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Atlantean's Quest Volume 1

Page 14

by Jordan Summers

  Eros flinched as she uttered her last words, but continued on. “Ah, but that’s where you are wrong, my Rachel. There is nothing average about you.” A knowing smile curled his lips. “When the red-haired demon was about to end your life you had the chance to save yourself by telling him where to find my people, and showing him the instrument in your pocket, yet you chose to remain silent. You were brave and loyal, like a Queen should be.”

  “That was different.” Wasn’t it?

  “No, ‘tis not. You have told me about your friendship with Jac and Brigit and how you all supported one another in times of crisis. Your loyalty is obvious for all to see.”

  He swung his hands wide for emphasis. “The pain that you feel at the loss of these two women is reflected in your eyes. But they are not lost. Because you have told me they will seek you out. I will ensure that Ares finds them.”

  “What?” Rachel’s mouth dropped open. Her eyes widened in shock, then outrage. It was one thing to keep her against her will, it was quite another to involve her friends. She placed her hands on the table and rose, pushing the chair away in one movement. It slammed onto the floor. “Leave Jac and Brigit out of this.”

  “I cannot do that, my Queen, for their company has been requested.”

  “By who? I never said—”

  “In your mind, you’ve asked for them dozens of times. I’ll stop Ares’s quest for the red-devil and send him to wait for your friends instead.”

  “Ares is the dark-haired man I saw the first day I was brought here, right?” Somehow she just knew that’s who he was talking about.

  “Yes, he is like a brother.”

  Rachel shivered. Ares gave her the willies. His jade eyes had pierced through her, like a blade, unsettling in their regard. She pictured the dark hunter, then imagined Jac. “No, no, no, you can’t send him after my friends! This is a really bad idea.” Rachel picked her chair up and plopped down on it, holding her head. This wasn’t happening. She may not have said anything aloud, but she thought of Jac and Brigit often. It still wasn’t right to inflict this situation upon her friends. What kind of friend would she be if she did that?

  A lonely one.

  She looked up in a flash. “Stay out of my mind, Eros,” she warned.

  He stared at her, an exasperated expression on his handsome face. “Why do you fight me, when you know what I say is true?”

  “I’m not fighting you. I just don’t...I just don’t know what I want anymore.” She dropped her hands and looked into his fathomless depths. “You are purposely trying to confuse me.”

  Eros shrugged. “Tell me about Donald.”

  The mere mention of the man had Rachel ready to spit bullets. That bastard should pay. But if she stayed here, there was no way justice would be done.

  “Justice will be done, my Queen. I will see to it.” Eros pushed the table out of the way and pulled Rachel onto his lap. He stroked the side of her hair with his fingers, gently tugging on the loose strands.

  She sniffed. “What does that mean?”

  “I cannot allow this man to escape the jungle. He is far too much of a threat to my people. Besides he has broken Atlantean law.”

  “What law?”

  “Atlantean law states that if a man strikes a woman in our society he must face a tribunal. If he is found guilty, the group will strip him of his ability to mate, along with his telepathic powers. Once he has lost these powers, he often chooses to leave the tribe and go off to die for the silence will drive him insane.”

  Rachel’s jaw dropped. “What do you mean by strip him of his ability to mate? Are you saying they’ll chop off his dick?”

  “Not his shaft, only his sac.” Eros watched her closely before adding, “Our methods are humane.”

  “Then your methods aren’t for Donald,” she snapped. “He doesn’t deserve humane.”

  “He may not, but the way we handle these things is necessary. We have so few among us, as you may have noticed, that our women are protected above all else. We show them honor and respect, as all societies of the world should.”

  Rachel sighed. “Unfortunately the world doesn’t work that way.”

  “I am aware of your world. It disturbs me.” Eros’s jaw tightened.

  “It doesn’t matter.” Rachel shook her head. “The tribunal wouldn’t be able to hold a trial for Donald. He’s not a telepath and he doesn’t mate. Besides, I’d need proof and I don’t have any.”

  “You have it right here in front of you.” Eros patted his chest.

  Rachel worried her teeth over her lower lip. “You?”

  “I witnessed him striking you. No one would doubt the word of the King.”

  She rubbed her arms. “He’s probably halfway back to New York by now.”

  “It is of no import.” Eros shrugged. “He will be found,” he said without apology or further explanation. “Now let’s see the village. My people are eager to meet you.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter Twelve

  Eros rose, lifting Rachel in the process. He gently set her feet on the floor and led her out the door. His eyes caressed her lovingly, warming her. A girl could get used to being looked at like that. The little voice inside her head reminded her again that getting used to anything here would only lead to heartache later.

  He placed her hand on the crook of his arm and put his large palm over top. It was a simple act, one meant to reassure. Rachel heart fluttered. Eros wanted things from her that she wasn’t sure she was capable of giving, and it scared her senseless.

  They walked along the tree branch. The huts were empty. Rachel glanced and saw people bustling on the ground. Her grip on Eros tightened. He stroked her hand.

  Warm, orchid perfumed air clung to her skin, moistening it to a glistening sheen. Rachel looked caught glimpses of sunlight through the swaying leaves. A breeze washed over her and her nipples beaded.

  Rachel stopped dead, pulling Eros to a halt beside her.

  “What is it, my Queen?”

  “I..I..I’m naked. I totally forgot that I’m naked.” She’d been so caught up in making out with Eros that she’d forgotten to get dressed. She glanced down at the flimsy skirt, riding low across her pubic bone.

  “You are properly clothed.”

  “I can’t go down there like this. People will see my...” Rachel indicated her pierced nipples. “And my…” She pointed down.

  Eros laughed. The sound rumbled through her, vibrating the golden hoops. She bit her lip against the sensation.

  “It will be fine, my Queen.”

  She squeezed his arm. “You don’t understand. I can’t go down there without my clothes. I’m meeting these people for the first time. What kind of impression will they get with me flashing my hooha at everyone?”

  His lips twitched. “Your old clothing is considered disrespectful in the eyes of the Atlantean people.” He turned to face her, his expression serious, as he reached out to gently clutch her arms. “You wouldn’t want to insult them, would you?”

  Rachel shook her head. This was a no-win situation. She didn’t want to disrespect anyone, certainly not these people who had been so accepting of her presence. But she didn’t want to appear almost naked in public. She’d never been the most confident person. She didn’t even where a two piece at the beach. Now she was about to go meet an entire tribe of perfect bodied people. What would they think of her once they caught sight of the cellulite on her thighs? It didn’t bear thinking about. She took a couple of deep breaths, letting them out slowly. Rachel thought of Jac. Her friend would stride naked through the whole village if it meant she’d finally get to go home. Rachel squared her shoulders and raised her chin. She could do this. All she had to do was channel Jac.

  * * * * *

  Eros smiled and guided her to the transport basket. “I really must meet this woman you call Jac.”

  He lowered the transport with care, whispering sweet words in praise of Rachel’s beauty all the way to the ground. She closed her eyes,
allowing herself to bask in the husky timber of his voice, until they safely reached the earthen floor.

  “Thank you for the kind words. Even if they’re not true, I appreciate you trying to make me more comfortable,” she said a second before a blush stole over her cheeks.

  Eros had trouble tearing his eyes from Rachel’s loveliness. “I speak only the truth, my Queen. To me, you are perfect.”

  She touched his arm tentatively and wrapped her small fingers around his wrist. He placed his hand on top of hers once more. Everything about her felt right. She held her chin high, despite her embarrassment over the prospect of walking through his village naked.

  Eros shook his head. The people of this planet had strange ideas about what constituted decency. They were more concerned about proper attire than feeding their people. That was just one of the many reasons he had to get the Atlanteans off planet Earth.

  He assisted Rachel from the transport. They walked along the perimeter of the camp. Eros introduced her to the women who were preparing tomorrow night’s feast. They were all bare-breasted. Two of the women had been pierced through the nipples, while the third, Cassandra had none. Rachel made a mental note to ask Eros what significance the hoops held in the tribe.

  All wore the same kind of long skirt that Rachel had on, but the colors were all different. Three sets of aqua eyes stared at her tentatively. Rachel smiled and shook hands with the ladies. She instantly liked them all, but felt drawn to Cassandra. With her she felt a kinship that she hadn’t experienced outside of Jac and Brigit. Her discomfort fell away as the women of Atlantis embraced her with warm, sisterly love and compassion.

  After a few moments Eros took her arm once more, and the women turned back to their work. He guided Rachel toward the Ariel’s home. They were crossing the final trail when Ares stepped from the jungle blocking the path. Rachel jumped, pressing her body against Eros’s wide back in an attempt to hide.

  “All is well, my Queen.” Eros grinned at the warrior before him as he spoke to Rachel. “This is my friend, Ares.”

  Rachel peeked out from behind Eros’s waist. Her thoughts betrayed her. She knew who Ares was and didn’t bother to try to hide her reaction. Eros listened to her thoughts. She found the dark hunter more intimidating up close, comparing him to the bogeyman. He did not know who that was, but thought the comparison apt.

  Rachel stared into those piercing green eyes, quivering under their intensity. Heat flooded her face and swept down her body turning it a delightful shade of pink. Eros read her attraction to Ares’s dark male beauty, but the air of danger surrounding him managed to frighten her.

  Eros looked at his friend through her eyes. Hair as black as Death’s cape hung down his back, so straight that it looked as if someone had pressed it. His body, corded with muscle, appeared well worn with a few scattered scars. She seemed utterly fascinated by the fact that he was the only Atlantean with scars. His jade-colored eyes drew her, along with his blade of a nose that ran sharply down his chiseled face. Rachel quivered sensing the leashed power within his large frame, coiled tight and ready to spring free at any moment. She didn’t want to be anywhere near him when that happened. Eros smiled. Ares was indeed intimidating, but he was also loyal, fierce, and overprotective. He wanted his mate to like Ares as much as he did.

  “Come out from behind me so that Ares can give you a proper Atlantean greeting.”

  “That’s okay. I’m good here,” she said, waving to Ares.

  Eros snorted and pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. “On my honor, I will protect you from this big, bad hunter.”

  Ares’s eyes narrowed. Why would you need to protect her from me? I would never harm the future Queen of our people or any female for that matter.

  I know this, but she does not.

  Rachel made a tentative move to her right. She was out from behind Eros, but still a step or two behind him. She stuck out her hand. Ares just stared at it for a few seconds, then his brow rose as he looked at Eros.

  ’Tis her people’s custom to shake hands when they meet, Eros said telepathically.

  But that is not a proper greeting. What would you have me do?

  Eros shrugged. Shake her hand, then give her a proper Atlantean greeting. But before you do, did the Seer speak with you?

  Ares nodded, then shifted uncomfortably.

  Eros smiled at his friend’s obvious change in demeanor. What have you learned of the Professor?

  I have found some of his tracks, along with many dead bodies on the trail. At first all appeared to be accidental, but after careful examination I realized they’d all been killed. He is concealing his deeds. The group has divided. The Professor appears to have headed back to the original campsite but he’s covering his tracks well. His trail has all but disappeared. If you wish, I could try to pick it up again and follow him.

  Eros didn’t miss the hopeful note in his friend’s thought. He wasn’t going to let him out of his duty that easy. Nay, you have your orders. The professor will wait. I expect you to leave directly after the mating ceremony.

  For a second Ares’s muscles tensed and something flashed in his eyes. He looked as if he were about to argue or protest, but then with a kind of feigned resignation he relaxed and nodded instead.

  The Queen misses her friends, Eros added. In her mind, she’s convinced they will come. I would not ask this of you otherwise. I know your skills are more suited to hunting and fighting, but her happiness will determine of the future of our people. Finding her friends is the least we can do after forcing so many changes upon her.

  I will do as I’m commanded, as always. But know this, King, you are pressing the boundaries of our friendship. Never would I ask you to perform such a menial task.

  Eros tried not to laugh. You’ll survive. I have no doubt.

  Survive, yes. Return unscathed, probably not.

  One last thing, my friend, beware of the one known as Jac. From the Queen’s memories, she’s a fierce warrior. I’d wish the fair-haired demon on no man.

  Ares’s jade orbs glinted, but he said nothing.

  * * * * *

  Rachel knew they were having a conversation. Men just didn’t stare at each other in silence, unless they were getting ready to fight. And there didn’t seem to be any reason for that to happen. She wanted to ask what they were discussing but decided against it. If they’d been in New York she’d have guessed sports, but what in the hell kind of Atlantean sport could they be discussing...vine climbing? Puddle jumping? Monkey tossing? Rachel snorted and stared at her outstretched hand, so much for introducing herself to the dark warrior. She felt like an idiot holding her hand out for so long. It was embarrassing.

  She was about to drop her hand when with lightning speed Ares grasped her palm, dwarfing it in his own. He shook it a couple of times then let go. Rachel was grateful that he’d been quick. The man overwhelmed her. Whoever he was mated to must really be a strong woman to stand up to him.

  Rachel tried to hide her uneasiness by keeping her hands glued to her sides. She felt extremely exposed in her Atlantean clothing. It didn’t help that Ares’s eyes kept perusing her, settling more than once upon her nipples. She blushed deeper. Hadn’t he ever been taught that it wasn’t nice to stare?

  Ares dropped to his knees before her.

  “What is he doing?” Rachel looked to Eros for guidance.

  Eros said nothing.

  She gasped and tried to shove him away as Ares clasped his hands on her hips. “Eros do something,” she pleaded and began to struggle harder.

  Ares held her easily, then leaned forward and latched onto her right breast.

  Shock quickly morphed into something far more dangerous. The second his lips made contact, Rachel’s body responded of its own volition. Her nipples beaded, tightening under Ares’s firm lips.

  Rachel’s skin heated as his strong, callused fingers held her firm. Her body quivered as he placed another slow wet kiss on the opposite nipple, giving a quick flick of his
tongue to her gold ring before pulling back. To her mortification, Rachel’s channel flooded. Ares inhaled. The smile he shot her was devastating. He knew exactly how he’d affected her.

  Damn my traitorous body.

  Rachel had the urge to wipe that smug grin right off Ares’s darkly handsome face. Before she could tell him exactly what she thought of him and his outlandish behavior, he spoke, answering the question she’d forgotten she’d asked.

  “I am paying proper respect to my new Queen,” Ares said.

  Rachel planted her hands on her hips and glared at Eros. “Are you going to let him get away with that?”

  “But of course. He pays you proper respect.” He shrugged casually, though his muscles appeared tense. “If he did not, then there would be a problem.”

  She didn’t miss the wink Ares sent Eros.

  “But he kissed me on my—on my—my breasts.”

  Eros nodded. “That is the Atlantean way of proper greeting and a show of respect…even if it lasted a little longer than necessary,” he added, eyeing his friend.

  Rachel slugged his arm. “You could’ve warned me. So why didn’t the women kiss me there? Not that I’m complaining. I’m just curious.”

  Eros grinned in an all-too-male-pleased-with-himself sort of way. “’Tis how the men of our species show respect to the women.”

  Rachel tried to sound calm when she asked the question, but her voice came out wispy and pinched. “Do you kiss all the women like that?”

  Eros’s smile dropped and a slash of pink streaked his cheeks. “Tis custom,” he stuttered.

  Rachel’s hands rested on her hips. “Yeah, I just bet.”

  Ares rose with a full-blown grin across his face. “The new Queen is jealous. A good sign, my King.”

  She stomped her foot. “I am not jealous.”

  “I have upset you, my Queen. For that I am truly sorry. It has been a pleasure to meet you. I look forward to seeing more of you,” his eyes wandered over her body in appreciation, “at the feast tomorrow night.”

  Ares turned away and strode off into the jungle before Rachel could respond.


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