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Ryan_A Contemporary Romance

Page 14

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Just touch me, goddamnit! Finger fuck me. Suck on my pussy. I don’t care what, but you’d better do something to me now. Just do something!” I yelled partly in frustration and partly anger for him making me wait.

  The man laughed at me. He fucking laughed. I was about to turn around and tell him to fuck off, but he stood and pressed himself against my back again. His fingers spread my ass cheeks and slid through my folds. He pumped his fingers in and out of me as my clit rubbed against the window. The cold was too much to take and I wasn’t sure what would happen first, it would freeze off or I would come from the amazing orgasm I was about to have.

  “Oh God. Oh God. Yes!” He pumped his fingers faster and faster and then pulled out and pressed his slick fingers against my nub. I clenched my muscles and tried to pull my legs together, but he shoved his leg between them to hold them open. My orgasm carried on and on with me not able to dull the vibrations he was sending through me.

  Just as I was coming down, I heard his zipper slide down and moments later, he thrust inside me. He fucked me hard against the glass. My breasts were pushed painfully against the cold, but it heightened everything I felt with his heat at my back. The angle was different than I was used to, but every time I thought maybe I didn’t like this position, he touched me, licked me, kissed me in some way to make me forget everything but what he was doing to my body.

  His hands slid to my hips and he lifted me back and up so that he could fuck me harder. My hands slipped against the glass as I tried to keep myself upright with his brutal assault on my body. The moans that tore from my throat sounded animalistic. When he massaged my clit, I took off like a rocket and exploded all over his dick. My body clamped around his cock and I felt him struggling to push through my tightening muscles.

  “Fuck. Oh fuck, Cassie. You’re strangling my cock.” His thrusts became jerky and he thrust deep inside me one last time before pressing his body completely against mine, pushing me fully against the glass. My breath fogged the glass in front of me and when he pulled me back, I could see smears all over the window and even streaks of my juices from being pressed against the glass.

  “Oh my gosh. Look at the-”

  “Mom! I’m home!” James called from the front of the house. Ryan threw me to the floor and covered me with his body. I could feel myself flushing bright red.

  “Oh shit. I hope my son didn’t just see me naked.” I covered my face to try to conceal my embarrassment. Ryan pressed his lips to the side of my face and then whispered so only I could hear him.

  “I’m gonna grab a blanket for you and get dressed really quick. I’ll distract them while you got get dressed.”

  I nodded as snuck around the corner of the chair that was concealing us to grab a blanket. He came back quickly and turned bright red.

  “I think your mom just saw me. She looked away, but I’m pretty sure she saw me naked.”

  “Oh God, this is so embarrassing.” I said as I quickly wrapped the blanket around myself. Ryan quickly pulled on his pants and then his shirt. He stuffed my clothes in my hands and then got up and headed for the kitchen.

  “Cal. Jane. I didn’t realize you were coming over so early. Cassie’s just getting out of the bath.”

  I peeked out from around the chair and saw that he was blocking as much of the entry to the kitchen as he could. I got up and tiptoed toward the bedroom, but I didn’t miss the raised eyebrow my mother shot me. Luckily, Dad had his back turned and James was getting something out of the cabinet. I had just about made it out of the living room when James turned and ran out of the kitchen. I dropped like a sack of potatoes to the floor. Ryan tried to grab his arm, but was too late.

  “I gotta show Grandpa my new paintball gun!” He darted for the stairs, but stopped when he saw me laying on the ground.

  “Mom? What are you doing on the floor?”

  “I..uh..I’m looking for some laundry that I dropped earlier.” I held out my pile of clothes. “Here it is!”

  “Why are you in a blanket? Are you cold?”

  “Yep.” I nodded furiously. Please, God, just go upstairs. “Why don’t you grab that paintball gun and show Grandpa? I’ll be right there.”

  “Oh yeah!” He turned and ran up the stairs while I quickly ran to my bedroom, hoping that my father didn’t turn around and see me. I dressed quickly and when I felt like I’d regained my composure, I walked into the kitchen as if nothing had happened.

  “Cassie, girl. We were wondering if you’d fallen in. Ryan said you were taking a bath.”

  “No you weren’t. I just saw you in the living room on the floor. Why’d you take off your blanket? Are you not cold anymore?” James asked.

  “Nope. I’m all warm now.”

  I walked over to the fridge to start collecting food in the hopes that I could hide my reaction from my dad. Mom walked up behind me and started taking stuff from me.

  “Next time we’ll call. I didn’t realize you and Ryan were quite so..adventurous.” My face flamed. This was not a conversation I wanted to have with my mother. Ryan, James, and Dad walked out of the kitchen, leaving my mother and I to prepare dinner.

  “Sorry, Mom. If I’d known you were on your way over, we never would have..” I waved my hand toward the living room. “In there.”

  She rolled her eyes at me and laughed. “Sweetie, you make it sound like sex is a bad thing. You do realize that your father and I have sex, too?”

  I covered my ears and almost gagged. “Mom, please! I don’t need to know what you and Dad do.”

  “Oh, please. We’re all adults. Not that I need to know specifics, but it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Your father and I prefer the bed to the hard floor, but then we are older and not quite as limber as we used to be.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to block out everything she had just said. It didn’t work. Now images of my mom and dad were creeping into my brain and freaking me out.

  “Can we drop this? I really don’t want to talk about this anymore.”

  She continued as if I hadn’t said a word.

  “Although, I must say, you did good with Ryan. He’s very good looking. I got a great peek at his-”

  “Mom! Stop! I don’t want to know what you saw or what you think of it.”

  “I was just going to say that you’re very lucky. Very.” She winked and started gathering the vegetables to cut. I whimpered and looked at the ceiling.

  “Why?” I asked no one in particular, hoping that there was some way to turn back the clocks and have this whole thing never happen. Maybe I could find out if the whole time turner thing from Harry Potter was something that actually existed.

  “Why don’t I go see if Dad wants anything to drink?”

  I headed out to the living room only to stop dead in my tracks. Dad had just licked his thumb and was rubbing at something on the window. The same window that Ryan had just fucked me against. Eyes wide and mouth gaping, I ran over to him and practically tackled him to the ground.

  “Dad! What are you doing?” I shrieked.

  “Cassie, girl. Everything alright?”

  “Fine. I’m fine, but what were you doing?”

  “There was something on the window. I was trying to get it off.”

  My stomach revolted at the thought of my dad touching my juices that were stuck to the window. A shudder ran down my spine as I now associated my orgasm with my father. Gross.

  “Everything okay, Cassie?” Ryan asked as he walked up behind me. I vaguely nodded, shuddering again and again.

  “You had something on your window and I was wiping it off when Cassie started flipping out.” I looked over at Ryan who looked particularly pale.

  “Uh, thanks for pointing it out. I’ll clean it off right away. You just.. Stay..sit..over there.” He pointed to the couch. “Away from the window.”

  My dad raised an eyebrow as Ryan walked away, so I tried to distract him.

  “Dad, I don’t remember how to make that drink you like. What was it again?�


  “Right. Why don’t you show me how to make it.”

  “Cassie, you just pour it in the glass. It’s pretty simple.”

  I laughed nervously as I saw Ryan walk back in with windex and a rag.

  “Still, I’m sure there’s a wrong way to pour it.”

  Dad looked at me strangely but followed me to the kitchen.

  Later, after dinner was finished and I had finally calmed down from my near panic attack, we all sat down in the living room for an after dinner drink while James filled us in on what was new in school. I was just taking a drink when James suddenly stopped and looked over at the chair.

  “Mom, you forgot some of your laundry.” He held up my underwear that must have been flung aside when Ryan undressed me. I choked on my wine and spit out what little was still in my throat. Ryan quickly grabbed them from James while Dad looked at me in confusion. Mom was bright red and fanning herself.

  “Thank you, James.” I choked out.

  “Well, I think that means it’s time for us to go,” Mom said as she stood. “I think we’ve all had enough surprises for one day.”

  “Cassie, you okay? You’re turning red.” My dad was so oblivious to the situation and I was glad for that. If he knew what he had wiped off the window with his finger, he would be just as mortified as I was.

  “Just a little warm. It must be the wine.”

  “Well, it’s been good seeing you.” He wrapped me in a hug and walked for the door.

  “Ryan, it was good to see you again.” Mom headed for the door, then turned back. “Hopefully next time I won’t see quite so much of you.” She laughed and followed my dad outside.

  “She saw me?” Ryan was bright red and pulling at the neck of his shirt.

  “Yes. Let’s just say she’s very appreciative of your body.”

  Ryan groaned and swallowed back the rest of his drink.

  “I’m never going to be able to look at her again.”

  “I’m sure by the time James is in high school it’ll be just another funny story,” I chuckled, though I didn’t really feel that way either. After tonight, I was more than sure that we would never have sex again if it wasn’t behind a locked door.



  WE HAD OUR Christmas party at work today and since most of the staff was busy getting drunk, I decided that I could slip out early and go home to my family. As of today, James was officially on Christmas break. Cassie and I wouldn’t be able to take off a lot of time, but we worked it so we could get a few days off together.

  I could hear the thump of music as I got out of my truck and it grew to deafening levels as I opened the garage door and entered the house. It was some kind of swing music and the voice sounded vaguely familiar. Cassandra was in the kitchen with a Kiss The Cook apron tied around her waist. She was swinging her hips and singing into a spatula as she danced by the stove. As the trumpets blared, Cassie pulled James off the stool and attempted to swing dance with him. James kept pulling back from her, but Cassie held tight.

  Eventually, James gave in and started dancing with her and when he spotted me, he shrugged and rolled his eyes. When Cassie wanted something, not much could stop her.

  “What are you singing?” I shouted over the music.

  Cassie turned to me and smiled. “The Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,” she shouted back. “It’s Bette Midler!”

  She said it like I should know who that was. The song came to an end as Cassie swung herself out of James’s arms and flung herself right into the stove. Her hand knocked the pan of sauce off the burner and spilled all over the floor.

  I rushed forward and picked Cassie up off her feet and set her on the island, then walked over to turn off the music.

  “Sorry, guys. Maybe we should just order pizza for dinner.”

  I picked up the empty saucepan and looked at the bottom. “Considering that half the sauce is burned to the bottom of the pan, I think you did us a favor.”

  She threw a dishtowel at me but smiled. “I can’t help it. I was having fun singing along to the music.”

  “Just let us know when you plan to do it during dinnertime and we’ll order in to avoid future sauce disasters.”

  “Well, we can’t all be as clean as you Mr. Jackson. I guess in this house, you’re just going to have to get used to having a messy wife. You know what they say, messy wife, messy life.”

  “I think it’s actually happy wife, happy life, but we can go with yours.”

  “Really. And what other phrases do you happen to know?”

  “Well, there’s one my dad always told me to remember when I got married.”

  She raised an eyebrow at me. “And what’s that?”

  “He always said, ’Son, you’re either right or you’re happy. Choose wisely.’

  “He did not.”

  “Scout’s honor.” I held up my fingers in the Scout’s gesture.

  “So, when are we going to meet your parents?”

  “Well, they retired to Florida, so I would imagine they won’t be making a trip back up here until summer. Nobody leaves Florida in the winter if they don’t have to.”

  “We’ll have to invite them to come stay with us this summer. I think it would be good for James to get to know them.”

  “I would suggest we take a trip down there, but I don’t know when we’ll get the time off. I think it would be easier for them to come here.”

  “They can stay with us and my parents can come meet them. I could cook a big dinner for us.”

  “As long as there’s no music playing.”


  Everyone was gathered at our house on Christmas Eve. A couple of years ago, we had started having a big get together where we ate Ravioli that Harper and Agnes, her motherin-law, made. Since my house had the most space, I started having everyone over here. Luckily, Cassie and her parents didn’t care about having all my friends and family over. We had sort of become one big family. There would be twenty adults this year plus all the kids.

  “Alright, I set out all the wine on the island. I don’t want it to be in the way, though, so tell me if I need to move it.”

  I turned around from putting the beer in the fridge to see Cassie standing in front of me, looking gorgeous as ever. Her hair was hanging in curls down her back and she had on a Christmas red dress that hit just below the knee with long sleeves. It hugged all those curves that I loved so much.

  I had a big surprise for Cassie this year and I hadn’t yet decided if I would spring it on her tonight or tomorrow morning.

  “Damn, you look gorgeous.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.” I looked down at my clothes and scoffed. I was just wearing grey pants with a black button down.

  “Are you kidding me? I look like I’m going to work. You look like a sexy angel.”

  I walked over to her and pulled her into my arms. Her warm body curved with mine, fitting me just perfectly.

  “I don’t think angels are supposed to be sexy.”

  “Too bad. I know you’re not the devil in disguise.”

  “Really? How can you be so sure?”

  “Because. You’ve got me heart and soul. If you were the devil, you would tease me and walk away, but I know you’re never going to leave me.”

  She scrunched her eyes at me. “Maybe I’ll get tired of you.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ll chase you down and chain you to my bed. You’ll go from sexy angel to my sex slave.” I clasped her hands behind her back in one of mine.

  “Mmm. I kind of like the sound of that. Maybe we should see if Mom and Dad can take James for some of Christmas break.”

  I kissed her roughly and pushed my hardening cock against her. She gasped when I broke the kiss. Her face was flushed and her eyes were filled with desire.

  “Don’t tempt a man like that. Now I’m going to have a hard on for the rest of the night while I imagine you tied to our bed. What will your parents

  “It can’t be too much worse than when my mom saw you naked.”

  I stepped back out of her arms. “And that did it. You’ve cured me for the night.”

  She laughed and walked over to the cabinets and started pulling out pots. “I’m glad that you won’t have to worry about embarrassing yourself in front of my parents.”

  “Well, not in that way at least.”

  The doorbell rang and James came flying down the stairs.

  “I’ll get it!”

  He flung the door open and gave out a high five to Sebastian. “Hey, kid. Merry Christmas.”

  “Yeah, you too.”

  Sebastian and Maggie walked in and James took their coats, being quite the host. He was struggling to get the hanger back up on the bar, so I helped out, messing up his hair as I walked off.

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  “No problem.”

  All our friends and family slowly made their way to the house over the next half hour. When Jack, Agnes and Harper showed up, I went out to help unload the truck. They had bags and bags of homemade Ravioli.

  “What’s with all the Ravioli? I know there’s a lot of us, but this looks like enough for an army.”

  “Apparently, Sean and Jack have a bet going to see who can eat the most Ravioli tonight,” Harper said as she removed her coat.

  “Really? What’s the bet?”

  “What are we betting on?” Cole asked as he came toward the front door.

  “Ravioli contest,” Harper supplied.

  “What’s the bet.” I questioned whether or not this bet was actually worth it.

  “Jack bet Sean a hundred bucks. Care to make a wager?” She raised an eyebrow at Cole. “How many, Cole?”


  “Seriously, Cole? Thirty-five? I’m not sleeping with you tonight,” Alex scoffed.

  “Pussy,” Sebastian laughed.

  Agnes slapped Sebastian on the head as she walked past him to the stove. “There’s no need to use such crass language on Christmas Eve.”

  “Sorry, Mrs. Huntley.”

  “You think you can eat more?” Sean taunted.

  “Put me down for fifty.” Sebastian took a swig of his beer and Maggie grabbed it from his hand.


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