Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom Page 27

by Manda Mellett

  Chapter 25


  When Rock surprises me with a gift before disappearing into his meeting, I’m so stunned by the first present I’ve ever received in my life that I stay in the clubroom, turning the box over and over in my hands.

  “What you got, Becca?” Darcy comes across. “Oooh. Nice.” My blank face must register with her, as she resumes. “It’s a phone.”

  I give her a duh face. Even I can see that. But my hesitation needs an explanation. “I’ve never had one before in my life. I haven’t got a clue what to do with it.”

  Her jaw drops. “Never?”

  “My parents wouldn’t have allowed me to call anyone on it. We had a home phone which had no privacy.” I realise long ago why they’d kept me away from a social life. They’d been saving me for Hawk. Keeping me pure until I went to the man who’d bought my virginity. “Hawk, well, to say he was controlling is an understatement.”

  “Open it then. It’s the new model. Has it got any charge?”

  She’s talking a foreign language. How the hell would I know? I open the box as instructed, then pass the sleek device over to Darcy.

  “Rose gold. Good choice. I like that.” I’ve no idea what she’s doing when she magically opens an almost invisible flap on the side and inserts a tiny card. The device soon lights up with an apple. She waits patiently, then hands it back. “Just go through the screens and we’ll get it set up.”

  After half an hour I realise I can just about use it. Sam and Sophie have appeared, and now I’ve got all their numbers in my phones and they’re gradually sharing the brothers and other women’s numbers with me. My first text is to Rock, even though he won’t have his phone in the meeting room.

  Becca: Thank you

  I beam with pride when I hear the message sent and do a little leap in the air. Sam puts her arms around me and laughs. Then really cracks up when my phone pings, making me jump and exclaim.

  Soph: Welcome to the 21st Century

  Tears prick at the corner of my eyes. I can’t believe Rock bought me a phone. No one’s ever done something so thoughtful for me before.

  It’s then I realise time’s passed, and I’m feeling relaxed and enjoying the company. The heady thought hits me that if Rock and I are together I might be one of these women, this could be my home too. Don’t get ahead of yourself, Becca. Far too soon to be thinking about that.

  “So, you and Rock?” Sam sits down and tugs on my hand to get me to sit beside her. “He asked you to be his old lady?”

  “I’m still married, Sam.” Her question has made me feel guilty again over what happened last night.

  She looks at me sharply, taking a moment to examine my face. “You’re separated, aren’t you? You owe nothing to that man.”

  “Nevertheless, I said my vows in church and before God.” Primly I repeat what I’d told Rock. My face flushes as I remember in the end it was me who initiated things last night. What did my vows mean to me then? But then, Hawk had vowed to love and cherish me. He had a very strange way of doing that.

  Leaning forward, Sam takes both of my hands in hers. “Were you ever in love with him, Becca?”

  Sophie has come to join us. I look from one to the other and decide to tell them what happened. “No. I didn’t even know I was going to be married.” The story must sound unbelievable to anyone else. “I woke up on the day of my eighteenth birthday to be told it was my wedding day.” My voice cracks as I recall it. My hands shaking as I tried to hold the piece of paper with my vows written on it steady enough to read. My eyes blurring with tears, my voice weak as I made promises I knew even then I didn’t want to keep.

  “Bloody hell!” Sophie exclaims. “Why did you go through with it?”

  How can I make them understand? “My upbringing was really secluded. I only found out later that my parents and Hawk had it planned for the previous five years. That day, itself, was a whirlwind, I was dressed in white and whisked to church, handed vows I was supposed to say, and told not to embarrass my parents, or Hawk, in front of the congregation.”

  “For fuck’s sake!” Sam exclaims loudly.

  Eli, playing with a toy motorcycle, looks up and repeats in his high-pitched childish voice, “Fuck’s sake.”

  “Oh…dear.” She reaches down and pulls the miniature replica of Drummer onto her lap. “That’s a bad word, Eli. Mommy shouldn’t have said it.” She glances at me and Sophie with a wry smile. “Ask him to say please and he ignores me.”

  Sophie rolls her eyes. “Tell me about it.” Then turns back to me. “If you didn’t write the vows, you were only saying what someone else wanted you to. Not anything you felt from the heart.”

  I grimace. “But I did say them. And in a house of God.” A house of God with an arsenal of guns underneath.

  “With Hawk as a pastor, it’s probable God wasn’t even listening,” Sam snaps. “No one could call your marriage a real one. I bet one of your vows was to obey.”

  It certainly had been. I reply with a nod.

  “And Hawk took that to extremes. Honey, you couldn’t even dress yourself when you first came here. He’d got you so brainwashed you could barely survive without him.” Her face brightens with a beautiful smile. “You deserve happiness. Even God must see that. It’s obvious Rock really cares about you. I’ve never seen him act with anyone else the way he does around you. Once these men love they’re all in. Don’t give up on your chance of that. Divorce Hawk so you’re legally free, but until you can, accept that morally, you were never tied to him.”

  Sophie has an odd expression on her face which I can’t quite read. “Stand up,” she suddenly instructs. I’m getting to my feet before I think about it. “Turn around and say, ‘I divorce Hawk’, three times.”

  I stare at her incredulously. And then burst out laughing. And do what she’s said. Now both women are chuckling along with me.

  We’re still laughing when Rock and his brothers come out of church, and the man which Sophie and Sam think I can let myself think of as mine, makes a beeline for me. He curls his hand around the back of my neck and pulls me into him, nuzzling my hair, then bending and speaking softly, the words only intended for my ears.

  “Want you, babe.”

  I’m unsure whether it was the stupid words Sophie made me say or Sam’s conviction that my marriage wasn’t a real one, but suddenly it’s easier to shake off the shackles tying me to my ex-husband. Shyly I look up to the man who holds me so tightly I can feel how hard and ready he is, and know my lady parts are reciprocating. Agreement comes naturally. “I want you too, Rock.”

  He keeps his arm around me as he leads me across the clubroom. Someone looks like they want to talk to him, but he ignores them. As if my shorter legs can’t go fast enough, he sweeps me up into his arms and carries me the last few steps to his suite.

  Inside the room, he pushes me back against the door, then puts his arms under my ass and lifts me until I’m the same height as him. I hug my arms around his neck and my legs go around his waist.

  For a moment his eyes simply stare into mine. I notice the hazel colour has flecks which are almost green, so bright they seem to sparkle. Leaning forward, he places his lips to the tip of my nose, then to my forehead. As his beard lightly scratches my cheeks I close my eyes and he places a gentle kiss to each of my eyelids. Now his mouth’s at my ear, a gentle warm breath huffed out, his tongue tracing the auricle, then his teeth, closing, but not biting the lobe, making me squirm in his arms. In this position his hardness is pushing against the place where I’m so eager to feel him again, but tonight, it appears, he’s not going to rush.

  At last his mouth moves to mine, but first he contents himself just moving his head back and forth, kissing each side of my lips. While his touches are almost innocent, it causes my pelvis to buck against him.

  “Patience.” He chuckles. “I’m going to love you properly tonight.”

  I both hear and feel the admonishment as at last his tongue traces the line of my
lips. When I open for him his tongue gently pushes inside and completes a slow exploration of my mouth. When he retreats I counter with a study of his. We’re learning each other. If I hadn’t already decided Hawk no longer has any hold on me, Rock would now be sweeping away all thought of him from my mind.

  He’s taking his time, but eventually pulls back, sucking my bottom lip briefly between his, then giving a tender peck to my upper lip before bending his head and kissing my chin before proceeding to plant more kisses in a line down my neck. My head rolls to the side as he continues his path until he reaches a spot more responsive than the rest, pulling at the skin and gently closing his teeth. Another rush of sensation makes me sigh.


  “Patience,” he says again. “Put your legs down.”

  When my feet touch the floor I expect him to take me to the bed, but he doesn’t. Again his eyes lock with mine, our gaze briefly interrupted as he pulls the pretty tunic I’m wearing over my head. He plants another gentle kiss on my lips as he unfastens my bra and slides the straps down my arms. His hands take a moment to circle my breasts, holding them in his large palms before he trails his fingers down my stomach.

  Then he folds to his knees. As I lose contact with his eyes I look down to see him staring at his finger as it circles my aureole. As my nipple grows hard he covers it with his palm, allowing me to feel the warmth of his skin. He does the same to my other breast, slowly tightening his hold until he’s gently squeezing my soft flesh. A glance at my face as he watches my reaction when he softly pinches the tip, then harder. A moan, unbidden, comes from my lips.

  As if he can’t hold himself back anymore, his mouth closes around my erect nipple, sucking it into his mouth. When he traps it between his tongue and the roof of his mouth my body comes alive and I throw my head back in pleasure.


  He does the same to the other nipple, but his fingers return so he’s not neglecting the first. I shudder as my stomach clenches.

  Now he’s moving down. His hands caressing as he goes, slowly drawing them down my ribs, making me twitch, but sensing I’m ticklish he doesn’t linger. He presses his face to my abdomen, zooming in on my navel. I never knew that was an erogenous zone, but as his tongue circles in my clit throbs almost painfully. As if he knows, he stays there, drawing out my delicious torture. I’m scarcely aware that he’s unbuttoned my jeans, and almost oblivious as he pushes them down my legs until he taps my calf, a silent request for me to lift my foot so he can slide off my sandal and free my leg from the denim. When he goes to the other I don’t need prompting.

  “I like this,” he murmurs as he combs his fingers through my pubes. “Bare is good, but seeing you natural like this? Even better.”

  Touch me. Touch me there.

  Instead he lifts my foot, making me put my palms flat to the wood of the door for balance, and sucks each of my toes one by one into his mouth. With a hand to steady me, he begins to kiss up the inside of my leg. Oh yes, he’s getting there… When he reaches my inner thigh he stops, puts that leg down, then picks up my other foot and torturously slowly gives that appendage and limb the same attention.

  Surely he must touch me there now?

  “I adore everything about you,” he tells me as he reaches the top of my leg. “You’re perfect. Everything about you is perfection.”

  I’m still too skinny, still need to put on weight. But I don’t bother to tell him. Instead I plead, “Rock, please…”

  “What?” he asks innocently, but I can hear humour in his voice. “What do you want me to do, babe?”

  “You know.” This time it’s my embarrassment that makes me squirm. “Touch me.”

  “Think I have been touching you.” He chuckles.

  I think he’s been torturing me. But I can’t put into words what I need. Such new sensations, I hardly know how to describe it.

  I look down. He’s kneeling at my feet, but it’s no submissive pose. He’s looking up at my face, wearing a mischievous grin.

  Taking pity on me, he taps my inner thighs. “Spread.” Another instruction, and once followed, he places his fingers just where I need them. As I gasp he slides them down to my slit and takes his hand away.

  “Watch,” he instructs. Obeying, I see him put his fingers laden with my essence to his nose and breathes in deeply, then one by one puts them into his mouth, his expression changing, his eyes closing as he sucks them clean while giving a mumble of appreciation as though tasting a delicacy.

  My stomach muscles clench almost violently. I feel myself flush, my palms uselessly trying to find purchase on the door behind me.

  Rock finishes cleaning his digits, then leans forward and plants a soft kiss to my mound, then another, and another, slowly moving to that area where I want, need his touch. His nostrils flare as he breathes in more of my personal perfume. Lifting his head, he lets the heel of his hand take the place of his mouth, pressing down on my pubis as his fingers gently rub the sides of my clit. I gulp back a scream, but still a strangled yelp comes out. I’m so sensitive there already.

  Adjusting his assault, he moves his hand further down, covering my slit, then pressing in with one finger while simultaneously placing his tongue to my throbbing clit. The difference in sensation between fingers and tongue is staggering. Overly turned on, my clit pulses, the wet warm slide of his tongue against it causing all my muscles to tense at once. The rapid acceleration to my peak takes me by surprise as uncontrollable spasms wrack my body as a tumultuous tsunami of pleasure overwhelms me, so strong I’m not sure I can bear it. Shrill cries and wails come from my mouth as aftershocks continue to assail me.

  Rock places one hand to my stomach, I think to hold me up, while with his other he gently massages my labia, keeping my arousal level high while intuitively understanding direct pressure on my clit would be painful.

  As my twitching dies down he works to bring me to the peak once again. Before I met Rock I didn’t know I could fly once, let alone twice. My legs shake, I feel totally drained and weak, and this time, when I come down Rock stands and puts his arms around me.

  “You’ve killed me,” I tell him when I’m able to speak.

  “Not yet,” he replies. Either as a promise or warning.

  I make no protest when he carries me over to the bed and gently lays me down. Then he stands back and I can focus nowhere but him as he pulls his t-shirt over his head and then pauses with his hand on his belt.

  There’s a smirk on his face as I watch him pause his striptease. Damn, this man is covered in so many tattoos I guess it would be impossible to count them. But I’ll try. If I lose count I can start back at the beginning, and, of course, I’ll need to kiss each one.

  The sound of his belt swishing through the loops catches my attention. Last night, after the first worrying glimpse, I’d kept my eyes closed, had been too embarrassed to watch him. My satisfied state now leaves me with no such concerns as greedily my eyes soak in what he’s gradually revealing. He’s commando. As his—untattooed—cock is freed from its confines, it bobs up looking very erect, the head so engorged with blood it’s red and shining.

  My gaze moves from it to his face. He’s watching my reaction, and when I lick my lips he groans.

  Suddenly finding strength, I pull myself up. Reaching out my hand, I touch the drop of pre-cum on the tip, and audaciously bring it to my mouth to taste it.

  This time his groan is louder. “Fuck it, babe. Can’t wait to be inside you.” There’s more urgency in his movements as he pushes down his jeans, a moment of self-deprecating mirth when he realises he’s left his boots on. When he sits on the bed to take them off, chuckling, I put my arms around him, wishing I could feel my breasts pushing against his bare back, but the dressings still cover him from shoulder to the crack of his ass.

  He must guess where my thoughts have gone. “Can’t fucking wait for you to be on top, babe,” he says, his hands covering mine. “Have to wait a while for that. But there’s plenty other things
for us to try in the meantime.”

  Completely undressed, he swivels on the bed. As I go to lie back he pulls me over onto my side facing him, then pulls one of my legs high up so it rests on his hips, leaving me wide open. A little press to my leg, telling me to keep it there, he touches me.

  “Fuck, you’re wet, babe. Fucking love it.”

  He waits no longer before pushing his cock into me. I feel the stretch, but welcome it. This is Rock. This is my man. As he takes hold of my leg again, holding it as high as it will go, he starts to power into me. It’s a different angle, he’s touching that spot inside while rubbing my clit. It doesn’t take long before I’m tensing again.

  “That’s it, Becca. Come. Come all over my cock.”

  His words are so dirty it’s all the encouragement I need, and the continual pumping extends my orgasm. Rock doesn’t stop, doesn’t give me time to recover, just keeps thrusting. He’s going deeper than before, and I love the sensation.

  Finding my mouth with his, he doesn’t ask politely, his tongue lunges straight in, mimicking the action of his cock. My breasts are tight against his chest, his actions causing my nipples to continually graze against his skin. There doesn’t seem a part of me that’s not aware of him. I can’t believe it when my muscles go into spasm again, tightening around him.

  “Christ, Becca.” This time Rock stops moving. He’s breathing heavily, his breath warming my skin. He waits until I begin to relax, then pulls out.

  I didn’t think he… Oh. Now he moves away, then rolls me onto my stomach. Before I know it he’s behind me, his strong arms pulling me to my knees as he gently pushes my head down.


  He thrusts in again, this time so deep I feel him bump against my cervix. A new experience, and one I already know I’m going to love. I’m so weak I can’t move, but it doesn’t seem he needs me too. He feels so good, filling me completely. As he hammers home I can feel his balls bounce against me.


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