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Convincing Lina: A Bachelor of Shell Cove Novel (The Bachelors of Shell Cove Romance Book 2)

Page 22

by Siera London

  “You are comparing me to all the people in your life that don’t love you. People that should have treasured you as the precious jewel you are. I’m right here Lina. I love you. I’ll always love you. Don’t throw away what we have because of my mistake.”

  “Grabbing the wrong laundry detergent is a mistake. Failing to mention you have a wife is a blatant lie. I can’t do this Gideon. It’s time for me to leave.”

  “No.” His tone determined.

  “What do you mean, no?” She stared at him.

  “I mean you are not leaving me. We were fine before Monica arrived unwelcomed at our home.”

  “Apparently, it’s her home!”

  “I have explained the situation with my marriage to you.”

  “Did you?” she narrowed her eyes. “Because I remember walking up to the door and being confused with the maid.”

  “I apologize for not telling you that I was married before. She told me she was pregnant with my baby. I married her without asking any questions. Later, I discovered it was a lie. I thought we were in love. In the end, I wanted a wife, children, and my own family. She didn’t. I filed for a divorce. We were still fighting over my house until I met you. I don’t care about the house any more. We’ll build a new one, together. This is a misunderstanding.”

  “I would have to know the facts to misunderstand them. You are a series of illusions Gideon, and I fell for it.”

  “I made a mistake. Forgive me, please?”

  “You were never going to tell me, were you?”

  “My marriage ended years ago, I have a new life with you.”

  “Gideon, I just learned that my mother and Troy have known each other for years. That they have been in communication since the day he disappeared on me.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “When I discovered their betrayal the first thing I wanted was you.” She laughed, a bittersweet sound at the irony. “I thought if I could just get home to you, I would be safe from their lies. But I was wrong.”

  “I’m here for you.”

  “But you lied, and I don’t need another man like you.”

  “Lina, you can’t mean that.”


  “I am not losing you. I’m not losing us because of an ex-wife. She is my past. You are my future.” He cradled her face in his powerful hands.

  “I love you Lina. Please focus on my love for you. Not on old hurts and disappointment. I want to be here for you. I want to wake up and snuggle into your warmth. I want you to wake up every morning to find you wrapped around me like a second skin.” She pulled his hands away from her face.

  “You taught me to pick my battles. Fighting with an ex-wife that obviously has feelings for her husband is a battle I’ll leave for another woman.” She pulled the phone from her purse and keyed in a number.

  “I am not her husband,” he continued. His tone was dark, but then gentled, “I’ll be your husband in four days.”

  “Don’t count on it, slick,” she said with her hand covering the phone receiver. “Janna, stop whatever you’re doing and come and get me. I’ll be waiting outside of Gideon’s place.”

  “Don’t leave me. We can work through this hiccup.” She studied him for a brief moment before giving him a slight nod. Lesson learned from Jace, apply honey not salt.

  “Sure, let me put away my props in the bedroom. I need a moment by myself,” she said before standing up, pulling her spine tall. He pulled her into his body, cradling her face in his hands. She felt the slide of his tongue against her lips. The familiar rush of warmth in her veins, heating her insides as he savored her mouth. She couldn’t give what he wanted. Not now.

  He pulled his lips away from hers, searching her face.

  “Lina, I love you.”

  “I know you do.” She wrapped her arms around him, holding him tight. “And only God himself, loves you more than I do.” She released him. Stepping back, she grabbed her cell phone and disappeared from his sight. She had spoken the truth. She would never love anyone more than she loved Gideon.

  Lina could see the light of hope in Gideon’s eyes. Thank God he hadn’t tried to stop her when she stood to leave the room.

  She retrieved her overnight bag from the closet. She cleaned up the bed before clearing out the drawers he’d given her. Lina took one last look around their bedroom, and then put the bag on her shoulder.

  The smile on Gideon’s face fell away when he spotted the luggage on her shoulder. She heard him suck air into his lungs.

  “Lina, no.” He moved toward her and she held up a hand.

  “I held you to a higher standard, but I should not have.” To be with Gideon, she’d broken every rule she’d set in place to protect her heart. He’d convinced her he was different.

  “Lina, give me a chance to fix this.” He pleaded.

  “I’m sorry, Gideon. I can’t be your wife.”

  “You are still in danger. You promised you would stay with me. I will keep you safe.” His jaw hardened.

  “I can keep myself safe and I don’t want you.” She needed him like she needed her next breath. The hurt in his eyes was a scalpel to her heart. But, she couldn’t continue on like he hadn’t lied to her. Like the past didn’t exist.

  “That is a lie. You promised to be mine, to be my wife.”

  “Yeah…well, those were just words.” Turning on her heel, she walked out the door.

  Chapter 21

  Lina’s life was in shambles. She was a revolving door of bad decisions, each one more costly than the next. Her very existence was a series of interconnected lies with the people she cared about the most at the center of everything. Even her home wasn’t really hers. It belonged to Troy. Another pathological lie linked to a man she’d welcomed into her heart. She loved her condominium, but she would let it go. Because of her decision to become involved with men she worked with, her job was tied to Jace and Gideon. Gideon owned her heart. She had nothing left to take or to give. Her independence, the life she’d built, all of it was a lie. The pride she took in her accomplishments was an illusion.

  “You okay, sister?” Janna asked, feet dangling over the chair arm in Lina’s bedroom. Lina released a sigh at the thought of never being okay, again.


  “Things will get better, maybe not anytime soon.”

  “Thanks, Janna. Your nursing expertise is definitely not psyche related.” Lina fell back on the bed pillow, arms folded over her face.

  “I leave the country in five days. If it’ll make you feel better to toilet paper his house, spray paint butt wipe on his front lawn, or throw doggy turds in his pool I’m game.” Lina looked at her and laughed, as the tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “I have other ideas if those don’t appeal.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” raising her arms enough to make eye contact, Lina recognized that Janna was genuine in her offer to help. Lina was thankful for the light-hearted reprieve.

  Janna took what the world offered, never expecting anything lasting in return. Hit it and quit it was her motto. Lina wished she had heeded Janna’s advice at the engagement party. Ride him like Seabiscuit, and then leave him in the stall for the next jockey. A choked sob escaped as she replayed their conversation.

  “Good ideas, all of them.” She didn’t think she could mend the pieces of her heart this time. A million pieces of shattered dreams, hopes for her future had dissipated with three words, I’m Gideon’s wife. Promises of a lifetime of forever, gone. A promise of unconditional love, gone. He promised her love, but he lied to her. Kept the details of his life from her. How many times could she be open to love before her actions were considered blatant stupidity? She had the answer, thrice.

  “How about I hang out with you tonight?” Janna asked.

  “I want to be alone.” Lina never thought she would utter those words. She hated being by herself. She’d better get used to it.

  “I could make that Hanoi fish with stir fry veggies that you like,�
�� Janna coaxed. “Exemption from chopping up the vegetables, since you’re all snotty and wet.” Janna wrinkled her nose. Even a broken hearted fool needed to eat.

  “Sounds like a plan,” Lina sniffled. “Hospital food is worse than the patients ever tell us.”

  After dinner, Lina walked the beach, but it no longer held the illusion of peace and safety. The warm breeze, didn’t chase away the bone deep chill. In the past, the crest of the setting sun was nature’s usher to the night. Now, she felt violated. Unseen eyes stealing her private moment, sharing in a pain that was hers alone. Looking at the waves rolling in, feeling the foamy coolness soaking underneath her feet Lina let the tears fall. She walked the beach when she needed to think. It used to be her peaceful place, not anymore. She missed Gideon and the mountains of Waverly Falls. Their mountain. Heartbreak was an understatement. Her heart had disintegrated, ashes floating in a watery grave.

  Entering the condo, Lina found Janna parked in front of the television with the volume butting up against the noise ordinance.

  “Look at this breaking news story happening in Shell Cove. A major drug bust, and the kingpin, a guy that calls himself Sky, has been wounded.”

  “Sky… as in sky high?” Lina questioned.

  “I don’t know.” Janna replied, not taking her eyes off the television screen. “Girl, they have Shell Cove locked down like Granny Lou holding onto her pocket book.” Janna was an adrenaline junkie. Bad boys and cops were right up her alley.

  “That’s tight.” Lina said.

  “Keep watching. I’m going to shower, this fishy smell is too much.” Janna stood, rounding the couch en route to the guest suite.

  The doorbell rang. Lina moved to go answer without taking her eyes off the television.

  Opening the door, Estrella stood with a tray of something sweet and gooey in petit dessert cups.

  “Chica, you’ve been missing in action.”

  “Yeah, that’s old news. What’s up?”

  “I brought you my favorite dessert.”

  “What is it?” Lina asked reaching for the plate.

  “It’s a creamed custard.”

  “Perfect, I just finished dinner.” Estrella handed her a petite dessert cup, but didn’t take a seat. With the spoon provided, Lina dug into the custard, swallowing two spoonfuls, before gesturing to Estrella. The scene on the television was a modern day Indiana Jones’ adventure, cops running, bursts of lights, gunshots rang out and Lina looked on as the news reporter took cover.

  “Sit down. There’s still some fish left from dinner if you want to eat. I’m watching this police shake down on the news.”

  “Really, what’s happening?”

  “Some drug kingpin got raided. Evidently he was wounded in a shootout with the police.”

  “Is he dead? Do they have his body?” Lina looked at Estrella then, the woman was stark white.

  “Estrella, are you okay?” Lina went to stand, except she was dizzy and fell back to the sofa. Her legs were suddenly uncooperative, like taffy in the summer sun. Her mouth tingled and her fingers felt numb. “I don’t feel so well.”

  “Lie down, Chica. Don’t try to move.”

  “Call 9-1-1, Estr…” Lina’s words trailed off. It was hard to remember what she was trying to say and more difficult to speak it.

  “I can’t, Lina. I’m so sorry.” She looked genuinely sorry unless it was the drugs coursing through her system. Drugs? Estrella drugged her?

  “It was you?” Lina’s breath froze in her lungs. Betrayed.

  “Sky wants to meet you. Listen to me carefully.” Lina felt Estrella’s hands cup her face. “Don’t upset him.” Estrella bent low, propping Lina’s limp body over her shoulders. Lina had the woman by fifty pounds and tried to use the added weight to her advantage. She leaned heavily onto Estrella, making it hard for the woman to move forward. The guest suite door opened and Janna stepped out in warm-up pants with a matching jacket.

  “Hey, get away from her!” Lina watched as Estrella blocked the path leading to her.

  “Janna she’s with the drug dealer.” Lina tried to say the words louder, but her voice was barely audible. She lay semi-conscious as Estrella charged Janna. Janna, delivered a round house kick that sent Estrella sprawling toward the floor.

  “You let the small frame fool you.” Janna crossed the room to Estrella, delivering another swift kick to her lower back.

  Janna rushed toward Lina, grabbing both her arms. Her body felt heavy. Rising to her feet, even with assistance was taxing.

  “We have to get out of here.” They reached the front door, Lina tried to carry some of her weight, but the drug’s effect had spread.

  Janna pulled the door open and the air stalled in Lina’s drunken lungs. “Moon.” The waiter from Ava’s engagement party stood blocking the only exit from her unit.

  “Hello, my Lina.” That was all he said before he stabbed a syringe filled with clear liquid in Janna’s neck. She felt the free fall as Janna’s hold on her shoulder loosened and they both fell to the floor. Lina turned her head to see a lifeless Janna lying next to her. Her friend’s eyes were open but she wasn’t moving. Had Moon killed her? Oh God, she prayed that they both would live. Then she thought of Gideon and how much she loved him.

  “Estrella,” Moon yelled, “Get up, we are running out of time.” Janna, with her smaller weight, was out cold. Lina thanked heaven she carried a few extra pounds. Her curves had interfered with the drug’s absorption. Thank you, big butt and hips. She lacked full control of her limbs, but she didn’t think she would lose consciousness.

  Lina watched as Estrella stumbled to the door grabbing an unconsciousness Janna in a firefighter’s carry. Obviously, this was not new to Estrella. Lina felt herself being lifted. Moon carried her down the steps. He smelled worse than a farm animal. But her watering eyes and disgusted nose meant she was conscious and that the drug had not affected her sense of smell. It meant she could have an opportunity to escape.

  Where were these two taking them? Would Gideon find her? She thought about her mother and all the terrible things she’d said. Her mother was right. Lina needed help. Who would help her now? Would anyone think to look for her? She’d been helping the enemy this whole time. Where was the independent woman now? The one that had walked away from the very people trying to keep her safe. Instead she had invited Estrella inside, had dined with the enemy, and then Estrella had used her weakness against her.

  “Stop.” Lina heard a man scream. “Stop, I said.” Lina’s head rolled off Moon’s shoulder to see Jace’s pale blue eyes.

  “You put them down at once,” she heard Jace say. Thank heavens they were rescued. Estrella hadn’t moved, but Moon lowered her feet to the ground.

  Jace reached for her and that’s when Moon pulled something from his pocket and Jace fell to the ground. His body twitched and spasmed, that’s when she realized Moon had tasered Jace. Her feet left the ground once more. Both she and Janna were loaded in the back of a van. Silently she called Gideon’s name. God please, help us.

  Chapter 22

  The second Gideon opened his front door to discover Troy Lawson decked out in tactical assault gear, anger shot through his veins. Gideon stood face to face with the man he considered the biggest stumbling block to his and Lina’s relationship. Wrong. Gideon and his need to segment his life had sabotaged what he wanted most in life. A life with Lina.

  “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I came to get Lina.”

  “Get away from our home.” That wasn’t true. His home was with Lina now. Gideon moved to close the door, but Troy’s foot blocked it.

  “Lina is in danger. I have to find her.”

  “What kind of danger?”

  “The kind that people don’t live to talk about.”

  A broken down camper was parked in his driveway. Gideon narrowed his eyes on Troy, rage coiling deep in his gut. He’d been stalking Lina. Gideon’s brain started organizing the facts he knew.

p; “It was you at Lina’s place the night it was vandalized.”

  “I was there to take her away.”

  “I saw that camper the day we drove back from Waverly Falls.” Gideon bared his teeth. “Whatever you’re involved with has endangered Lina.”

  “I was going to talk to her after you left, but you stopped her on the stairwell. She left with you.”

  “Oh, heck.” Gideon said.

  “You’ve been in the way for weeks.” Troy spat. “I promised Bernadean I would keep Lina safe, but every time I came for her. You took her away. Now, where is she?”

  “I’ll keep Lina safe. She’s mine.”

  “Man, I don’t have time to play cowboys and Indians with you. A police bust is going down as we speak. I’ve been working this case undercover for six years. If anything goes wrong, Sky will hurt Lina. I’ve been compromised by someone on the inside of the department.” That got Gideon’s attention.


  “Yep, now where is she?” Troy repeated.

  “I don’t know. We had a disagreement.”

  “What kind of disagreement, will she be coming back?” Troy ran a hand over his face.

  “Not if I don’t physically bring her back.”

  “Let’s start at the condo. If she’s not there I know her hiding place.” Gideon growled low in his throat.

  “Look, we can work together to keep Lina safe, but you and Lina have nothing together. You feel me?”

  “Oh, I feel you. Now you feel me,” Troy rumbled. “I will always be connected to Lina. We made a baby together.” His blood ran cold.

  “Where is the child?” That pink bag with bows in her closet. It wasn’t for future babies, it was for her and Troy’s baby.

  “We lost the baby,” Troy said on a whisper.

  “I’m sorry.” Gideon said.

  Troy nodded in acknowledgment. “Sounds like you and Lina don’t have as much as you think if she didn’t tell you.” That comment pissed him off. Lina hadn’t shared her pregnancy with him. He’d kept his marriage from Lina, true. But he loved her. And he knew she loved him, too.


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