The Life of Dad

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The Life of Dad Page 24

by Anna Machin


  Fathering Organizations

  The Fatherhood Institute

  A UK-based ‘think and do tank’. They carry out research, lobby for policy change, collate research findings and work with families and organizations.

  Dads4Kids Fatherhood Foundation

  An Australian-based organization that provides information, courses and support for dads.

  The Fathering Project

  An Australian-based organization whose aim is to inspire and equip fathers and father figures to engage with their kids.

  Father & Child

  New Zealand-based organization that provides information and support with the aim of empowering men to be the most effective and engaged dads they can be.

  Platform for European Fathers

  An umbrella organization comprising twenty-five organizations from sixteen European countries that aims to advance the interests of fathers in the European Parliament and promote involved fatherhood.

  OxPIP: The Oxford Parent Infant Project

  A UK-based organization that provides therapeutic services to help parents build healthy and loving relationships with their children.

  NorPIP: The Northamptonshire Parent Infant Partnership

  A UK-based organization that provides therapeutic services to help parents build healthy and loving relationships with their children.

  Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families

  A UK-based charity that focuses on children’s mental health. They run a national Parent Infant Project that provides therapeutic interventions for parents who may be struggling for various reasons or who are finding it hard to build healthy relationships with their children.

  Families need Fathers

  A UK-based charity that supports all those affected by separation to maintain contact with children.

  Kidz Need Dadz

  A New Zealand-based organization that aims to support and educate dads about the importance of engaging with their children.

  Family Included

  A global organization that works to engage fathers in maternal and newborn health around the world.


  Europe’s self-proclaimed largest advice and support website for dads.

  Father a Nation

  A South African-based organization that provides community programmes aimed at equipping men to be fathers.

  Dads Group Inc.

  An Australian-based social networking site that puts local dads in contact with each other and encourages the formation of dad support groups.

  Fatherhood Global

  A website that brings together the results of research being carried out by fatherhood researchers around the world.

  Dads House

  A UK-based organization that supports single, primary caring fathers.

  Dads in the Picture

  A South African-based organization founded by fathers that supports and empowers dads to be more involved in their families.

  Fathers Network Scotland

  A Scottish organization that carries out research and provides information, advice and events to support fathers from all walks of life.

  National Childbirth Trust

  A UK-based campaigning and educational charity that provides advice, support and training to new parents. Focuses explicitly on the first 1,000 days.

  The Lions Barber Collective

  An international group of barbers who are trained to listen to and support men who are experiencing poor mental health, including postnatal depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress. Barbers who are involved in the collective display the collective’s logo in their window.

  Podcasts and Blogs

  The Average Father

  A podcast produced by Canadian Tony Morrow by dads, for dads and about fatherhood.

  Brand new Father

  Blog and podcast by a new dad relating his experiences as he begins his fathering journey.

  The Poppin’ Bottles Dad Cast

  Seventy-minute podcasts that give insight and advice about being a dad. Presented by two self-proclaimed Super Dads.

  The Life of Dad Show­/­podcasts/

  Interviews with well-known fathers.

  The Good Dad Project­/­podcast/

  Described as a movement and community of fathers, this podcast claims to break down the common challenges of being a father, making them easy to understand and making dads feel less alone.

  Beardy Dads

  Two UK-based dads who discuss topics that will interest fathers.

  Modern Dads Podcast

  Real-life stories about parenting and fatherhood from a group of New York-based fathers.

  Simple Man’s Survival Guide Podcast

  A humorous look at life from a middle-aged dad from the Midwest of America.

  Dad’s Guide to Twins­/­category/podcast/

  A podcast specifically for dads who are experiencing the unique demands of being a parent to multiples.

  Geek Dad

  Fathering and technology. What more could you want?

  Father Nation

  Interviews about the fathering experience, with advice on how to be a better dad.

  The Dad Podcast

  Hosted by stand-up comedian Justin Worsham. Entertaining and informative, with a regular guest spot for a family psychologist.


  A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

  aboriginal people 83

  Abraham, Eyal 123, 239

  Aché people 54–6, 62, 105

  Adam, Emma 191

  addiction 37, 93, 133

  adolescent children 111, 229–30

  academic achievement 212–13

  brain development 229–30, 243, 244

  one-on-one time with 249

  quality relationships with 212

  self-esteem 213

  social skills 213

  supporting 212, 229, 230

  adoption 58, 65–6

  affiliation 161

  Afro-American fathers 216–18, 220

  agreeableness 26, 146, 149

  Ainsworth, Mary 174

  Aka tribe 102, 105–6, 165, 180, 208

  alcoholism 133, 134

  altricial young 7

  amygdala 182, 230


  developmental stages 228

  energy investment 226–7

  great apes 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 227

  play 159

  antenatal classes, male-only 95

  antisocial behaviours 37, 93

  genetic determination 132, 134

  ‘risk gene’ 1

  anxieties about impending fatherhood 41–2, 48, 77, 88, 95

  assisted fertility techniques 51, 58

  see also donor insemination (DI)


  antenatal as predictor of postnatal 37

  anxious/ambivalent attachment 175, 176, 190, 247

  avoidant behaviour 175, 176

  bio-behavioural synchrony 25, 136, 140

  brain chemistry 122

  cross-generational influences 168–9

  father–child 32, 35–6, 166–9, 171–2, 173, 174, 247–8

  identity and 34

  insecure 37

  mother–child 29, 33, 173

  parental relationship, effect of 35–6

  prenatal 30–2, 166, 170

  primary attachment figure 171, 243

  The Risky Situation 175

  secure attachment 168, 175, 230, 247

  The Strange Situation 174–5

  survival-related function 173

  two-way 29, 166–7, 168

  ultrasound scans and 30–2

  see also bonding

  attachment disorder 242

  Atzil, Shir 181, 183

  autism spectrum disorder 136, 242

  Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) 251–2

  barber chair chat 96

  Basques 83

  bath time 99

  Bearder, Simon 16

  behavioural development 37, 121, 242

  see also social and cultural development

  Belsky, Jay 146

  beta-endorphin 95, 154, 157, 159–61, 162

  release during play 159, 162–3, 165

  Bigras, Marc 175–6

  bio-behavioural synchrony 25, 136, 140, 141, 164, 180, 238–40, 241

  biological phenomenon of fatherhood xi, 50, 51, 54, 56–7, 58, 131, 139

  bipedalism 6, 7


  couvade rituals 74, 78, 83

  father’s experiences of 71–101

  father’s presence at 79, 81, 83–4, 85, 260, 261

  NICE guidelines 260–1

  traumatic 147

  see also labour

  body mass index (BMI) 251–2


  bio-behavioural synchrony 25, 136

  delay in 155–7, 166, 189

  environmental factors 169

  maternal 21

  neurochemicals 22–5, 38, 47, 130, 157, 161, 162

  post-birth 84, 87, 91–2, 153–77

  pre-birth 21–48

  two-stage process 157, 177

  see also attachment

  Bowlby, John 29

  Bradford, Kay 198

  brain 128–9

  adolescent 229–30, 243

  affiliative circuits 24

  effect of caretaking behaviour on 139, 142, 230–1

  hominin brain 3–4, 12

  maternal 121–2

  paternal brain changes 122–4, 126

  post-birth development 8, 9, 139, 164, 191, 228, 243–4

  receptors 135, 160

  size 3–4, 6, 7, 8, 12

  breastfeeding 8–9, 22, 24, 117, 155

  Buchanan, Ann 209–10

  caretaking activities, exclusive 94–5, 99, 158, 177

  CD38 gene 136

  celebrity dads 52, 114, 118

  child development

  developmental stages 228

  father’s contribution to 225–54

  see also adolescent children; behavioural development; linguistic development; social and cultural development; teaching and learning

  child mental health, father’s impact on 37, 93, 244–5, 247–8, 248, 253

  child mortality 109–10

  chromatin 250

  Chung, Alissa 137

  Ciciolla, Lucia 212–13

  Clowes, Lindsay 57

  co-parenting 33, 34, 39, 46, 52, 58–9, 106, 113, 118, 166, 185, 189, 194

  Coley, Rebekah 218–19

  Condon, John 32–3, 37, 167–8, 173

  conscientiousness 26, 146, 147, 149

  controlling environments 143

  cooperative behaviour 10–12, 173, 226

  Corboz-Warnery, Antoinette 196

  cortisol 77, 95, 191, 248–9

  children and 191

  negative impact of 191, 248–9

  couvade 73–4

  couvade syndrome 76–8

  rituals 74, 78, 83

  crying, response to 39, 127–8

  cultural diversity of fatherhood 49–67, 102–3, 104, 105–6

  Cummings, Mark 190, 198

  Darwin, Charles 132

  Darwin, Zoe 91

  Dawkins, Richard 10

  ‘deadbeat dad’ 272

  DeLisi, Matt 133

  Dempsey, Deborah 63


  in children 247–8

  see also postnatal depression

  difficult behaviours

  ability to cope with 142–3, 170

  see also antisocial behaviours

  direct parental care 112, 116

  discipline 179

  undermining attempts at 186

  dispersed fatherhood 62

  see also social fathers

  DNA 250

  domestic chores, fathers’ contribution to 266

  donor insemination (DI)

  disclosure 59–61, 62

  donor selection 61–2

  gay and lesbian couples 61–2, 63–4

  heterosexual couples 59–63

  dopamine 23–4, 95, 129, 130, 131, 135

  bonding neurochemical 23, 38, 47

  dopamine receptor gene (DRD2) 133–4

  dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) 134

  reward chemical 23, 129

  Doyle, Otima 216

  drug use 90, 133

  Dunbar, Robin 161

  Edward, Karen-Leigh 89

  emotion regulation 143–4, 241, 248

  empathy 27, 39, 77, 101, 130, 239, 240, 248

  endorphins 129, 161

  see also beta-endorphin

  environmental risk 106

  epigenesis 249–53

  evolution of fatherhood 3–18, 110, 126, 225–6

  brain size and 3–4, 6, 7, 8, 12

  cooperative behaviour 11–12, 226

  efficiency rule 11, 15, 180, 183, 225

  hunting skills and 12–13

  kin selection 14

  ‘mate guarding’ 15

  protective role 15

  teaching role 4, 13, 15

  executive function 232, 233, 253

  expectations and reality of fatherhood, gap between 90, 118, 120–1, 157

  extraversion 26, 27, 47, 146

  Family Foundations Intervention 199–200

  Favez, Nicolas 196

  Feinberg, Mark 199

  Feldman, Ruth 24, 136, 140, 163, 238–9

  Fivaz-Depeursinge, Elisabeth 195

  Fleming, Alison 127–8

  flexibility of fathering 54, 124, 125, 126, 182

  Flouri, Eirini 209

  fMRI scans 130, 181

  Folger, Tor 64

  Foster, Jenny 43

  Frascarolo, France 196

  Frith, Lucy 61

  Galdiolo, Sarah 26, 27

  Gaudino, James 109

  gay parents 44–6, 58, 183

  adopted children 65–6

  co-parenting 46, 58–9

  fathering identity 44–6

  flexible role construction 45–6, 123

  neural flexibility 123, 183

  primary caretaker 46, 183

  social and biological dads 63–4

  genetics 132–3, 250

  dose response 132–3, 134

  genetic determinism 132

  genetic inheritance of parenting 137–9, 144–5

  imprinted genes 252–3

  paternal genetics 133–4, 135

  ‘risk genes’ 132–4, 136

  gestation periods 8, 9

  Gettler, Lee 40

  Giallo, Rebecca 94r />
  Goodsell, Todd 171

  Gordon, Ilanit 189

  Gordon, Mellissa 212

  Grace, Victoria 60

  great apes 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, 227

  grey and white matter 122, 231, 239, 240

  Grossmann, Karin and Klaus 173–4

  Habib, Cherine 34, 170

  Hackett, Patrick 129

  Han, Rachel 142

  Harach, Lori 222

  Hawkins, Alan 198


  impact of fatherhood on 76

  see also mental health, poor

  healthcare professionals, treatment of fathers 78–82, 85–6, 259–60

  Hendler, Talma 239

  Hill, Kim 56

  Homo ergaster 9–10, 11–12

  Homo heidelbergensis 3–4, 12–13, 15

  Hong, Ryan 148

  hormones see beta-endorphin; cortisol; dopamine; oxytocin; testosterone

  hunter-gatherers 102, 105, 107

  hunting skills 4, 12–13, 106, 208

  Hurtado, Magdalena 56

  identity of ‘dad’

  attachment relationships and 34, 35

  father of DI children 61–2

  formation 22, 72–3

  gay fathers 44–6

  imagining 35

  social fathers 59

  transformation 43, 44

  independence 37, 174, 182, 233

  indirect parental care 112, 116

  infertility 58

  infidelity 132

  instinctual fathering 16, 17

  interleukin-6 161, 162

  ‘involved father’ xii, 33–4, 82, 112, 257, 262

  economic and cultural barriers to 267–8

  see also co-parenting

  Jayakody, Rukmalie 219, 220

  Jenkins, Bill 109

  Jeynes, William 210–11

  joy of fatherhood 100

  Junttila, Niina 90

  Key, Cathy 14, 15

  Kim, Pilyoung 122, 123

  kin selection 10–11, 14

  Kipsigis tribe 103, 208

  Kok, Rianne 230

  Kovan, Nikki 137

  Kuczynski, Leon 222


  advocacy role during 86


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