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Irresistible in Love

Page 4

by Bella Andre

  She was surprised when Evan pulled the lapels of her jacket together. “It’s freezing out here. Let’s go inside.”

  “Not yet,” she whispered. “It’s too beautiful to leave.”

  He was too beautiful. A few precious minutes with Evan here and there were all she could ever have, and tonight she wanted those minutes to last a little while longer.

  * * *

  Snowflakes sparkled in Paige’s hair, the porch light danced in her eyes, and her breath puffed in wisps from her parted lips. Behind them, the muted sounds of merriment slid through the window panes, but out here they were in a world of their own.

  His fingers still rested on her jacket. He couldn’t say how they’d come to stand so close. She’d been reaching for the snowflakes. He’d wanted to reach with her.

  And something that was frozen inside him shifted toward her warmth.

  He tried to make himself remember that she wasn’t only his soon-to-be ex-wife’s sister, she was also a good, honest, wonderful woman who deserved better than a man weighted down with all his baggage.

  But the subtle perfume of her skin, her hair, and the succulent pink of her lips made it hard to give a damn about all the reasons he should keep his hands off her.

  Lost in her chocolate eyes, he forgot who she was, forgot who he was. Beneath the night sky and the softly falling snow, they became two people without a history, without a past.

  And with nothing between them but temptation.

  The wind whipped up, and she leaned into him, close enough that he couldn’t resist stealing the kiss he’d craved for what seemed like forever.

  Her lips against his were light as a feather, testing, teasing, giving. But when he ran his tongue along her bottom lip, coaxing her to open, to let him in, her sweetness invaded him, took him over, made him greedy to feed his growing hunger. She pressed her hands to his chest as he cupped her cheeks and crushed her mouth beneath his.

  God. He couldn’t get enough of her taste, her heat, and the way she vibrated with need as she pressed her curves into him.

  He groaned with need, intensifying the kiss, driving them deeper into sensation, passion, desire. Her hair was soft on the backs of his hands as he slid them down her shoulders, over her thick coat, to her waist, pulling her closer. She pushed her hands inside his jacket, her touch scorching him through his dress shirt.

  He wanted nothing more than to drag her down to the deck, covering her with his body. Taking her. Filling her. Owning her.

  Loving her.

  Reality knocked him hard in the chest. He couldn’t love another woman, couldn’t risk giving his heart away to anyone ever again.

  As he made himself draw back from her heat, her softness, the seductive pull of her mouth, he forcefully reminded himself how wrong this was. She was his sister-in-law—and they couldn’t kiss like this, consumed by each other, dying for more, the next touch, the next taste. And certainly not when he wasn’t even divorced yet. He needed to tell her that he was nowhere near ready to put himself out there for anyone. That he might never be again. That she deserved so much more than a few stolen, desperate kisses on a snowy night.

  All he could get out was, “What are you doing to me?” Even though he already knew. She was turning his battered and bruised heart inside out. No matter how hard he tried to fight it or ignore it, Paige wasn’t afraid to get in his face and make him see the truth. Including the truth of his desire for her…

  Before she could reply, the glass door slid open and Jeremy’s excited tones tripped down the stairs. “Look at the snow falling, you guys. Let’s go out and play!”

  He grabbed Paige’s hand and pulled her with him down the stairs onto the snow-covered lawn, with Noah right behind them, dashing into the snow, his glee lighting up the yard. Harper and Will joined them a few moments later, then Ari, scooping up Noah and saying, “Let’s make a snow angel.” Ari called out to Matt, “Come on down and make your own snow angel.”

  “I’ve already got two,” he replied as he joined them in the fresh powder.

  Charlie and Sebastian jumped into the snow along with Lyssa. Susan made a snowball she threw at Daniel. The yard was full of love and laughter. At the head of the steps, Bob smiled indulgently. Even Francine had wheeled her walker outside, the lines of her face creased into a big smile.

  But at the center of them all was Paige.

  She tipped her head back and stuck out her tongue to catch the snowflakes, and when she laughed, the joyful sound sent another deep pang of longing through Evan. Snow powdered her hair, and the porch light morphed her into something ethereal, a beautiful fairy with white crystals melting on her tongue.

  Exactly the way he’d melted into her. No matter how wrong it might be.

  Chapter Five

  It was already the most beautiful wedding ever…and the bride hadn’t even appeared yet.

  The boys, as Susan lovingly called the Mavericks, had set up the latticed arbor, knotted with silk flowers, in front of the fireplace. The Christmas decorations had come down, and the room was now adorned with garlands and silver bells. The light dusting of snow outside the windows made the scene truly stunning.

  The guest list wasn’t large, just good friends. Noah Bryant, the Mavericks’ lawyer, with his wife, Colbie. Cal Danniger, their business manager, who always seemed to be with a different woman. Award-winning vintner Marcus Sullivan and his rock star wife, Nicola. As well as movie star Smith Sullivan and his brilliant wife, Valentina. Paige found Marcus, Nicola, Smith, and Valentina to be totally down-to-earth. Fortunately, she was used to being around the Mavericks, who were regular people at heart, despite their enormous wealth and to-die-for good looks. Harper and Will could have gone for a huge wedding, but this understated affair was a much better fit than any glittering, lavish event would have been.

  As the first bars of the Wedding March rang out, everyone stood—and gasped as Harper appeared on her brother Jeremy’s arm. She was beyond beautiful in a gorgeous cream-colored suit edged with braid, a lacy blouse beneath. Paige loved that she hadn’t chosen a traditional wedding dress, her blond hair pulled up in a classic knot with artful tendrils curling around her face.

  Will’s reaction was everything Paige had known it would be. So much love for his bride radiated from him that it stole Paige’s breath.

  She remembered the first time she’d met Harper and Jeremy. Paige had felt Will’s deep love for Harper even then, the way his eyes followed her wherever she went. There’d also been a softening about him that she’d never seen before—not just for Harper, but for Harper’s brother as well. Will had not only fallen in love with a kind beautiful woman, he’d fallen in love with her family too.

  Will mouthed, I love you, to Harper, and Paige’s heart flip-flopped in her chest. They were so adorable. So good to each other. The kind of couple who made you wish everyone could find a love like that. Paige certainly wished she could find the same beautiful love they shared.

  Her gaze instinctively searched for Evan in the audience, one row up and to the right—only to find that he was looking at her too. For a long moment, their eyes held.

  All night long, Paige had relived those sinfully sweet moments in Evan’s arms, his taste on her tongue, his hands on her face, in her hair, his mouth taking hers with such passion. Such need. She could still hardly believe it had happened.

  Evan had kissed her.

  She knew no one had witnessed their kiss, because if they had, not one of the Mavericks or their significant others would have been able to hold back their questions and commentary.

  Jeremy’s voice pulled her attention back to where he and Harper now stood at the end of the aisle before Will. “I know my mom and dad would have loved Harper and Will getting married. And I love it too.” Jeremy said his lines proudly, giving Harper into Will’s care. “Did I do okay?” he whispered loudly to Will.

  Chuckles spread through the audience, and Will smiled with deep affection at his almost brother-in-law. “You did great.

  Jeremy flashed a huge grin at Will, then Harper, and finally took his seat in the front row, bursting with excitement and happiness.

  Susan was beaming in the front row near Evan, a tissue in her hand as she dabbed at the corner of her eye, while Bob put his arm around her and smiled from cheek to cheek. Paige hadn’t known Susan well when Whitney and Evan had their no-expense-spared wedding—one so grand it was featured in several major bridal and society magazines. But she was sure Susan would have cried then too, hoping for their happiness. Happiness that never came to be.

  “Dearly beloved,” the officiant began, “we are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Harper Newman and Will Franconi.” She smiled at the bride and groom. “I’m pleased to say that our celebrants have prepared their own vows.”

  Will curled his fingers around Harper’s. “For so long, I didn’t believe I would ever love anyone. I didn’t believe I ever could love anyone. But then you and Jeremy came unexpectedly into my life, and I fell for both of you in an instant. One smile. One laugh. That was all it took. I will always love you, Harper. I will always love your family.” Will looked fondly at Jeremy and smiled. “Your brother is my brother. My heart is your heart. My life is your life.”

  Paige’s eyes misted at Will’s beautiful words. She didn’t want to sit here and compare this wedding with Whitney and Evan’s, but it was impossible not to. When she glanced at Evan and saw him sitting ramrod straight, his expression tight and shuttered, she knew he must be remembering the vows he’d made to her sister.

  Whitney had promised to love and honor Evan. But she never truly had.

  And all the while her sister had been glowing in her ornate wedding gown, Paige had been standing beside her as maid of honor, wearing a pink dress that was too frilly and shiny. Dying inside.

  Because Paige had loved Evan from the moment she’d walked into his classroom. She’d never admitted the truth to anyone—but that didn’t make it any less real.

  She’d been a teaching assistant, grading papers for him, helping him design student assignments. Sometimes he’d come to her campus apartment in the evening to discuss a particular student, their issues, good and bad. Then one night, Whitney blew into town for a visit. And as soon as Evan saw her sister, Paige had become all but invisible.

  But she’d always wondered: Would he eventually have fallen for her, his friend and confidante, if he’d never met Whitney?

  Some things were unknowable.

  What she could hold on to now with all her might and all her heart was that last night, he’d finally kissed her. A kiss she had waited on for nine long years.

  “You’ve made me whole again, healed me.” Will raised Harper’s hands to his lips. “Everything I have to give, I give to you. Please take my heart, my love. Because they are yours forever.”

  In the row ahead of Paige, Susan sniffled softly with Bob’s arm around her. Sebastian looked tenderly at Charlie. While Evan stared ahead with fierce determination to appear completely normal.

  Harper’s voice trembled as she began her vows. “I will take your heart, your love, and give you mine. I never thought I could need anyone the way I need you. I never thought I could let myself need anyone so much. But I also never thought I would meet someone I could trust with my life, with my brother’s life. I trust you with all of that, Will, and more. You are the kindest, most loving man I know. You bring me light. You are mine,” Harper declared as Will drew her closer. “And I am yours.”

  The audience gave a collective sigh of happiness at the romantic and heartfelt vows as the officiant collected the rings from Noah, who had to be the cutest ring bearer on the planet. After Harper and Will had slipped the bands onto each other’s fingers, the officiant said, “I hereby pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  Will cupped Harper’s face in his palms, his gaze roaming her features as if he needed to map each beautiful contour he saw. Then he slowly lowered his mouth to hers. Paige held her breath for the perfect moment, the perfect kiss, and sighed when it finally came, the melding of their lips, their hearts, their souls. Harper’s hands fluttered a moment, then settled on Will’s forearms, holding him. Their kiss was almost too intimate to watch, yet too beautiful to turn away from. Then Will slid his big hands down her throat, skimmed her shoulders, and finally gathered her into him, their hearts touching. With one hand across her back, he dipped Harper low over his arm, kissing her with all the passion that always burned between them.

  Paige flushed, unable to stop herself from looking at Evan again. She swore she saw the same burn in his eyes as he looked right back at her, at least for a split second before he turned away, a muscle jumping in his jaw.

  Finally, Will straightened with a grin, Harper laughed, her face glowing, and Jeremy jumped up from his seat to hug Will hard. Then he said in his best manly voice, “You better take care of my sister or else.” He looked over at the other Mavericks and asked, “That’s what they always say in the movies, right?”

  Will laughed and group-hugged Jeremy and Harper. “Yep, that’s what they always say. I will definitely take care of her, buddy.”

  “Just like we’ll take care of Will,” Harper said, then gave her new husband another very hot kiss.

  Soon, everyone gathered around for hugs. Susan wiped tears from her face as she kissed Harper’s cheek. This was family and love, close friends and best wishes. And when Smith Sullivan gave Harper a hug, Paige was sure millions of women would have died to be in her shoes.

  Paige circled around, planning to offer her congratulations once the crush was over. On the far side of the room, Evan watched, the barest hint of a smile on his mouth.

  “Great wedding, wasn’t it?”

  She turned at the sound of Daniel’s deep voice.

  “The perfect wedding for a perfect couple,” he said. “Although I can see that you’re worrying.” Daniel nodded in Evan’s direction.

  Busted. Of course Daniel had noticed her scrutiny. The Mavericks didn’t miss a thing. “I hate to think that he might be comparing his wedding to theirs.”

  “I’m sure he is. But he’ll come through this.”

  “Of course he will.” She gently nudged Daniel’s ribs. “After all, he’s got you guys to talk him down when he needs it.”

  “And he’s got you too, Paige.”

  That was definitely true. Evan had always had her, whether he knew it or not. Yes, she’d put up with Whitney’s behavior all those years because of her promise to their mother to look out for her. But Paige had also stayed for Evan—because she hadn’t been able to bear the thought of walking out of his life if she’d walked out of Whitney’s.

  And now? Now that he and Whitney were done? Now that he and Paige had kissed?

  She sighed, wishing she knew what to do, wishing she had all the answers. Her feelings for Evan were stronger than ever, but despite his passionate kiss last night, he was doing his damn level best to act as if it had never happened. She hoped he wasn’t sorry, that he hadn’t been about to apologize for kissing her when everyone burst out onto the porch to play in the snow. But given how raw and bruised inside he clearly was from her sister’s betrayal, Paige knew that his regret for their kiss was a distinct—and awful—possibility.

  “Anything else you want to talk about?” Daniel asked. “Because that was a heck of a sigh.” His eyes were warm and far too perceptive.

  “It’s been a busy holiday season,” she said, even though they both knew the crux of her problems centered on her sister. “People needed lots of last-minute therapy sessions to make it through.” She let out a small laugh, one without much humor. “I could have used some emergency sessions myself.”

  “We all could have,” Daniel agreed. Again, she knew they were both talking about Whitney, even if they weren’t saying her name aloud. “In fact, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing that can’t be cured with one of my signature Top-Notch cocktails.”

  Paige groaned, remembering the hango
ver she’d had the last time she let him make her one of his extremely potent concoctions. But maybe the alcohol would help. Maybe it would make her brave.

  Brave enough to not only kiss Evan again…but to finally tell him what was deep inside her heart.

  Chapter Six

  Evan’s hopes and dreams for happily ever after might have bitten the dust—but that didn’t mean he believed the same was in store for Will. He’d seen the pure love in Harper’s eyes. No one could fake that. He’d never doubted Harper, never doubted Will.

  It was his own judgment he doubted.

  The group of well-wishers around Will and Harper was still too large to wade into, so Evan watched from the side of the room. In the opposite corner of the living room, Daniel was mixing a drink for Paige. Probably his “famous” Top-Notch cocktail.

  Despite knowing better, Evan couldn’t stop his gaze from tracking the formfitting lines of the sea green dress Paige wore. Her natural beauty—especially when she laughed at something Daniel said to her—was enough to steal Evan’s breath right out of his chest.

  He’d forced himself to step away from her last night, but he hadn’t been able to stop their intense and heated kiss from following him into his dreams. In the dark of his mind while he’d slept, he’d tasted her again, steeped himself in her scent and the seductive feel of her curves pressed against him.

  Bob clapped him on the back, breaking Evan out of his forbidden longings. “Nifty wedding, wasn’t it?”

  Evan smiled. “Best Maverick wedding yet.”

  Bob didn’t let go of Evan’s shoulder as he turned serious. “I’m glad you apologized to your mom. I know things are rough on you right now, but she was real hurt when you didn’t come home for Christmas.”

  Guilt twisted in Evan’s belly. “I was wrong. She didn’t deserve that. And neither did you.”


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