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Fascination Street

Page 5

by Bridget Midway

  “Still here, huh?” he said. “I told you that you wouldn’t get those papers until we were good and ready. You should really go back home to Brax and tell him that.”

  He ducked into the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator, he sighed at the slim pickings. He snatched a bottle of cranberry juice, one of Zora’s favorites, and slammed the door. On top of the fridge sat a box of oatmeal raisin cookies. He took the box and headed out of the kitchen.

  His gaze fell on his copy of the questionnaire. He snickered until he turned back to Lynia and saw that she had another copy in front of her. Zora’s copy. Grant went to her. After setting his drink and cookies on the floor next to this determined statue, he picked up the papers.

  His mouth hung open when he flipped through the pages and saw that not only had Zora answered each and every question, but also the way she answered them. His woman fantasized about being with more than one man? She enjoyed his penis because it was just the right length and thickness. His eyes widened when he read the answer that she wasn’t sure if she would be turned off by being with a woman. Zora? His Zora?

  He hurried to the dining room and picked up his copy. Cool air from the air conditioner hit his chest as he returned to the living room.

  Looking at his watch he said, “Two a.m.” He stared at Lynia. “How long did it take Zora?”

  She didn’t answer.

  He sat on the floor in front of her. He crossed his legs, then cracked open his bottle of cranberry juice. Just as he was about to tip it into his mouth he stopped.

  “Want some?”

  She blinked but didn’t utter a word.

  He took a sip and set it down next to her. “It’s here if you want a drink.” He opened the box and pulled out a small cookie. “These are the best but I’m sure they’ll kill me.” He took a bite and let the sweetness roll around on his tongue. He especially liked the raisins.

  “Help yourself. I promise I won’t tell Brax. Or will he check your breath?”

  Lynia took a deep breath and exhaled through her nose. He wasn’t sure if that was a normal breath or done out of frustration.

  Once he found an ink pen sitting on top of the coffee table, he opened his questionnaire and started answering. Embarrassed heat rose from his neck to his face on questions that asked if he preferred large or small breasts. Would he like to have more than one woman at the same time? Did he do threesomes with another man in the group?

  “They really want to know it all, don’t they?” he said with a snicker. “Did you really have to answer all of these questions?”

  She stayed still.

  His gaze fell on her pebbled nipples. With the chain gone, he wondered if it hurt her to have it on, to wear it constantly.

  “Does Brax hurt you?” he asked in a whisper.

  Although she didn’t answer, her mouth tightened into a line.

  Grant held his hand up. “Okay, fine. Didn’t mean to offend your relationship. I don’t know what goes on and what to expect.” His gaze glossed over a question but he couldn’t concentrate. “Does it hurt? That chain that was on your nipples earlier? Would he do that to her, to Zora, if she were with him?”

  The tight line disappeared and her face relaxed, softened.

  “I don’t want her hurt. I love her with all of my heart and soul. I’m just not sure she’s considered what all is involved in doing this. I mean, you’re beautiful and all but I prefer to be with Zora and not another woman.”

  He popped another cookie into his mouth and continued answering questions. Page after page of intimate details of his likes, wants and desires faced him with each turn. His eyes itched from exhaustion but he couldn’t stop.

  When the sun peeked through the morning clouds, he slammed the last page over and let out a long exhalation. “Finished.”

  He set his papers on top of Zora’s. Pain stung each leg as he struggled to unfold them and stand up again. He collected his mess, an empty bottle and the half-eaten box of cookies.

  “I’m sorry I had you waiting here all night. If Brax asks, tell him I was the asshole that held you up.” He returned the box to the top of the refrigerator and tossed the bottle away.

  When he returned to the living room, he had to blink several times before it hit him that the living statue that he’d been talking to all morning long did actually move.

  Lynia had picked up the papers and she turned her gaze to him, a sweet smile lighting her already angelic face. Not fully understanding why, just to see her move after so many hours of sitting on the floor, being completely still and waiting patiently, made his dick come alive.

  Grant wanted to blame it on morning lust. He would be waking up with a hard-on anyway right about this time. But he wasn’t sleeping and this definitely wasn’t a dream. Now that she moved, he felt underdressed in front of her. In his pajama pants and no shirt or shoes, he suddenly felt the need to cover up.

  Lynia stood with papers in hand. She sauntered to him. Once in front of him she bowed her head.

  “Thank you for filling these out,” she said.

  He was immediately reminded of how delicate she was from the tinkling sound of her voice. Despite the harsh, black leather, she could have been a fairy.

  “And no, after you get used to them, the nipple clamps don’t hurt.” She grinned. “Not that much.”

  He nodded. “Good.” He struggled with what to say. It wasn’t as if he’d borrowed a cup of sugar and was now returning it.

  “I’ll give these to Art and Winta. You two will be given instructions on what to do next.”

  Grant folded his arms over his bare chest. “Fine.”

  “Would you like for me to pleasure you orally?”

  Shock, surprise and a little glob of spit caught in his throat at her candid question until Grant had to cough to clear his throat.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Brax gave me permission to please you, except by penetration for now, if you completed the paperwork within twenty-four hours.” She took a step closer to him. “I’m told I’m very good and I do enjoy it.”

  He had to take a step back although he felt silly feeling intimidated by this pint-sized cutie. Her full eyes reminded him of a doll but his gaze wouldn’t remove itself from her lips. Not as full as Zora’s, they were pink and soft looking. Just imagining them around his shaft, giving him the morning treatment the way Winta had given her husband yesterday morning, engorged his penis even more.

  “No, I’m good,” he said. He held up his hand to stop her from moving forward.

  “How about a hand job? I’m told I do that very well, too.”

  No man should be asked this at five a.m., especially not with his woman sleeping a few doors down.

  Before Grant could answer, Lynia slid her small hand up the front of his pajama pants. Her small fingers stroked his hardened shaft through the thin, striped fabric of his pants. She must have known he had a need that required immediate attention. The brief contact of her hand made his cock twitch. He held her wrist and pulled her away from him.

  “No, thank you. This is all so new to me and Zora. I would rather just talk it out with her first before anything happens.” He let her hand go and she used it to clutch the papers close to her chest.

  She nodded. Silently she turned to the door. Feeling ungentlemanly, Grant raced to it before she could touch the knob. He opened the door for her and stood by it, waiting for her to leave.

  Instead of walking out just as she’d walked in the night before, without a word, she stopped in front of him.

  “By the way, when Garland and Evan did this questionnaire, I had to wait over five days for them to finish it. So you’re not an asshole like you said.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Grant on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  In the golden sunrise, she padded toward Art’s house. Her lightly tanned skin looked like it glowed along with the sun. Grant stood at the door waiting for her to at least be acknowledged by Art or Winta. He didn’t want to see her having to sit on the porch
for hours until they decided to answer the door.

  To his surprise, Winta answered it. Wearing a midriff t-shirt and boy-cut panties, she kept her position in the doorway. She lifted her gaze and stared at him from her front door, her smile evident even from across the street. She waved to him. Then she put her hand to Lynia’s tit and massaged it as she gave her a deep kiss.

  Grant slammed the door on the scene and ran down the hall. “Zora, honey, are you awake?”

  Chapter Four

  Zora’s nude body undulated under Grant’s as he slid his cock inside of her pussy. What a way to wake up, a sexy man stripping naked and taking her body like a man should, full of vigor and lust and overpowering need. She loved it.

  “Good morning,” he growled.

  “Good morning to you, too.” she purred.

  When she caught Grant’s animalistic expression she became wetter. She gripped his shoulders. Her legs tightened around him.

  How the hell had she become so lucky? Her heart fluttered whenever he walked into a room. He could call her at any time and she got weak in the knees.

  “So you like my penis?” he asked in a soothing voice.

  “You read my application.” She curved her hips upward to let him get deeper access.

  When her fingernails embedded in his flesh, he winced. But he didn’t stop.

  “What else did you see?” she asked.

  “You and another woman.” He increased his speed. “Damn, that’s hot.”

  She licked her tongue over her lips. “Is that what you want, baby? Is that your fantasy?”

  “You are my fantasy. Anything above that is gravy.”

  In a frustrating if not sexy move, he pulled out of her, brought her up off the bed, rolled her over, then hoisted her up so she was on her hands and knees. Then he took her from behind.

  “Damn it, you know how much I love this position,” she said as she pushed herself back into him. “You’re hitting my spot. Don’t stop!”

  He held her hips as he slid in and out of her faster and faster. She couldn’t help but think at that moment of whether he would do this to Winta or Lynia or even Garland if she would let him near her. Then briefly her mind tripped over thoughts of her with the other men. Art, Brax, Evan. All different. But all intriguing. All sexy.

  “Oh shit, baby! Let’s do it!” she screamed as though her thoughts had been audible.

  Grant knew exactly what she meant. “Okay.”

  He let out a long groan as his hot cum squirted inside of her. Once she reached down and played with her clit, she reached her orgasm shortly after. Her body quivered as he slowed down his pace, allowing her to catch her breath.

  She slid down to the bed and waited for Grant to come behind her. He did, as usual, wrapping his arm around her waist and holding her close.

  “I love you, Zora.” He kissed the back of her neck.

  “I love you, too.”

  He took a deep breath, then asked, “Did we just agree during some great fucking sex to sleep with other people?”

  Zora laughed. “Yeah, I think we did.”

  “Just wanted to make sure I wasn’t completely losing my mind.”

  She patted his arm before getting out of bed. “You want coffee? I need coffee.”

  Sliding on one of his button-up shirts, she padded to the kitchen, knowing her skin and face must have glowed. Her hands trembled as she filled the coffee pot and scooped out the crystallized brown grounds. Bracing her hands against the counter, it was now her turn to grin like an idiot. This would be the most risky thing she’d ever done. With Grant, she felt okay about doing it.

  She gazed down the hallway when she heard the hiss of water from the shower. Used to be when Grant showered she would have joined him or just watched him towel off. After that session, she needed a break.

  Zora poured a steamy cup of coffee, then settled her weary bones in a chair at the kitchen table. She stared into the washed-out brown liquid, stirring her spoon mindlessly in the cup, clinking the utensil against the insides of the mug until the sound hypnotized her. She barely heard Grant walk into the room until he sat down next to her.

  He held her hands and said, “I want so much to stay home with you. Fuck the job.”

  The warmth of his hands made her sigh. She smoothed her thumbs over the backs of his hands. “I’m going into work today so you might as well go too.”

  With all of the tenderness he could muster, he planted his lips on hers. So soft, it felt like he was kissing a handful of rose petals. To let her know how much he still desired her, he pressed his lips harder on her mouth. He slid his tongue between her lips, a feat considering she clamped her lips tight at the first indication of it.

  She always hated kissing Grant with morning breath.

  “You’re perfect to me and I want all of our kisses to be perfect,” she used to tell him.

  He didn’t care. Bad breath or not, he wanted Zora, the real Zora. He didn’t taste coffee on her palate like he thought he would. Her mouth tasted stale.

  Grant squeezed her breasts through the shirt she wore. He thought she would have shirked back but instead she leaned her body into him.

  Her willingness flooded his cock until he gave serious consideration to calling in sick. Taking her other hand, he eased it toward his growing erection until the sound of his front door knob jingling stopped him cold.

  “What the hell is up with these people? Can’t they knock or ring the fucking bell?”

  After giving Zora another quick kiss, he stood and stomped to the door. He snatched it open and found Art standing on the other side with a huge grin, odd considering how early it was. Who the hell could be that happy on a workday? He stepped into the house without an invitation.

  “Good morning, neighbors.” He strolled around the living room, gazing up and down as though sizing up their worth. “Hope you all slept well.”

  “I was just heading out the door, Art.” Grant didn’t want to chitchat about nonsense right now. And he really did have to go to work.

  Glancing at his watch, Art said, “Yeah, I’m running a bit late too. But when Winta gives me that look, it’s hard to tell her no.” He playfully slapped Grant on his shoulder as though they shared a reason for running late.

  If he only knew…

  “Winta gave me your applications,” Art began. “That’s the reason I’m here.”

  Zora stepped out of the kitchen but stayed by the doorway. Art’s attention went directly to her.

  “Ah, good morning to you too, sleepyhead.” He surveyed her body like he’d done to the room when he first walked in. “I see that it’s all women who look gorgeous when they wake up.”

  Zora smoothed her hand over her unruly hair. “Would you like some coffee, Art?”

  He held up his hand. “No, but thank you. What I wanted to tell you two was that step one of the process is over.”

  “Step one?” Grant questioned. He slung his jacket over his arm to give the man the indication that he needed to hurry up with his news.

  “Yes, the next step is that you two will need to be tested for STDs.”

  Zora gasped. “You’ve got to be joking.”

  Art shook his head. “Afraid not. We all go through it every six months.” He fished around in his pants’ pocket and pulled out a business card. “I’ve made arrangements for you and Zora to go to the lab in my office building at five o’clock this evening.”

  “Zora has to work then.”

  “I can get off early,” she said, her voice sounding lighter than Grant had ever heard it.

  “Wonderful.” Art turned to the door. “I’ll go over the rules and regulations with you all tonight. Once the results are in, we can start.”

  “Start? Start what?” Grant asked.

  Art smiled, then walked out the door.

  Before Grant left for work, he kissed Zora and said, “Keep that door locked. These people don’t understand the concept of personal space around here.”

  She laughed. T
he sound of it made his happy johnson twitch. If she only knew.

  “I’ll see you here tonight and we’ll go there together.”

  She nodded.

  He walked out of the house to his car. Birds chirped their hellos. The sun’s golden haze covered the neighborhood until, with the morning dew, it looked like everything sparkled. Summer was always his favorite season.

  What Grant viewed on the way to his car changed his perception of the goodness of the season.

  Standing naked and spread-eagle on the porch, three doors down was Lynia. Upon careful inspection he saw that her wrists were bound to the porch railings keeping her arms above her head and held apart. Standing in black stilettos, her ankles were bound to the bottom wood railings as well. Stuffed in her mouth was a red ball gag secured by a tight leather strap.

  Grant stopped in his tracks when he saw the sight and wondered if she was in pain or needed help. He couldn’t tell from her mouth but the corners of her eyes hitched up as if she was smiling.

  Over by Art’s car again stood Art and Winta. Instead of her giving him a blow job like she had the morning before, she kissed him as her hand steadily made a piston-like motion up and down at the level of his penis, again hidden behind his car. Art closed his eyes and rolled his head back, enjoying the treatment. And who wouldn’t?

  Dressed in a pink, cropped lace t-shirt with skinny straps, Winta looked all of the pure sex fiend that Grant suspected her to be.

  Just as he reached his car, Grant caught Art giving Winta a nod. She lowered herself to her knees probably to finish off her handy work.

  “Shit,” Grant muttered under his breath.

  As he unlocked his door, he saw Evan and Garland on the side of their house. Garland, held up by Evan, had her legs wrapped around his hips and her arms around his shoulders as he fucked her. She let out a low grumble that rumbled over the street.

  Before his penis could burst through his pants, Grant hopped inside. Determined not to take in any more of the morning glories, he kept his gaze down as he started the car and sped away, not waiting for it to warm up.


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