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Page 28

by The Shadowed Princes [lit]

  "Getting back to the gang itself. How did they make their money?"

  "I protest! Malthus stood up. This has nothing to do with me. I had nothing to do with that gang. I didn't even know it existed!"

  "You damn well did! Iollen's eyes flashed. You held little meetings with them at your cottage."

  Waid shoved Malthus back into his chair. Keep silent until you're called to testify."

  Malthus subsided with a glare.

  "Getting back to the money. Their earnings working around the camp were meager. Yet they always had money to drink on, and they spent money on weapons they could not have normally afforded, such as quality knives and swords."

  "Yessir. The money. It came from prostitution."

  "They owned a brothel in Hell's Widow?"

  "No, sir. They ran it right here in Wolffgard."

  A buzz of crosstalk erupted in the benches and Phelan had to pound his hammer for silence.

  "And where is this brothel?"

  Iollen exhaled heavily and stared at his hands. All the females living on the grounds of the camp whored for them. At first, it was free, but then they started asking for donations. You knocked on the doors after dark and gave the code phrase my friend says you can help me. The door would open and the female would say, I can but I'm expecting company. After that you told them how you wanted it. Nothing was out of bounds."

  "A large number of women and children disappeared from there two weeks before the murder of Lawgiver Padruig Caimbeul. Do you know anything about that?"


  "Were they killed?"

  "No. Not that I know of. They were pregnant. The gang had to get them away before someone noticed."

  "Do you recognize that little cub? Ossian turned and pointed at Gilzean sitting on Lady Audra Brawleigh's lap.


  "Is he one of the missing cubs from the camp?"

  "Yessir, he is. That's Gilzean Taite. His mother was a sa'necari married a lycan. A sa'necari gang killed her husband and she fled here to protect the cub."

  "That's all for now. You may return to the witness table."

  Iollen returned to his place shaking like a leaf. Pandeena reached over and patted him. You did good, Iollen."

  "I hope so. Iollen's voice caught. I'm trying to make up for what I did. For Aghavie. I'm scared as hell. The only thing holding me together is my daughter ... and my memories of Aghavie. Just that and nothing more, Pandeena. I'm a coward."

  Stone frowned at the renewed outbreak of enraged talk among the onlookers. Kynyr, excuse me. I need to get a guard detail out to the camp before there's a riot."

  Kynyr gave a nod and Stone headed down the back of one row of tables, moving as quickly as he could.

  Ossian gestured at Audra. Lady Brawleigh, if you would be so kind as to bring Gilzean to the witness box?"

  She settled into the chair, brushed her skirts down, and cuddled Gilzean who nestled in her arms with a frightened expression.

  "What is your connection to Gilzean, Lady Brawleigh?"

  "My husband and I are adopting him."

  "Where did you meet this little fellow? Ossian gave Gilzean a reassuring stroke.


  "That is a very long way for a cub this young to have ventured. How did you know that Gilzean came from Wolffgard?"

  "Princess Silkanna Mircala de Waejonan told me. She asked me to return him to his family ... that he had been sent to Lord Hoon as a gift from Malthus Estrobian."

  Malthus schooled his face into a mask of impassivity, even as his heart threatened to climb into his throat. Silkie?

  "Hello, Gilzean. Ossian looked the little boy in the eyes. My name is Ossian and I won't let anyone hurt you. Will you answer a few questions for me?"

  Gilzean took his thumb out of his mouth and nodded. Yes."

  "What happened to your mother?"

  "The bad mon took her away."

  "Do you see the bad mon in this room? The one who took your mother away?"

  Solemn-eyed, Gilzean nodded again.

  "Will you point him out to me?"

  Gilzean jabbed his finger at Malthus. That's the bad mon."

  "Thank you, Gilzean and Lady Brawleigh. Ossian crossed to stand in front of his grandfather. With your permission, I would like to call a recess."

  * * * *

  As myn returned to their places, Ossian went to his small table and opened a satchel. He took out two pieces of paper and strode to the front where he waited for the trial to resume.

  Phelan pounded the table to call everyone to order and silence the crosstalk.

  Ossian turned and waved the papers at the courtroom. I would like to enter into evidence these two letters. One addressed to His Majesty and the other to Prince Cooley Diomedes de Waejonan-Blackwood. Will you read them to the gathered peers or shall I, Elder Phelan?"

  "I will. Phelan accepted the letters.

  Dear Kynyr Maguire.

  Cullen trusted you. So I am trusting you. By now you must know, or at least suspect, that Cullen is dead. They forced me to watch him die. The sa'necari have returned to Hell's Widow. I am trusting you with our child and my secret so that you will understand why I do not dare go to the garrison with this. You know me as Silkie Faggini. I was born Silkanna Mircala de Waejonan. Get word to the garrison, but do not tell them how you know. And, I beg you. Take care of our child. Cooley is no longer safe in Hell's Widow.



  Phelan paused to let the import of the letter sink into the listeners and then he read the second one.

  My Dear son, Cooley,

  I ask your forgiveness for what I have done. I did it to gain vengeance for your father. I loved Cullen with all my heart.

  This is both a way of telling you I love you and to warn you of many dangers. Lord Hoon has sent agents to kidnap you because you are a prince of Waejontor. His agent in Wolffgard is named Malthus Estrobian. You must inform Kynyr Maguire of that. Tell him also that should he attempt to liberate Anglecyn, I will betray Lord Hoon to him.

  Remember always that I love you.

  Your loving mother,

  Silkanna Mircala de Waejonan.

  The courtroom erupted in loud talk. Phelan had to strike the table so hard that he felt certain he had left dents in it.

  "Are there more witnesses, Lawgiver?"

  "One, Frozbie."

  "Ossian! Reist came striding up the aisle. We have another one and she's more important."


  Reist pointed at the door.

  Bella walked up the aisle with Willy's arm around her, fighting to control her terror.

  "Your honors, Willy said. My wife would like to offer testimony here."

  Malthus lips parted as he swallowed back a protest. He tried to capture Bella's eyes, but she kept them averted.

  "Come forward, said Ossian.

  Willy accompanied Bella to the questioner's seat, and stood holding her hand while she settled into it.

  "Your name? asked Ossian.

  "Bella Galloway, if you please."

  "Tell us your tale."

  She sucked in a nervous breath. Malthus is my cousin."

  The room exploded in crosstalk and Phelan pounded the table.

  Bella flinched and ducked her head. Willy squeezed her hand. She swallowed and forced the next words out. I am sa'necari."

  Another chaos of conversation erupted and again Phelan pounded the table. The next ones to raise their voices without permission will do thirty days in a cell."

  "My cousin is not an Estrobian. He is Malthus Tyrins, the bastard son of Lord Feodras Iagaris. He is a sa'necari bounty hunter and mercenary in the employ of Lord Hoon."

  Ossian's eyes widened and he gestured at his brother. Waid! Spellcord him."

  Malthus sprang to his feet. She's lying!"

  A heavy hand closed on Malthus shoulder and he looked up into Lokynen's grinning face. Waid spellcorded Malthus wrists. The sa'necari's stomach clenched and
soured as he felt his connection to his powers and mage-senses go dead. Ultan pulled the rings from his fingers and checked him for other jewelry. He turned his mind inward, brushed against the embedded ring, and felt his power kindle. The spellcord had been defeated. A glimmer of satisfaction stirred in Malthus. The Butchering Serpent would be free.

  Lokynen pulled Malthus arms behind him and a member of the militia secured them with heavy ropes.

  "Why did you come forward now, Missus Galloway? Seeing how obviously frightened she was, Ossian put as much kindness and reassurance into his voice as he could.

  Bella looked at Willy, who gave her an encouraging nod. We're having a baby. I want him to grow up in a safe world. I had to overcome my fear of Malthus for the cub's sake."

  "Is the child lycan?"


  Phelan regarded the room. Under the circumstances, I could simply order Malthus Tyrins Iagaris hung. However, I would prefer to observe the legalities. The court will recess for three days to deliberate. During that time, the Accused will be put to the question. Perhaps, when we return, we will have the full details of every single atrocity this mon has committed."

  Ossian glanced at Gavin who slammed his fist into his other hand.

  "My chastisemon is prepared for the interrogation."



  Malthus hung from the ceiling in chains, nude, the skin of his back in bloody tatters from the whip. He knew, even without searching his body with his arcane senses, that he had at least one broken rib. Breathing hurt. The spellcord on his wrists had revealed nothing to Ossian. The ring protected him from discovery and lessened the effects of the spellcords.

  He had given Ossian only silence and denial. Gavin had left moments ago after promising to return in an hour and move onto worse torments: thumbscrews and the rack. Malthus had no intention of waiting for Gavin. He reached into the power of the Ring of Waejonan, and separated his etheric body from the cords, creating a barrier that would allow him to function normally despite them.

  There was no longer a need to hide his powers. Malthus sucked in a deep breath and flexed his arms, tightened his fists, and poured all his sa'necari strength into grabbing the chains connected to his manacles. With a savage twist, he broke them. Malthus fell backwards to the ground, wincing at the pain in his ribs and back. He forced his anguished body up into a sitting position, seized the chains on his ankles, and broke them also.

  "What the hell? Gavin stood in the open doorway staring down at Malthus. The chastisemon reached for his sword, but Malthus was faster. He pounced upon Gavin, sending them both down into the filthy straw, and buried his fangs in Gavin's throat before the lycan could call out for help. Pinning Gavin's arms down with his hands, he sucked his blood out in huge, starving pulls. His body healed. Gavin writhed and twisted beneath him to no avail. Malthus was too strong. Within minutes, the chastisemon was a withered gray husk.

  Malthus removed Gavin's keys from his belt, unlocked the manacles and leg chains, and then the deadly seals on the spellcord. He had never tried to test his limits as a sa'necari, but Malthus had long suspected they were immense. Riting members of the highest echelons of the sa'necari, those who carried legacies of power going back as far as twenty generations, had been a heady experience. Theoretically he had the strength and power within him equivalent to having taken over a million souls. It was time to test it.

  He required a diversion to escape from Wolffgard, and he was not leaving without his niece, his wife and twin sons. Malthus spread a high-level scan through Wolffgard, sending it as far and wide as he could. His awareness touched each and every person that carried his coercions in their brains. He placed a shielding spell around Merissa, and felt her startled reaction to it.

  He spoke a single phrase and over fifty myn died.

  Then he stripped Gavin's body, covered his nudity in the chastisemon's clothing, and buckled on his weapons. The clothes hung loose on him, but that was better than nothing. His instinct for discretion still dogged him. He pulled the hood of Gavin's cloak around his face and stalked out of the cell.

  "Gavin? The guard on duty rose from his chair by the door.

  Malthus lifted his head with a sneer and let the guardsmon see his face.

  "You're not Gavin! The lycan reached for his blade.

  Malthus hand came up and he threw a surge of tearing force into the mon.

  The lycan's eyes bulged as he staggered backwards. He struck the wall behind him and his chest exploded. Malthus gazed at the shattered corpse, exulting in his power. After so many, many months of restraining himself, he felt giddy at the release and the freedom.

  Furthermore, he had achieved something that he knew to be possible in theory, but never put it to the test before. Rumor held that an exploding strike of that nature was how the late Prince Mephistis had brought down a dragon. He marveled at his untested potentials; yet, even then his reason told him to hold back as much as possiblethere were more dangerous opponents out there and he would need it then. Best to not waste it. This isn't the time or the place for it.

  Malthus climbed the stairs and stepped out into the corridor.

  Waid O'Reilly strode toward him. Gavin, Ossian wants to know...."

  Malthus hand came up.

  Waid recognized an arcane gesture and threw himself to the floor, rolling. The glancing edge of the spell caught him in the side. Pain geysered through him, and Waid stilled.

  Malthus walked on.

  The lawgiver listened to Malthus footsteps and then heard a door close. Waid dragged himself up using a doorknob. His vision grayed around the edges. He fought for consciousness. Had the spell struck him square, Waid was certain that he would be dead. As it was, he felt like curling up and screaming.

  Screaming. Yes, screaming.

  Waid threw his head back and howled his warning. He heard it echoed far down the corridor. Others had heard him. Weakness swept through Waid, and he sagged to the ground and into darkness.

  * * * *

  The pleasant warmth of the kitchen made it one of Kissie's favorite places. She sat at the table across from the huge ovens, rolling bread dough, and braiding it. Isbeth, the best baker among the nibari, would only let her do that much.

  Isbeth laughed. My baby is growing so fast!"

  "He surprises me. I can't wait for mine to get here. Kissie rubbed her belly. Timerly is twelve. It's been so long that I can barely remember what he looked like crawling across the floor."

  "I know. Mistress Aisha waited so long... Isbeth suddenly stiffened, her eyes glazing as she collapsed in the floor.

  Kissie screamed and dropped to her knees beside her.

  Emma stepped tentatively into the room, like a little mouse, glancing about. Her gaze fell upon Kissie and Isbeth. What's wrong with her?"

  "She's dead."

  Emma shrieked, which triggered off another round of shrieking from Kissie.

  Lyncoln came in with Jocelyn on his arm. Jocelyn looked pale and uncertain, as if she were being run ragged.

  "Quiet! He knelt beside Isbeth, feeling for a pulse. What happened here?"

  Kissie mastered herself, swallowing back another scream. She-she just keeled over."

  Jocelyn stared at the corpse and looked ready to vomit.

  "Fetch a healer, Jocelyn. They'll want to examine what's left of her."

  She backed toward the door, nodding, and fled.

  "I do hope you'll forgive Jocelyn's rudeness. Lyncoln attempted a bit of levity to change the mood of the room. She gets decidedly odd after I've chased her about the suite a few times."

  * * * *

  Sitting in Jenny's parlor, Regina rubbed the hilt of her saber obsessively. Merissa refuses to stop crying. You'd think she'd be glad we caught him."

  "It's hard sometimes. Love is an odd Jenny stopped speaking in mid-sentence and staggered, reeling into the wall.

  Regina sprang to her feet and slipped her arm around Jenny's waist, supportin
g her. What is it?"

  "High level necromantic scan. The Butchering Serpent ... his power is terrible. We must assemble my mages."

  Regina helped Jenny into the hallway. Jenny used the Blue Room for her meetings. Everyone who had felt it would go there out of habit. Or at least I hope so.

  Reist appeared from a side room. Reggie, what's happening?"

  "The Butchering Serpent is making his move. Jenny gasped as if struggling to breath. It must be. No other sa'necari can be that powerful."

  Stone came striding down the hallway, his face stern. The Serpent is unleashed. I've ordered the swan mays and their gryphons into the yard. If he's coming here, he's going to have to go through a wall of teeth and claws."

  He swept Jenny into his arms and headed for the Blue Room.

  Kynyr appeared with Jordan at his side. The king buckled on his weapons as he strode along. You think it's Malthus?"

  "That's exactly what I think. Stone kept walking, forcing the others to trot to keep up with him.

  * * * *

  Kady sat nursing Fergus in the chapel. It had been turned into a temporary shrine to Todd. His body, with a preservation spell over it, sat before the altar. The coffin maker and his assistants were working on a fine carved box, but it would take weeks to build.

  "You see him? Kady pointed to the coffin. That's your great-grandfather. He's a saint now. I want you to be just like him when you grow up."

  Cahira came in and walked over to the coffin. She stroked his still features. I love you, Todd. Always and forever."

  Kady blinked. What was that?"

  "The Serpent is unleashed. He's coming in this direction. Cahira straightened, her eyes narrowing.

  Kady rose and placed Fergus in her arms. Take him to Creeya."

  "What are you going to do? Cahira cradled the infant tight.

  "If he's going after Kynyr, he'll have to go through me first."

  Silvery light shimmered over both bitches and they vanished.

  * * * *

  Ossian cradled his brother's head. Don't die on me, Waid."

  A tight group of myn stood around the two lawgivers: Ultan, Pandeena, Toniqua, and Lokynen. Ultan had tears in his grim eyes. Pandeena leaned her shoulders to the wall.

  Toniqua knelt, shoved Waid's sleeve up and injected him with a blend of Narcantha and Amphereon.


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