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The Cross of Mithras Vol. 1: EOD Operation Welcome to Hell

Page 101

by Douglas Howell

  “Ma’am we need to take out these damn spider-bots!” Ramirez frustratingly said to Vaistll.

  “Any ideas?” Vaistll asked him.

  “If you got an Electro Auto-Rifle that would…” Ramirez was saying. “Shit! Are you alright!?” He asked Viper 33X. Everyone than heard Viper respond in the affirmative. “Ma’am, they made be small and fast but with one Electro Auto-Rifle we could be able to take them out.”

  “Ma’am, I’m nearest to the weapons storage.” Wexler mentioned.

  “Get on it.” Vaistll ordered him.

  “Yes ma’am.” Wexler responded. Five minutes later he shouted out, “Oh fuck! Battle-droid!” Things was going from bad to worse for the team.

  “Do you need assistance!?” Vaistll asked him.

  “Not now ma’am. I kind of busy dogging these damn… shit… gun turret and a…” Wexler was saying he didn’t finished but they could hear him breathing heavily from running.

  “Martinez can you provide assistance?” Taylor asked him.

  “Sir that will not be easy unless I have help.”

  “Alright I’ll provide the assistance.” Taylor responded. By that point in time only Vaistll was left to attempt her mission or help her teammates. But she too got caught in the same situation as the others. And now everything rest upon both Wexler and Taylor. (Taylor came close to being caught in the same trap as the others.)

  Since Wexler was too busy keeping the battle-droid preoccupied, Martinez needed Taylor to get the gun turret that was protecting the weapon storage area to target him so that Martinez could take it out. Combined with the spider-bots that was coming, it was indeed a good miracle of their personal skills that kept both Martinez and Taylor alive. Martinez had to shoot the large cable wire behind the gun turret in order to disable it. Three minutes later (what felt like an eternity) the gun was down. Taylor had to go in, equip himself with the Electro Auto-Rifle, while Martinez was defending himself from the spider-bots.

  “Holy shit!” Martinez yelled out when he saw Taylor come out without any rubber boots on. He then ran over and tackle Taylor who just shot and destroyed one of the spider-bots. Both of them landed in the storage area which had a concrete floor.

  “Were you trying to electrocute us sir?” Martinez asked Taylor.

  “I never used one of these things before.” Taylor responded.

  “Yeah, it shows. Hey Wexler, are you okay?”

  “Not now!” Wexler responded.

  “We need you in here. Now!” Martinez ordered him.

  “Yes sir.” Wexler responded.

  “Gear up.” Martinez ordered Wexler. Martinez was holding the Electro Auto-Rifle. After Wexler gear up he went back outside to deal with the battle-droid first before he dealt with the spider-bots. (He had a score to settle with the battle-droid.)

  “Hey Martinez… you forgot your rifle.” Taylor mentioned to Martinez who ran pass his rifle that he drop when he tackle Taylor.

  “It’s useless sir. It’s been magnetized.” Martinez responded.

  “I’m sorry about using that thing. I didn’t know.” Taylor said feeling guilty since he realized that he almost killed Martinez.

  “Come on sir. We got some spider-bots to destroy.”

  It was slow going but they were capable of destroying those spider-bots. Martinez when asked about his beloved sniper rifle he lied and said that he’d dropped it. They knew that he was lying but they said nothing about it. (He was also carrying the rubber boots for his teammates in a backpack.) It was the look in Taylor eyes that told them that he had something to do with it. And they basically knew what it was. (Since they were wearing their helmet [they had a neuro-implant that allows them to consciously decide upon what to send as opposed to pushing a button or hearing everything] they could send what they wanted to their teammates.)

  Because they had the only Electro Auto-Rifle in the weapon storage area, it was a plus in the sense that it stop them from killing each other, but it also slowed them down considerably. Nevertheless they will be able to complete their mission without further interruptions. But because the facility was just so huge it will take some time before they will finish their mission and the factory is no longer a threat. It did dawn on them that somewhere in the facility is the human body of Captain Dawson, but they also knew that it was the primary mission of 1st Lieutenant Illes and not theirs. Besides the place is just too huge for them to waste everybody’s time in looking for him.


  “Captain Maxwell we need to talk.” Iverson was talking to him via a video uplink. It was obvious to Iverson that Maxwell was very drunk.

  “About what?”

  “Look, I would like to tell you that I know how you feel about losing your ship, but there is no way that I can ever understand what you are going through. It was a beautiful ship and…”

  “You don’t know the have of it.”

  “Then why don’t you help me to understand. One captain to another. If I were in your position, god forbid I don’t think that I…”

  “I arrived at Andromeda six weeks before the construction on The Hammer of Doom began. I was far more amazed about the alien technology that was on that world than the ship itself. And then I saw…” Maxwell stop as he took a sip upon his favorite liquor.

  “’And what?’” Iverson mentioned. He too was drinking and Maxwell appreciated it.

  “I saw the most beautiful, what I thought was a Imperial palace… You couldn’t believe how beautiful the palace was. I suspected that both Lenkov and Omori would be there. So typical of those who’s rank is similar and not like ours.”

  “So where were they?”

  “They wasn’t there! I couldn’t believe that they were on the starbase that was constructing our ship. The starbase quarters were no more than 525 square feet. I was speechless! I couldn’t believe it! No fucking way! And then I found out that…” Maxwell then took a slip on his drink.

  “And then what?” Iverson asked. He too took a slip on his drink.

  “That they were more than willing to live upon that ship! I guess it was okay since they were androids but still. Oh my god! I couldn’t believe it. I had to go and take a look.” Maxwell was deep in thought and he was remembering things with a heavy heart. A great sadness filled his heart that only alcohol could fill. He was on the verge of tears.

  “And what did you find?” Iverson asked.

  “When I arrived upon that construction starbase that is when I learned that they were living on that ship. The bridge was the only part that was just completed!”


  “Really. And then I arrived upon the bridge.” Maxwell mentioned. He then started to cry. It caused Iverson to drink more.

  “So what happened?” Iverson asked.

  “They were on the bridge singing and playing musical instruments! And they were good! It was like I just stepped into the recording booth of a damn good musical group rehearsing! It sounded like a rock concert! I was beside myself.” Maxwell was saying. He then broke down crying.

  “You shouldn’t let the enemy destroy their legacy, and their memory, by your failure in defending this world.” Iverson mentioned.

  “I’m glad we had this talk.” Maxwell added. Iverson knew that he got him. Captain Maxwell will do his duty no matter how painful it is.


  The beast army that bypass the city of Aruka divided itself. One third headed south to a unknown locale and the rest headed north. Not a single shot was fired in the city. The people was just glad to be left alone. Only Captain Iverson pondered why they were headed in the direction that they was. When he asked Maxwell about it he said that it may have something to do with the core tunnels. When asked what was in it, Maxwell said that he had no idea.

  Maxwell sent some high altitude spy drones to those core tunnels and then had the video sent directly to Iverson. He did that because he didn’t want his personnel become any more disheartened than what they already were. Once the beast army went into the tun
nel smaller drones that were flying close, but not too close, stayed by the entrance. (If they went in then the signal would have been lost.) An hour or so later the sounds of battle could be heard. Iverson not taking any chances fired a torpedo to have it do what was done at that one tunnel that Mad Dawg was at. Unfortunately a series of explosions occurred which destroyed the land over the core tunnel and then a high altitude artillery gun came out of it and destroyed the torpedo.

  “What the hell was that?” Ellis asked when he felt the earthquake.

  “I don’t know but this room just got a little brighter all of sudden.” Coté mentioned.

  “You know I thought that I heard a planetary defense gun being fired.” Nakada added.

  “That’s ridiculous. There’s no planetary guns near here.” Ellis mentioned.

  “Sir shouldn’t you show better respect towards Nakada since he outranks you?” Coté asked.

  “Then maybe he should act like it.” Ellis responded. He was right. Nakada didn’t always act like he outranks those under him. There were times in which he did, but lately he wasn’t.

  “You think that we should informed the captain?” Coté asked Nakada.

  “Of what? That a planetary defense gun just shot down a torpedo?” Ellis responded.

  “Well then maybe we should.” Nakada mentioned.

  “Why? There’s nothing we can do about it. I say let’s complete our mission then find out what went on out there.” Ellis responded.

  “Yeah alright.” Nakada responded.

  “Let’s hope that those guys up there don’t make it a habit of firing torpedoes down on this world. I don’t think that this world can take much more of that.” Coté mentioned.


  When Lenkov and Omori linked their ship’s computers to that of the starbase computers they then extended their consciousness into it. (They also did the robotic fleet as well.) After they did that they realized that they were in a computer simulated world of death, destruction and madness. Sayaka knew why that world looked like that. So she wasn’t in the slightest be surprised at what she saw. Madness always awaits those who foolishly integrate themselves into computers.

  “Look mommy we have guests.” The woman said. She was covered in blood and standing with an hatchet in her right hand and her left hand was up a dummy doll that looked like a chupucabra. She also had the most sinister look in her eyes.

  Neither Lenkov nor Omori was moved or frighten by what they were seeing. Sayaka extended her right hand with it looking like she was reaching for something and then shot electricity out her hand at the woman. Sayaka continued for thirty seconds before she finally stop. She then placed both her left index and middle finger on her left temple and had the look that she was in deep thought.

  “Simental, Anna-Maria. Theoretical Physicist in extraterrestrial technology. Professor in linguistics. Fluent in thirty-three languages both human and extraterrestrial. Comply.” Sayaka mentioned.

  “Oh you are going to pay deeply for that.” Simental responded.

  “Comply.” Sayaka said after she zapped her again.

  “Oh I’m going to kill you slowly and…” Simental was saying.

  “Comply!” Sayaka shouted after she zapped her for almost fifty seconds.

  “You’re blood will flow!” Simental shouted back.

  “I order you to comply!” Sayaka shouted back after she zapped her just to shut her up. Sayaka then zapped her for ninety seconds. Sayaka knew that she could do that as much and as often and as long as she likes. She not going to kill her. It’s just a simulation, but it will hurt.

  Simental was laying in the street laughing insanely which was seriously pissing off Sayaka. Sayaka then said something in Japanese. It only caused Simental to laugh even harder. Sayaka was so pissed off that she wasn’t even thinking straight. Joseph then came near to get her to stop because of how fruitless it was becoming. Sayaka only turned to him and said that she will break her.

  “Hey Sayaka… you know that Joseph is a kuso tama don’t you?” Simental mentioned. Sayaka then used both her hands to zap Simental. It greatly intensified the pain that Simental was feeling. Joseph at one point put his hand on Sayaka to get her to stop but she refused. Five minutes and fifteen seconds later Sayaka stop only because she heard someone cry out for her to stop.

  “Hey you stop!” The unknown voice shouted out. But Sayaka wouldn’t she was just too determined to break the bitch.

  “Sayaka… Cyber Doom… Omori… stop!” The voice shouted back. It did get her to stop.

  “Who in the fuck are you!?” Omori asked the stranger.

  “Don’t you know?” The stranger responded.

  “Let me tell her.” Simental responded. Sayaka than zapped her without looking.

  “Tickle, tickle bitch!” Simental shouted back. She then laughed in a insane guffaw manner. And, of course, Sayaka zapped her again. Every time Simental started to say something Sayaka would zap her. It was starting to becoming automatic for both of them, with Simental acting like it was tickling her even though it was actually painful. It was clear that Sayaka was pissed and wanted the crazy bitch to shut the fuck up. Joseph at one point put his face in his left hand and then shook his head. He too was getting frustrated by it all.

  “Why don’t you just send her to a different location!?” Joseph yelled at Sayaka. She then thought for a moment and then brought her right hand to her chest and looked at it. A energy ball then appeared in her hand and she then shot it at Simental.

  “I’ll be back my little tickle, tickle!” Simental said as she disappeared.

  “I think you now know why we all struggle with our sanity in here.” The stranger mentioned.

  “James Mitchell Scot.” Sayaka said.

  “And…?” He asked her.

  “Computer scientist and… me?” Sayaka responded. She was confused about why her name should pop up in association with his name. His smile confirmed that she was right.

  “I was just a boy of fifteen, growing up under the EOD auspices, when your hack took down those rebels at Valkyrie. I was so overwhelmed that I wanted to follow in your footsteps and to be like you. I learned everything that I could about you. I wanted to make you proud of me. I went above and beyond what was required of me. And…” Scot was saying. He was holding back.

  “What you outdid me?” Sayaka asked him. She was touch that she had a fan. Her comment caused him to laugh in agreement.

  “Yes.” He responded.

  “What are you holding back on?” Sayaka asked him. Both of them knew that there was no such thing as personal information, for everything was opened and out for everybody to know. For there are no personnel secrets for everything is out there for all the universe to know. He wouldn’t mentioned what it was that he was withholding on.

  “Suspicion.” Lenkov mentioned. And he was right.

  “Yes sir. It’s why I took this job. The user broke my heart.” Scot responded.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Lenkov responded.

  “I hate to mention it, but we need Intel upon this place.” Sayaka mentioned.

  “Yes ma’am. Simental is beyond hope. The computer systems that she is apart of needs to be taken off-line. The only way that could be done is for your ‘guests’ to do the job. What they need to do is to destroy the computer mainframe that she is in.” Scot informed them.

  “Wouldn’t she just moved into another computer system?” Sayaka asked him.

  “Yes ma’am. But she will be far more weaker. And we need to…” He was saying.

  “Destroy all computers in an effort to stop the madness.” Sayaka responded.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “But that will kill you all.” Sayaka mentioned.

  “Yes ma’am. But not the two of you. Just us.”

  “Why?” Lenkov asked. Scot then looked at Lenkov which told him the answer.

  “So what will happen to each of you?” Sayaka asked Scot.

  “Peace. And death with dignity.” />
  “So what do you need from us?” Lenkov asked.

  “There are twenty-four computer mainframes upon this starbase and we were only able to take out thirteen of them before all hell broke loose.” Scot mentioned.

  “So what will happen when the computers are down?” Lenkov asked him.

  “The backup computers, which we disconnected, contain our knowledge and skills. Take it. It’s yours and we do hope and pray that you can use it. For when the computers are destroyed then…” Scot was saying. He couldn’t continue he could not look at them in the eye and tell them the truth.

  “What? What are you hiding?” Sayaka asked him.

  “The dark void is, as you already guess, is a wormhole. But it is also a time machine and a alternate reality machine. It has the capability to quote-read-end quote a reality. We do believe that they were trying to create divinity or something very similar to it. The dark void is an extension of the deepest psychological attribute of a person, or a group of people. It is why we lost our minds in here.” Scot informed both of them.

  “In other words it is the Krell hypothesis in a nut shell.” Lenkov added.

  “Yes sir. Some security measure? Right?” Scot responded.

  “Yeah, well, please continue.” Sayaka mentioned.

  “Once the computers are down the dark void will activate and your ship, this starbase and the robotic fleet will disappear into another reality and time period.” Scot responded.

  “Then how will we get back?” Sayaka asked.

  “At the exact center of the dark void there will be a white-hole that will assist you in retuning back to this time period and reality. But regardless of the time period that you end up in, it will only appear in this equivalent time period. We also have no idea how long it will last.” Scot mentioned.


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