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Irresistible in Love

Page 18

by Bella Andre

  On the way back up, the limo driver saluted them.

  “It’s all ready.” Taking her hand, Evan helped her down the rock steps cut into the cliff face.

  Down on the beach, it was cooler and slightly windier. She was glad she’d worn jeans and her jacket. A blanket was spread out on the sand, its corners anchored. A bottle of champagne chilled in a bucket, and the basket sat in the middle along with two extra blankets. The waves crashed on the shore, the sun heated the sand, birds flew overhead, and the whales frolicked with dolphins out in the ocean. It was perfection.

  “You’re amazing.”

  “I thought the whales were the most amazing thing.”

  She grabbed his face in her hands and kissed him quickly. Then she flopped down beside the basket. “What have we got here?”

  He sat beside her, spreading one of the blankets over her legs. “To keep you warm.” He uncorked the champagne, poured some into two crystal glasses, and handed her one. Then he clinked with her. “To making sure you don’t get thirsty.” Finally, he opened the basket. “Brie and crackers. And spring rolls. And this tub looks like spinach dip.” He moved things around in the basket. “And cold, roasted chicken. Along with fruit.”

  All her favorite picnic things. He’d thought of everything.

  “Look at this.” He flourished a plate of chocolate-covered strawberries. “Where do you want to start?”

  With him feeding her the strawberries. Her licking the chocolate off his fingers. Then he could lick it off her lips.

  But as much as she wanted his touch and his kiss, this was too perfect to rush into anything physical. Just as it wasn’t the time to talk about his mother or his siblings or Whitney or his past.

  She didn’t want anything bad or difficult to intrude in this special place. Only good things. Only the romance of being here with him. Only love.

  “First a spring roll. Then some brie.”

  He served her on china packed in the lid of the basket, with cloth napkins to wipe their fingers. She dipped a chocolate-covered strawberry in her champagne, relishing the fizz. They ate all the food out of order, talking, laughing, jumping up when they saw a whale spout above the waves. Everything was delicious.

  Just being with Evan was delicious.

  “So I want to know more about the crazy things you and the Mavericks did when you were teenagers. I loved hearing Susan and Bob’s stories this weekend.”

  Evan dipped a bit of French bread in the scrumptious spinach dip and handed her the piece, their fingers brushing with a zing of sensual awareness. “I wouldn’t call us crazy. We were…boisterous.” He cleaned a bit of dip from the side of her mouth and licked it off his finger. Just as if he were licking her.

  She laughed to cover the surge of heat through her body. “Come on. Spill.”

  “Well, there was the time we were hot-rodding in Will’s souped-up Chevy. The cop barely caught us.”

  “Oh no.” She put a hand over her mouth. “Don’t tell me you got arrested.”

  “Not with Sebastian in the backseat. The glib SOB told the officer we’d just spent a year fixing up this baby, and we’d gotten carried away with our triumph. If anyone else said a word, the cop would probably have hauled us off to the pokey, but Sebastian had noticed the look in his eye. And the policeman simply ran his hand over the paint, said, ‘Good job, boys. I had one of these beauties when I was sixteen. But slow it down, ya hear?’ And he let us go.”

  Paige shook her head, laughing. It was so like Sebastian to figure out exactly the right thing to say to get them off the hook. “More,” she said, wanting everything from him. All the good things. He gave her a sliver of melt-in-your-mouth chicken. “The food is delicious, but I meant more stories.”

  “Have you ever tried peppermint schnapps?” His lips curving in a smile, he caressed her cheek, pushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

  She almost purred into his touch. “Can’t say I have.”

  “Well, you won’t ever get the chance if you’re around a Maverick.”

  She pushed his shoulder. “What did you all do?”

  “Matt got hold of a bottle, and we all got drunk. The next morning all I could smell was peppermint. And even now, put some peppermint schnapps in front of me, in front of any of us, and we all get a little queasy.”

  “I bet Susan thought overindulgence was the best cure.”

  “Of course.” He stood, held out his hand. “Come on, let’s got for a walk. We can finish the strawberries when we get back.”

  She let him pull her to her feet, holding his hand as they strolled, the sun warming half of her, his body warming the rest.

  “And we can’t forget Daniel. He had the hots for this girl who lived a couple of blocks over. So we boosted him up her fire escape to get to her window.”

  “Like in West Side Story?”

  “Yeah.” He laughed. “Susan made us watch that musical too. But Daniel never got inside her window. Someone saw him out there and called the cops, thinking he was a peeping Tom. We had to head off the patrol car and keep them busy so he could climb down before they saw him.”

  She hugged his arm, wishing she’d known him then. Parts of his life had been so terrible. But he had so many good memories too. Susan and Bob had given him that. Thank God they had rescued him.

  She wanted to remind him of something good they had shared too. “Do you remember how we used to sneak into the library after it was closed?”

  He laughed. “Most college students would be sneaking a joint. But we had to sneak into the library.”

  “Yes, but all those books.” She made a happy sound of remembered delight. But it had been about more than just the books. It had been about being with him. “We had to read by flashlight.”

  “And the security guard almost caught us.”

  “Right. We had to keep scurrying down different aisles to avoid him.”

  She’d fallen irrevocably in love with him on all those stolen nights.

  He stuck his hand in his pocket, his other still firmly clasped around hers, and went silent. Against her side, she felt him tense. But just when she was expecting him to tell her a bad story about his mom or his dad, he pulled something out, holding it in the palm of his hand.

  A small plastic dinosaur. A T-Rex.

  “Susan gave this back to me this morning.”

  Paige gazed up at him, waiting.

  “My mom took me to The Field Museum in Chicago. I was probably six or seven. And she got me this little dinosaur.”

  Her heart trembled for him. But she steeled herself for the worst.

  “It was one of the best days I ever remember.”

  * * *

  Paige curled his fingers around the small memento. “I’m so glad you have this as a reminder.” Then she tucked the dinosaur back in his pocket. “Tell me all about that day.”

  “I’d forgotten about it till Susan gave me this.” Susan had known the perfect moment to return the plastic T-Rex. And Evan suddenly needed to share his memory with Paige. Their afternoon together at the seaside had been so perfect. She’d loved his surprise trip. Of all the people in the world, Paige would appreciate this memory the most.

  “We spent hours in the museum. We saw everything. It was near to closing time, and I wanted to see one last room before we had to go.” He remembered his excitement like a rush of adrenaline through his veins. Just one more, Mom, just one more. “I ran down the stairs so fast she couldn’t keep up. Then all of sudden she was sliding down the banister right past me. A guard stood at the bottom, and I was sure he was going to yell at her.” He’d actually been petrified for a moment, frozen to the spot. “But he high-fived her. Then he let her steady me while I slid down the banister too.” The guard had winked, put a finger to his lips, and whispered, Don’t tell.

  Leaning against him as they walked, Paige squeezed his arm. “I love this story.”

  “I do too.” He laid his hand over hers. “I remember how she looked. Happy. Even joyful. I
’d forgotten all that.” There had been joyful times with his mother. But after she’d gone, he’d pushed them all deep inside, too busy demonizing her, blaming her for leaving him. “Sometimes we were so happy.”

  He felt that happiness now. It seemed to blossom in his belly. Not everything had been bad. There had been moments of great joy. “Thank you for reminding me of all the good things.” There was so much he was so damn grateful to this gorgeous woman for.

  He’d loved her pure and simple pleasure in watching the whales. Loved the way she closed her eyes and moaned as she savored every morsel of their meal. It had been so like her moans of pleasure as he’d made love to her.

  She laid her head against his shoulder. “There are so many wonderful memories just waiting out there for us.”

  Most of all, he loved that she could share this moment, this memory, and make him see that it was priceless. “Tell me one of your best moments.”

  “We had a big creek out back of our house when we were kids. And my dad hung a thick rope with a knot at the end for us to swing on.”

  Us. Paige and Whitney. As children.

  “We used to swing out over the creek as far as we could. Then we’d let go, flying into the water. It was like we were working together. I’d push Whitney and she’d push me, and we’d see how far we could get.”

  “Who got the farthest?”

  “I usually did. But it was like we both won because we were a team.”

  In the halcyon days when there’d been no competition between them. “It sounds like fun.”

  “It was,” she agreed. Then she stopped, tipping her head back to look at him. “But it was also the last really good summer for us. We always forget the good stuff when things go bad, don’t we?”

  “Yes.” Just as he’d forgotten—or buried—his mother’s joy. “But I’m so glad we’ve remembered.”

  He turned her in his arms and raised her hand to his face, placing her cold fingers on his hot skin. “Your hands are freezing. I better get you out of here.”

  “I’m not cold with your arms around me.”

  He hadn’t kissed her since they’d left the hotel this morning. And as much as he’d wanted to make love to her again, he hadn’t touched her. This day, this trip, the whale watching, the picnic on the beach, even the memories, were all about her happiness. And his need to give her something as exquisite as all she’d given him.

  She couldn’t know, couldn’t possibly fathom what she’d done for him. Even today, drawing out the joy from his past. Replacing the dark with light.

  “Thank you,” he whispered.

  Whether he moved or she did, their mouths touched. Her kiss was perfect for its very purity. Their breaths mingled, and her hands warmed against his chest. He licked the seam of her lips, and she opened for him, tasting of chocolate and champagne and beautiful woman. She gave him the sweetness of her soul in that kiss. And he gave her the depths of his.

  The sea surged beyond them, crashing on the shore, and the wind surrounded them, blowing the silk of her hair across his cheeks. His blood was high, screaming for him to pull her down to the sand with him, to show her all the fury of his desire. Yet his heart wanted nothing more than her taste on his lips, her arms around him.

  And in that kiss, he gave her everything he was, everything he couldn’t say, everything he wanted her to have.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  It was dark as Evan walked Paige up to the front door of her condo. Susan’s words echoed in his mind as she turned her key in the lock and set her bag and purse just inside the door. You had your eyes set on the wrong sister from the very beginning.

  He looked at Paige beside him. Sweet Paige. Hot, sexy, wild Paige.

  Loving Paige.

  She tipped her chin up to smile at him. “Thank you for a lovely weekend. And for that wonderful trip down the coast.”

  That wonderful trip? It had been so much more. Standing out there on the beach with her in his arms, her lips open beneath his, he had never felt such passion. And yet ending with only that kiss had been its own perfection in that beautiful moment.

  He’d spent nearly every second of the past two days with her, yet he wasn’t even close to being ready to let her go.

  “You’re welcome.” It sounded so freaking inadequate for all the emotions churning inside him.

  When she smiled again, his hands flexed with the need to haul her into his arms and kiss her senseless.

  To love her senseless.

  Susan was right, he had chosen the wrong sister. He recalled all those nights in Paige’s dorm room or sneaking into the university library, talking until he was hoarse, delving into her mind, relishing the way she did the same to him, the brilliant way she helped him shape his plans.

  Then he’d seen Whitney. And he’d grabbed on to her because she made it easy for him. With Whitney, he didn’t have to really look inside himself and decide whether or not he was worthy of a truly good woman. He’d always felt good enough for Whitney, because deep in his heart, no matter what he told himself and everyone else, he’d known she wanted him for the money he’d make, for the things he would eventually be able to buy her.

  Whereas Paige had never wanted those things. All Paige had ever wanted was to love a man with a true heart. A good man. A worthy man.

  And he’d never felt worthy of Paige.

  He still didn’t. Especially when he couldn’t erase his marriage to Whitney. When Paige would never be able to forget that he’d slept in Whitney’s bed, tried to have children with her sister. That Whitney was the sister he’d chosen back then, even if he chose her for all the wrong reasons. He worried that his past and the terrible choice he’d made would forever stand between them like a living, breathing human being.

  And yet…

  He couldn’t turn away from Paige. Couldn’t shut down this need, this attraction, this connection. Maybe it was the revelation of what he’d been running from all those years ago. Her beautiful, caring nature. Her pure love. His own feelings of unworthiness.

  But even as he lowered his mouth to hers for a good-bye kiss, his gut cried out that it couldn’t be good-bye. He needed her, wanted her. Last night and this morning would never be enough. He wanted more beautiful days on the beach with her. More long conversations in his library. More nights in her bed. More of her.

  In an instant, the good-bye kiss stopped being sweet or nice…or good-bye. He held her face in his hands and plundered her gorgeous lips. She opened with hunger, taking him with the same desperation he felt, a moan purring in her throat.

  Not enough, never enough.

  He devoured her. Consumed the air right out of her lungs. And they still weren’t close enough.

  Bending, he hauled her up against his body, her legs rising to his waist. He cupped her, held her tight, her center hot against all his hardness. She shoved the door all the way open, and with his hands under her butt and her arms anchoring him to her, he carried her inside.

  He’d barely kicked the door closed behind them when she tore at his clothes, their lips still locked together. First his jacket, then the buttons of his shirt. He let her feet slide to the entry floor. He heard the suitcase fall on its side as his foot knocked it out of the way.

  He threw her coat somewhere, heard the zipper thwack the wall. Then he whipped her sweater over her head. “You are so beautiful.” He cupped each gorgeous breast, feasting on them.

  “Shoes,” she said. “Everything. Please. I want it all off. Now.”

  Then there were just hands, mouths, gasped breaths, and the rustle of clothing as they ripped and tore and tossed. Something fell off a table and rolled across the carpet as he dragged her down to the floor in her living room. Her scent was a mixture of sea air and chocolate. He buried his face between her breasts and gloried in her moan as he took a tight peak into his mouth.

  “Evan. Oh God.” She arched against him, riding him.

  Never enough. He tore off her panties, the last scrap of fabric between th
em, needing his hands on her, in her. She was so wet, so hot, and he couldn’t think, couldn’t breathe with the want so tight in his gut. He crawled down her body until finally he could taste her. Her cries filled the room, filled his head, and she tangled her fingers in his hair, tugging him closer, needing, wanting as urgently as he did.

  Her explosion rocked them both, and she was still high when he plunged deep inside her, her body still contracting as he hit home. But he needed so much more, and she urged him on with her hands, her lips, her tongue. Begging wordlessly.

  He took her hard, driving their bodies across the carpet, and yet she clung to him, crying out his name, pleading for more, higher, harder, deeper. He lost his mind, he was simply sensation and desire, his need so powerful that it roared in his ears. They were one body, one mind, one heartbeat, one being, and together they flew to the highest peak and flung themselves off, falling into endless pleasure and bottomless bliss.

  He held her tight. She was such perfection in his arms. But then thought returned. Realization.

  “Did I hurt you?” He remembered the carpet against her soft skin.

  She stroked his cheek. “You could never hurt me.”

  But he could. So badly. “I didn’t mean to do that.” His words were hoarse, raw from pleasure. And the guilt germinating inside him. He never wanted to hurt her, not physically, not emotionally. “I didn’t intend to drag you inside and devour you in your entryway.”

  “I loved being devoured. And we both did the dragging inside.” She kissed the tip of his nose. “But I think we also both need some time and space to process.”

  His chest tightened. Terror, that’s what it was. Terror that she’d think and process…and end up choosing a life without him. She’d promised him otherwise at the hotel, said she’d always be there. But his mother had promised always to be there for him—and she’d vanished like a ghost.

  When Paige looked into his eyes, he swore she could read his thoughts—even as mangled and twisted as they were. “Don’t overthink it, okay? You. Me. Together. We’re beautiful. Remember that.”


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