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Tales From Christmas Town

Page 18

by Betty Hanawa, Roni Adams, Allie Standifer

  Oh yeah, he had it bad. Unfortunately, the lust on both sides would go unrequited. No matter how badly his hands ached to touch her skin, he would never know the pleasure of her body.

  A small startled scream broke through his concentration and Jack was running through the woods and back to the house.

  He arrived in time to see Krista hanging off the side of the chimney.

  Even from the distance he saw the look of relief in her eyes when she spotted him.

  "Jack.” She waved an arm and caused the brick to break away.

  Panic flashed through Krista's beautiful green eyes when her anchor gave way and sent her sliding down the roof's steep slope.

  In a flash of speed Jack was by the eaves, mentally dispersing the snow. He wasn't worried about the fall; Krista could live through worse. It was the sharp iron picket surrounding the house that would kill her.

  In seconds that seemed like hours, he watched Krista's fall in slow motion. As her body cleared the house, Jack braced himself for her weight.

  With a whoosh and oomph, Krista landed in his arms like she belonged there. Strong feminine arms went around his neck and she buried her face against his neck. Her warm breath heated his insides as well as his flesh.

  With a move to release her, Krista cried out. “NO! Please don't let me go yet."

  He hushed her with a soothing tone. “No, I won't let you go, but I need to get you inside to check for any damage."

  A small nod was her only reply.

  In an unconscious move, Jack leaned down and brushed his lips against the top of her head, neck and finally pressed his lips to the soft skin of her cheek.

  "Oh Jack.” Her breath wafted against his flesh. “I was so scared. As soon as you appeared I knew you'd help. You caught me before I knew I was falling."

  There was something important in her words he should pay attention to. But the relief mingled with the adrenalin rushing through his system blocked everything but Krista and the feel of her in his arms.

  "You were foolish to risk your safety.” He admonished her while walking swiftly to the door.

  She leaned back enough to give him a small rueful smile. “I was trying to check for nests before lighting the fire.” She winced when he repositioned his arm around her waist. “I go with Papa all the time and nothing like this had ever happened to me before."

  "You've always had your father's magic to back you up.” He explained softy as he moved into the living area of the cabin.

  Krista gave a small murmur of agreement. Her next words shattered his world.

  "You feel so warm against my skin. Why is that? I thought you were supposed to be permanently like an ice pop."

  With realization dawning, Jack nearly threw Krista on the couch and back away. Horror spread through his body.

  "What have I done?” he whispered out loud.

  Not understanding his fear, Krista's face screwed up in confusion. “You haven't done anything but save my life.” When he didn't answer she moved off the couch and toward him.

  He couldn't help it. He backed away until his spine hit the counter separating the kitchen from the rest of the open space.

  "Jack, what's the matter with you?” she demanded.

  He shook his head not wanting to put into words the fears running through his mind.

  "Please, talk to me. I can't help if I don't know what to fix.” Her tone took on a pleading note.

  "Krista, don't touch me.” He was ready to climb over the blasted counter to get away from the hand she raised to him.

  "What in the twelve days of Christmas are you babbling about, Jack? I just touched quite a bit of you back there and everything is fine.” He watched with a breaking heart as puzzlement turned to embarrassment.

  "Oh, I get it.” She turned away from him her shoulders slumped and footsteps heavy. “Don't worry Jack, I didn't read anything into those few kisses."

  She thought he was rejecting her. The absurd thought almost made him laugh. If only she knew the truth.

  "It's not your touch I find offensive.” He tried to explain to her while maintaining a safe distance. “There are other ... issues here, things I cannot explain."

  With her back still turned she spoke again but all the joy had gone from her voice. “It's okay, really. I understand; I'm not your type."

  This time it was Jack who followed her across the room. In any other circumstance he'd find this chase amusing but not when Krista's life was at stake.

  "Are you feeling okay? You're warm enough? No tingling in your back or...” Where in the name of winter had he touched her? He couldn't quite place each touch. Vague thoughts of feeling her warmth against his flesh caused his body to harden.

  At his questions Krista finally turned to look at him. “Of course I'm chilly, Jack. It's the middle of winter, we're in a cabin with no heat and I just slid off a roof covered in snow. My clothes are wet, I've made a fool of myself and we're stuck here until tomorrow night."

  The look she shot him was typical female. But one he'd never seen cross the Spirit of Christmas's face. She was irritated.

  Underneath the anger was hurt. Jack would rather cut out his own heart than cause this woman a second of pain.

  He could live with her scorn or pity. What he could not live the next few centuries with was the knowledge that she thought he'd rejected her.

  It was time to share his secret. At the thought of putting the truth out there for her ridicule or sympathy, Jack's stomach twisted.

  "Krista, there are reasons I can never touch you again. Very valid ones, I assure you.” Maybe he could get away with only telling her a partial truth.

  "Oh yeah, I know your valid reasons.” She marked the air in quotation marks.

  He heaved a sigh of defeat and motioned her to sit on the couch. “Please. I want to get this out and over with."

  With a suspicions look in her eyes, Krista grudgingly sat down.

  He was about to open his mouth when he saw Krista's body shake. “What is it?"

  "I'm cold. I told you my clothes got wet from the snow slide.” She explained around chattering teeth.

  "Donner's balls,” he cursed. “Go upstairs and see if there is anything to change into. I'll gather the firewood I dropped in the woods. There will be a fire going by the time you get back downstairs,” he assured her, already making his way out the door.

  * * * *

  Jack Frost had a secret. Or at least he wanted her to believe there was some other reason he had to avoid her touch.

  While she appreciated his thoughtfulness in trying to placate her, Krista knew the truth. Jack didn't want her. The more she tried to touch him, the quicker he'd backed away.

  Yep, she was repulsive to the one man she desired. Even with her newfound resolve, Krista couldn't overcome the poor man's distaste of her. It wasn't like she was going to force herself on him.

  The thought of having Jack tied down and at her mercy succeeded in making her smile as she shivered her way up the stairs.

  "If only my sisters could see me now.” She muttered to herself.

  The loft was large, running the length of one side of the cabin. Inside the closet, Krista lucked out and found a pair of men's sweatpants and shirt.

  Shoving off her wet clothes, she shivered in the cold air. The cotton top felt delicious across her naked skin. She hurried and tossed her underwear on top of the other clothes. No way was she wearing wet underwear under dry clothes.

  Besides, what did it matter? It wasn't like Jack would see her out of the ugly gray sweats anyway.

  Pulling on a pair of men's thick wool socks, Krista twisted her damp hair into a knot on the back of her head and went back down the steps.

  As good as his word, Jack knelt in front of a blazing fire, steadily feeding it small sticks.

  Knowing this might be the last time to look her fill, Krista didn't make any noise on the last few steps. She simply drank her fill of him.

  Jet-black hair fell over his face giving him a rakis
h look. She couldn't see those ice blue eyes but knew they'd be intent on the job he set before himself. Everything Jack Frost did, he did with his whole self. She gave a sigh of regret knowing she'd never be the sole object of his anything.

  The sigh caught his attention and he turned swiftly to face her.

  "Are you all right?” He rose swiftly to his feet, those glacier blue eyes stared intently at her, searching her face for something.

  "Yes,” she said, exasperated with the kid gloves treatment.

  He took a few more hesitant steps in her direction. “No frozen limbs or numbness?” he questioned while his eyes lingered on her lips.

  Feeling nervous and still aroused, Krista licked her suddenly dry lips. “Why would I be numb?"

  Like a penguin shaking his feathers, Jack jerked his body back. “No reason."

  It was a lie. She read the hesitation in his eyes before he spoke the words.

  "I don't believe you.” She held a hand out to forestall any protest. “It doesn't matter. Weren't you going to share your big bad secret before I got the shivers and shakes?"

  All right, so it wasn't very nice of her to taunt him. She'd never been cruel to anyone in her long life no matter how much she wished to be.

  With Jack, it seemed like the curse/blessing of her name didn't exist. She'd take advantage of the freedom while she could.

  Jack seemed to understand her thoughts. “I seem to be the only one immune from your holiday goodness."

  A small shrug was the only answer she had to give him. She didn't understand the lack of cheer in her voice or heart either.

  "I've found the pantry fully stocked with a vast selection of canned goods. Would you like me to fix you something to eat? There is also a large selection of refreshments, if you are thirsty.” Jack turned his back and quickly walked into the kitchen.

  A small rumble from her stomach made a lie out of her earlier boast that she could do without food. With another shrug she decided she was too hungry to care and followed his very nice backside into the kitchen.

  All the cabinet doors had been opened and she saw Jack had been right. There was enough food to feed the two of them for months.

  It was a strange selection of potted meats, cheeses, beans and vegetables. Krista would have thought a hunting cabin would hold only a few emergency rations. Whatever the case she was grateful for the enormous selection.

  Perusing her dinner selections, Krista got to the last door and gave a delighted laugh.

  The interior of the cabinet was far wider and deeper than the others and fitted with specific racks to hold the many bottles of wine and liqueur.

  "Hmmm,” she murmured. “I wonder what vintage goes best with pork and beans."

  "It is good you can keep your humor about you after such an incident.” With muscled arms crossed over his wide chest, Jack looked every inch the warrior he was rumored to be. All that was missing from the picture was his trusty steed and sword.

  She smirked at the thought of Jack riding to the rescue on the back of a reindeer. She replaced the mental image with that of a polar bear and couldn't stop the grin from splitting her face.

  "You have found something else to amuse you besides the dinner selection?” The tone was more formal. In fact, since she'd come down the stairs, Jack's voice had grown colder and more withdrawn.

  What the heck, she thought, deciding to be honest with him. “I was picturing you riding to the rescue on the back of one of Papa's reindeer then switched it to a huge snowy white polar bear. The thought made me smile."

  A perplexed look shot across his features. “You would picture me rescuing someone?"

  "Of course, aren't you the great protector of the North Pole?"

  It was his turn to shrug. “I do what is necessary."

  She very much doubted that. Jack was the type of man to go beyond what was asked of him.

  "So are we hungry for potted meat, canned tuna, canned chicken or can-o-surprise.” She asked holding out a silver can with a missing label.

  "Choose what you like, I am not hungry at the moment.” He turned back to the living room to tend his fire.

  "How rude,” she said with a grimace. She really wasn't interested in eating the can of mystery. Instead, she set the can down and explored the liquor selection.

  Ten minutes later, Krista walked into the living room with a bottle of wine in one hand and two glasses in the other.

  "You ready to exchange deep dark secrets?” Maybe she shouldn't have had those sample sips before she finally selected a bottle. The alcohol made her tongue loose and her inhibitions non-existent.

  With the fire roaring at his back, Jack looked like some medieval warrior. His coal black hair hung in his eyes and Krista's fingers itched to brush it back. The glow of the fire enhanced his already rugged features making him look even more dangerous and sexy.

  "You would have me hear your secrets as well.” Though his tone was neutral, Krista could see tension tighten his shoulders and around his lips.

  "Sure why not.” She replied and flung herself down on the wide couch cushions and closed her eyes. “Would you like me to go first?"

  When he didn't reply, Krista turned her head; forced heavy lids open and found Jack staring at her.


  He gave a small shake of his head. “No one has ever shared confidences with me before."

  Careful to keep her face neutral while her heart broke for him, Krista chose her words with care. “I can't imagine why. You are a man of honor. If you give me your word that you will not speak of what I tell you, that's all I need to know."

  His assurance was immediate and sincere. “You do me a great honor with your trust. Whatever you might say will go no further than my ears."

  He spoke of her honor and Krista wanted to wince. She was using his against him or would be soon.

  Instead of calling a halt to this ridiculous game she started, Krista found herself saying, “Great, same goes for me. If you want to unburden yourself, I'm all ears."

  This time she didn't give him a chance to reply. Krista opened her mouth and jumped off the ledge. “My deepest secret is my greatest desire.” Coward that she was, Krista had to turn her head from Jack's all seeing gaze. Emptying the rest of the wine in her glass was a good way to gather courage and time she mused as the rest of the potent sweet wine flowed down her throat.

  "You, Jack, have been my desire. I've wanted to be your lover since I knew what the word meant. I've dreamed and fantasized about you more times than I can count. I'd picture your lips touching mine; taste the flavor of your tongue in my mouth. Imagine the cool heat of your naked body rubbing against mine and the pleasure of having you thrust inside my body until we both exploded with pleasure."

  * * * *

  In everything he'd imagined Krista might confess; Jack's own imagination hadn't even come close.

  She had fantasized about him making love to her. The thought almost stole his breath away because he could see the picture clearly in his mind.

  He'd run calloused hands down her shoulders to caress her breasts, use his teeth to nip gently on the luscious nipples he knew lay beneath the ragged sweatshirt she wore. Swirl his tongue around her bellybutton before pushing her legs wide and feasting on the sweetness he knew glistened between her lush thighs.


  Krista's voice broke the sensual spell his mind wove from her words. For a split second in time he couldn't remember why they both shouldn't make those fantasies a reality.

  The truth slammed into him second later and he groaned under the weight of suppressed desire. His cock throbbed beneath the confines of his leather pants. He wanted more than anything to release it and find paradise in Krista's body.

  "What?” his tone was surly and reflected the downward slide of his mood.

  Her voice matched his as she swung her legs off the couch and stood to face him. “I just bared my soul to you. All you can do is close your eyes and groan? Thanks a lot, Jackson. I know why p
eople don't confide in you. You make a lousy sounding board."

  She marched past him in a furious sway of feminine outrage. Without thinking, his hand shot out to stop her. Skin on skin contract stopped the breath in his body.

  Krista turned cold eyes from his hand to his face. “I thought you couldn't stand the touch of my skin.” She said in a bland voice and tried to shake off his grip.

  Jack knew he had to remove his fingers from her wrist. To let the touch linger any longer would surely spell her doom. Yet, even as the words passed through his mind he couldn't make himself loosen his hold.

  "I shouldn't be touching you.” He tried to explain while watching his own fingers rub gentle circles on her silken skin.

  "Oh yeah, that's a great way to impress a woman. Tell her you can't touch her while caressing her arm.” The sarcasm was sharp and exact, like an icicle through the heart.

  Once more he attempted to explain. “My touch brings harm and death to all who encounter it."

  The shame of his words hung heavy on his shoulders and it was the truth behind the words that allowed him to release her.

  Jack expected Krista to bolt up the stairs and place a mental S.O.S to her father. Anyone else would have after hearing the truth of his curse. Then there was the way he unconsciously had placed her in danger not once but twice.

  But Krista being Krista moved to him instead of running for her life.

  With a scornful voice she asked, “Where did you get an idiotic idea like that?"

  So much for playing on her sympathy, he thought, but out loud said, “I've known it to be true since I was created."

  "Created?” she scoffed. “You weren't created, ice-cubes for brains, you were born, just like the rest of us."

  Oh how he wished that were true, but he knew nothing other than being in this form. He had no memories of a childhood or family. No idle thoughts of growing up anywhere with a home or pets.

  Krista shook him out of lost memories. “Jack, whatever it is get over it."

  Strange, every time he imagined telling Krista his deep dark secret he's always pictured her beautiful face full of pity and sorrow for what they would never share. Never once in all his imaginings did he see Krista with the expression she wore now.


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