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What the Earl Needs Now (The Earls Next Door Book 2)

Page 28

by Michelle Willingham

  She needed him by her side, for they belonged together. The thought of losing him was a dagger in her own heart.

  Lily leaned down and brushed her mouth against his. Though he didn’t kiss her back, she could only hope that he had heard her words.

  It was then that she felt the slight pressure of his palm squeezing hers. And it gave her a faint trace of hope.


  Six months later

  Matthew stood while his valet adjusted his cravat, brushing away any visible lint from his tailcoat. His best friend, James, stood on the far end of the room, a slight smirk on his face. “Monroe should enjoy his new home, I should imagine. I personally think you should have shot him. Accidentally, of course. Or perhaps sent him to India to endure what you did.”

  “I hold more power over him this way,” Matthew answered. “I bought up his promissory notes, his mortgaged estate, and I command his entire fortune. And I think America will be a better home for him.”

  “An ocean between you is a good start.”

  “And he has nothing to return to. If he dares to set foot back in England, he will face criminal charges.”

  “I still say you were too forgiving.” James picked up his top hat and opened the door. “But then, it is rather torturous for a man of Adrian’s upbringing to live on the frontier. He may not survive. And Davonshire’s new wife has him well under her thumb. He’d be in debtor’s prison if it weren’t for her dowry.”

  “Both of them will have to make the best of their new lives.” Matthew followed James out of the bedroom and toward the stairs. A sense of anticipation thrummed within him of the moment when he would see his bride walking toward him in her mother’s walled garden. He had fought his way back from death’s embrace for her sake, and Lily had come to see him every day over the past few months, until he was fully healed.

  There were no longer any nightmares to torture him. Nisha’s death had been ruled an accident, and he had found his own peace knowing that justice had been given by Fate. The rumors his cousin had tried to spread about Matthew’s birthright had died down thanks to the efforts of his friends and Sarah Carlisle. The scandal of Adrian’s crimes had cast a greater shadow over all that he had said, and no one believed his stories now.

  Matthew felt as if his life had been returned to him, only now, there was a very different kind of torment—waiting to marry the woman he loved. Lily had wanted to wait until their wedding night to make love again, and every kiss sharpened the yearning. He longed to wake up beside her, to see her hazel eyes shining with joy before he took her in his arms.

  And this day, he hoped to give Lily the wedding of her dreams.

  Outside, the sun was shining, and he and James made their way outside Penford toward the walled garden. The door leading to the garden was open, and he entered the space where the wedding guests awaited them.

  Dark-pink roses climbed along the brick wall, while a stately willow hung beside a clear pool of water. In the shade, blue hydrangea bushes were in bloom, the deep color vivid against the green leaves. Dozens of chairs were set up in rows, and the guests smiled as he walked past them. James returned to the door to await his sister.

  Matthew took his place near the minister, waiting for his bride. He was eager to see Lily, feeling so grateful that this day had come at last.

  When she appeared in the doorway of the garden, it stole his very breath to see her. Her ivory gown rested at her shoulders, covered in seed pearls that beaded across the neckline and over the cap sleeves. The gown clung to her slender waist, and yards of white fabric cascaded behind her. A lace veil covered her face and draped down her back. She walked with her hand upon her brother’s arm, and her beauty transfixed him.

  Behind her trotted Sebastian. The black dog was wearing a knotted cravat around his throat, and Matthew smiled at the sight. Even more startling was seeing his young cat, Beast, trailing behind the dog. The cat evoked a laugh from several guests, before he scampered up the willow tree in search of a bird.

  The dog took his place behind Lily, lying down in the grass while James lifted back his sister’s veil. Matthew tucked Lily’s gloved palm into his arm and saw that her eyes were gleaming with unshed tears. In a low voice, he murmured, “I hope those are tears of joy, Lily.”

  She lifted shining eyes to his. “They are, indeed.”

  The wedding was beautiful, and Lily did shed a few tears of happiness when Matthew kissed her at the end of the ceremony. The wedding guests applauded and stood. Her mother beamed at the sight of them, and in her arms, she held her first granddaughter. Baby Lavender had been born only a week ago and was asleep in Iris’s arms. Rose and Iain stood with her, and as soon as Lily drew near, Rose stood from her chair to embrace her sister.

  “It was a perfect wedding, Lily.”

  “It was. And I could not be happier.”

  She hugged her sister tightly, and Rose glanced back at her infant daughter. “Oh, I don’t know. There may come a time when you find someone who brings even more happiness to your life.” Her husband leaned in to kiss her cheek, and at the sight of their baby, Lily felt the tug of envy. One day, she thought.

  Sebastian got up from the ground and trotted beside her while they accepted congratulations from the guests. Within the garden, they celebrated among family and friends, enjoying a wide variety of food and confections. At the far end of the garden, Lily spied an older man and woman seated together. She leaned in closer to Matthew and whispered, “Is that who I think it is?”

  He brushed a kiss against her temple. “It is. Sarah Carlisle has a suitor. Lord Eversleigh has been widowed for three years now, and most of his children are grown. Except for his nine-year-old son, that is. There is a rumor that he may ask her to marry him.” The white-bearded gentleman had a distinguished air about him, and he offered Miss Carlisle a glass of lemonade. The older woman smiled and blushed, but there was no doubt she was flattered by the attention.

  “I am glad for her,” Lily said. She had to give the woman credit—Miss Carlisle had dispelled so many rumors around London, claiming she had no doubt Matthew was Charlotte’s legitimate son. Now that Adrian was gone, the talk had died down, and their lives had returned to normal.

  From behind them, Lily heard a woman call out, “Matthew.” They turned, and Juliette Fraser embraced him, a warm smile on her face. “I am overjoyed for both of you.”

  Matthew kissed her cheek, and Lily saw the similarity in their features. Lady Falsham had made a difficult decision to give up her son, but it was one that had brought him a better life and future. “Thank you, Juliette.” He winked at her, and then they circled around to speak with each of their guests.

  As their wedding celebration continued on through the afternoon and evening, Lily grew aware of her husband’s eagerness to leave. At last, he drew her knuckles to his lips. “I am taking you away now. I don’t care what the customs are.” His eyes grew hungry and heated. “I’ve waited long enough.”

  “Shall I send Hattie to prepare our room?”

  He shook his head. “If you think I’m going to spend our wedding night in your brother’s house, you are quite mistaken.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant by that. “Then where will we go?”

  “You’ll see.” He took her around to bid farewell to each of the guests, and Lily’s curiosity was intrigued. He had spoken nothing of this before. The dog trotted behind her, and she wondered whether to leave him. But then, Matthew bent near one of the trees and scooped up Beast, making it clear that both animals would come along.

  After they departed the garden, she saw a black coach waiting for them. Matthew helped her inside, using both hands to tuck her voluminous gown inside. He placed Beast on the opposite seat.

  “What about Sebastian?” she asked.

  “He is coming with us, don’t worry.” He signaled for the dog to jump up, and Sebastian rested his head against her knee. After Matthew closed the door, she laughed at how much space was ta
ken up by the wedding dress and the dog.

  “I’m nearly drowning in silk,” she laughed. “But I do love this gown.”

  “It suits you,” he said. “And I could not have asked for a more beautiful bride.” He knocked on the ceiling of the coach, ordering the coachman to drive on, and then he leaned in to kiss her, nudging Sebastian aside. The dog claimed the opposite seat, lying across the entire width of the coach. The cat hissed at him and then claimed his own space.

  Lily clung to Matthew, welcoming the embrace of the man she loved. He rested both hands on either side of her, and she ran her hands through his dark hair, bringing him as close as she could.

  Abruptly, he switched their positions, taking her seat and pulling her onto his lap. The gown was twisted beneath her, and she struggled to free herself. Matthew helped, until she straddled him. Beneath her thighs, she felt the heated length of him, and he continued to kiss her until she grew molten with need.

  “Thank God, we’ve only a short drive,” he said. “Else I might take you right here in this coach.” He gripped her waist, and she shuddered at the shocking sensation of his erection pressed against her core. The image of riding him was a scalding vision that tempted her.

  “Another day,” she murmured. With a wicked smile, she added, “Promise me.”

  He kissed her hard and agreed, “Any day you wish, Lily.”

  He was right that the drive was indeed short, only a few miles away. When the coach pulled to a stop, she asked, “Where are we?”

  “It’s my wedding gift to you,” he said. He opened the door and led her outside. The dog hopped down and trailed them, followed by the cat.

  Lily walked along the gravel pathway, and ahead lay a small brick house. Candles were lit in the windows, and they were a welcome sight.

  “It’s too small for now,” Matthew apologized, “but we will add the rooms we need. I bought up the surrounding land, so we can make the house as large as you wish.”

  “This is ours?” she breathed. Emotion bundled up in her so tightly, she could hardly breathe.

  “I knew you wanted a home near your mother, since she has been so ill. This is close enough that you can see her as often as you like.” He drew her palm to his lips. “You could even build a house for her behind this one if you want to bring her to live here.”

  Lily threw herself into Matthew’s arms, feeling as if he’d just handed her the moon. She had been so worried about Iris, but now this gave her a means of taking care of her. “I love you, Matthew. Thank you for this.”

  He kissed her again and then lifted her into his arms. She yelped, laughing as he handed her yards and yards of silk. “You’ll have to hold this while I carry you over the threshold. That is the tradition, isn’t it?”

  “So it is.” Thankfully, a servant opened the door for them, smiling as Matthew carried her inside. An older woman greeted them, introducing herself as Mrs. Ferns, the housekeeper.

  “Your rooms are all prepared, my lord.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Ferns. And we’ve a few other guests we’ve brought with us.” He nodded toward the dog and cat.

  “The cat can stay but not the dog,” the housekeeper groaned. “He should stay outside. I’ll have no muddy paws here.”

  “Sebastian stays with my wife,” Matthew answered. And with reluctance, the housekeeper let the dog inside, muttering to herself about wiping his paws.

  He continued walking toward the stairs, and Lily gripped him harder. “Don’t drop me,” she warned. “Perhaps I should walk.”

  “Do you think I would ever let you go?” he murmured against her lips. Then he continued up the stairs and into the narrow hallway. “This house isn’t nearly big enough. But it was all I could find near Penford.”

  “As you said, we can change it as much as we like.”

  At last, he lowered her to stand in front of their bedchamber. Matthew opened the door, and inside, she saw a four poster bed with the coverlet drawn back. Beast followed them inside and hopped onto the bed, curling up into a ball. A warm fire burned in the hearth, and within another moment, the dog trotted inside and flopped down in front of the fireplace.

  Matthew picked up Beast and set him down by the dog. The young cat sniffed at the dog’s nose and then sprawled out next to him. Then Matthew turned back to Lily. “Will they bother you?”

  “Not at all.” She smiled at him. “Now help me out of this gown.”

  He took his time unbuttoning her, pressing his mouth against her back as he revealed each inch. Shivers erupted over her skin, and at last, the gown lay pooled upon the carpet. He helped her remove her corset and petticoats, revealing layer by layer, until she turned and stood naked before him.

  The fire warmed her skin, but her breasts grew taut at the cool air in the bedroom. Matthew leaned in to take a nipple into his mouth, and the heat of his tongue made her gasp. She hurried, trying to undress him while he tormented her. And when he wore only his breeches, he picked her up and laid her down on edge of the bed. She started to move back, but he shocked her when he knelt before her, lifting her legs on his shoulders.

  “I want to taste you.” His warm breath warmed the intimate flesh between her legs, and she felt the spiral of anticipation arousing her senses. When he bent and licked between her folds, she let out a cry and gripped the sheets, arching against him. His tongue teased her, finding the nodule of her pleasure until she grew wet. A burgeoning sensation of need heightened, balling up inside her until she was breathing in a harsh rhythm. He replaced his mouth with his fingers, stroking her closer to a release she desperately wanted.

  Dimly, she grew aware of Matthew removing the rest of his clothing. She closed her eyes, moaning when he slid two fingers inside her. He caressed her, coated with the essence of her desire, and she felt herself rising higher, aching for her husband.

  “Are you ready for me?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, trembling as he increased the rhythmic stroking of his fingers. A shattering white-hot sensation caught her, and then she came apart when his hard length invaded her. Pleasure arced through her, and she sobbed with the devastating release that rolled over her. Matthew continued to plunge and withdraw, and she squeezed his length, surrendering to the pleasure of lovemaking.

  “Look at me,” he demanded. She obeyed and saw the fierce desire in his brown eyes. His hands imprisoned her wrists, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “I love you, Lily. And I always will.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, “I love you, too.” He kissed her as he continued to thrust within her. She gloried in the pressure of his body moving within hers, clasping his head as he hastened the tempo.

  And when at last he found his own pleasure, his body shuddered against hers, and he collapsed atop her. For a moment, their bodies lay joined, and he placed soft kisses against her face. “I’m glad you waited for me, Lily.”

  She lifted her mouth to his, kissing him in return. “I would have waited the rest of my life to love you again.”

  He lifted her back to the bed, their warm bodies mingled together, facing each other. And as they lay in the firelight, with their animals asleep on the hearth, Lily touched the gold signet ring on Matthew’s finger. It had rested against her heart for the two years she had waited for this man.

  “It was you who brought me back,” he whispered. “On the night you found me in the stable, I nearly died. But your voice kept me alive, along with your love.”

  “Probably because I wouldn’t stop talking,” she teased. “But I needed you to know that I was there.”

  “I knew,” he said. “And you will continue to be here at my side.”

  There was no doubt of that. They belonged together, and this man filled her with such happiness, she could scarcely breathe.

  Lily reached out to trace the handsome line of his face. “Every day, for the rest of our lives.”

  And in front of the hearth, there came a low snore, followed by the thumping of a tail.

  With special thanks to Dr. Brittany Ashworth for her veterinary advice regarding the care of wounded dogs. Any mistakes in the written manuscript are my own.

  Did you miss the first book in this series, Good Earls Don’t Lie? Enjoy an excerpt from book one in the Earls Next Door series about Lady Rose and Iain Donovan.



  May 1846

  His head was killing him. It felt as if a hundred horses had trampled his skull, and right now he tasted blood and dirt in his mouth. After a moment, Iain Donovan gathered his senses, clearing his head.

  The last thing he remembered was riding toward the Penford estate. He dimly recalled having passed a grove of trees when, abruptly, he’d been knocked off his horse. A shattering pain had crashed over him, and he vaguely remembered voices arguing and shouting.

  But no one was here now.

  Iain tried to sit up, and blood rushed to his head, threatening a loss of consciousness once again. He reached out to touch his brother’s signet ring, only to find it gone. A sense of fear rose up in him, and he uttered a foul curse.

  No one knew him here. He’d never left Ireland before now, and this country was completely foreign to him. While his mother had taken his older brother Michael to London every Season, teaching him all the skills necessary to become the Earl of Ashton, Iain had been left at home. She had done everything in her power to ensure that he was the invisible spare, the hidden son of no importance.

  None of that mattered now. He was the only heir left, and he intended to prove that he was a man of worth. He would rebuild Ashton and help his people—even if that meant traveling across the Irish Sea to meet with strangers.

  The wind sent gooseflesh rising over his skin, and when he realized he was no longer wearing a shirt, he let out another curse. Who would do such a thing? The bloody bastards had seized the shirt off his back, devil take them all and eat them sideways.


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