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Page 5

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  She carried the two children to her bedchamber and sat them on the sofa furthest from the windows. Gilzean immediately wrapped his arms around Shelley and clung to her. The terror in their eyes troubled Silkie. The helplessness of children always stirred the memories of how helpless she had felt as a child. Only a core of tenacity had carried her through to grow up hard and fast on the streets of Lake Torment, earning her bread and shelter as a child prostitute at twelve. Only her faithful friend, Iswara, had prevented her from being treated as roughly as others. No one in Waejontor would employ a Shivari, and the prejudice against his people prevented him for supporting them; but neither would the Waejontori argue with one when Iswara informed her johns that roughing her up would earn them a beating. He had been forced to flee after Lord Hoon entered her life the first time. Silkie often wondered what had become of him.

  Jerking the heavy drapes closed, Silkie turned to the cubs.

  "Do not leave this room. So long as you remain here, I can protect you."

  "I want my mama, said Shelley.

  "I know. Silkie patted her head. I'm going to talk to her."

  She went through the halls with a determined stride and descended to the cells beneath the Lawgiver House. Silkie needed a messenger to the lycan rulers that would be above question; someone they would trust implicitly. Shelley's mother, Lady Brawleigh, offered her the best hope for one.

  The guard on duty straightened in his seat when she entered. What'd you need?"

  "To speak with Lady Brawleigh. Silkie sneered, letting her fangs descend from their sheaths. She flicked her tongue across them suggestively. Which cell is she in?"

  "Last one on the right. He took the keys from the peg and tossed them to her.

  Silkie let herself into the cell and tried not to stare at the state that Lady Brawleigh and her children were in. Thane Selwyn's wife and two daughters stank of rape in their torn clothing and bruisesthe daughters appeared to be in their mid-teens. The little boy could be no older than ten, and reminded Silkie poignantly of her own son, Cooley. I'm not going to mince words, Lady Brawleigh. If I can get you out of here, will you carry word to Kynyr Maguire that my son is in danger?"

  "You'll get my children out also?"

  "Yes. All of them except Ocvran. Your son is dead. As good as. I'll never be able to get him away from Zinzi.

  Lady Brawleigh clenched her eyes shut briefly, and then opened them, putting on a brave face. You have my word. What is your son's name?"

  "Cooley Blackwood."

  "I knew a Blackwood ... Cullen."

  A brittle smile came to Silkie's lips, and then tightened. Cullen was my husband; Cooley's father. Hoon plans to kidnap my son. His agents murdered Cullen in front of me. That's why I want to help you."

  "I will do everything in my power for your son, if you can get us out of here."

  A sudden tear crept down Lady Brawleigh's face, nearly triggering Silkie's own. They were two desperate women, mothers trying to save their children, and Silkie felt a kinship to her.

  "Are there myn you can trust with your life?"

  Lady Brawleigh thought for a moment. I do not know if they still live."


  "Captain Aelfwin Cadwallader. Ezra Loyt. Conyn Pritchard. She drew a ring from her finger. If they question you about me, remind them of the time that I fell into the pig trough at nine."

  "Be ready. We will get only one chance. Silkie drew a sharp pin from her dress. I must give the jailer an excuse for my presence here. Let me prick your finger and smear the blood around my mouth."

  Lady Brawleigh extended her hand. Silkie pricked Lady Brawleigh's finger. The blood smelled intoxicating and Silkie grimly resisted an urge to suck the bleeding finger. She wiped the blood around her mouth and then along the lycan's neck. Give me a loud scream, Lady Brawleigh and then go lie on the cot as if you're faint."

  Despite knowing what was coming, Audra Brawleigh's screams caused her daughters to flinch and shriek also. Silkie gestured at the cot, and Lady Brawleigh stretched out on it. After studying her for a moment, Silkie adjusted her position, turning her head to the side so that the smear of blood would show if someone glanced through the tiny shuttered window in the door, and dangled her arm lifelessly, fingers brushing the straw on the floor.

  Silkie locked the cell and returned the keys to the jailor.

  He leered at her. Did she taste good?"

  "Noblemyn always do."

  Then she started back to her rooms to check on the cubs. Leaving them alone for too long worried her. She needed to secure a cat's paw to carry out the next part of her plan in such a way that it could not be easily traced to her; and he needed to be someone above reproach. Her greatest talent, other than having a good head for business, had been manipulationboth sexual and otherwise. It had seen her in good stead while she was Madam of the Crimson Lady Brothel in Hell's Widow.

  She passed Captain Paolo Nicoletti in the corridor of the second floor. He had a face that was all angles from the sharp nose jutting above his thin lips to his narrow chin. His eyes raked her insolently and she paused to tilt her head at him with a come-hither smile. The unbridled lust in his eyes flashed an awareness of opportunity through Silkie.

  While the myn showed her every consideration as their long lost princess restored to them; there were a few officers and nobles who still regarded her as the most celebrated prostitute in Waejontor during the early years of the Sharani occupation of their lands. Clearly, Paolo fell in that latter category. He was well known for his cruelty and strict enforcement of the rules of military protocol; the fact that he lived up to his own standards in both courage and leadership commanded his myn's loyalty as well as their obedience.

  "Captain Nicoletti? She simpered at him.

  "Your highness. He swaggered across the corridor, took her hand, and laid a kiss upon the back of it that included a suggestive swipe of his tongue.

  Silkie purred, deep and throatily sensual. I've been watching you, Captain. Come to my rooms? I could use a bit of help with a few things."

  "Like what? He took a clean handkerchief from his pocket and wiped Lady Brawleigh's blood from around her mouth.

  "It's so embarrassing. Silkie giggled like a young girl, and since Hoon had restored her youth it did not seem out of character for her. May I whisper it in your ear?"

  "Of course."

  She leaned in. The fastenings on my dress."

  "I will be happy to help you. He straightened, giving her a naughty boy smile. I'm very good with such things."

  "I'm sure you are, Captain. I'm very sure you are."

  The door to her antechamber had barely closed before he wrapped his arms around her from behind and cupped her breasts. She arched against him, rubbing his loins with her hip. A moment, My Randy Stallion. I wish to change into something more appropriate."

  Silkie slipped into her bedroom. Shelley and Gilzean were still huddling on the sofa. Quick, into the closet and stay there until I say otherwise."

  The two cubs scampered into hiding and Silkie closed the door on them.

  "I knew it was only a matter of time before you yielded to me, Paolo called from the antechamber.

  "How could I not? She could hear him pacing as she unlaced her bodice. Come help me with the fastenings, Paolo."

  He entered her bedroom and gazed at her breasts. You're beautiful."

  "Appreciate me, Paolo."

  Her appetites were still that of a newborn. Hoon, fully aware of it, had allowed that she could have whatever she wished, including other malessome of whom had left her bed as corpses when her hunger got the better of her. The Passion Dance of the Vampire had gotten hold of Silkie twice, causing her to mistake appetite for love, and she had killed two lovers since joining Hoon. Lord Hoon found it all amusing, giving her what guidance he could in the ways of the undead.

  Paolo unfastened her skirts, slipped them down to her ankles, and pressed his face into her loins. Silkie's next moan was real as his tongue darted ove
r her clit and into her womanhood. He licked his way to her breasts and sucked her nipples. Silkie teased his cock through his trousers, and reached to open his shirt. He stopped her.

  For an instant she hesitated, wondering if he had guessed her intentions. He scooped her into his arms and laid her on the bed. Paolo opened his trousers, lifting his hardened spear out. She understood then. Paolo intended to make the final act one of dominance. As he mounted her, thrusting deep into her moist tissues, Silkie pulled him close and sank her fangs into his neck. He climaxed instantly as her power rolled through him with all the sensuality Silkie had mastered while learning the whore's craft.

  His eyes glazed.

  Silkie wrapped her influence into the fibers of his mind with a deft hand. I need you, Paolo."

  He stared into her eyes, breathing hard. I live for your wishes."

  "Bring me three meals from the larder. Captain Aelfwin Cadwallader. Ezra Loyt. Conyn Pritchard."

  "Your wish."

  Silkie threw on a dressing robe and let the cubs out of the closet as soon as Captain Nicoletti departed.

  She settled on the couch with them. Shelley looked up at her and burst into tears, pointing at Silkie's mouth. She touched the edges and felt the sticky dampness of Paolo's blood drying around her lips. Heat burned beneath the dark shading of her skin. The very last thing she wanted to do was to make Shelley afraid of her. Silkie went to a stand near the window that had a basin and a ewer. She washed the blood away.

  A knock at the door, and Paolo entered with six guardsmyn and four lycans. The oldest, Aelfwin Cadwallader, threw Silkie a defiant look. Aelfwin had a square face with a strong jaw and a sprinkling of middle-aged gray amidst the russet brown at his temples. He and his three companions had their hands chained behind them and their feet shackled so tightly that they shuffled as they walked.

  "Paolo, can your myn be trusted?"

  "Picked myn, My Princess. I can trust them with my life."

  "Good enough. Give me the key. Silkie extended her hand to him and he surrendered his ring of keys.

  She approached Aelfwin to unlock his bonds.

  "Best leave me chained, vampire. Release me and I will break your foul neck."

  Paolo whipped around and slammed his fist into Aelfwin's stomach, sending the lycan to his knees gasping for breath.

  Shelley let out a shriek and ran to Aelfwin, hugging his neck. Waller. Don't be hurt, Waller."

  "Shelley? Aelfwin pressed his head against hers. What are ... you doing here?"

  "Escaping from Anglecyn, I hope. Silkie stroked Shelley's head. I am Cullen Blackwood's widow. An eye for an eye. No one does it better than a lycan ... except those who have loved them."

  "Then you're Silkie Faggini."

  "I was. Now I'm once more Silkanna Mircala de Waejonan. I became a vampire to gain vengeance for Cullen and safety for our son, Cooley. Silkie frowned. Paolo, I asked for three..."

  "The fourth is my brother, said Aelfwin. He insisted upon dying with me."

  "I see. Then I am glad he has come. There will be no more dying if I can help it."

  "Then why have you sent for us, if not to sate your unholy appetites with our blood?"

  Silkie ignored his return to the topic of her undead state, realizing that he needed more convincing. I'm saving my son. Paolo will help you four escape with Lady Brawleigh and her children so that she can warn my son's protector of a threat to my Cooley."

  "Our little prince. Paolo gazed at Silkie in a way that alarmed her. Somehow, without intending to, she had twisted his lust into love and devotion. She had much to learn about her new gifts.

  Silkie stepped into the role that Paolo and those watching expected her to play, stroking Paolo's face, and then kissing him fondly. Guard my messengers well, darling. And save my son from the minions of the Queen and Lord Hoon."

  The six soldiers of Waejontor straightened with the pride that came of being given a truly noble task.

  "Is he lycan? Aelfwin eyed her with traces of suspicion.

  "Yes. But that does not make my son any less a prince of Waejontor. Silkie sucked in a breath, her lips framing a brittle smile as she turned again to Aelfwin. I see that you still don't trust me. Let me explain myself in more detail and perhaps then, you will understand. I was the madam of the Crimson Lady Brothel in Hell's Widow, Waejontor. That's where I met Cullen. He taught our son to ride and to fight. I loved being with them. Then last summer, the sa'necari returned to Hell's Widow. They captured Cullen and tortured him for information. My Cullen was tough and he gave them nothing."

  Silkie's eyes started leaking tears and her mouth trembled as she finished the tale. On the day that they captured another courier, they took me to see him. They had broken his arms and legs ... nailed him into a chair with silver spikes. They thought to break my will by making me watch him die. All they broke was my heart. They shoved a silver rune blade into his belly and then locked me in with him. It took him three days to die."

  Paolo put a comforting arm around her shoulders, and she leaned her head against his chest.

  "Fancy that, a lycan heir to the throne of the bloody sa'necari. Daffyd Cadwallader grinned at his brother with grim humor and a large dollop of drollery.

  "I'll do everything in my power to help your son. Aelfwin turned his back to Silkie and held out his wrists to be released from his shackles. Who is his protector in Wolffgard?"

  Silkie unlocked the shackles. A friend of Cullen's and myself. A guardsmon named Kynyr Maguire."

  Aelfwin stopped trying to rub the feeling back into his wrists and stared at his brother.

  Silkie glanced back and forth between the two Cadwalladers, trying to puzzle out what she had said to get this reaction. Do you know him or of him?"

  Aelfwin let out a bark of harsh laughter. We should. He's the King of Red Wolf."

  * * * *

  Zinzi sat playing with Ocvran's long blonde hair. Intelligence lingered in his eyes, the windows of his shattered mind, and he smiled at Zinzi with the guileless simplicity of a child. The majority of lycans had strong minds, and Ocvran's had proven no exception to the general rule. She had had to nearly break him down to kindling to insure his acceptance of her affections. Dressed in blue silk, Ocvran looked satisfyingly attractive. Zinzi kissed his cheek and began braiding his hair.

  "Happy now, Zinzi? Hoon leaned his hips against the desk in his office, his hands to either side of him. The elegant burgundy silk dressing robe clothing his lean body was as informal as the old-fashioned vampire ever allowed himself to appear.

  "Very. She stroked her finger along his neck. Ocvran tilted his head to the side and back, offering his neck to her. He can barely remember his own name, but he's picking up the nibari positions of submission quick, and he's good in the bedroom."

  "You made a fine choice. Lycans have more resilience than humans; they can take more damage ... more blood loss. He should last longer than your previous choices."

  "I hope so. I am pleased with him so far."

  "Now I want your report on Malthus."

  Zinzi gave Ocvran another stroke, and straightened, her tone going formal. The Redhand family has been extinguished, except for Merissa and Darmyk."

  "And the bastard prince?"

  "Alive. He either has powerful allies or uncanny luck. Kynyr Maguire has survived three major attempts on his life. However, he's now crippled and no threat."

  "Never underestimate your enemies."

  "Shall I kill him?"

  "Not until after we have secured Merissa, Darmyk, and Cooley."

  "And Malthus? Shall I kill him?"

  "In good time. First my prizes."

  "What will I be doing then?"

  "Spying. I want to know more about this Creeyan force I have heard is lodged there. If you find a good opportunity to snatch my prizes, you may do so."

  * * * *

  Dressed in Waejontori uniforms with the hoods of their cloaks pulled around their faces, the four lycan housecarles marched to the
stables with Captain Nicoletti and his myn. At that late hour, there was no one about in the stables. A ladder to the loft stood at the far end of a row of box stalls. Paolo indicated that Aelfwin should follow him up the ladder.

  Aelfwin wondered if they had been brought out there only to be murdered, and then shoved his suspicions away when Shelley erupted from hiding among the bales of hay, followed by Gilzean.

  "Waller! I knew you'd come, Waller."

  Lady Brawleigh rose from the shadows of the fodder and embraced him. I am so relieved to see you, Waller."

  A grim smile touched his mouth at seeing her. Shelley had given him the nickname, but the rest of the family had begun using it. We're getting out of here, Audra. I promise."

  When they climbed down, they found Silkie standing beside the saddled horses.

  Audra Brawleigh pushed her sleeve up and extended her wrist to Silkie. I want to thank you."

  Waller pushed her arm aside. If that's the way you want her thanked, I'll do it."

  Silkie flushed. It's not necessary."

  "Let's make it an act of trust and apology for misjudging you, Silkie. Aelfwin pulled Silkie into his arms before she could stop him and pressed her face into his neck.

  She could smell his blood, and the warm lycan musk that reminded her of Cullen. Her fangs came down from their sheaths, but she sent them away, struggling against the temptation to sink them into Waller's neck. Silkie shoved free of him. No. I accept your apology, but I refuse to taste your blood."

  Daffyd gave his brother a grim nod of approval as he lifted Shelley onto a horse.

  "When you reach Sunderborough, you should be able to find an ice rig to get you to Wolffgard down the Bonnie Draw. It's the fastest way. Silkie pressed a purse into Lady Brawleigh's hands. There's as much gold here as I could gather. It should be enough. Remember, my son is Cooley Blackwood. Hoon is going to snatch him. Tell Kynyr Maguire that."

  "I will, Silkie. And thank you."

  "Take good care of Gilzean. He's from Wolffgard. I have no idea who his mother is, but I'm sure she's missing him. Silkie unshouldered a courier's pouch and handed that to Lady Brawleigh next. Give this to my son."


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