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Jase and Carly (Men of Steel)

Page 4

by Mj Fields

  “I made a commitment to…” She made a noise with her teeth and tongue and I stopped, “If you don’t want this anymore you need to fucking tell me now. God damn it, Carly!”

  “You need to leave now Jase!”

  “Now that you’ve got me in fucking knots how the hell do you expect me to …”

  “NOW!” she screamed louder than I have ever heard anyone scream, “Get out now!”

  “I fucking paid for this place…”

  She covered her ears and tears started rolling down her face. What the fuck did I just do? And why the fuck was I still so damn pissed at her that I couldn’t stop? I was going to push her so hard she was going to fall apart and I knew it.

  “I love you do you get it Carly? That man had no right…”

  “YOU HAD NO RIGHT JASE! Get out! I don’t care if you paid for this place or if you employ me. I didn’t come here knowing that! YOU DON’T OWN ME and I’m telling you right now, I’ve been through worse heart ache Jase. So you may want to rethink what you’re doing right now, turn around, and give me what I asked for when I walked in this door.”

  I wish she had hit me in the face, kicked me in the nuts, anything but make me feel like this right now.

  “I’ll leave Carly. I’ve been through this too, you know. When you moved back east, that was the worst heart ache I’ve been through.”

  I walked out the door without shutting it, secretly hoping she would come after me and if not and this was it, I really hope watching me walk away was something she’d never forget.

  I sat in the SUV and Cyrus looked at me, “You aren’t going to be worth a shit tonight.”

  “I’ll be just fine man, always am,” I leaned back and closed my eyes.


  When we got to the shop I walked into my room and called Abe, I let him know she needed someone. He flipped shit on me and to be honest with him and myself I let him know that was what I not only deserved but expected.

  I sent her a text

  -Sorry Baby, I love you…J

  She didn’t respond. I knew she wouldn’t.

  After I changed into my Forever Steel attire, I walked out and saw Cyrus talking to two of the girls while the other eight waited. Kat, Cyrus, Lex, and I were doing them all. Each girl was getting the same thing.

  “Two girls each, an hour tops Bro. You think you can keep it together?”

  I wanted to be pissed at him, at anyone but myself but I knew I was wrong, “I can handle it man. We went through this in your vehicle”

  “They’re hot man,” Lex walked in the back room smiling from ear to ear.

  Cyrus laughed and patted his back.

  Nipple rings, two of them each. Normally I would have actually enjoyed this shit, but not today.

  The first chick walked in my room and took her shirt off without prompt. She had nice tits. I’m not gonna lie, they were pretty big and her nipples were already erect which was cool. She lay down and smiled at me, “I’m Casey.”

  “Hi Casey, are you sure about this?” a typical question I always asked, give them a chance to back out.

  She sat up on her elbows looked down at me, “It’s good that I’m already alert right?” I shook my head yes, really not liking where this was going. She sat up, “You sure I don’t need a little more… help?”

  Alright… seriously? A few years ago she’d be on her knees bowing before the Prince, but I really didn’t take kindly to this shit anymore. Who the fuck am I kidding-- I still ate this shit up. My ego was in the shitter right now and this was alright until she took my hand and placed it on her chest, and yeah I pulled it away, “I’m sorry did that offend you? I just wanted you to feel my heart beating. Did you feel it?”

  “I felt it; you know if you’re afraid you can end this anytime.”

  “Is it going to hurt?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh, “Yeah, it’s gonna hurt.”

  “Good,” she bit her lip and closed her eyes.

  Okay now I’m gonna be honest here, most chicks were scared at this point, Casey with the C’s and deep brown nipples, who was just seriously hitting on me, laid there waiting. I grabbed the clamp and threw on gloves. When I pulled up the nipple she hissed, and when I clamped her she moaned. I about fucking died when I pierced her and she cried out.

  Cyrus came in, “Everything okay?”

  “Fuck yes, do the other one please,” Casey laughed loudly.

  I needed to get her the fuck out of there, not because I was getting worked up which makes me extremely happy, but because touching Casey C’s nipple was uncomfortable, she made it uncomfortable.

  Cyrus looked at me and I expected him to egg me on but he didn’t, he gave me a look, a fucking Momma Joe look. Which I would be talking to him about later.

  I finished up quickly, gave her the info and stepped out into the safety of the hallway.

  I told Cyrus I would be right back and walked out back and called Carly.

  Abe answered her phone, “Let me talk to my girl.”

  “She’s …um-- sleeping,” I heard him cover the phone.

  “I don’t lie to you man. I don’t expect it in return,” I got what he was doing but it still didn’t make me happy.

  I heard noise in the background and then it was quiet, “Jase, don’t put me in situations like this. She’s fine. I’m with her, and she doesn’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “Tell her I’ll be home in an hour, her place. Make sure you stress her place alright?” I really didn’t mean to say that shit earlier, it was her place.

  “She, well… we aren't there. She wanted to go out,” Abe was quiet and I heard music in the background.


  “Well everywhere, she mentioned wanting to get drunk...”

  “Carly wanted to get drunk?” This shocked me; I mean she never even had wine with dinner when we…oh man.

  “I’ll meet you out,” I was a complete ass, total tool of a boyfriend, I mean she and I had never even gone on a date since that first summer of fake ones. Well we ate at a café in Stanford but never out, just the two of us.

  “Jase why not just wait until tomorrow, let her cool down.”

  “She’s that pissed off still?”

  “Yeah she is. But pretty soon I am sure she’ll forget all about it. She probably won’t be worth a shit tomorrow, either.”

  “No man I at least need to see her, tell her I’m sorry. Look it won’t even involve you. I will just say I saw your car.”

  “I don’t have my car. She actually insisted on taking a cab.”

  “I bet she did,” I was trying to get pissed and then I did get pissed, “Thanks man, see you around.”

  I called the other girl in and she was much quieter than Casey C’s. I gave my normal spiel and she didn’t really look at me, this one was nervous. I was getting the tools together and I asked her if she was sure about this. She shook her head yes and looked very anxious.

  “Alright as long as you’re sure. Go ahead and take off your shirt and bra and lay back,” sensing she was nervous I handed her a blanket, “You can cover yourself if you want.”

  “My left breast has an inverted nipple,” she spit out quickly and covered her face.

  I really wanted to laugh because she was funny, kind of like Carly, “That’s not unusual.”

  “If you’re trying to make me feel better, you don’t…”

  “No it really is,” I wasn’t lying it happens. I got up and cranked the AC in the room you know to help pop those babies out, “the cool thing is-- this is actually going to help fix it.”

  I sat next to her and smiled, “I have nipple rings,” I hoped this would make it easier.

  “No way,” she sat up.

  “Yeah, no inverted nipple though. But I can almost promise this is going to help you out,” she laid back and seemed to relax a bit. I pretended to busy myself waiting for her to be ready. I waited patiently and shit just wasn’t happening.

  “Alright I have these little s
uction cups,” I grabbed them out of the cupboard and she turned bright red, again reminding me of Carly. I set her up and excused myself.

  I went out to talk to Cyrus and give her a minute; I overheard her friends talking shit about her. Cyrus gave me a smile, “Is it true?”

  “Yeah, no big fucking deal,” I really couldn’t stand catty bitches.

  They giggled and Cyrus winked at me, “You did what to her?”

  I was a bit confused for a second and then I caught on.

  “Damn she sounds so fucking hot, let me go in there.”

  All nine of the nipple sister’s jaws dropped and I walked away.

  “I think I’m ready,” she pulled down the blanket and yeah she was ready and this shit was gonna work like a charm.

  I chuckled when I sat down and she looked mortified, “No, not you… but I have to ask, those girls out there are your friends? Sorority sisters?”

  “Friends, not really. A couple are roommates. Sorority Sisters is a bar, well a strip club actually,” she blushed again and I chuckled.

  “You dance?”

  “Well I hostess for now, but I think after this I will be. I need to pay for school and the city is really an expensive place to live,” she looked away.

  “Cool.” I wasn’t judging, “You doing this so you can make more money?”

  “No actually it was a suggestion from my boyfriend, I guess he really likes them,” she looked up and let out a deep breath, “But now it’s kind of for me, and thanks for that.”

  “My brother offered to come in here to take care of you, and did so loudly, so the bitches could hear,” I smiled, “On three, alright?”

  She shook her head yes, and Cyrus popped his head in, “I cashed them all out, I’m gonna take off. Stop by tonight?”

  “Nah. Apparently I’m still on the shit list man, Abe’s out bar hopping with my girl, she should be a real treat tonight,” I knew I was in for it. I saw Cyrus’ jaw clench as he looked at the poor girl covering her head, “Bro-- privacy.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever, stop by, bring her with you,” he pointed to the girl and made a silent and very inappropriate gestures and mouthed “Damn,” before walking out.

  “You have a girlfriend?”

  “Fiancée’ actually. I pissed her off today. Sometime we can all be dicks in three, two,” and I popped it in,” You good?”

  She shook her head yes still covering her face.

  “Alright next one in three, two, one” and it was done.

  “That’s it?”

  She sat up and looked down, “Wow.”

  “Didn’t hurt too bad, huh?”

  “No,” she laughed, “I was scared to death.”

  “I couldn’t tell,” while she dressed I explained everything to her and then told her, “Don’t put up with bitches like that, what’s your name again?”

  “Tara,” she smiled.

  “Well Tara, you seem like a nice girl, don’t put up with shit like that,” I opened the door and she followed me out.

  I walked to the door and opened it, “Goodnight, ladies.”

  “Wait, I need to pay,” Tara stopped in front of me.

  “Tara, it was my pleasure,” I winked at her and she smiled, she knew I was being a dick on purpose.

  “Thanks,” she smiled and I locked up behind them and headed out the back door.

  Chapter 6

  “I think you’ve had enough.”

  “You’re not the bossy of me bossy-wossy pants,” Abe was so adorable, why he is single is beyond me, “I think you need to hook up, you’re hot Abe. Seriously-- if we weren’t related, I’d snag you up.”

  “Now I’m sure you’ve had enough Carly,” Abe shook his head at me and I’m sure he was disappointed, he loved me, he would never be mean not like what’s his name.

  I sat on the bar stool probably because my feet were tired. Well… that’s the excuse I was going to use if Abe got his undies in a bundie. I’m SO funny.

  “What are you grinning at girl?” Abe smiled at me, he was so cute. I grabbed his face and squished his lips together making him have fish lips, and he rolled his eyes at me.

  “Dance with me?” I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the floor.

  “Carly, when did you start dancing?” Abe looked worried.

  “Um probably at our cousin Shana’s wedding when we were like three,” what a silly question, “Abe can you still do the robot…”

  “No Carly I can’t do the Robot,” Abe held up his finger and answered his phone, “Club Karma.”

  “Club Karma is a funny bunny name Abie Baby,” I was having fun. Abe was fun, everyone was dancing and having fun, “Hey, check out the chicks that just walked in Abe, let’s go introduce you,” I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the crowd.

  He stopped and looked towards the door I squinted to see what he was looking at, “You blew me in, Abe!”

  “Sorry Carly he’s been calling all night,” Abe tried to look apologetic but it was a mask.

  “Karma’s a bitch Abe,” I laughed and threw my hands in the air, “And we are at club Karma so you, my hot single cousin… are so screwed right now.”

  I walked up to the bar and ordered a beer for me and one for Abe, no glass. Because it was a no glass kind of night, and plus it kind of freaked me out that so many people drank out of that glass, gross huh?

  “You with that guy?” one of the eight asked me, eye fucking my cousin.

  “Isn’t he beautiful?” he was he really was.

  “Yeah, nice body too, he works out a lot?” she asked.

  “Yes, work and work out the stress,” that’s what Abe always said, “He needs to get laid.”

  The dark haired girl next to me nearly spit out her drink and laughed out loud and it made me laugh.

  “Seriously Tara-- hold it together,” the other chick snapped and then rolled her eyes looking back to Abe, “Holy shit, isn’t that the nipple guy?”

  I nearly choked and the Tara girl patted me on the back and helped me, “You saved my life!”

  We both laughed and then I remembered the Nipple guy.

  “You tell her Tara, he spent the most time with you,” all the other girls snickered and her face turned red.

  “Casey don’t be a bitch, he was a great help to me.”

  “I bet he was, sucking out the problem area,” she used air quotes to emphasis problem.

  “Jealous Mona?” the Tara girl laughed.

  “Mona? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “We heard you all the way in the waiting area,” Tara laughed and a couple of girls snickered.

  “I could’ve fucked him!”

  I really wished the Nipple guy there were referring to wasn’t Jase, but it was and he helped her out? I’d really like to know just how he did that, but right now I was pissed and he was staring at me and I scowled at him. He started walking over towards me, or maybe Mona, or the Tara girl but I was not about to talk to him. Fuck it!

  “Tara,” I only said her name because I was pretty sure Mona was not the other girls name but could pretty well sum up how what’s his name made his lover’s feel.

  “I’m sorry… what’s your name?” yeah she was sweet, I was going to force myself not to be mad at her, it was what’s his name that I had a beef with, and I’m a freaking vegetarian and I hate beef.

  Oh God, he was getting closer, “Dance on the bar with me?” It really didn’t matter if she said yes or no, Abe wasn’t the only one working out and I was dancing on that damn bar with Tara and her nipple’s just to piss what’s his name off!

  So we were on the bar and I started dancing, I’m pretty sure I was being sexy, I could hold my own you know, and if I couldn’t I really don’t give a care because I was LOADED!

  “I bet that guy’s a total ass!” I yelled to my new dance partner.

  “That one?” she pointed to What’s his name who was looking up at us from the floor.

  “Yeah that one,” I pointed and he smirked,
the nerve of that ass!

  “Actually he’s pretty cool,” she smiled and waved, and yep What’s his name waved back.

  “Because he sucked on your nipples?” I know it came out a little loud and then What’s his name looked at me and tried not to smile.

  Her face was red when I looked at her and she shook her head no and laughed, “He has a girlfriend.”

  “Sure, don’t they all,” I unbuttoned my shirt one button enough that I was showing bra strap and shook my boobs a little, or a lot… I don’t know but What’s his name looked a little pissed and I smiled at him and laughed.

  “No he’s actually a nice guy,” okay she was getting a little to protective over What’s his name.

  “No, I can assure you he’s an ass!”

  “Really? Because …he was nice to me,” she stopped dancing and looked at me kind of irritated.

  “If he sucked on your nipples, and he has a girlfriend I don’t think he’s all that nice,” that did it. I could feel stupid girl tears and she looked concerned.

  “Hey what’s your name?” she touched my arm and I really wanted to hit her, be all back off bitch but she was nice, really, really nice and it wasn’t her fault. Jase--I mean, What’s his name, was a jerk.

  “Stupid, my name is, Stupid,” I turned to run to the bathroom which by the way is not a smart idea when you’re really not standing on the floor like you thought for just a split second you were because you were drunk and sad and now What’s his name caught you like some stupid white knight instead of a Nipple sucking cheater.

  “You okay, Baby?” he pulled me into his chest and I pulled away and struggled to free myself from the very strong arms of the man I loved so much and I’m drunk and tired and hurt and…

  “You alright?” now she was here right beside Jase and me and I really didn’t like it and I was hiding my face in his chest.

  “She’ll be alright once I get her home.”

  “I want Abe, not you, you…jerk!”

  “Oh wow is this your?…”

  “Fiancée’ Carly, who doesn’t drink often,” I could hear the smile in his voice and I wondered if his nipple winked for her too…I mean dimple.


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