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Eternal Fire - Book 3 of The Ruby Ring Saga

Page 14

by Chrissy Peebles

  “That’s not enough,” I said. “You know why I came here, so surely you must know what I want.”

  His cold eyes narrowed into slits. “You haven’t a large enough bargaining chip to convince me to free Victor, milady.”

  “I want to see him,” I demanded. “Take me too him.”

  “I cannot allow that.”

  Rage poured through me. “And why not, you pig?”

  He gripped my chin tightly. “If you do not start being more respectful, you’ll spend the next nine months in a dungeon.”

  I glared at him with intense hatred.

  “Then again, perhaps that is something you might enjoy.”

  “What makes you say that?” I asked.

  “Victor threw you in a dungeon, and you loved it so much that you decided to marry him.”

  He was trying to bait me, and I knew it. I had to bite my tongue and play nice, or he’d never agree to let me see Victor. “I apologize for my outburst. I just want to see him long enough to tell him that he has a son.”

  He paused for a moment, then smiled. “Wouldn’t that be the perfect revenge? Perhaps I should grant you that one wish.”

  I hated the control he had over me, but as much as it sickened me, I kissed his lips. “Please?”

  Confusion washed over his face. It was the first time I’d ever shown him affection, fake as it was, and he was utterly dumbfounded. “I will spare Elizabeth’s life and let you tell Victor your news,” Ethano said. “I will even keep my men from defiling your poor sister.”

  I shot him a seductive look. “You’ll let Liz go, along with all of these girls.”

  “I am not in the business of making bargains,” he whispered in my ear. “I just want to ravage every inch of your body.”

  “Then do it,” I said.

  He smiled, taken aback by my comment. “Prove that you mean it.” He pulled out his dagger and cut my bindings.

  “I’ve already shown you.”

  “Show me again,” he said.

  Ethano had called my bluff, and I was furious. When he bent down to kiss me, I softly kissed his lips as I ran my hands through his hair. “You will set the girls free and let my sister go. You’ve spared my husband’s life all this time, so I owe you. Let me make it up to you.”

  He pondered my offer for a moment, as if wondering whether my statement was sincere. I could tell Ethano was caving, falling for it. I’d never thought of myself as a woman of seduction, but it was working like a charm, and I couldn’t have been happier about that. After a moment, he glanced at the Immortal guarding the door. “Free the girls…now.”

  “But, milord—”

  “Free all those you captured today,” he ordered, “but today only.”

  The man’s gaze swept over the girls with disdain. “You’re free to go. Let me show you the way out of the castle.”

  Cries of joy flooded the room as they laughed and hugged one another.

  Yolanda met my gaze. “Thank you,” she said.

  I smiled at her, then turned to Ethano. “Thank you,” I said, “but what about my sister?”

  “I released the women as a gesture of good faith on my part. I will let Liz go in the morning, once you’ve filled your obligations, Highness.”

  “Let me see Victor and let Liz see Charles.”

  “Very well.” Ethano escorted us down a series of long, twisting corridors. It was quite the labyrinth, and I knew I’d never find my way back. There were far too many Immortals there for us to battle, and without our powers, we were totally helpless. Fortunately, I had other plans. I fingered the crystal necklace around my neck, praying it would work. The old woman had told me that I’d have to touch the crystal with my thumb to activate it, then touch it again when it turned blue, and anyone who was touching me at the time would go with me. I went over the plan again and again in my head as we walked.

  Ethano led us down to the musty basement, to a door that led to the tomb where Victor and Charles were being held prisoner. He gripped my wrist tightly. “One false move on your part, and your sister and husband die here.”

  “I only want to tell him that I’ve conceived his child. He deserves to know,” I said softly.

  “Then tell him and make it quick.”

  The metal door creaked open, pushed by one of Ethano’s loyal soldiers. Peeking inside, my heart jumped. Victor was shackled in chains, and he looked tired and worried, but he was alive. I wanted to hug him so badly, but Ethano wouldn’t let go of me.

  He motioned to Liz first. “Go ahead, Princess.”

  She raced inside and jumped into the arms of Charles.

  My eyes swept over the dark stone covering the walls, lit by orange, flickering flames. The dirt floor was littered with skeletal remains. I couldn’t believe Victor had been chained inside that hell-hole for weeks. It was obvious that he’d lost his powers too.

  I yanked my hand from Ethano’s grip. “Let me go!”

  “Make wise use of your time, Highness. You have little of it, for I’m anxious to escort you to my chambers,” Ethano said before he shoved me inside.

  Victor cast him a hard stare; if looks could have killed, Ethano would have been dead on his feet. I hadn’t seen Victor in nearly a month, and my heart raced as I stared at his unkempt face and bloodshot eyes. Weeks earlier, I’d thought I’d never ever see him again. I had attended his funeral and cried over a million tears. My world had been torn apart, filled with darkness, but now Victor stood before my eyes like some radiant beam—like an absolute dream. It was as if all time was standing still, and there was nobody else in the world but us.

  Victor’s jaw was shadowed with dark stubble. His clothes were wrinkled and dirty, not the same ones I’d last seen him in. His hair was neatly tied back, not greasy at all. Someone had obviously been taking care of him to some degree, and whoever it was, I couldn’t have been more thankful for their kindness.

  I felt Ethano’s menacing gaze and glanced over my shoulder. “I need privacy,” I said. “This is a very delicate matter.”

  Much to my surprise, Ethano nodded, then turned and left.

  I passed by Liz and Charles, who were off in the corner, kissing.

  “Did Ethano touch you?” my lover asked. “Did he lay his hands on you?”

  “No, Victor.”

  “Thank God,” he said.

  I met his eyes and rushed into his waiting arms just as the heavy door heaved shut. I wrapped my arms around Victor, holding him close.

  He cupped my face, his eyes welling with tears. “Sarah…”

  I touched his hand that was resting on my face. “I-I can’t believe I’ve found you.”

  Time and space lost all meaning as we stared into each other’s eyes. Victor was the eternal fire burning deep down inside of me. He was my best friend, my other half, the person who completed me, and I would love him to the end of time. The entire moment was beautiful, intense, and extremely surreal. I wasn’t even sure if I could explain it in words. We shared a connection, a bond, an instant magnetism—the inexplicable attraction that pulls soulmates together.

  “I-I thought you were dead,” I cried.

  He put my hand on his heart. “Do you feel that?”

  “Yes! I can feel your vibrant heartbeat. How could we have been so wrong?” I sucked in a trembling breath. “We had a funeral for you, and your kingdom mourned their king.”

  “Imagine their surprise when they find out I’m alive,” he said with a gleam in his eye.

  I laughed through the tears. “I’ve imagined this moment a million times in my head. Am I dreaming?” I touched his face, my voice wavering.

  “Sarah, I am entirely real.” He brushed his lips against mine, kissing them softly.

  “I love you so much,” I said, gazing into his eyes.

  He cupped my cheeks. “I love you too.”

  “I thought I’d never see you again.”

  Victor wiped away the tears that were flowing down my cheeks. “I’m here now.”

p; I smiled through more tears. “We belong together, Victor. I couldn’t breathe without you.”

  “Forever,” he said, kissing me softly on the lips.

  “You’re my best friend, my lover, my husband, my destiny. I want to be with you forever, and I have a plan to get us out of here so we can make that happen. I will remember this day for the rest of my life—the day you came back to me and my dead heart started beating again.”

  “I thought you dead as well, my love. That liar Ethano told me he killed you in the shape-shifting ceremony.” His voice wavered, and the troubled expression on his face said it all. He clung tightly to me. “Now that I know you are alive and well, I shall never let you go. We must be together.”

  I frowned. “He’s taken over our castle and so many others, Victor. He practically owns the whole world.”

  His lips pressed into grim lines. “I know, but if we can escape, we’ll fight and take it back.”

  “He also has his claws in the Immortal Council and practically every country in this world.”

  “Where is King Taggert?”

  “Presumed dead. I’m afraid Ethano’s won this round,” I said sadly.

  His gaze narrowed. “I will die before I give up. Why are you giving up so easily? You love our kingdom just as much as I do.”

  “Because he’s—”

  “Pay that Ethano no mind. I will not let him take my kingdom from me. I will fight, Sarah, until the very end.”

  There wasn’t time to plead my case, because I knew Ethano would be back any minute. “If you fight, you will die, Victor. I’ve…seen the prophecy.”

  “I don’t know what you saw,” he said, grabbing my hand and squeezing it tightly, “but we will fight and take back what is ours.”

  “He will kill both of us, Victor. If you fight, he will win.”

  He looked so damn stubborn. “My mission in life has always been to fight and protect my castle, my country, my people. I cannot run out of fear.”

  I gripped his hands. “I understand, Victor, but we must leave through the portal. It’s the only way.”

  He looked away, clearly hating the idea, and tried to change the subject. “How did you find me?”

  “It’s a long story.”

  He blinked. “Please don’t tell me you made a deal with the devil.”

  “I did, but there’s a loophole he didn’t count on.” I pointed to the crystal hanging around my neck. “This will transport us to my world, and he will not be able to follow.”

  “Where did you get that?” he asked.

  “Helena,” I said.

  “You found her?”


  He shook his head. “I cannot flee, Sarah.”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Not even for the sake of your unborn son?” When confusion flooded his features, I smiled and placed his hands gently on my stomach. “Victor, we’re having a baby!”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out as tears welled up in his eyes. I could tell how touched, happy, and amazed he was, and that pleased me more than anything. There was no way to hold back the flow of emotions between us. We had created a beautiful human being out of perfect love, and I couldn’t wipe the blissful smile off my face.

  He gripped my shoulders, his face beaming. “This is the most wonderful day of my life. First, I find that my love is alive, and now you tell me that you are carrying our child.”

  I smiled through more tears. “It’s fantastic, but I can’t do this without you. I need you now more than ever.”

  “I will always be here for you.” His hands moved to my stomach. “I already love you and our child more than anything in any world.”

  I couldn’t speak, completely choked up by emotion.

  “We’ll give our child the best life,” he said. “I will make a deal with Ethano and get us out of here. I have important information that he’s been seeking for a long time.”

  “Victor, it doesn’t matter what information you have,” I whispered. “He will not let me go.”

  “He’s been seeking this information for hundreds of years. I’m sure it’s why he hasn’t killed me yet.”

  “Whatever it is, he’s past that. I talked to Helena. According to her, his main focus now is taking away our baby. He’ll keep us alive until the child is born.” I squeezed my eyes shut at the horrible thought. “Then, after the baby is born—”

  “No! I’ll never let that happen.” His voice wavered as he embraced me in a tight hug. “He will not lay one finger on our son!” He sucked in a trembling breath. “Not our only child!”

  I hugged him more tightly as a tear rolled down my cheek. The emotion pouring from him nearly killed me, but he needed to know the truth. “I’ve seen the prophecy myself. Ethano will raise our child to destroy cities and murder countless people.”

  “No!” Victor said. “We can’t let this happen, Sarah.”

  “Do you think Helena could be wrong?”

  “She has never failed me before. I fear what she says is true.”

  “In that case, we should heed her advice. We need to leave through the portal. It’s the only way to save this world from utter destruction.”

  “But leaving Ethano in charge will ruin the world,” Victor said.

  “It will not be perfect, but he won’t destroy the world without our son.”

  The steel door creaked open. “Time is up, my Queen,” Ethano said.

  I cringed when I noticed that the necklace wasn’t ready and hadn’t turned blue. I shot Liz a terrified look. “We need more time,” I muttered under my breath. “We have to stall him just a little bit longer.”

  “I’m on it.” Liz inched toward Ethano. “You can’t begin to understand the pain I’m feeling,” she said seductively.

  “Don’t lecture me on pain,” he roared. “Victor and Della have caused me much pain and grief.”

  “Please give us a little more time,” Liz begged, even though it probably wouldn’t work because the man was virtually heartless.

  “No, Princess.”

  “Ethano, I’ve been thinking…” Liz continued, cautiously approaching him.

  He met her gaze. “What is it?”

  She cupped his face. “I want you to take me for the night instead of Sarah,” she said seductively. “She is with child, and I’m not.”

  Charles didn’t look happy about it, but she was simply trying to buy us some time and would never actually go through with letting Ethano paw her.

  Ethano lifted his hand high in the air. A gush of wind swirled, and Liz flew back, hitting the wall, crashing down to the ground.

  “Liz!” Charles fought the chains that held him to the wall.

  I raced over to her, my heart racing. “Are you okay?” I asked frantically.

  “Guess that was a no. Can you believe he turned me down in this dress?” She rubbed the back of her head. “Maybe you oughtta give it a try,” she whispered. “He seems to have a thing for you.”

  A cold chill shot through me as Ethano grabbed my wrist once again. “Let’s go!”

  “Leave her alone!” Victor yelled. “I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”

  “I don’t want to hear your lies,” he spat.

  “Just let Sarah go, and I’ll tell you everything.”

  He grinned at Victor. “Not a chance, Victor. I am going to enjoy your wife all night, until the sun rises in the morning.”

  Victor lunged, but the Immortal chains rattled loudly, pulling him back.

  I had to think of something to stall Ethano, and I only had a few moments. I knew the necklace would be ready any second. I decided to stir up a conversation and glanced up at Ethano. “What did Victor do to you that was so awful? If I’m married to a monster, I need to know.”

  He glared at Victor. “He ruined my life.”

  I cocked a brow. “But you still sat on the Royal Court for hundreds of years with him.”

  “I did, waiting for the perfect moment to plot hi
s demise. When he married a human, breaking our rules, I knew he’d pay. I made it my personal mission to find you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “So you could take me to court and have me executed? Then, when that didn’t work, you poisoned Victor.”

  “He should not have survived,” Ethano hissed, “but things happen for a reason. When I tried to sacrifice you, fate stepped in for the third time to save your life from my hand. Clearly, destiny demands that you be by my side.”

  I swallowed hard, realizing that Ethano was delusional. What woman would want to be with a man who tried to kill her three times? Besides that, the prophecy had clearly shown that I’d be dead after my baby was born.

  “Della and I never meant for things to get so out of control,” Victor shouted, “but that was hundreds of years ago. Do not take this out on Sarah! She wasn’t even born when those horrible events took place, and she knows nothing of any of it!”

  “After I bed your wife, I will tell her all about the monster you really are!” he shouted.

  Ethano’s eye’s turned into those of a wild man, and I knew Victor had struck a sore spot. I wondered what he’d done to make Ethano so angry with him, so obsessed with Victor’s demise.

  “Trust me,” his voice roared. “Della will be the next to pay.”

  “Leave her alone!” Charles shouted.

  “I only kept you alive so your precious mother can watch you die. When I find her, your time shall be up.” He gripped my wrist even tighter and turned to the guard in charge. “Keep Charles alive, but I have no more use for Victor. He sickens me, and I don’t want to hear or see him ever again.”

  “Ethano,” Victor said, “listen to reason. I will spill every secret I know, and then you can kill me, but you must let Sarah go in peace.”

  “No, Victor!” I clutched my chest. He was willing to die so that I could live and deliver his baby. It was as admirable as it was heartbreaking, and again I was on an emotional rollercoaster. When will the ride stop already?

  He glanced back at the guard. “This discussion is over. Kill him…and make sure he suffers.”

  “No!” I screamed, my voice echoing in the confined space. “That wasn’t our deal.” The moment of truth had come, and we needed to make a quick departure, but the necklace wasn’t blue. Helpless to save my beautiful king, I let out a trembling breath.


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