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Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga

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by Chrissy Peebles

  Through the flashing lightning and booming thunder, Victor had every nerve within me on high alert and I could feel the caress of every raindrop falling on my body. There’s something about rain—the way the water kisses your skin here and there, the sound of the drops echoing all around you. For me, the best part was finding myself pressed up against a wet, slick body that I adored.

  An electrical storm brewed above us, but more than anything, I wanted to make an electrical storm of our own. As if I was caught in some young girl’s fantasy of her first love, Victor laid me gently on the soft grass and helped me slip out of my soaked garments. My tongue slipped into his mouth, and a flash of heat twisted my stomach. I ran my hands up his hard abs, then his chest, dancing my fingertips across every one of his muscles; he was so perfect that not even the world’s greatest sculptors could have created such an enticing male physique, more delicious than any piece of art. He expertly and patiently trailed his tongue down my neck, sending shivers through me. My pulse skyrocketed as his sweet little kisses continued down my chest and belly, then up to my neck again. I felt the heat of his breath and moaned as his strong hands roamed over every inch of me, tingles of pleasure and warmth flooding through me with every touch. I loved the way his rough, callused hands touched me; the fiery but gentle contact was phenomenal. As our bodies moved against each other in a perfect rhythm, as if we were made for one another, I let out another soft moan, inviting him to continue. I closed my eyes in pure ecstasy as his mouth crashed hungrily into mine, a passionate collision if there ever was one.

  It felt like I was inside of him. I could feel his heart racing wildly, and I sensed every emotion he felt, from passion to desire to the deepest love. I’d fallen in love before, but I had never experienced anything like what I had with Victor. My husband had shown me the meaning of true love, one that went beyond words and fairytales. The emotions absolutely consumed me. We had an amazing connection, one I couldn’t have explained if I’d tried. I could feel his heartbeat, his excitement, his arousal. We looked into each other’s eyes, both of us in complete awe. There was an eternal fire burning between us, and I knew that flame would never die.

  Suddenly, Victor’s lips began to caress my heated skin, moving down my body, slowly nipping and sucking my neck, and circling my nipples, joined by his teasing tongue. He thrust his hips forward, and I felt the undeniable bulge of his eager manhood against my thighs. My pulse hammered beneath my ribs, and an aching heat pulsed between my legs. I wanted so badly to feel his body inside of mine, to echo the feeling of our merged souls. I let out a long moan as I kissed him long and hard while his body pressed between my thighs, demanding an invitation. The scorching kiss consumed me, and my nails dug gently into his shoulder blades that were slick with rain. His shoulders felt so strong and powerful beneath my fingers, and in that glorious, unforgettable moment, I was seized by a rush of emotion—a sensation so intense I couldn’t contain it.

  “I want you…Victor, I need you! I need you now!” I whispered.

  And, like the good husband he was, he gave me exactly what I needed.

  Right then and there, in the rain, I made the most passionate love to my wonderful husband, the unexpected love of my life. I knew we’d be together forever, and I was absolutely certain that Victor loved me just as much as I loved him.

  Long mind-blowing moments later, the rain stopped, and the scent of wet leaves, sweet herbs, and damp, freshly laundered earth hung heavy in the air. The sun peeked out and shimmered across the muscles that were bulging from his chest and arms. He cupped my face and grinned; I loved his white, dazzling smile. No words were necessary. We simply stared lovingly at each other, and our eyes said it all. I’d thought myself a thief since I’d tried to steal a ruby wedding ring as a key to get back home, but the truth was, Victor was a far better burglar. After all, he’d stolen my heart, and I didn’t think I’d get it back any time soon.

  “I love you so much,” I said.

  “I love you too.” He brushed wet strands of hair from my face.

  When he said those special words, I felt like the world stopped for a minute. My heart pitter-pattered like a little girl’s on Christmas morning. I’d learned a lot from Victor about his world and surviving in it, but the most valuable lesson he’d taught me was that love wasn’t about trying to find a perfect match. Instead, it was all about finding someone I couldn’t live without. Over the few months we’d spent together, I’d seen Victor at his best and at his worst. He had flaws, and in spite of his looks, he wasn’t always perfect. Nevertheless, he would always remain my dark, brooding hero. At times, he could be silent, moody, and distant, as he was still tormented by his past. At other times, he was quick-tempered, jealous, and territorial. I couldn’t judge him, for I was far from perfect myself. I could be bull-headed, bossy, emotionally insecure, and defensive. The important thing was that we accepted each other as we were—faults, flaws, and shortcomings included.

  “I don’t want to let you go. I just want to hold you here forever. This is all like some dream, so happily-ever-after, and I…well, I’ve never had that before. My life before was always filled with pain and gloom, but you’ve turned that all around, Victor. I’m scared to death of losing you.”

  “You needn’t be, my love, for I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here for you, always and forever.” He pointed up. “Look!”

  I followed his gaze and couldn’t help but gasp at the magnificent arch of colors spreading across the blue sky. My eyes widened at the beautiful sight. “A rainbow?” I remembered a Sunday school story from when I was little, something about a rainbow representing a promise, and Victor’s “always and forever” suddenly meant a whole lot more. “How did you do that?”

  He kissed my hand. “My dear, we have a lot to work on.”

  “When do you think my special gift will come?” I asked. I’d learned something else about the Immortals: Each one was born with an extra gift. If a human was made Immortal through the powers of the ring, it would take about one year for that power to manifest itself. I had been having headaches for a month, so I was pretty sure my time was coming—or at least I hoped so, because they didn’t exactly carry Ibuprofen at the local pharmacy where I now lived.

  “Anytime now,” he assured me, kissing my hand. “And until then, just remember that I’m here for you…always.”

  Victor had the uncanny gift of making me feel like I could jump any hurdle, conquer any problem that came my way. His rare and wonderful gift was dream-spinning, and it allowed him to insert a person into a dream that he could create and control. He’d used that gift on me before at the cliffs, when I’d tried to run from him. I was down by the river, with my friends, yet he somehow transported me, and I ended up right next to him. He used that dream to compel me to meet him. Although I was fuming-mad about it at the time, I now understood why Victor had done it. Clearly, it was an attempt to save our lives. William’s men were eager to see me killed, and thousands of soldiers and mercenaries were roaming the land with the burning desire to cut off my head so they could end their war. I was heading directly into enemy territory to find my sister, into the midst of those who wanted to destroy me. Thinking back, I realized Victor’s head must’ve been spinning at the thought. There I was, running around like a clueless tourist, with no idea how to use my powers. I could have been killed almost effortlessly by any one of those brutes at any time, and that was exactly why William focused on me when he couldn’t get to Victor directly. He knew Victor and I were connected by the ring, and killing me would have meant dear Victor’s end as well. My friends, bless their loyal hearts, managed to break me out of the dream-like trance I was in by dunking me beneath the cold river water. If I had known Victor then as I did now, I would have trusted him and heeded his call, and he would have helped me, but at that time Victor seemed like the good-looking yet dangerous enemy.

  Liz, my sister, had received the special gift of healing. I had witnessed the miraculous power firsthand when she’d
healed a wounded horse when we fled from Ethano, who was trying to drag us to Immortal Court.

  Did I really even need it? I could do many amazing tricks anyway, so in all honesty I felt my powers were more than enough.

  The sun shone in his eyes, making them glitter as I ran a hand through his dark tangle of wet hair. I kissed his warm lips gently, slowly, etching the memory into my mind forever. It truly was an unforgettable experience.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said, moving another strand of black hair from my eyes.

  “You make me feel like a queen.”

  Again, he smothered me with one of his amazing kisses, leaving me breathless. I’d never been happier. Victor was all I needed—the best mistake I’d ever made.

  * * *

  By the expression on Mia’s face, I knew I must have looked like a drowned rat.

  “We got caught in a rainstorm,” Victor explained.

  “But it’s been sunny all day,” she argued, wrinkling her brow in suspicious confusion.

  I shot Victor a look, and when he smirked, I couldn’t help bursting out in laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Mia asked, grinning.

  “We were just working on my powers,” I said, meeting Victor’s ornery gaze again, “and I’ve never had so much fun in my life.”

  He shot me his dazzling white smile, and my heart swelled with happiness when he put his arms around my waist and pulled me close. “Let me help you get into some dry clothes, love. You’ll catch your death or, worse, end up shriveled as a prune if you stand around, your clothes dripping gallons.”

  I laughed. The other day I’d been teaching him about our Metric system. “Victor, you know as well as I do that if you come upstairs with me, no one will see either of us again for the entire day.”

  “Hmm. That was the plan,” he purred and kissed my neck. “But you’re right, my Queen.”

  I playfully pushed him away, even though it was the last thing I wanted. “We’re supposed to have lunch with my parents, remember?”

  A sexy grin spread over his face, and his eyes sparkled with mischief. “Well, I suppose there’s always tonight,” he whispered in my ear.

  I couldn’t stop the giant grin from spreading across my lips. Victor was always so serious about everything, and seeing him so elated made my heart melt. I was breaking down those walls that he’d built around his heart, stone by miserable stone, and that was very satisfying indeed.

  I was truly amazed by how much my life had changed since I met him. His sweet love made every single day a beautiful dream-come-true. Not only was he my mate, but he was my partner, my friend, and the love of my life.

  “Mia,” Victor said, “please draw my beautiful, gorgeous, sexy wife a bath.”

  His words made my heart quicken. Was he about to change his mind and join me after all? Probably not but a girl could hope.

  “Yes, your Highness.” With a quick curtsy, she darted up the stairs to follow his command.

  Victor placed a last kiss on my lips before I walked to my room. I couldn’t wait to get out of those wet clothes. Opening the door, I yanked off my leather boots, then flung them in the corner of the room. The warm beams of sunshine flooding in through the window felt so good on my goose-pimpled, shivering skin.

  Just as I began to peel the drenched dress off, I heard a rustling coming from the corner of the room. “Mia?” I asked cautiously.

  No answer.

  I ran my fingers through my damp hair and walked into the bathroom. I looked from wall to wall, but there was no sign of her. I reached for a towel to wipe the rain off my face when I heard a noise. When I looked around, I didn’t see anyone. A soft voice whispered my name and my heart skipped a beat. Someone was hiding here, in the same room, but why couldn’t I see them? Before I could investigate any further, hands wrapped around my mouth so tightly that I could barely breathe, and my cry remained trapped in my throat.

  Chapter 2

  My mind filled with panic. With each gasp for breath, my heart hammered in my chest, threatening to burst out. Someone or something was in the same room, sneaking up behind me, touching my back. I could feel a cold sensation through the thin material of my chemise and sense the intruder’s intentions in the air. The cold sensation against my skin shifted into a piercing tip and in that instant I knew the cruel, intimidating tip of a blade was pressed between my shoulder blades. Strong shivers ran along my spine and settled somewhere deep inside me. Even though I was Immortal now, I was not immune to pain and certainly not to death should the person know where to stick that knife. As I focused on my powers, a burst of light flickered across my mind, growing, pushing to make its way out into the real world. And then-nothing.

  I blinked confused. What was happening? Something must have stopped me, immobilizing my power, but how? Crap.

  What do I do now?

  My mind reeled, my voice remained trapped in my throat as I silently screamed for Victor, using the powers within me as a communication device. But that only managed to anger my attacker, which was obvious in the way the blade rested against my throat, firmly pressed into my flesh, uttering my assailant’s silent warning.

  “Did you really think you ever stood a chance against me?” my assailant hissed in my ear.


  I’d recognize his voice in a heartbeat. My pulse picked up in speed, thundering inside my head. This couldn’t be happening. He was supposed to be incarcerated forever. How did he escape from his eternal prison?

  “I have big plans for you, Sarah,” he threatened continued, stroking the side of my face with the sharp side of the blade.

  I didn’t even want to begin to imagine what he had in store for me as I knew it sure wouldn’t be a candlelight dinner. My mind ordered my throat to retaliate, but my mouth refused to let out more than a strangled hiss. I had some choice words for Ethano and yet no matter how hard I tried to speak, my body wouldn’t listen. Sucking in a trembling breath, I realized he must have somehow paralyzed my voice. I slowly turned around to meet his deadly gaze. I stared into his cold, hazel eyes, and the face I had never been able to forget. That monster had left me for dead back at the dragon’s den, and since Victor and I had exposed him to King Taggert for the traitorous jerk he was, he’d been bent on revenge. Now, he was there to collect on a debt he thought we owed to him, and I feared I might have to pay with my life.

  Though I was shaking inside, I held his gaze without blinking, trying with all my might not to betray the fear that was lurking in my mind. He’d lost everything, and he’d placed the blame for that on me. His long, blond hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, with a few rebellious fringes hanging down the sides. If only I could reach that stupid rattail, I’d surely rip it out!

  With a wicked grin, he threw me against the wall, then glided the dagger gently across my lips, hard enough to feel the blade, but not deep enough to cut me. He was trying to frighten me, to prove that he could end my life at any second if he so chose. I tried not to think about it, but both of us knew he was in control and that there wasn’t a thing I could do about it. I kept his gaze as he moved the blade upward to my cheek. The cold sensation sent a shiver down my spine. My heartbeat spiked, echoing in my ears. I struggled to get a grip on my fear. Whatever happened, I wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing just how much he got to me.

  “Still not afraid?” Ethano whispered, digging the blade in just a little bit harder.

  More mind games? The bastard! If I could only scream or alert the others somehow, there’d be an army of people in this room in an instant to squash him like the little insect he was! If I could only…anything.

  “Perhaps instead of cutting your throat, I should make you my bride,” he whispered.

  I’d rather bleed to death! I thought.

  “Hmm…,” he said, as if he could read my thoughts from the disgusted expression on my face. “But that would be the most perfect revenge, would it not? Oh, how poor Victor would be devastated if I defiled his love
ly bride. And surely you wouldn’t mind, Sarah. After all, you silly girl, you fell in love with the last man who forced you to take his name.”

  What an ass! I wasn’t keen on Ethano mentioning anything about Victor and I, as it was none of his business. Besides, falling in love with Victor really had been an accident. It just…happened.

  Just then, Ethano swept the blade along my cheek bone, then ran the knife down my neck, stopping at my cleavage. I cringed as the knife sliced through the satin material with a soft tearing sound. Coursing blood pounded in my ears.

  If he touches touched me, I swear I’d...we’d make him pay! I couldn’t help but wonder why he was toying with me or why he’d even dared to step foot in our home. Surely he knew Victor might come in any given second. Maybe he really was a lunatic. Maybe he got off on this sort of foolish risk. Maybe he oughtta take that knife and shove it down… My breath escaped in a ragged sob as he slid a hand down my chest; in that horrendous moment, it became clear why he was here. Oh my gosh!

  He’s going to…rape me!

  He pulled my chin upward, forcing me to look into those evil, ominous orbs. “I’m sure that making love to you would be absolutely enchanting and magical for the both of us,” he hissed, “but unfortunately for you, my dear, it’s not why I’m here.” He laid a hand in the center of my chest, right in the valley between my breasts, then pressed down into my skin. “Ah, yes. I can feel the energy right here. This is the perfect spot to place the pendant.”

  I swallowed past the lump in my throat. Pendant? What the heck was he talking about? All I knew was that I wanted him to take his hands off of me.

  My feet raised off the floor as Ethano grabbed me by the throat and lifted me into the air. My breath came in ragged heaps as I fought to breathe against his iron grip. Gasping, I coughed, and then gasped again, hungry for the oxygen that was so close and yet so far away. My heart hammered hard in my chest as I struggled to remain conscious, and a cold chill flooded through me. He was going to suffocate me. I was quickly approaching death’s door, I could tell from the self-satisfied smirk on his lips and the cold flicker of hate in his eyes. Was he really here to kill me? Even if he was, I refused to let that happen.


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