Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom Page 14

by Manda Mellett

  Drummer’s staring at me, then his eyes go to the sergeant-at-arms, and says wearily, “Let her go, Peg.”

  “Prez, she might know something about what Rock’s up to.” Peg’s hold is tight and he’s not letting me loose. “We need to question her.”

  Obviously not a fan of being challenged, Drummer’s snarls out, “Let. Her. Go. Peg. I know exactly where Rock is and what he’s doing.” He doesn’t even let those words sink in before pointing to the other three sitting behind me. “Get everyone in church now.” Then he indicates to me. “Come on, Becca. You’re coming in too. Might as well get this all over with at once.”

  Peg still doesn’t trust me. As I hear men quickly talking on their phones, the word Rock repeated incredulously time and time again, the sergeant-at-arms leads me with a firm grip on my arm into their sacred room, the one even I know women aren’t usually invited to enter. He sits me at the bottom of the table and stands behind me with his arms crossed over his chest, as though he’s cutting off any route of escape. I feel intimidated as the rest of the members walk in, tossing me dirty looks as they pass. Rock, remember Rock, I repeat to myself as I hope I’m not going to dissolve into a puddled mess of nerves on the floor.

  When all the seats are filled except five, Drummer and Wraith come in. Wraith pauses as he passes, putting his hand on my shoulder then squeezes it, then Drummer orders Peg to sit down.

  “What do you know about Rock, Prez? You found him?” Peg asks. His eyes tight with tension, he seems reluctant to leave his position behind me. “We going after him? I want to fucking kill him with my bare hands.”

  “And what’s she got to do with it?” Blade’s spinning a knife. I don’t feel any happier when it stops, pointing straight at me.

  Shooter edges his chair a few inches from mine, as though wanting to distance himself.

  The prez bangs his gavel. “Shut the fuck up. Now.” His voice is so loud it makes me tremble. “Where are Road and Bullet?”

  “On their way back from Tucson,” Marvel explains.

  “They’ll just have to catch up when they get here. Becca. You said this was urgent?”

  I nod. Hoping I’m right and it is. I’d expected to speak to him on his own, not to be dragged in front of all his men. My hands shake uncontrollably. I put them in my lap and clasp them together to try to stop them.

  His stare, which had been steely, softens. “Becca. I know this must be hard for you. You have my word no one will hurt you here. Just take a deep breath and tell us what’s going on. You’ve news about Rock? We want to hear it.”

  I swallow a couple of times. “I think, well, there’s a chance he could be in trouble.”

  The room erupts with laughter, but there’s no humour in it. The men either say he already is, or that they couldn’t give a fuck if he’s in danger.

  Banging the gavel and roaring for them to be quiet, Drummer shoots me a compassionate look, then wipes his hand over his beard. “Everyone shut up and listen very carefully.” When there’s silence, he starts, “Okay. Becca might have pre-empted this meeting, but I was going to let you in on what’s going on shortly anyway.”

  At last taking his seat at the right-hand side of his prez, Peg growls, “And what the fuck is going on, Prez?”

  Drummer stares around the table, then gives it to them straight. “Rock’s no traitor. He never stole from us.”

  “Fuckin’ what?” The queries start, the banging of the gavel getting their attention again.

  “You’re all aware of the problems we’ve got with the Chaos Riders.”

  “Yeah, Rock the fucking traitor is with them.” Beef’s so angry his face is red.

  But Blade’s quicker. “You set Rock up?”

  More incredulous shouts.

  The gavel bangs again. “Listen and learn, will you? I wanted a man on the inside who was above suspicion. Brave fuckin’ man that he is, Rock jumped at the chance to help us, his brothers. Yeah, I set him up with his full agreement. Worked like a charm. Chaos brought him in as a prospect, then made him a full member so he could grill him about us.”

  Beef slams his fist on the table. “Fuckin’ knew it. Knew Rock would never steal from the club. Knew he wouldn’t have gamblin’ debts. He’s got far too good a head on his shoulders to get out of his depth. Christ, what a fool I’ve been.” He lowers his head into his hands.

  “Park it for now, Beef. We were all in the dark.” Ella’s husband tries to calm him.

  “I’ve been a fuckin’ fool,” Beef mumbles into his clasped fists.

  Marvel’s been mulling Drummer’s last words. His eyes open wide, then narrow and fix on the prez. “Why the fuck would you want him to know our set up?”

  Peg frowns. “Because he fed him a bunch of lies, didn’t he?”

  A quick flash of satisfaction crosses Drummer’s face as he raises his chin at the sergeant-at-arms. “Yeah, Chaos thinks our other chapters won’t support us and that we’re weak, almost out of ammo, and have no appetite for a fight.”

  “So that’s what all the crap was about the other chapters.” Blade looks like a man who’s just seen the light.

  “Why the fuck didn’t you tell us?” A man I hadn’t seen before speaks. His long dark hair and other hints of a Native American heritage make me realise this is the elusive Mouse I’ve only so far heard about.

  Drum looks weary as he spells it out. “Chaos had to believe Rock’s story. It would only work if his old club, us, were out to kill him. Rock’s life depends on his backstory holdin’ up and nothing happenin’ to make Chaos suspicious.”

  Peg’s eyes land on me, his attitude still not very trusting. “Becca said Rock might be in danger. How would she know that? You in contact with the Riders?”

  The question’s directed to me, but Drummer speaks before I can. “That’s what I want to know.”

  Being subjected to the full force of Drummer’s stare makes me squirm, but signals it’s time for me to speak. Almost hyperventilating, I squeak out, “I’ve got a bad feeling, Drummer. I hope I’m wrong. But you know Rock got me out of the Chaos Riders club…”

  “They’re the fuckin’ bastards that kept you chained up?” Blade interrupts, looking at me in amazement.

  “Go on.” Drummer glares at the enforcer.

  I swallow rapidly, trying to moisten my mouth. “Allie. I think Allie did something to help. I don’t know what, she said she fucked Rock.”

  Wraith snorts. “Lyin’ bitch.”

  For some unknown reason I’m glad to hear that.

  Impatiently Drummer points at me. “Why the fuck would Allie speak to you and tell you something like that?”

  I breathe in deeply, knowing it’s important to get my story straight. I steady myself, and when I start my voice is a little firmer. “She didn’t. Jill stopped Allie on her way to the clubhouse. They didn’t know I was on my balcony listening.” I continue to tell them everything I heard. When I finish there’s a stunned silence.

  Drummer is the first to break it. “Marvel, get Truck to find where the fuck Jill is. I want her in the storeroom now.”

  “She’s overdone it this time.” Viper looks tired as he watches Marvel leave the room. He looks toward me. “And Allie’s hurt?”

  I nod. “Jill slapped her around, pulled her hair. But it’s Rock…”

  “Fucking bitch. If she does anything to put Rock in danger, she’s gonna feel pain.” Beef looks incensed, his words echoed by his brothers. When they first came into church they still thought Rock had betrayed them. Hastily they’ve had to rearrange their assumptions, and like Beef, now would do anything they can to protect their brother.

  When the murmuring starts getting louder Drummer bangs the gavel. I’ve lost count how many times he’s had to call this meeting to order. Before he can speak there’s a knock on the door.

  It’s Truck, the prospect, who enters. “Jill’s not on the compound, Prez. She’s taken her car and gone out. An hour ago or so now.”

  “She wouldn’t know
where the Riders have set up,” Wraith suggests.

  “Er,” I raise my hand to get their attention. “Allie overheard Rock and the other prospect saying they were heading back to Long Horns. She told Jill.”

  For a second you could hear a pin drop.

  Drum looks at Mouse. “Can she find it with that?”

  Mouse is tapping on his laptop. “There’s a Long Horns out in the desert south of Tucson. An old ranch. If that’s where they are, then, yes. Clearly marked on the map.”

  “We escalate our attack,” Wraith starts. As Drummer nods at him the rest of the expressions around the table look quizzical.

  Seeing the looks thrown his way, Drummer sighs. “You all know we discussed gettin’ the other chapters here. Hittin’ the Chaos Riders before they came at us. Rock was feedin’ us info.”

  Slick shakes his head. “Can’t do it now. Can’t blow shit up if a brother’s inside. And certainly not one who could have given his life for this club. Dude took one fuck of a chance. Chaos could have just killed him. Might already have by now if Jill’s found her way there.”

  Drummer scowls. “The plan was Rock would have gotten himself out. He might not be able to now.” There’s nods around the table. “What I want to know is why the fuck would Jill go after Rock?” As Drummer wonders aloud, I agree with him asking. It was what I had wanted to know myself.

  Beef stretches out his long legs under the table, leans back in his chair and sighs. “Bitch had her eye on him. Kept the fuck on about the time Rock let her up behind him. He thought nothing of it and kept his distance once he noticed her clingin’. I suspected it would come to a head, but when Rock left, well, thought she’d latch on to someone else.”

  “And did she?”

  “Nah, prez. No chance anyone would want her permanent, except if you’re stuck for choice. We all tend to go for the others.” Marvel shakes his head. “Bitch’s body is alright, but unless you’ve got your cock in her mouth her spiteful tongue is off putting.”

  That sentiment, which I would rather not have heard, is echoed around the table. I suspect they’ve forgotten I’m there. I don’t bring attention to myself, firstly because I’m used to taking the back seat, and secondly, well, I’m as worried about Rock as they are.

  Drummer draws his hand over his beard. “You think she’s got it so bad for Rock she’ll try and jump clubs?”

  “Wouldn’t have seen it comin’, Prez, but given the circumstances, I think that’s a yes.” Beef looks completely confused and off balanced by the disclosures this morning.

  Drummer’s hands still. “Right. If Jill doesn’t make an appearance soon, we act on the assumption she’s gone to find Rock. If she has, she’ll drop him straight in the shit. Whether she means to or not. Bitch is stupid enough to fuck up.”

  “Which means Rock may not be able to get out as planned. Can you contact him, Prez, warn him?” Wraith obviously knows more about what’s going on than the rest.

  Drummer shakes his head. “Nah. He rings me. Too dangerous to have his burner turned on. Fuck, what a mess.” He bangs his fist down on the table. “Fuck it! We need to know what the fuck that bitch is sayin’. He won’t be able to walk out if he’s being held prisoner.”

  “Or if he’s already got a bullet in his head.” Peg’s frowning. Beef’s eyes shoot to the sergeant-at-arms, pain shining out from them.

  The expressions on everyone’s faces show with so much to take in, from learning Rock hadn’t betrayed them, to knowing how much he’s done for the club, the joy at their brother coming back to the fold to the thought that he might even now be dead. I might not know what he’s done in the past for them, but I do know what he did for me. He saved me. Now it’s time I stepped up, my turn to do something for him. Shakily, I get to my feet and lean on the table for support, my movement getting their attention.

  “Yeah, you can go, Becca. And thanks.”

  “No, Drummer,” I say firmly, having gathered up my courage while I’d been deciding to speak. “You need someone to go inside. You use me.”

  “What?” His eyes sharpen.

  “You need information. You need to know whether he’s still trusted, or hurt, or…” my voice breaks, but I continue. “I’ll go in and find a way to tell you.”

  “Can’t fucking ask you to do that, Becca. You’ve not even healed yet from the way they treated you.”

  “You didn’t ask, Drummer. I’m offering. I owe Rock my life. I’d have died long before Hawk got out. Or gone crazy. But one thing’s for certain, they won’t kill me.” My voice catches again. “But they might kill Rock. You could try to exchange me for Rock, or if that doesn’t work, I don’t know… Get me a phone or something. I can at least know if they’ve found out he’s still working for you, and if so, where they’re holding him, or whether he’s…” I can’t even say it.

  “Prez,” Dollar speaks for the first time. “We can’t make a move until we know if Jill has gone there, and if she has, how she’s played it.”

  “Or if Jill’s even found their compound. She’s not the brightest tool in the box.” Wraith jerks his chin toward me. “But if we need too, we can use Becca, and without exposin’ Rock. We could suggest tradin’ her for our traitor.” He pauses to make sure everyone’s with him. “If Rock is safe, then we’ll just be getting him out earlier than planned.”

  “It could work.” Peg’s nodding. “They’ll just think we’re desperate and trying anything.”

  “And when we go on the offensive and blow up their clubhouse, what happens to Becca?” Drummer’s fists hit the table.

  The blood has slowly been draining from my face as I realise getting in is one thing. Getting out, quite another. Why am I sacrificing myself for a man I barely know? But he’s the man who’s done more for me than any other. Than anyone in my whole life. He took a risk helping me escape and trusting me to keep his secret, as well as arranging somewhere to stay where I’d feel safe. I owe him. More than that, I’m driven by an emotion I don’t understand.

  I look Drummer straight in the eyes. “I’m scared, Drummer.” I let my eyes roam around the table. “But I’m prepared to do this. I couldn’t live with myself if we didn’t try. You might be able to come up with something else, but I can’t see what.”

  The president’s gaze meets mine and holds it, the steel fading as his eyes soften. “Becca, can you leave us now, please? We’ll discuss your idea and what other options are on the table, then let you know our decision.”

  I don’t want to leave them, but am unable to disobey the president. As Drummer nods toward Shooter, who stands and holds out his hand to indicate the door, it’s clear I’m already dismissed. Reluctantly I turn, but say one last thing before leaving. “Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it. I’d go back by myself if I thought it would save Rock.” At that moment, I mean it.

  Chapter 13


  “Mom.” When she opens the front door my tears start to fall. I step inside, my arms reaching for her, wanting comfort like a child.

  Instead she pushes past me, looking out into the street. “What on earth are you doing here, Becca? Are you on your own? How did you get here?”

  “I walked.” The three miles between what’s now my home and my parents’ house. But why is she worrying about that, and has taken no notice that I’m clearly upset?

  Her face scrunches. “Does Alexis know you’re here?”

  Why should that matter? I shake my head, and before I’ve even completed the action she’s reaching for the phone. Moving fast, I cover her hand with my own. “Mom, I’ve come to talk to you. I can’t go back to him…”

  She turns sharply. “What do you mean?”

  Now’s my chance. “He’s so cruel. He hurts me. His…” How can I put this? “His desires are unnatural.”

  Her brow creases as she begins to understand what I’m saying, and her lips thin. “You said your vows in church. To honour and obey your husband. We brought you up to do exactly that.” Her voice
starts to rise. “You cannot leave Alexis, if that’s what you’re suggesting. You’ve barely been married a month. Think how it would look, Becca. You married him in God’s house, in front of God.” Then wincing slightly as though it’s an unwelcome subject, she adds, “It’s a woman’s place to submit to her husband. That’s what we taught you.” Her eyes meet mine and must see the tears there. The longer she stares, the longer I realise there’s no way to get her on my side. I start to accept her words. Whether I had any choice in the matter or not, she’s right. I had married Hawk, and now I was tied to him. For life. At last, having seen my capitulation, her face softens and she leads me over to the couch. “It’s not always easy for a woman, but it’s our lot in life. It’s your duty, Becca. As Alexis’ wife.”

  Stunned at her lack of support, I say nothing further when she goes to the phone to call my husband and tell him where I am. I start shaking, knowing he’ll punish me for this. Wondering when I had my chance, why didn’t I just keep running? Because you can’t look after yourself. No money, no job, no one else to run to. Except my parents, and all Mom is doing is sending me back.

  “He’s coming,” she announces, unnecessarily, putting down the phone. “Now, Becca, let’s pray together. We’ll pray for God to give you the strength to be a good wife.”

  I might have failed at being a good wife, but perhaps now I can be a good friend. But I’m scared.

  I never drank before I left home, and Hawk didn’t let me touch alcohol either. While I doubt whether drinking would do my poor abused body much good, I remember Hawk using it as a crutch when he was stressed out. If it was a cure for him, maybe a shot of tequila would help my frayed nerves.

  Truck’s back behind the bar. If I was him I’d be itching to know why I, a mere female, had been in the meeting in church, and why they’re so desperate to locate Jill. But he doesn’t ask, not even a raised eyebrow to encourage me to spill. He must really be chasing that patch.

  His eyebrows lift as he pours the drink I request, and stay raised as I lift it to my lips and take a large sip, then cough and splutter. People drink this for fun? I wrap my fingers around the glass, not completely sure the tequila will help, but something has me raising the drink time and time again, now taking it more slowly.


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