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Atlantean's Quest Volume 1

Page 39

by Jordan Summers

  He took a ragged breath and pushed aside the furs. His body flexed and stretched as he got up from the bed. His enormous cock stood at attention while he picked up his loincloth and quickly dressed. He walked to the hidden panel and opened it up, withdrawing a new black skirt. Ares handed it to Jac.

  “Put this on,” he said, then made his way to the door.

  “It’s black,” she said, holding the skirt.

  Ares looked at her. “You told me that was what you preferred.”

  “Yeah, but not on this day.” Jac stared at the material. She couldn’t go through a mating ceremony dressed in black. What did that say about its chances of success?

  Ares seemed to realize her dilemma. He gently plucked the material from her loose fingertips and ran it through his hands. The material shimmered, then turned emerald green. “Better?” he asked.

  “Better,” she said.

  Ares smiled and handed the skirt back to her, then walked to the door. He gripped the hide covering the entrance like a lifeline, before turning to face her one last time, his expression grim. “Later today, Eros will come to prepare you. I know I have not explained all, but please allow him to do this, my love. It is part of the ritual.”

  The pain on Ares’s face showed clearly. Jac wasn’t sure what he meant by prepare but was sure by the emphasis he’d placed on the word, she wasn’t going to like it. At least Ares didn’t seem to be any happier about the idea than she did, which was small consolation. He gave her a half smile and then slipped through the door.

  Jac paced the length of the hut, her imagination going overboard. She envisioned every possible scenario that could be included in a preparation and had come to one conclusion. She wasn’t about to fuck Rachel’s husband. No way. No how. So they’d have to come up with some other way to get her ready for the mating ceremony.

  In fact, it kind of pissed her off that Rachel hadn’t mentioned any of this when they’d gone down by the stream that first day of her arrival. Jac ran her hands through her hair. But then again, it wasn’t like she’d actually given any indication she would stick around, so Rachel might have figured what’s the point. She nodded, citing it as the likeliest scenario. If she kept this up, there would be a rut running the length of Ares’s hut. Jac’s nerves skidded across her skin, making her painfully aware of every creak, snap, and brush against the dwelling. It was going to be a long wait.

  By the time Eros reached the door, Jac was going out of her mind. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “Where in the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting here for over an hour,” she growled. “I don’t know what the preparation entails, but if I have to have sex with you, you can forget about it, ritual or not.” She sliced a hand through the air.

  Eros’s aqua eyes widened and the corner of his mouth curved in amusement, but he said nothing. He simply continued to stare at her, waiting for her to finish.

  “Have you told Rachel what you’re planning on doing?” She began to pace again. “I’m sure if you had she wouldn’t be very happy. She’s always been a one man kind of girl and doesn’t tolerate cheaters.”

  With the mention of Rachel, some of his amusement faded.

  “You did tell her, didn’t you?” Jac stopped to face him.

  Eros looked decidedly uncomfortable. “The Queen is well aware of the duties I must perform concerning my station.”

  Jac laughed. “That’s a round about way of saying no.”

  “There is nothing to tell.” He snorted, shrugging his broad shoulders.

  “Chicken.” Jac clucked.

  His eyes narrowed, but his expression wasn’t as confident as his voice implied. “Let’s get on with it.”

  Jac took a deep breath. “Fine.”

  “Take off your skirt.”

  Jac flinched, but her voice remained steady, determined. “Promise me that there’ll be no hanky-panky. I will not betray my friend or Ares.”

  “’Tis a promise.”

  Jac swallowed hard, but did as he asked. It wasn’t like he and the rest of the tribe hadn’t already seen her naked the day before. She slid the sheer emerald material over her hips and let it sink to the floor. Her eyes followed the skirt, as it settled around her ankles. She felt Eros’s gaze burning over her exposed skin, focusing on the slim thatch of hair between her thighs.

  Shoring up her strength, she met his gaze. His blue eyes held hers for a moment and the muscles in his chest tensed. She could make out the thick outline of his cock as it bulged behind the material of his loincloth. Jac’s heart beat triple time against her ribs as Eros took a step forward, closing the distance between them. Just when she thought he would reach out and touch her, he stepped around her, walking to the table. He opened up the pouch at his side and pulled out several small containers.

  Jac watched as he carefully laid the items on the table. There were brushes and what appeared to be oils neatly lined up. He opened the first container and began to slather his hands. She had a feeling she knew what he was about to do, but she still felt completely unprepared for the moment Eros placed his large hands upon her shoulders. Shivery tingles spread over her skin, radiating down to her toes. He hadn’t moved, yet heat spread over her, lapping at the farthest regions of her desire, fanning hidden flames. Jac pictured Ares and grit her teeth.

  Eros ran his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, leaving the delicate scent of vanilla behind. Fire seemed to shoot from his fingertips with laser-like intensity. He moved to her back, rubbing, soothing, and stroking. She closed her eyes and tried to fight her body’s natural response. His hands dipped lower, cupping her bottom, then drawing up to circle the tiny indents at the base of her spine. Jac bit her lip to keep from groaning.

  She swayed as his hands continued their upward climb, looping around to brush the underside of her breasts. She could feel the heat coming off Eros as he stepped nearer to extend his reach, yet he didn’t touch her with his body, which was just as well. The tension thrumming through him was tangible. She could almost taste it in the charged air. Jac imagined it was Ares’s touch, as Eros’s fingertips dipped toward her abdomen, circling the nerves surrounding her belly button. He stroked lower, scraping the crisp strip of curls covering her clit.

  Jac sucked in a breath and held it, willing his hand to go lower, yet at the same time not wanting him to touch her there. He slid down her legs, covering them in oil, then

  slowly made his way back up. She could hear Eros’s strained breath as he massaged the inside of her thighs. Vanilla mixed with the musky scent of Jac’s sex filled the air. The harder she fought the pull of his hands, the more turned on she became. To her horror, her legs began to tremble.

  His fingertips were hot as branding irons when he finally slid them along her warmth. Shudders racked Jac, as he spread his fingers, opening her up to his intimate probing. Jac’s channel flooded as one digit came close to slipping inside, then shied away. Without thought, her legs clamped shut, trapping his hand. Eros fell forward, his body gently colliding with her back. His skin scalded her, his masculine scent surrounding, overwhelming, intoxicating. Suddenly Jac couldn’t breathe. She relaxed her thighs, slowly releasing his hand.

  She felt Eros’s thick cock buck beneath his loincloth, stretching the limits of its bindings. With his free hand he parted her nether lips and found her hidden nub. His thumb began to draw sensual circles around the nerve endings, urging her toward completion. Swipe after swipe, he continued to work his magic. Eros’s hips thrust of their own volition, matching the rhythm of his massaging fingers. Soon their movements were primal. She ground her sex against his hand, seeking release. She could hear Eros’s desperate pant against her ear.

  “Please, Jac,” he thrust forward, his loin-clothed shaft brushing her back. “Come for me.”

  Jac imagined it was Ares touching her, stroking her. Eros reached up and pinched her nipple hard. All the while his thumb continued to work her clit. Her body flared. She writhed in his arms, drawing nearer and
nearer to completion.

  Eros released Jac only long enough to spin her around in his arms. His mouth closed over a ripe bud, sucking the nipple between his teeth. He lifted her from her feet. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. She closed her eyes and pictured Ares’s starkly handsome face. Eros’s fingers once again sought the hooded bundle of nerves.

  He released her nipple then flicked each peak with his tongue, while pressing down on her clit. Jac’s body jerked back as she came, but Eros didn’t release her. He continued his assault until her cries of release filled the jungle. Then, and only then, did Eros quit massaging her clit. He gave each nipple one more quick brush with his tongue, then pulled his drenched fingers from between her legs.

  Jac could still feel Eros’s cock, straining for relief. In her euphoria, she actually considered offering to ease his discomfort. Then she opened her eyes, her senses slowly coming back to reality. Gone were Ares’s emerald eyes. They’d been replaced by aqua blue. “Let me go,” she demanded and shoved away from Eros’s chest.

  He slowly lowered her to her feet, making sure she could stand before releasing her and stepping back. Eros dropped to his knees. “Thank you for doing me the honor of allowing me to prepare you for the mating ceremony.” He kissed first one of her nipples, then brushed his lips across the other. He rose to his feet and started gathering the items, placing them back into the pouch at his side. Eros turned to leave, but Jac stopped him by placing her hand upon his forearm.

  “Yes,” he asked.

  “Did Rachel have to go through this sort of preparation?”

  Eros’s face hardened and his jaw clenched. He blew out a ragged breath. “Yes,” he bit out.

  “Is that why you came here?” Jac didn’t like the idea that Eros might be doing this to get back at her best friend.

  His expression softened. “No, that is not why I came to you. I came here out of duty to my brother-in-arms,” he said.

  Jac knew she wasn’t going to like the answer, but she had to ask the question. “Who was given the task of preparing Rachel?”

  His eyes flared. “The task was left to Ares. ‘Tis long been an Atlantean tradition, yet it does not make it any easier on the mate.” Eros gave her an understanding smile.

  The full weight of the situation hit Jac and she was too shocked to actually speak. Her mind raced as she imagined her friend Rachel being stripped down and oiled up. That must have been quite an ordeal for her, knowing Rachel the way she did. Jac didn’t want to think about the fact that Ares had touched her friend the way Eros had touched her. No it was best to ignore that altogether or else she’d never make it through the ceremony without shredding someone. She glanced at Eros, admiring his beauty. Given the circumstances she and Rachel would have to call it even.

  Eros picked up her skirt. He ran his hands over the length of the material and it seemed to sparkle even more. “Put this on. I’ll be waiting outside to escort you to the ceremony.”

  Jac clasped the cloth to her, the silky fibers brushing against her nipples. She watched as Eros slipped through the door, his broad back glistening with sweat. If this was what happened before the ceremony, she couldn’t imagine what would follow.

  * * * * *

  Chapter Fifteen

  Jac’s nerves were skittering beneath her skin like thousands of tiny ants invading a picnic basket. She walked to the water barrel and wet her hands enough to finger style her hair, then dressed quickly. She took one last steadying breath and proceeded out the door.

  Eros met her, placing her hand on his arm, and led her along the trail toward the village. The green in her skirt sparkled in the sunlight, and the air seemed particularly fragrant, as if all the flowers had bloomed special for her big day. Never in a million years could she have imagined this day happening.

  Jac shook her head as she considered the magnitude of what she was about to do, but a promise was a promise. Besides, she really didn’t want to go back on her word. When she’d almost lost Ares yesterday, her priorities suddenly realigned. Returning to New York and her job didn’t seem nearly as important as they once had.

  She glanced around, luxuriating in the warm air and the mild day. She had gotten so used to the jungle that she didn’t notice the animals chattering, even though truth be told they never really shut up. Jac thought about the preparation ritual she’d been through, unfortunately her mind jumped to the next logical conclusion.

  “Does Ares go through a preparation?”

  Eros glanced down at her and smiled. “Not like you’re thinking.”

  She arched a brow. “What then?”

  “Ariel chants over him.”

  Jac leveled her gaze on him. “And?”

  “’Tis all. I swear.” Eros put his hand on his heart.

  She considered asking again. She couldn’t imagine Ariel stopping like Eros had, but before Jac got a chance to ask, they’d reached the clearing. A crowd had gathered in the center of the compound, their eager voices murmuring in hushed tones. She and Eros left the cover of the trees a second before all eyes fell upon them. Ares stood next to the Seer, draped in an emerald loincloth. His tanned chest was bared, showing his impressive muscles. Gold hoops pierced his nipples and a tattoo similar to hers now circled his waist. His ebony hair had been plaited at the sides, while the back hung loose. It gleamed in the sunlight, a striking shade of midnight blue.

  Jac’s breath caught as their eyes met and held for a second. Rachel stood off to the side, dabbing at her eyes with an aqua cloth. She immediately looked away from her friend. There was no way she would cry. She’d done enough of that yesterday. Eros brought her forward until she stood beside Ares. Eros dropped to his knees and kissed her nipples, his aqua eyes glittering with amusement as he rose.

  “Good luck,” he whispered to Ares. “You are truly going to need it.”

  “I heard that.” Jac shot him a censoring look that she hoped said I’ll get you later. Eros strode to Rachel’s side. He slid his arm around his wife’s shoulders, lending her his strength, and gazed on in innocence. Her attention returned to Ares. He grasped her hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

  Ariel slowly raised her arms to quiet the crowd. “We are here to witness the joining ceremony of Ares and Jac.” The words came out strong and clear as she spoke. “’Tis been a long time coming,” she added with a sharp glance at Jac.

  There were muffled giggles from the crowd behind them. Jac fought the urge to turn and glare. She wasn’t going to give them the satisfaction today. Instead, she kept her gaze forward, ignoring the fact she was so close to her rival. As soon as the thought left her mind, she saw Ariel’s lips twitch, as if she were fighting back a smile.

  The Seer bade them both to step forward and face her. She placed her hands on both their heads and began to chant. Jac wondered how long the ceremony would take. Ariel sure liked to hear herself talk. Suddenly there was a loud pop in Jac’s ears. “Ow,” she said, glaring at the Seer. Her palms immediately flew to her head, covering her ears. She waited for pain to appear, but there was none. The Seer ignored her and continued to speak about the love and bonds of the joining. Jac blinked, when she realized Ariel’s lips were no longer moving. What was going on? She would swear she could still hear every word coming from her mouth. She glanced at Ares in confusion. He indicated to the Seer.

  Do you hear me, Jac?


  Good, then the ceremony is complete.

  “Are you some kind of ventriloquist or something, too?”

  Ariel laughed. Not exactly.

  “Then how can I hear you?” Jac glanced around at the villagers, but no one seemed to think anything was amiss from the gleeful expressions on their faces. “I thought only Ares could do the weird mind thingy.”

  No, all Atlanteans have that ability. The difference is now you can hear us. Your mind has been opened—expanded.

  Jac tried to smile, but the thought of anyone messing with her head without asking, really pissed her off. She f
elt heat surging in her face, as confusion vied with anger. Ares must have sensed her turbulent emotions, for he gave her hand a quick brush with his thumb, as if to remind her of what was important. The innocent move created a fire all its own.

  She turned back to Ariel, her jaw set with impatience. “Aren’t you going to say, kiss the bride or anything?”

  Ariel’s lips curled up in a smile. If you wish—

  “I do.”

  You may now kiss the bride.

  It’s about time. Jac heard Ariel laughing in her head. She frowned. “Can you hear my thoughts?”

  The laugh came again. Of course I can hear your thoughts. We all can.

  Jac glared at Ares. You’ve known what I’ve been thinking the whole time. It wasn’t a question.

  My fierceness, ‘twas for your own good, I meant no harm. I only sought your happiness.

  She took a step forward. It’s a damn good thing I love you. But just so you know, this conversation isn’t over by a long shot. Jac opened her mouth to reiterate her stance.

  We can fight about it later, my fierceness. Ares held his hands up in surrender. I believe Ariel said I may now kiss the bride.

  Without preamble, Ares pulled her into his arms, sliding one hand low on her waist and the other to the back of her head. He felt the crush of Jac’s breasts, the erotic scrape of her nipples, as she melded against his muscled chest. His lips were firm and insistent as they pressed against hers, coaxing her into opening for him. She did and he slipped inside, tasting, tempting, and luxuriating in the fact that she was now his mate. He would never lose her to another. And best of all, his family name would live on. Ares pulled back and smiled. Her face held a soft glow to it, while her blue eyes shone especially bright in the afternoon sun.

  He searched her face, taking in her expression, looking for any sign of regret. There were two pink spots on her flawless skin, covering her cheeks, and absolutely no second thoughts. Ares glanced down at her perfect body, admiring her pert breasts. Long and lithe, muscled and fierce, smart and strong, she was the perfect mate for a warrior such as him. His chest swelled with pride and his smile grew impossibly wider as he imagined her flat belly expanding with their child. He had the overwhelming urge to drag her back to the hut, so they could get started right away. But he tamped down his enthusiasm when he considered the looks he’d received from Ariel and King Eros. He’d have to wait a respectable amount of time, perhaps right after the healing feast, then slip away.


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