Rock Bottom

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Rock Bottom Page 40

by Manda Mellett

  Drummer’s Beat (#2 – Drummer & Sam)

  Slick Running (#3 – Slick & Ella)

  Targeting Dart (#4 – Dart & Alex)

  Heart Broken (#5 – Heart & Marc)

  Peg’s Stand (#6 – Peg & Darcy)

  Rock Bottom (#7 – Rock & Becca)

  Coming soon:

  Joker’s Fool (#7.5 – Joker & Lady)

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  When I wrote Turning Wheels eighteen months ago now, it was to be a one-off spin-off from my other series. But the bikers got into my heart and soul and kept stepping up to tell me their stories.

  Rock hadn’t told me much about himself before I started writing this book. All I knew was how he’d got his name. But then it all started unfolding in front of me, and I hope, through the story, you came to love Rock as much as I do. He’s certainly easy on the eyes to look at.

  As always, I have to give heartfelt thanks to my amazing team of beta readers. Ladies, you rock! Mary, Danena, Colleen, Sheri, Terra, Zoe and Nicole, you gave me tremendous feedback which help me get Rock Bottom to where it is now. Thanks must also go to Steve, my husband, who’s also a beta reader. I can’t express how much I value his encouragement and support.

  My editor, once again, is Brian Tedesco, and while thanking him I also have to apologise for the parts which made him squirm. Sorry for making some of this hard reading, Brian.

  I’ve been dealing with a few issues while writing this book and have had to pull out of Kindle Unlimited. My apologies to those readers who used to read my books on KU. It all happened in a rush, meaning I quickly needed versions of all my books in alternative formats so I could publish to the major online retailers, Apple, Nook, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Google Play etc.

  Lia Rees really deserves top billing in the acknowledgements as not only has she formatted Rock Bottom and produced the amazing cover, but she also scrambled to re-format the other twelve books so I could publish wide in the quickest possible time. I can’t thank her enough for the way she responded and helped me out. Lia’s worked with me since the first book I published and I’m so grateful to the author who pointed me in her direction.

  Once again thanks go to Deb Carroll my PA. Love working with you, Deb. I know you enjoyed my special chapter, and hope it brings you what you were looking for.

  Last, but not least, the greatest thanks of all go to each and everyone of you who’ve bought my books. Especially those who’ve contacted me or left a review. I love getting feedback and knowing what you think. One message saying you love my characters and their stories inspires me to write more. So please carry on reviewing or messaging me. I make notes of all the characters you want to know more about, and promise I’ll get around to them all in time. I, unfortunately, only have one pair of hands.

  Now I’ve got to get back to writing, so I’ll say goodbye. But only for now, because there’ll be another Devil coming soon.

  About the Author

  After commuting for too many years to London working in various senior management roles, Manda Mellett left the rat race and now fulfils her dream and writes full time. She draws on her background in psychology, the experience of working in different disciplines and personal life experiences in her books.

  Manda lives in the beautiful countryside of North Essex with her husband and two slightly nutty Irish Setters. Walking her dogs gives her the thinking time to come up with plots for her novels, and she often dictates ideas onto her phone on the move, while looking over her shoulder hoping no one is around to listen to her. Manda’s other main hobby is reading, and she devours as many books as she can.

  Her biggest fan is her gay son (every mother should have one!). Her favourite pastime when he is home is the late night chatting sessions they enjoy, where no topic is taboo, and usually accompanied by a bottle of wine or two.

  Photo by Carmel Jane Photography




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