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Covert Threat (A Gray Ghost Novel Book 5)

Page 15

by Amy McKinley

  His large hand enveloped mine. “I didn’t know what was going on when Carl called me, especially after yesterday. But I hadn’t planned on leaving you alone.”

  A tear rolled down my cheek, and I wiped it away, mortified. Not knowing what to say, I nodded.

  “I’ll be honest. I’ve gotten mixed signals from you lately, and I think we need to talk about what’s going on.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Like the boat. One minute, you’re terrified about being on it and in the deep water, and in the next, you’re fearless.”

  Oh, God. That’s part of the problem. “I honestly don’t know what you’re talking about. I feel like I’m going crazy, Trev. People keep telling me I did or said something that I didn’t.” I raised tear-filled eyes to meet his gaze. “Even you. Then I have these weird flashes when I look in the mirror. It’s like a horror-show déjà vu moment that isn’t real.” I pushed up the sleeve of the lab coat I hadn’t bothered to leave at work, exposing the scar on my inner arm. “There are times I look in the mirror and see myself staring back, but it doesn’t exactly resemble me. And my scar”—my hand shook—“I’ve had a weird flash of the knife cutting, and I can’t—”

  “Shh.” Trev drew me to him and wrapped me in his strong arms.

  I couldn’t hold back the tears. My body trembled while he held me tightly and whispered soothing words that I couldn’t quite register. After a few minutes, I’d calmed enough to merely slump against him, my fisted hands loosening from the death grip I had on his shirt.

  “What do you remember about a knife?”

  I explained the vision. “It was just a flash of silver. Then the image was gone.”

  “So a portion of a memory?”

  “Yes. Hopefully, I’ll remember what it means soon.”

  “And then you got a headache?”

  I nodded. A tremor went through me. “What Carl said…”

  “I’m not going anywhere, and you’re not paying me.”

  His hand continued to rub circles on my back, and I longed to fall asleep where I was. With reluctance, I disentangled myself and shifted back to face forward.

  “Let’s go to my place tonight. I think you need a change of scenery.”

  After I clicked my seat belt into place, he merged into traffic. While he drove, I stared unseeing out the window, wondering just what the hell was going on.

  We traveled for about twenty minutes before he pulled up to what looked like luxury beachfront townhomes.

  “This is your place?”

  “Sure is.” Trev got out, and I did the same.

  I fell silent as we walked up the immaculately landscaped walkway. Through the glass panes framing the front door, I glimpsed a stunning view of the ocean through windows in the back of his home. He unlocked the door and held it open so I could walk in. The decor barely registered as I caught a glimpse of a turquoise cashmere top on the gray couch. With dread, I went over and plucked it from the back cushions. The marred spot, a chemical burn on the right sleeve, told me more than I wanted to know. I whirled around, the sweater extended before my body. “Why, when I’ve never been to your place before, is my sweater here?”

  He shrugged and furrowed his brows. “You must have left it when we stopped here after boating and before I took you back to work.”

  “When?” I spoke through clenched teeth.

  “When you wanted to take a few hours away from work and enjoy the sunshine.” Trev ran his hands through his hair. “What’s going on, Jules?”

  I was done. Everyone around me was acting crazy. The back-and-forth argument would no doubt continue, but I wanted to be away from him for a while. There was no way I’d ever been to his place before. “Take me home.”

  The next evening, back at home, my hands held my Baileys Irish Cream like a lifeline as the waves pounded relentlessly against the shore past the edge of my property line. A storm was coming, and I didn’t mean the one that was rolling across the horizon, soon to hit our area. I was more concerned about the one unfurling at work as well as at home, which seemed to be moving all the people in my life around like life-sized chess pieces.

  “You need anything?” Trev called from the kitchen.

  I mumbled that I did not, my gaze never leaving the horizon, my hand frozen with the drink halfway to my lips. I was still upset about our argument about the sweater the day before. Something was wrong. No matter how much I wanted to, I couldn’t ignore the warning my mom had given me about the letter: “Think of this as a sort of Pandora’s box, or Pandora’s letter, if you will. Only open it—and I mean only—if strange and unexplainable things are happening. And especially if you feel you are in danger.”

  The sweater was just one example.

  I would open it soon, but I wanted a few more hours of denial and of normalcy before I faced whatever was inside that letter. I could do without unleashing Pandora’s horrors.

  Not only did I want time, but I also preferred to avoid the headache that gripped my skull when I even thought about opening the envelope. The closer I was to doing it, the stronger the pain became, as if my mind was trying to warn me away. Whatever secret was inside, there’d been a reason why my mom had wanted me to live a life without its burden. I knew I wouldn’t have that luxury much longer.

  The clank of dishes paused, as Trev must have finished loading the dishwasher from the meal I’d prepared. He’d wanted to order in or cook for me, but he didn’t understand how preparing food soothed my soul.

  When he volunteered to clean up, as he often did, I jumped on his offer. I needed to sit and process. I’d already done that enough, and the letter would be there later that night or the next day. It wasn’t going anywhere, and I still wasn’t ready to face its secrets. I wanted a few more hours with him, pretending my life wasn’t one big disaster after another.

  Trev took the seat across from me at my small kitchen table overlooking the beach. I offered him a small smile, determined to push my worries aside for the next couple of hours. “Did Carl give you any trouble after I dropped you off this morning?”

  During our argument the night before, he’d sworn we were there together after we’d gone on his boat. It wasn’t true. I don’t know what was going on, but one way or another, I would figure it out. Carl hadn’t been a problem that day. “Carl wasn’t at work.”

  “Is that unusual?”

  I knew Trev was trying to do his job and make sure everyone was where he or she was supposed to be and wasn’t a suspect or trying to hurt me. It wasn’t Carl. “He probably went ahead and left for Washington early. I know he had a meeting that I wasn’t scheduled to attend.”

  Trev took a sip of his drink before setting it on the table. He knocked his knuckles against the wood surface before standing. “Why don’t we get out of here and go for a walk on the beach?”

  “No. I’d rather not.” I grabbed his empty cup and took it to the sink. I had a sip or two left in mine. With a glance over my shoulder, I went into the living room. Trev followed.

  The water looked rough, but that wasn’t the reason for my refusal. I wanted to feel his arms around me again. Even though we’d argued, I trusted him. It had been a rough week, and… I didn’t know. I wanted to believe he could’ve thought I’d been to his place when he’d merely brought my sweater in from the car and forgotten he had. We were both focused on bigger things. Maybe I truly was losing my mind, but I didn’t care at the moment. All I wanted was to feel alive—with him.

  I tossed him the remote, and he settled on the couch. I turned toward the kitchen to put my mug away before joining him in front of the TV.

  He draped his arm around my shoulders, and when he turned to me, I let the desire that was slowly burning at all times when he was around flame to its fullest and show in my expression. Butterflies erupted in my stomach as the remote fell from his hand. His eyes dilated, and he drew me close.

  The accelerated beat of my heart echoed in my ears, and a hot flush crept up my face as he cupped my cheek. I alternated fr
om his expressive eyes to his lips as he dipped his head down. My eyelids fluttered closed at the first brush of his lips against mine. With soft strokes, he traced my lower lip then the seam of my mouth until I opened for him. His tongue teased mine, exploring and deepening the kiss. Needing to be closer, I arched my back, wanting to crawl into his skin.

  With ease, he lifted me until I was sitting astride him, his lips never leaving mine. His fingers threaded through the back of my hair, cradling my head. He tightened his grip, tilting the angle of my head. A gasp left me as he tore his mouth from mine only to trail kisses from the corner of my mouth, along my jawline, and finally to my neck.

  I ran my fingers through his hair, loosening it so it fell from the bun he’d haphazardly fashioned earlier in loose waves. A moan filled the minuscule space between us, and I belatedly realized it had come from me. As he bit between my shoulder and neck, sending a sharp spike of desire through me, I ground my hips against his hard length.

  In one smooth motion, he stood, and I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist. My head fell back as he continued his exploration of my neck and the tops of my breasts. Vaguely, I was aware that he was walking us toward my bedroom. We bumped into the doorframe, and he mumbled something, but I didn’t care. I wanted more of him.

  He lowered me to my bed, and I sucked in a breath at the sexy image he presented. His blond waves fell around his sinfully handsome face, and his strong jaw coupled with sharp cheekbones and hungry eyes sent another wave of desire through me. He reached behind his head, gripped his T-shirt, and yanked it off. I lost myself in the flexing of his muscles as he moved. His abs tightened as he pushed his hair away from his face. I followed the path of his hands as he undid his belt and jeans. The deep rumble of his voice tore me from the sight of his clothes leaving his body. I blinked, trying to understand what he was asking me.

  “Is this okay? Are you sure you want to do this?”

  I nodded, not able to summon my voice, my mind a swirling haze of need.

  “Jules”—amusement colored his face in a wicked half grin—“I need to hear you say you want this too.”

  “Yes.” I barely recognized my voice. It was husky, infused with want. “I’m sure.”

  That got me what I wanted. He tugged my jeans off, and I helped with my shirt and bra. He tore my panties off, almost causing me to combust before he even did anything.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  I reached for him, desperate to feel his heavy weight over me.

  “Let me look at you.”

  He bent one of my legs then pulled me toward the edge of the bed. He dropped to his knees, and I gasped at the press of his tongue between my legs as he licked and tasted me. As he laved, circling the pulsating bundle of nerves at my center, a primitive desire eclipsed all but what he was doing—or not doing. I felt him slide one finger inside, then two, and as he sucked on my clit, I exploded, my body tightening and my back arching. Stars burst behind my lids.

  I heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper. After another second, he covered my body with his. I grabbed a fistful of his hair as my mouth found his demanding lips. He spread my legs wide, cradling my head with one hand, my lower back with the other. Lust built inside of me, tightening my abdomen, making me slick for him. I ground my hips against his. He lifted me. I felt weightless, a puppet to his needs. I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  On his knees on the mattress, he held me suspended, teasing my entrance until I blinked my desire-clouded eyes at him. My heart pounded at the connection between us. We both moaned as he entered, filling me, hard and fast. I pushed against him. He changed the angle, and my head fell back, my body pulsing around him. A scream tore from my throat as I came again. Growling, he increased the pace then followed as we both hurdled over the edge. He dropped his face to my neck as we caught our breath.

  I whimpered as he pulled out, and he cradled me against him for a few seconds before he discarded the condom. Back in his arms, our heartbeats slowed, and I lay beside him in contentment, feeling satisfied and full for the first time in a very long time. I drifted in and out of sleep, waking when he ran his fingers along my arm.

  The fan turned in a lazy circle overhead as thunder rumbled outside. I cuddled closer to Trev, my head resting on his chest and our legs tangled together. His hand traced absent circles on my shoulder, and I sighed. If only life could be so uncomplicated and perfect all the time. I splayed my palm across his washboard stomach, about to suggest round two when he tensed beneath me.

  “Do you smell that?”

  I inhaled and jackknifed into a sitting position. Before I could get out of bed, Trev launched himself up and threw on his jeans. Barefoot, he raced from the room. I tore the sheet from the bed and wrapped it around my body as best as I could while racing to follow him.

  I skidded to a halt as he was turning the oven’s knobs back to their upright, off position.

  “Open the windows,” he ordered as he bent over the lit candle on the counter.

  With one puff, he blew it out, and I held my breath, praying the gas leaking from the stove didn’t cause us to die in an explosion.

  I raced to the slider that led off the kitchen to the back of the house, flipped the lock, and yanked it all the way open as he did the same with the window above the sink. Lightning split the sky. Three seconds later, thunder boomed like a bad omen.

  He closed the distance between us, his features set in fierce lines, and I shivered at the intensity. Before I knew it, he’d bent and scooped me up against his bare chest. He carried me outside and several feet from the house. His hands gripped me tightly against him, and by the way he held me, I didn’t think he would let me go. Clutching the sheet in one hand, I snaked my other one around his neck.

  An equally fierce looking man appeared from the tree line. I tensed until Connor’s features registered—I’d met him. Two more men appeared from different areas around my house. I didn’t know them. God, I wish I was dressed.

  Connor made some hand gesture, and the other two went inside my house.

  Trev explained what had happened and why we were outside. After a while, Connor and the other two gave the okay to go back inside. The men I didn’t know were eyeing me strangely, with suspicion. I didn’t like it.

  “I didn’t light that candle.” My defensive reaction kicked in.

  “Who was in the kitchen last?” Connor asked.

  It didn’t look good. “I was.” I had to admit it, but I swung my gaze to Trev’s. “I didn’t light it. I know I didn’t.”

  He squeezed me against him. “I believe you.”

  All tension fell from my muscles at the sincerity of his words. Connor’s lifted eyebrow told me he was skeptical, but I was only worried about what Trev thought.

  “The house should be clear. We turned on the fans.”

  At Connor’s confirmation that the house was sufficiently aired out, we went back in. I needed to get dressed. Once inside, Trev lowered me to my feet. He stood in the kitchen with a furrowed brow.

  “I’m going to put some clothes on.”

  He nodded absently, and I went to my bedroom, cleaned up, and threw on the clothes from earlier. As I dressed, I ran over everything that’d happened. Everything pointed to me, from the message on my monitor and mirror, falling overboard, Fran’s identical wound and death, the candles, things being moved around, and finally to the gas leaks. I looked guilty, even if it wasn’t true.

  “Are you sure you want me here for this?” Trev’s thigh pressed against mine on the couch. I leaned against him so that he, too, could read what I was about to—the letter from my mom.

  We were both fully clothed. I’d made coffee, and our cups sat on the table, untouched. “I’m sure.”

  My fingers trembled as they traced my name, Juliana, written in my mom’s flowing script. It was time to open the letter. I no longer had the luxury of pretending that the things that were happening were just coincidence, unfortunate occurrences, or tragedies that didn’t
have anything to do with me. They did. In one way or another, I was the center of the storm.

  Dear Juliana,

  I’m so very proud of you. You’re my whole world. Not only are you smart—I’d say a genius—but you’re humble, kind, compassionate, and so very beautiful, both inside and out. Some of my favorite memories are of the times you and I have spent cooking together. It warms my heart that we were able to carry on the traditions passed down through all the women in our family. My mother and grandmother would be so proud of you. In fact, I know they are.

  Hold on to my love and the conviction of how much you mean to both myself and your father. He loved you more than you’ll ever know. I have to believe that in your heart, you feel his devotion to you. We would do anything to keep you safe, to have you grow up as the stunning woman you have become.

  Here is the part I dread sharing. It’s been a blessing that you have no memories from before the accident, and if you are reading this letter, I’m afraid your life has turned upside down in ways you cannot explain. With or without your memories of when we lived in Italy, I want to share with you why your father and I decided to do what we did.

  I’m going to begin with the part of your past that is suppressed. While the accident was the catalyst for your amnesia, I believe your mind continued to shield you from what had happened as self-preservation. It must be time for you to remember, if no other reason than preserving your safety.

  You’re an identical twin.

  You were born three minutes after your sister. As toddlers, there were issues that we wrote off as normal sibling behavior, until it became apparent that your sister would do things that warranted closer scrutiny. Anabella couldn’t stand you getting any attention from either your father or me, especially your father. Because of that, we were careful to have any praise be equal and doled out at the same time. Not only that, but gifts had to be identical and given together. That helped for many years, but not nearly enough, as she destroyed anything you were given.


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