as to create the impression that nothing too serious occurred to either one of them.

  “It’s been a little more than a month hasn’t it.” Lenkov asked his guests.

  “Yes.” La’jyn’eu responded.

  “Have you gotten anywhere with that jar of Liquid Death?” Sayaka asked them.

  “It’s a very strange thing that not even in Hau’rino can we figure out how Mynik’ny’nuta did what she did.” Dr. Costa responded.

  “Give us the information on all that you have attempted and we might be able to help you.” Sayaka informed them. They acted like they didn’t trust her.

  “You know… if you keep on treating us like the enemy… you will regret it.” Lenkov responded.

  “Why would we regret it?” La’jyn’eu asked.

  “Forgive our deception but we agree with Dr. Verrone. If you knew all that we knew than you would agree with him. It’s best for each you that what you wish to have in your future, that your crew is left in the dark.” Both Lenkov and Omori said at exact same time. It was the way in which they said it that convinced them that they are not dealing with two people – but one.

  “Give us something. Something to help to explain why we would regret it.” La’jyn’eu asked them. At that point he fully understood why Dr. Verrone was right.

  “Your ship will be infiltrated. Task Force ZH-3C is doing all that they can to stop that from occurring but we can not guarantee their success.” Lenkov informed them.

  “Why are the two of you acting like robots?” La’jyn’eu asked them.

  “Don’t ask.” Sayaka responded. She sounded like a robot.

  “The two of you are asking a lot from us. You should know that we are not willing…” La’jyn’eu was saying. They heard a sound come from both Lenkov and Omori that suggested that they are dealing with two robots. They then heard a sound coming from the large screen viewer. On it was an image of both Lenkov and Omori.

  “We’re stuck in this ship’s computers. Like I said… don’t ask… or it would demoralize you.” Lenkov informed them. They could tell that it was him and they didn’t want to
push it.

  “We’re sorry to hear what you are implying that happened to each of you. Please understand that I am starting to trust you more because of your openness. But we still need to know more.” La’jyn’eu said he did felt sorry for both of them. He couldn’t begin to imagine the hell that both of them are going through. He knows how much they love each other. It reminds him of something.

  “There is a madman by the name of Captain Marcus J.B. Dawson who is now part of a GET-ME. He has with him the prototypes for two clones. Both are stage one and we will give you the Intel about both. Downloading now. Understand that he wants the genetic makeup of the Tylkuoply hive. I think that you understand why. Especially after you read his file.” Lenkov informed them.

  “What’s stage one of cloning?” Tech Specialist Torrio asked them.

  “It means that the clone is still in a test tube.” Dr. Verrone responded.

  “Please take the time in reviewing the data.” Sayaka informed them. She then added, “Don’t worry about why we are in here. It’s my fault. Gomen nasai.”

  “Alright how can we help.” La’jyn’eu said out loud after they finished reviewing the data. It shocked them and they realized that they have no other choice but to cooperate.

  “I think that we can help you with that jar of Liquid Death. Although it may seem like we cannot, it is true. For you see, we discovered this world that we call Andromeda and upon that world was advanced alien technology. Those aliens came from another galaxy. For they were escaping their own creation. A bunch of mindless robots. The technology invested into this ship is the direct result of what could have been deciphered by our people. Of course, any help that you can give we would give something back in return.” Sayaka responded.

  After they were given free access to the obvious secret data that was collected from Andromeda, it started to become apparent how advanced this alien civilization was. They were able to decode the Liquid Death and figure out what they were doing wrong. And what was it? Death itself will determine when that liquid will be decoded. And a matter of speaking they had to wait for this moment in time. It also reminded them of what Sayaka told them: life for a life, death for a death. Meaning: that if you could cheat death than an equal number must die. In short: for every one person who cheats death, another person must die. And that day was achieved when Aruka fell. But those from Ziin’lyi’tols will not know that until there is peace upon Golden Hyperion.

  “What’s wrong?” Dr. Costa asked La’jyn’eu who was crying.

  “I recognize that music. Or at least the… way in which she is singing it.” La’jyn’eu responded. He was referring to fact that Sayaka (who is a good singer) was singing a very old song. But the way in which she was singing it suggested lost and pain.

  “Message from Lenkov…” The text on the computer screen displayed. It continued, “…do any of you have alcohol that you can spare?”

  The entire computer systems on The Hammer of Doom appeared to be in a glitch or some sorts. But giving what Sayaka was singing it was not surprising that both her and Lenkov was “responsible” for the glitch. She was grieving the lost of her crew. At one point a torpedo was launch at the surface of Golden Hyperion but luckily it’s internal security system caused it to self-destruct long before it hit the surface of that world. If it hit the surface than all life would have been wiped out upon that part of the world. Millions would have died instantly. Her pain revealed how much both her and Joseph loved the crew of their ship.

  Dr. Costa finally realized the horror and the trauma that the man that she’d fell in love with must have gone through. For what she saw was that he was grieving with Sayaka. It was as if though both of them was grieving over the same thing. And that grief was causing them more pain. It didn’t help that they could see images and videos clips of what Sayaka could pick up. Dr. Costa was shocked beyond words would allow when she saw those images and video clips. It was driving Dr. Costa insane over the pain that the man that she loved was going through.

  At one point it became clear that Lenkov would not allow Sayaka to descend any further along the pathway that she was going down. He was trying to give her the strength to carry on. She was feeling his pain and vice versa. They were also feeling each other strengths. They needed help before they lose it. And it was Tech Specialist Torrio that saw things within both Lenkov and Omori that nobody else did. He also saw their fate.

  “You think that they are listening in on our conversation?” Dr. Costa asked.

  “They’re part of the ship so of course they are. But I really don’t think that they care.” Dr. Verrone responded. He was right.

  “You know they don’t strike me as the type that love the crew that much.” Dr. Costa mentioned.

  “I think everyone is misunderstanding what they do and don’t love.” Torrio responded.

  “How do you mean?” La’jyn’eu asked him.

  “They love each other more than life or death itself. But the crew is their responsibility and the crew can only add to that love. Look at the ship for instance. The crew is part of the ship. Emphasis on the word part. And now both of them is the ship. Emphasis on the word is. It is obvious that they are having a hard time in integrating themselves into the ship. After I review the video that they showed us I realized that it was a fake. When I started to ponder why would they show us a fake; it then dawned on me that it is nothing more than their subconscious fears. That in a matter of speaking when they see, or know, or perceive, or whatever word that you like to use, the fate of the crew, they see each other.” Torrio responded. It did explain a lot.

  “What about our own goals?” Dr. Costa asked them.

  “After you give us what we want…” It was Lenkov, he continue. “…you can leave. Head to the third planet in this system. It is a Supply, Storage, Industrial & Manufacturing world.”

  “Why there?” La’jyn’eu asked him.

  “No dropship, from this world, can reach it.”

  “What about the people there?” La’jyn’eu asked him.

  “Look… the entire Omicron Ultra star system is robotic controlled. Most of those robots are under Sayaka’s control. And that includes that world.” Lenkov informed him.

  “And what is it that you want?” Dr. Costa asked him.

  “Build your civilization in this star system.” Lenkov responded.

  “Why here?” Dr. Costa asked him.

  “As soon as you are no longer technically on Golden Hyperion but actually are on it, then you will understand. Please continue on with your work.” Lenkov responded.

  They just couldn’t wait to get off that ship. And when they did their concerns was fulfilled. As they suspected some of that Liquid Death was missing (not a lot) and the symbiote was tampered with. It was still okay. And when they got back to their ship they learned that some of the Hau’rino DNA was missing. It was not known whom was taken. Nobody famous. Nobody that would naturally would be missed. So why did they brought over both the jar of Liquid Death and the symbiote? If you say no to The Hammer of Doom, than you will only say yes to it’s guns. And if your skills are not as good as Sayaka, than you would wish that you said yes from the get-go. And then later they realized that there was another option – the option to say no. Besides, they were not getting anywhere and desperate times calls for desperate situations. One day they will learn who was taken and when they do they will not care. As a matter of fact they were some what relieved.


  Ensign Karl Russell with a detachment of 100 personnel finally outflanked the new beast army. He was not detected by that army nor did they realize that anything or anyone was there. Russell and his detachment was not ordered there, he just up and left with them. When Grumett found out she didn’t care. What’s the point she would have said if anyone would ask her. It’s not like they would. Why would they? Everyone is just trying to survive the best way that they can.

  Russell decided to go old school, using early 21st century techniques that is. Which me
ant, don’t use the helmet intercom system, it can be hacked. If the helmet is not hacked it can be disrupted. What’s the point in using it then? Don’t use a microphone (which is what Taylor and Ramirez is forced to use) or you may get interference. Why a microphone? There’s one in the helmet in case the helmet is too badly damaged that it can’t be used. So what are you supposed to use then? Same thing that they did back in the early 21st century – a radio and hand signals. Of course Grumett would figuratively rolled her eyes if she’d heard that. A radio can be listen in on if you got one (yeah if you got one) and you can’t see hand signals in pitch black.

  Russell was sitting up booby traps all over the place that he could. He wanted chaos on the rear flank and the right flank but not the left flank. (That was not necessary because of the river that was there.) Once he gave the signal to attack, and the enemy took the bait, he got what he wanted. He was a force multiplier and the enemy was caught off guard. He attack, he lured them, he killed them. He kept the pressure going without mercy. Keep up or get left behind. And those who get left behind then it will become kill or be kill for the enemy will not take prisoners. All day long and way into the night, both him and his forces kept on going. It only ended when the enemy finally killed them all. It was Russell who died last. But it wasn’t easy to kill him for he saved the best booby trap for last.


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