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Just Like Me

Page 17

by Dani Hall

“Well…my mom got a divorce when I was around ten and I haven’t spoken to my Dad since. She remarried when I was thirteen to a great guy and they had my little sister. I’m really close with them all; they’re like my best friends.”

  “So you don’t talk to your Dad?”


  “That…” He said, taking a swig of tea. “Could be a problem.”


  “Apparently he’s been going to the media, selling stories about you.”

  “What?” I almost dropped my glass of water back onto the table. “What has he been saying? What-? What could he possibly…?”

  “He has been saying that ever since you were little, he’s known you were going to be a gold digger. That you were the type that would use me. And there was something else…” He considered his burger for a second, deep in thought. “Oh yea, you’d probably try to get pregnant so I wouldn’t leave you.” He took a bite of burger; like this is the stuff he talked about all the time. Like it was the weather or something. “They showed those pictures and videos of us on our date by the way, I looked amazing.” He tilted his head to the side, considering, still chewing. “Actually, I didn’t look amazing. I looked sexy as hell, if you hadn’t already noticed.”

  “Taylor, are they are believing this?”

  “Oh yea, hook, line, and sinker. I just thought I’d warn you…there’s a media storm brewing and they’re going to try and take you down. Jerry is trying to locate your dad, but it’s proving difficult. Kale, don’t worry, we are going to try to correct this. But the most important of it all…you did hear the part about me looking great in those pictures, right?”

  I sat there, unable to believe the father I hadn’t spoken to it almost ten years would do that. But of course, if his drug money was running out, it’d be easy cash for him

  “I haven’t even seen the guy since we left.” I whispered in disbelief.

  “I’m not saying he’s right.” Taylor said, shaking his head. “I’m just saying that Star Gaze is launching an interview they had with him.”

  Anger swarmed up in me, like an angry beehive. I felt it buzzing around and stinging my thoughts. I hadn’t done anything to that man. He had hurt my mom; he didn’t deserve to call me his daughter in front of cameras. Abe was my father; he was the one who raised me right. Maybe a little too late, maybe the scars had already run deep, but he tried.

  The thought of scars made me think of my back. I had deep scars running down the length of my back in different directions. I tensed, thinking about them. It’s not like they hurt or anything, but I was never really able to wear a bathing suit comfortably without someone trying to ask what happened to me.

  “I’m sorry.” I said, genuinely concerned about Taylor’s representation over the media now. “I can’t believe he’s done this.”

  “There’s always one nut who will sell stories to the media. For me, it’s my stepmom. She’s always trying to secretly put stuff out there about me for extra cash.”

  “What’s your stepmom like?”

  “You know those really nice stepmothers that take you in and raise you as their own?”


  “Yeap, no. It wasn’t like that at all.” I was getting used to him popping the p’s. He sat back in his chair, finished with his dinner. I glanced at mine, seeing I hadn’t made it halfway through my meal. “She’s all proper and formal, but she’s a rat.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “He’s a good guy, just did what he thought would be best for me. I can’t stand him, to be honest. He’s a really judgmental guy. He started me early and now I’m set for life as far as my career is concerned. He pushed me too hard. My mom divorced him when he kept shoving me into movies. She wanted me to have a childhood; he wanted me to have a career. So they divorced, both got remarried. My mom married this gamer, Cal, from New York. Of course my dad married my stepmom, Gladys. I didn’t want either of them to be my ‘step’ anything. My mom didn’t force me to accept Cal as my stepdad, but my dad made Gladys my stepmom despite what I wanted.”

  “You talk to your mom a lot?”

  “Yea, I do. I try to talk to her a lot since she misses me. Dad has his new kids, so he’s pretty busy.”

  “He has three kids?”

  “I have three half siblings, yes. They’re ten, eight, and five. Jonathan Junior, we call him J.J. Then there’s Nathan, then Clara.”

  “So two brothers and one sister?”

  “Two half brothers and one half sister.”

  “Ok, half then.”

  “Yea, and not the better half.”

  “Is your Dad trying to get them into Hollywood?”

  “No. He doesn’t want that life for them. Not that Gladys would let him, anyway.”

  “Do you see them much?”

  “Not really, I try to avoid them as much as possibly can. I mean, holidays and stuff I can’t really avoid. That’s difficult to split between my families. If I go to my dad’s, I get to see them fawn over their kids the whole time. If I go to my mom’s…all she does is fuss over me.”

  “And you don’t like either of those options?”

  “Not really,” He examined his fingernails. “My mom keeps a close tie to my personal life, while my dad keeps a close tie to my business life. My mom is excited that I’m dating someone.” He stopped to wink at me. “She wants to meet you, actually.” He watched my expression cautiously for a moment. “And my dad is excited I’m getting publicity for this, despite what Jerry thinks.”

  Taylor crossed his arms and kept his gaze on me as I tried to find anything and everything else interesting. The railing, the table, even the sky, but every time my eyes came back to his, they were still there, watching.

  “Did you want something for dessert?”

  “No, I’m good.” I said, acting like I found the designs on the table fascinating.

  The waiter came back and asked the same question Taylor did. When we both declined, he continued.

  “I will bring that check out for you, Mr. Jett.”

  At that, I quickly said no while Taylor said yes. He looked at me, confused.

  “No, one check.” He said, nodding toward the waiter. The waiter nodded, about to step away.

  “Separate.” I said, catching the waiter’s eye. The waiter raised an eyebrow. “Please?” I added, hoping he would side with me.

  “One check.” Taylor insisted. “Thank-you.” And waved his hand, essentially dismissing the waiter. However, the guy didn’t budge and glanced back at me, waiting for me to agree or argue.

  “Sir,” I said, realizing he had never given me his name. “Women are striving to become equal in a world dominated by men, don’t you think I have the right to pay for my own food? As an independent individual?”

  The waiter considered this, glancing at Taylor. He raised his eyebrows at Taylor, awaiting Taylor to argue.

  “And don’t you think seeing that we live in an independent world, if Mr. Jett insists on paying for my food, it’s depriving me of the right to my own decisions?” I continued when Taylor couldn’t put a thought together.

  I caught a whisper of a smile on the waiter’s face; the first time I had seen him break his bored expression all night. Taylor suddenly looked confident and gave me a cocky sideways glance.

  “I would argue that old customs suggest that the gentleman should pay for the lady’s meal. You, as a gentleman yourself, would deprive me of my right to pay for the lady’s meal.”

  The waiter nodded, looking back at me. I had never been challenged past the women’s rights before. No one had ever dared challenge me on it, they always just gave in. I glanced back up at the waiter, readying a spontaneous response.

  “But, really, is he a gentleman?”

  I had him. The waiter nodded.

  “No.” The waiter said, glancing at Taylor triumphantly. “I wouldn’t. Sorry, Mr. Jett.” Taylor rolled his eyes and shook his head and I gave him a wide smile of triumph. “Separate checks it
is, ma’am.”

  “Thank-you.” Taylor stared at me, unamused. His expression gradually changed from unamused to subtle admiration.

  “Well played.” He said, drumming his fingers on the table. He was obviously a sore loser.

  “Thank-you.” I lifted my chin with fake pride.

  “But, I must admit Ms. Delaney, it stings that you don’t find me to be a gentleman.”

  “I do.” I quickly countered, taking a sip of my water. “But he didn’t.”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Taylor slid the card key through the hotel room door and opened it and allowed me to walk in ahead of him. I had been surprised, but relieved, that he had just gotten a regular hotel room. The presidential had been nice, but overwhelming. The layout of this hotel room was a lot similar to the ones I was used to. A bathroom area, two twin beds, a couple tables and chairs, and a T.V.

  “Thank-you.” I breathed a sigh of relief as I stepped inside.

  “You sound more excited now than when you had the suite.”

  “I am.” I went over to the bed and ran my fingers across the cover. Taylor closed the door behind him and leaned casually against the door.

  I glanced up, he was watching me again. Arms crossed, observing me as I pulled my hand back away from the bed. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and cleared my throat.

  “Did you pick up your Tony’s?”

  “No, I’ll do that on my way out.”

  “Not even going to offer me a drink?

  He gave me a flat look.

  “You drink?” It wasn’t really a question.


  “Then why would I offer?”

  “You didn’t know I didn’t drink.” I countered.

  “Call it intuition.”

  I nodded and casually looked around the room again. I looked up as I heard Taylor shift off of the door. He took slow, careful steps toward me. A curious expression played across his face.

  “What?” I asked, suddenly self-conscious.

  “Nothing.” He said, closing the last few steps between us. “I was just thinking about where we had left off upstairs before Jerry very rudely interrupted us.”

  “I think…I was just about to deny you a kiss.” I teased.

  “Oh no,” He said, shaking his head, and gently wrapping his arms around me. “That’s not how I remember it.” He remarked in a low voice.

  I met his gaze evenly, picking up on the traces of joking in his eyes. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Was that his heart pounding, or mine?

  “I think I was confused by the altitude.” I argued.

  “Well, we’re not as high up now.” He teased, and leaned in. I closed my eyes and this time felt his lips against mine. He was soft and gentle, he kept me close to him. His lips moved over mine. With some pressure, my lips parted for him. He tensed but didn’t stop. I ran my fingers through his hair and his grip on my waist tightened. A small groan escaped his lips.

  A shrill ring cut through the moment, both of us jumping back away from one another. He swore and jammed a hand into his pocket to take his phone out.

  “What, Jerry?” He barked, annoyance coloring his tone. “Ok…fine. Be there in fifteen.” He sounded defeated as he ended the call before getting a farewell out of Jerry.

  “They want all the actors of the film I’m working on to come in for an interview.” He muttered, dropping the phone back into his pocket. “I need to get up there.”

  “Ok.” My voice was hardly a peep. “It’s just one of those things.”

  He nodded, but didn’t seem convinced.

  “Can I fly out Friday night? I can use you for a free movie?” He winked but he still seemed to be slightly disappointed.

  “I work Friday night.” I answered, feeling the disappointment ring through me too.

  “How about Saturday night?”

  “I have to work then, too.”

  He scratched his head, considering options.

  “I have to be on set tomorrow, Friday morning, and Saturday morning.” He dropped his hand, reeling through the thoughts in his head. He finally glanced up at me.

  “We’ll figure something out.” I offered. The high I had been experiencing had shut down. We had different lives, conflicting schedules. It would never work between us.

  “Yea.” He nodded. “We will.” He put his hands up to either side of my face. “Kale, we’ll work this out.” He leaned in and kissed me again. A brief, soft kiss that still had the power to leave me breathless.

  “Text me.” He said, as he made for the door. “I don’t want to have to beg Jerry for your number. I hate groveling.”

  “I will.” I promised him and he nodded.

  “Goodnight, Kale.” And just like that, he was gone. And he was on his way to talk to the world. Actually, on his way to make the world fall in love with him. I could just imagine how he’d answer those questions as the cocky Taylor Jett that the world knew. I wondered how the world would react if they saw the true Taylor.

  I collapsed on my bed and felt mentally exhausted. What was I getting myself into?

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  “He kissed you?” Lisa was screaming in our dorm, over and over and over…

  “Lisa, shush!” I tried, but she was incapable of processing the fact that Taylor and I had kissed.

  “You kissed him!? You kissed him!?” Every time she said it, there was a different inflection on a different word.

  “Lisa!” I held up my hands, trying to offer up anything in my power that would shut her up. Here Lisa, take my hands, take my soul, take something to be quiet.

  “You! Kissed! Taylor! Jett!”

  “Yes, Lisa. Yes.” Please, something shut her up.

  I’ve always been used to discussing her physical aspects of the relationship. Whether the guy she dates kisses her right or wrong, how he touches her, when it’s too soon to ask for sex. This was a whole new world. This was me discussing what happened with me and Taylor…and it appeared that she could not handle these types of details from me.

  “Was there tongue?” Her eyes were wide and she was hungry for details.

  “Lisa.” I made a sick face, wishing I hadn’t opened my big mouth and told her. But I was about to explode, I had to tell someone. And she was my best friend.

  “What? It’s just a question. Did he tongue you?”

  “No! No…there wasn’t…any…”

  “But was it like a simple kiss? Like, one peck and he was done?”

  “The second one was like tha-” I slapped a hand to my mouth, but it was too late. It was out there.


  I thunked my head down on my desk. This was hopeless.

  “Ok, sorry, sorry, sorry. I just…” She shook her head in disbelief. “I just can’t wrap my head around this. You and Taylor Jett. Man.” Her head was shaking harder and she blinked hard. “You. You are dating Taylor Jett.”

  “The second one was like a goodbye kiss,” I said, keeping my head down on my desk, absolutely mortified. “The first one…the first one wasn’t.” I got butterflies just thinking about the first kiss.

  “You haven’t kissed anyone since Chris!’

  “I know, Lisa.”

  “Chris was your first kiss, the only kiss you’ve ever had.”

  I explained to her the roof, and the almost kiss. And then I explained the hotel room, and him having to rush off to do an interview.

  “Well, have you even flipped on the T.V. today to see if he was on?”

  I had flown back and barely made my first class. I hadn’t even considered turning that damn T.V. on.

  “No but-”

  Lisa was grabbing for the remote, quickly changing the T.V. to the station that featured the 24 hour a day Star Gaze.

  “-interview with Reuben Delaney about his daughter, Kale. Her rise to stardom has a lot of people wondering…who is Kale Delaney? So here is a recap of our interview with her biological father, Reuben.”

heard Lisa gasp as a picture of a familiar…yet unfamiliar face came onto the T.V. His hair had grown more gray than brown, he still wore a full beard, and there were wrinkles now engraved around his face. He had a somewhat nice shirt on and was staring directly at the camera. My father.

  “Kale was always a girl who was looking for nice things. We would buy her the best clothes-” His deep drawl was a bit more hoarse than I remembered. I wasn’t used to this calm tone, normally that voice was yelling. “We bought her the best toys, but that was never enough for Kale.”

  “Bull shit!” I screamed at the T.V. My father continued, unaware of my outburst.

  “I knew when she grew up she’d be looking for a rich guy. And with her winning this contest, well, she’s got her opportunity to have all the things she wanted.”

  “So you don’t think she’s actually interested in Taylor?” An interviewer asked, somewhere off camera.

  My father let out a low chuckle. “No, she’s ain’t. I talked at her a few days ago…she’s just happy to have an income now. This boy is her full-time job.” My father answered.

  “Do you think Taylor will stay with her after this interview gets out?”

  “She’s probably had some plan up her sleeve, probably goin’ get pregnant or something so she can stay in this rich lifestyle.”

  “You mentioned, sir, that Kale has abandoned you?”

  “Yes. She’s living this rich lifestyle now, and I’m still in a trailer. Cain’t afford my bills. She won’t reach out an’ help me in my time of need, so I sit here. I’m rotting away, to the brink of death, and she hasn’t tried to help me at all.”

  The camera cut back to Joe and I resisted the urge to hurl the T.V. across the room. I hated him. I hated that man for getting paid to lie about me on air.

  “Kale…” Lisa’s tone was colored with disbelief. “I’m so sorry…I can’t believe after all this time…your dad would do something like that.”

  I shook my head and stared unseeingly at the screen. Tears stung my eyes but I quickly brushed them away. I wouldn’t let him get the best of me. Not after what he did to my mother.

  My attention returned to the actual broadcast when I saw Taylor’s face appear on screen. Lisa yelled, and I shushed her quickly, trying to hear.


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