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Heart in Waiting

Page 5

by Dawn Brower

  Neither one of them had woken up from that particular daze of love willingly. Nolan had dumped Claire to take up with Reese. After Nolan attacked Claire and was put in jail, Reese had no choice but to end their relationship. She’d have looked like a damned idiot otherwise.

  “Don’t be so hard on your sisters.” Dane turned and met his gaze. “My brother’s had a lot of practice fooling those around him. He hated me and let it be known from the first moment we met. He resented my existence. Only the lord knows why. I’ve never done anything to him.”

  “It’s probably not that simple,” Carter replied. “He’s evil. I doubt he needs a reason.”

  “You’re right,” Dane agreed. “He is evil, but he won’t win. He’ll fuck up, and when he does, I’ll be there to stop him.”

  “We both will.” Carter wanted to be there. He had to make sure the man never saw the outside of a prison cell ever again. “Nolan is never going to hurt anyone else. His brand of evil doesn’t deserve to see the light of day.”

  “No, he won’t.”

  Carter set his empty glass on a nearby table. He had a lot of work to do. As much as he’d like to bury his anger and frustration in a bottle of scotch—he knew better. Nolan would take advantage of any weaknesses. Carter already had too many to count when he factored in the people he cared about. He wouldn’t add any more to his list.

  “Dinner is ready,” his mother yelled from the dining room. “Get in here now.”

  “She is the very epitome of benevolence,” Dane said dryly as he glanced at Carter. “How ever did you survive living with such a paragon?”

  Carter rolled his eyes. “Shut up and come join me in the lion’s den. If we’re lucky, she’ll only chew us and spit us out—I’d prefer to make it out of the house alive.”

  “Did I ever mention how much I hate coming here for dinner?”

  “No.” Carter grinned. “But you didn’t need to.” He patted Dane on his back, and they kept a leisurely pace as they headed to the dining room. “If my mother had been nice to you, I’d have worried. When she flayed you with her tongue, it was a good day.”

  “You’re deranged.”

  “No, that’s your brother.” Carter laughed. “It was a test. Albeit, not a fair one, but the results mattered—that first time I dragged you to dinner, I knew you’d be one of my best friends by the end of it. It takes a strong man to deal with my dear mother. You managed to survive her and not take it out on me. Trust me, a lot of people never talked to me again after meeting her.”

  “Oh, I believe it,” he told him. “But I don’t let people decide who I’m supposed to be. If I did that, I’d have dug my own grave years ago.” He sighed. “Lucky for you, I can take a hit. Let’s go see how many daggers your mother can throw our way at dinner. Then, afterward, we can concentrate on finding my asshole brother.”

  Carter chuckled and followed Dane into the dining room. Dinner was going to be hell, but at least he had a few allies in the room. His mother would put them through the ringer; however, they could survive her sharp tongue. Even if, in some ways, it hurt more than a knife sliding in the gut. At least words weren’t fatal...


  After the dinner from hell, Reese escaped into the library for some breathing room. She couldn’t handle any more time with her family and their other guests. No one had said anything to her specifically, but she felt as if the world was closing in on her. As if they all looked at her and saw the mistakes she’d made. Maybe she should dip into her mother’s alcohol supply. She could always count on her to have top-shelf scotch.

  She went to a nearby cabinet and opened it. Inside every imaginable type of liquor greeted her. Reese could have chosen any of them, but she searched for the one she’d been thinking of. Once she located the fifth of scotch, she pulled it out to examine it.

  “Do you think that’ll help?” Dane asked from directly behind her. Damn him and his stealthy ways... “When has drinking ever solved anything?”

  “It may not,” Reese replied as she turned to face him. “But it will feel good for a little while.”

  “At what cost?” He reached over and snatched the bottle from her hands. “You should keep a clear head. With what you might potentially face, it might make the difference between life and death.”

  “Isn’t that what you’re for?” She didn’t need to deal with his overprotectiveness. If he and Carter insisted on babysitting her, why shouldn’t she do whatever the hell she wanted? Her life would not be her own again until Nolan was found and put behind bars. She wasn’t safe. At least, that was what they kept telling her. Reese didn’t believe for a single moment Nolan cared a damn for her. She grabbed the bottle back from him and took off the lid. Instead of finding a glass, she tipped it back and drank straight from the source. Why bother when she fully intended to keeping it for herself?

  Dane sighed. “All right.” He brushed his hand through his hair, giving him a decadent, disheveled look she found all too appealing. His brand of handsome tended to be more sinful and wicked. When he smiled, he had dimples that made him even more gorgeous. It was perhaps a good thing he didn’t tilt his lips upward much or she’d have been a goner. “I can’t stop you from doing something profoundly stupid. I’m to follow you home and stay with you until you go to work tomorrow. Perhaps it’s best if you let me drive you there to avoid killing someone on the way.”

  “Since I don’t have a choice.” Reese shrugged. “I’m not going to argue the point.”

  “Carter and I are trying to protect you.”

  “By suffocating me.” Maybe she was being a tad shrewish. Deep down she did understand their motivations and that they came from a place of concern. She couldn’t help how she felt. It irritated her that she had to deal with any of the bullshit. Why couldn’t the transport team have done their job and delivered Nolan to the prison? Was it that hard to drive a bus and unload some prisoners behind a fenced in building? “Seems like your time would be better served going out to find Nolan. I can take care of myself.”

  “And you’re doing such a bang-up job of it, aren’t you?” Sarcasm dripped from each word. He nodded at the scotch. “There’s no reason to keep a clear head is there? Why, anyone who might face a serial killer would do the exact same thing. You know, scramble their brains with alcohol—great choice. I applaud it...truly.” His expression told a different story though. The muscles in his cheek clenched together, and his eyes appeared to darken as he spoke. If he started to actually clap his hands, she’d punch him.

  “It’s not as if I’ve made any stellar decisions of late. I did date said serial killer for longer than I like admitting.” Her blindness was her biggest regret. Dating Nolan had damaged her relationship with Claire and made her look like the biggest fool in the world. What was one more mistake to add to the long list she’d made of late? She took another swig of the scotch. “Why is it you’re so different than him? You share at least half of the same genes.”

  The muscles in his left cheek twitched at her inquiry. “Maybe dear old Dad’s genes didn’t taint me as much, or maybe he got the bad ones from his mother’s side.” He shrugged. “I don’t pretend to understand the complexities of our genetics.”

  She nodded absentmindedly. “It is complicated how those things work, isn’t it? Look at me and my siblings. Claire chose to go into law, but not as a lawyer—no, as a paralegal. Might have been smart on her part as it involves less schooling and a decent income. Carter though—a cop? They’re both all about the law, and I’m completely opposite. I had to go big and become a doctor.”

  “I think it is admirable,” Dane said quietly. “You all want to help people in your own way. It speaks highly of you all, if you think about it. Considering what a bitch your mother is...”

  Laugher spilled out before she could control it. Her mother was plain awful, but no one had ever come right out and called her a bitch before. She could love him for that alone. Too bad she stopped believing in such an elusive emotion a long t
ime ago. Something like love was for her sister. Reese didn’t deserve it, even if she craved it more than anything in the world. She’d never seek it out, and she prayed no one was ever foolish enough to love her in return. It wasn’t because she was unworthy. She kept making bad decision after bad decision, and in the end, she’d ruin that too. Remaining alone would save her from the heartache of destroying anything good that might come her way.

  “Thanks for that,” she said as she wiped the tear from her eye. “I needed a good laugh. Mother is something else. Do me a favor, and if you ever decide to call her that to her face, let me know so I can be there to see it.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” He nodded at the bottle. “Have you had enough?”

  “Not really,” she replied. “But we should go.” Staying at her mother’s for any length of time would lead to an argument. Rachel Jackson thrived on conflict, and Reese had dealt with more than enough of her mother’s drama for the evening. She could use a good night’s sleep, and she would feel safer knowing Dane was there with her.

  “But I am taking the scotch with me.”

  “Fine,” he agreed. “Do you want to say goodbye?”

  “To my mom?” She almost laughed again. “I’ll pass on that.” Her mom would dig into her again. She didn’t need her to explain what a fuck-up she was for the thousandth time. “Everyone else left, didn’t they?”

  “They did.”

  Showed how much they cared about her welfare... None of them had bothered to check in on her before they left. Reese put the cap back on the bottle then looped her arm through his. “Then there is nothing here for either of us. Let’s go to my place and have some real fun.”

  She was joking of course, but suddenly it seemed appealing. What would he do if she kissed him? Would he be appalled, or would he welcome it? Maybe, when they were safe and sound behind closed doors, she’d explore that option. She wanted to feel something more than desperation and misery. Something about Dane spoke to her soul, and she wanted to see if he understood her needs.

  “Whatever you want.” His small smile almost brought out his enticing dimples. “As long as you listen to me about the important things.”

  He led her out of the library and they exited the house. Thankfully, they didn’t come across her mother as they made their escape, and she’d made sure to lock the door behind them as they left. She didn’t even glance where she parked her car and let him escort her to his. He opened the door for her like a gentleman and made sure she put her seatbelt on. Reese clicked it in place and set her prize scotch between her legs. It would be wrong to take a swig from it while he drove—maybe she’d be bad and do it anyway.

  Dane drove straight to her condo. She didn’t ask him how he knew where she lived. Carter had probably filled him in on anything important. It was Dane’s job to keep her safe, after all. She trusted the two of them to see to that part at least. Heaven help her if she was left to her own devices. She’d probably already be dead...

  “Here we are,” he said blandly. “Give me your keys.”

  “Why?” She narrowed her gaze. “I’m capable of unlocking my own door.”

  He blew out a breath. “I’m sure you are, but I want to check inside before you go in.”

  “Do you think Nolan is lying in waiting for me to come in? Then he’ll what? Pounce and kill me?” She rolled her eyes. “He’s not going to attack me. It’s Claire he’s obsessed with.”

  “Don’t argue about this. If you want to unlock it, fine, but I will go in first to make sure it is safe?”

  “And what if he jumps out of the bushes while you’re in there searching? Should I let him kill me here instead?” This all made absolutely no sense to her. What good would any of that do?

  “You can be obstinate. Has anyone ever told you that?”

  “Not recently...” Maybe she was being too hard on him. It wasn’t his fault she was a disaster. “Let’s get this over with.”

  She hopped out of the car and stomped to her front door. He was fast on her heels trying to keep up with her impulsiveness. She had the key in the lock and turned it before he reached her. He placed his hand over hers on the doorknob, preventing her from turning it. “We discussed this.”

  “No,” she corrected him. “You talked, and I listened; however, I didn’t agree to anything other than what I’ve done.”

  “Please,” he begged. “Follow my lead on this.”

  Why did he have to be so nice and ask so sweetly? “All right.” She moved away from the door to allow him past. He went inside and flipped on the light. He was gone maybe five minutes before he called for her to come inside and shut the door behind her. She moved into the living room and plopped down on the couch with the bottle of scotch. “It’s been a really long day.”

  “That it has,” he agreed. “What time do you work tomorrow?”

  “Not until afternoon.” At least she had some time to herself. Well, not really... She’d have Dane to contend with until then. It had been a while since she had a man in her home. Nolan was the last man she’d dated, and no one had seemed worth the effort since. Dane was starting to look good again. Well, if she was being honest, he’d always been attractive, but she’d never thought of him in those terms before. “Why, do you have a hot date?”

  “You’re the only hot anything I have on my schedule for the foreseeable future.”

  Reese took the cap off the scotch and took a drink. It burned as it traveled down her throat and did nothing to cool her libido. “I don’t think you understand the meaning of hot.” Hmmm... She licked her lips and stared at Dane’s. She still wanted to kiss him, but contemplated the wisdom of it. “Maybe it’s time to find out if we can burn together.”

  “What?” He tilted his head and stared at her. “How much of that scotch have you drunk?”

  “Not nearly enough,” she replied. Reese set it on the side table and stood up slowly. “I’m nowhere near drunk if that’s what you’re worried about.” She sashayed toward him, swinging her hips enticingly. She stopped in front of him and trailed her fingers up his broad chest, then tapped his nose lightly. “I promise I am in full control of my actions. You don’t need to worry I’ll regret this in the morning.” She’d given up that foolish habit.

  “Regret what?” He stared at her with a baffled expression on his handsome face. It was utterly adorable and sexy at the same time.

  “This.” That was the only warning she gave him before she pressed her lips to his. Instant desire flooded her and her whole body went up in flames—burning with indescribable need. She wound her arms around his neck and tugged on his hair. God—how had she never felt this before? Dane was everything she’d wanted and never thought to ask for. This heat between them scorched her from the inside out and melted her brain to mush.

  That was the last coherent thought she had...


  When the day started, Dane never imagined it would have gone the way it had. One minute he’d been his normal pessimistic self without any hope for change, and the next minute he had the woman of his dreams in his arms kissing him. This had to be an alternate reality of some sort. Was she messing with his head, and if so, to what gain? He should put some distance between them, and in turn, gain some much needed perspective. He had a job to do and she deserved his best. Protecting her had to be his priority—not allowing her to kiss him until he lost all capability to think. As much as it killed him, he pulled away from her and took a step back.

  “Why did you stop?” Reese moved closer to him and trailed her fingers up his chest. He barely repressed a groan. “We could have a lot of fun together.”

  The problem was he wanted a hell of a lot more than fun from her. She meant too much to him, and he refused to be someone she used to forget about her problems. That was why she’d started drinking the scotch to begin with. He didn’t blame her for that. If numbing his brain with liquor would help him forget his brother, he might have taken it up a long time ago. Unfortunately, nothing
would aid her in that quest.

  Nolan shouldn’t be forgotten because then he’d have even more control over them. It was better to remember and learn from the mistakes of the past. Otherwise, the possibility of repeating them might happen over and over again... “I think you should take a shower and then go to bed. A good night’s sleep might help you see things more clearly.”

  “I see things fine now.” She jutted out her bottom lip into a pout. “Why don’t you like me?”

  He groaned. “I never said I didn’t. Why are you being so difficult?”

  Instead of answering him, she stormed out of the room and he presumed to her bedroom. That was perhaps for the best. He really did think she’d regret anything that happened between them. She couldn’t be in the right frame of mind for making any important decisions. If she had kept on her current path, then they might have ended up naked in her bed—and just like that he pictured them rolling around together making love. God, he was a glutton for punishment. He wanted to be with her more than anything in the world, but not like this. If they ever took that step, he wanted it to happen for the right reasons. Her trying to forget his jerk of a brother couldn’t be one of them.

  He stared at the bottle of scotch she left behind. It was tempting to pick it up and bury his misery in it. There had been many times he’d imagined kissing her. This scenario hadn’t been anything he could have conjured in his mind. It proved that no one ever could really plan for life. Reese wasn’t in a good place, and he didn’t want to hurt her any more than she already was. It smashed his heart open to see her so sad and hard on herself. If he could take her pain away, he would.

  Dane stomped over to the bottle of scotch and swiped it off the table. Maybe the first step would be pouring it down the drain. Then it wouldn’t be a temptation for either one of them. He couldn’t lose himself in the liquor any more than she should.


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