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[Acorna 08] - First Warning: Acorna's Children (with Elizabeth Ann Scarborough)

Page 27

by Anne McCaffrey

  She felt protest from some of the minds of the more receptive Luna Fridans who were aware of her conflict. How could she let them down? She was as good as killing them!

  Khorii thought and thought, then came to a decision. If she exhausted herself trying to save as many as possible, she could be with her parents again. That was a better alternative than what these people had to face. She took a deep breath, readying herself to plunge back into the water.

  “Hey, Khorii! Are you going to hog the swimming hole or can anybody play?”

  “Great-aunt Neeva?”

  “Right behind you, youngling. Flying around trying to decontaminate all of those smelly old Federation outpost relays is dry work. Can we come swimming with you and your friends?”


  “Melireenya and Kharii of course, and Maati and Thariinye. We contacted the Condor, then the Mana, to find you. Don’t worry, little one. We, as the humans say, have got your back. And we heard what you did on LoiLoiKua, so we have cleverly divined the moistened nature of your master plan.”

  The hard footfalls of two-toed Linyaari feet clattered behind her, and what parts of her had begun to dry while she was debating her decision to continue healing were soaked all over again as five Linyaari bodies dived gleefully into the reservoir, leaving a grateful Khorii to sink to her knees, smiling and crying with relief at the same time.

  Standing outside her parents’ cabin door aboard the Condor once more, Khorii came to believe something she had always thought was mere folklore concerning the origin of the Linyaari people. It was said that the Ancestors who lived in a secret place on Vhiliinyar were part goat. They looked very much like small, bearded, cloven-hooved, horned horses, and Khorii had never wanted to believe they could be related to a lowly animal from old Terra mostly known for providing smelly cheese. But now her parents’ stubbornness made her think of the legendary hard heads of the goats, and she was pretty sure that she numbered those humble animals somewhere in her evolutionary chain.

  “Okay, I understand. You are trying to protect me and everyone else in the multiverse, as usual. But, look…There’s something I forgot to tell you, probably because you haven’t let me see you yet and it slipped my mind. I can see the plague.”

  “Are you sure?” her father asked. “How?”

  “The same way Mother can tell the mineral content of asteroids and that sort of thing. I can see the life-forms that make up the plague. I’ve been able to ever since we found the derelict. I see all these little specks, and when they see my horn coming, they run for it and just vanish.”

  “I’m very proud of you, darling,” Mother said.

  “But the thing is, if you are still infected or affected or whatever, if you’d just let me see, I could tell you for sure. Then you’d know.”

  “Khorii,” her father said a little sternly, “we’ve already explained.”

  “Sí, sí, sí,” she said in the rather mocking singsong she’d picked up from Jalonzo over the last few days while she’d been trying to decide what to do about her parents and the mission in general. “But as I’ve already explained, and the boys assure me that this is true, and furthermore Grandsire Kaarlye and Grandam Miiri think they are using sound scientific logic, kids don’t get the plague. At least, not yet. The odds are we don’t get any mutations either because we think this was deliberately set to attack active healthy adults during their reproductive years, not kids or elders. So—so you should let me in so I can tell if you are carrying the plague.” Khorii’s voice quavered for just a moment, and she sucked in a deep breath, trying to be strong.

  What if they still refused? Would she ever see them again? Don’t be silly, she scolded herself. Of course you will.

  Very much to her surprise, the door irised open. Although Khorii wanted to rush inside, she stepped in slowly, and the door shut behind her.

  “Oh,” she said. Blue specks floated around each of her parents as they moved. None seemed to be trying to drift toward Khorii, but they didn’t vanish either, despite the fact that her parents’ horns were once again their usual color and shape.

  “Blue specks,” she said.

  Her mother nodded. “We told you. It’s a mutant strain. It would almost have to be. And it could infect you or other Linyaari.”

  “Not me,” Khorii said. “Not yet. And not elders or other Linyaari kids. So I want a hug. If you infect me, the worst that can happen is I get to stay with you. But I’ll know if I’m okay.”

  Stiffly at first, then with great enthusiasm, all of them hugged and kissed and cried, and Khorii tried to tell them all of her adventures in one long thought.

  When she finally stepped away, none of the blue specks clung to her but neither had any been removed from either of her parents.

  Captain Becker’s impatient voice boomed over the intercom. “So, what’s the verdict?”

  “Guilty as charged,” Father said, with a sad smile.

  Uncle Joh took a deep breath. “Okay, then. Well, as your captain and your social secretary today, I need to tell you that there are some other people here to communicate with you.”

  “People? Who?”

  “It’s us, Aari dear,” Grandam Miiri’s voice said. “Your father and I have a plan we need to discuss with you.”

  Two Standard days later, Elviiz, Khiindi and Khorii waved goodbye as the Condor headed back to Vhiliinyar, accompanied by Kaarlye and Miiri.

  Khorii could hardly breathe for the tightness in her chest that had nothing to do with the plague. Her parents and the Condor crew were returning to their homeworld, where Kaarlye and Miiri would guide them to a special private enclave built for the Ancestors, who were the oldest beings on the planet and said to be the wisest as well. Khorii had reassured everyone that the strain of the plague Mother and Father carried could not attack her grandparents any more than it had attacked her. Therefore, they and the elders should be safe. Although she had been able to cure Captain Becker and RK of the mutant strain, her horn had no effect on the strain surrounding her parents, nor had she been able to disinfect the Condor totally. So all of them, Mother, Father, Uncle Joh, RK and even Maak, would wait with the Ancestors while she and her friends, human, feline, and Linyaari alike, searched for the malevolent entity who had created the plague and for a permanent cure.

  It was only a temporary measure, Khorii told herself. She had no doubt that soon they would all be together again for good, but it could never be soon enough to suit her. And woe to the person or persons or beings or whatever who had caused so much suffering throughout the galaxy, for as she stood on the bridge watching the Condor fade into space, Khorii vowed to find the entity that had done this and bring that entity to justice.

  It was her mission. And it was a mission that she would pursue if it took her to the end of the galaxy or beyond.

  Glossary of Terms and Proper Names in the Acorna Universe

  aagroni—Linyaari name for a vocation that is a combination of ecologist, agriculturalist, botanist, and biologist. Aagroni are responsible for terraforming new planets for settlement as well as maintaining the well-being of populated planets.

  Aari—a Linyaari of the Nyaarya clan, captured by the Khleevi during the invasion of Vhiliinyar, tortured, and left for dead on the abandoned planet. He’s Maati’s older brother. Aari survived and was rescued and restored to his people by Jonas Becker and Roadkill. But Aari’s differences, the physical and psychological scars left behind by his adventures, make it difficult for him to fit in among the Linyaari.

  Aarlii—a Linyaari survey team member, firstborn daughter of Captain Yaniriin.

  Aarkiiyi—member of the Linyaari survey team on Vhiliinyar.

  abaanye—a Linyaari sleeping potion that can be fatal in large doses.

  Acorna—a unicorn-like humanoid discovered as an infant by three human miners—Calum, Gill, and Rafik. She has the power to heal and purify with her horn. Her uniqueness has already shaken up the human galaxy, especially the planet Kezdet. She’s now fu
lly grown and changing the lives of her own people, as well. Among her own people, she is known as Kornya.

  Ali Baba—Aziza’s ship.

  Allende, Jalonzo—a young genius from the planet Paloduro.

  Ancestors—unicorn-like sentient species, precursor race to the Linyaari. Also known as ki-lin.

  Ancestral Friends—an ancient shape-changing and space-faring race responsible for saving the unicorns (or Ancestors) from Old Terra, and using them to create the Linyaari race on Vhiliinyar.

  Ancestral Hosts—see Ancestral Friends.

  Andina—owner of the cleaning concession on MOO, and sometimes lady companion to Captain Becker.

  Aridimi Desert—a vast, barren desert on the Makahomian planet, site of a hidden Temple and a sacred lake.

  Aridimis—people from the Makahomian Aridimi desert.

  Arkansas Traveler—freight-hauling spaceship piloted by Scaradine MacDonald.

  Asha Bates—teacher on the Maganos Moonbase.

  Attendant—Linyaari who have been selected for the task of caring for the Ancestors.

  Avvi—Linyaari word for “daddy.”

  Aziza Amunpul—head of a troop of dancers and thieves, who, after being reformed, becomes Hafiz’s chief security officer on MOO.

  Balakiire—the Linyaari spaceship commanded by Acorna’s aunt Neeva.

  Basic—shorthand for Standard Galactic, the language used throughout human-settled space.

  Becker—see Jonas Becker

  Bulaybub Felidar sach Pilau ardo Agorah—a Makahomian Temple priest, better known by his real name—Tagoth. A priest who supports modernizing the Makahomian way of life, he was a favorite of Nadhari Kando, before her departure from the planet. He has a close relationship in his young relative, Miw-Sher.

  Calla Kaczmarek—the psychologist and psychology/sociology instructor on Maganos Moonbase.

  Calum Baird—one of three miners who discovered Acorna and raised her.

  chrysoberyl—a precious catseye gemstone available in large supply and great size on the planet of Makahomia, but also, very rarely and in smaller sizes, throughout the known universe. The stones are considered sacred on Makahomia, and are guarded by the priest class and the Temples. Throughout the rest of the universe, they are used in the mining and terraforming industries across the universe.

  Commodore Crezhale—an officer in the Federation Health Service.

  Condor—Jonas Becker’s salvage ship, heavily modified to incorporate various “found” items Becker has come across in his space voyages.

  Crow—Becker’s shuttle, used to go between the Condor and places in which the Condor is unable to land.

  Declan “Gill” Giloglie—one of three human miners who discovered Acorna and raised her.

  Delszaki Li—once the richest man on Kezdet, opposed to child exploitation, made many political enemies. He lived his life paralyzed, floating in an antigravity chair. Clever and devious, he both hijacked and rescued Acorna and gave her a cause—saving the children of Kezdet. He became her adopted father. Li’s death was a source of tremendous sadness to all but his enemies.

  Dinan—Temple priest and doctor in Hissim.

  Dinero Grande—a world in the Solojo star system.

  Dolores M. Grimwald—Captain of the ship La Estrella Blanca, deceased, an early victim of the space plague.

  Domestic Goddess—Andina’s spaceship.

  Dsu Macostut—Federation officer, Lieutenant Commander of the Federation base on Makahomia.

  Edacki Ganoosh—corrupt Kezdet count, uncle of Kisla Manjari.

  Egstynkeraht—A planet supporting several forms of sulfur-based sentient life.

  Elviiz—Mac’s son, a Linyaari childlike android, given as a wedding/birth gift to Acorna and Aari. According to Mac, the android is named for an ancient Terran king, and is often called Viiz for short.

  enye-ghanyii—Linyaari time unit, small portion of ghaanye.

  Fagad—Temple priest in the Aridimi desert, who spied for Mulzar Edu Kando.

  Felihari—one of the Makavitian Rain Forest tribes on Makahomia.

  Feriila—Acorna’s mother.

  Fiicki—Linyaari communications officer on Vhiliinyar expedition.

  Fiirki Miilkar—a Linyaari animal specialist.

  Fiiryi—a Linyaari

  fraaki—Linyaari word for fish.

  Friends—also known as Ancestral Friends. A shape-changing and space-faring race responsible for saving the unicorns from Old Terra and using them to create the Linyaari race on Vhiliinyar.

  Gaali—highest peak on Vhiliinyar, never scaled by the Linyaari people. The official marker for Vhiliinyar’s date line, anchoring the meridian line that sets the end of the old day and the beginning of the new day across the planet as it rotates Our Star at the center of the solar system. With nearby peaks Zaami and Kaahi, the high mountains are a mystical place for most Linyaari.

  ghaanye (pl. ghaanyi)—a Linyaari year.

  gheraalye malivii—Linyaari for navigation officer.

  gheraalye ve-khanyii—Linyaari for senior communications officer.

  giirange—office of toastmaster in a Linyaari social organization.

  Grimalkin—an Ancestral Friend who became entangled with Aari and Acorna in their voyages through time. He even impersonated Aari for a while. He was punished for his impudence by his people, who trapped him in the body of a cat and took away his machinery for time travel and time control. He has become Khorii’s boon companion—she calls him Khiindi. He is the key to a number of secrets that none of the humans or Linyaari are privy to, including the fate of Khorii’s lost twin.

  GSS—Gravitation Stabilization System.

  haarha liirni—Linyaari term for advanced education, usually pursued during adulthood while on sabbatical from a previous calling.

  Hafiz Harakamian—Rafik’s uncle, head of the interstellar financial empire of House Harakamian, a passionate collector of rarities from throughout the galaxy and a devotee of the old-fashioned sport of horseracing. Although basically crooked enough to hide behind a spiral staircase, he is genuinely fond of Rafik and Acorna.

  Hap Hellstrom—a student on Maganos Moonbase.

  Heloise—Andina’s spaceship.

  Highmagister HaGurdy—the Ancestral Friend in charge of the Hosts on old Vhiliinyar.

  Hissim—the biggest city on Makahomia, home of the largest Temple.

  Hraaya—an Ancestor.

  Hrronye—Melireenya’s lifemate.

  Hrunvrun—the first Linyaari Ancestral attendant.

  Iiiliira—a Linyaari ship.

  Iirtye—chief aagroni for narhii-Vhilliinyar.

  Ikwaskwan—self-styled leader of the Kilumbembese Red Bracelets. Depending on circumstances and who he is trying to impress, he is known as either “General Ikwaskwan” or “Admiral Ikwaskwan,” though both ranks are self-assigned. Entered into devious dealings with Edacki Ganoosh that led to his downfall.

  Johnny Greene—an old friend of Calum, Rafik, and Gill; joined the Starfarers when he was fired after Amalgamated Mining’s takeover of MME.

  Jonas Becker—interplanetary salvage artist; alias space junkman. Captain of the Condor. CEO of Becker Interplanetary Recycling and Salvage Enterprises Ltd.—a one-man, one-cat salvage firm Jonas inherited from his adopted father. Jonas spent his early youth on a labor farm on the planet Kezdet before he was adopted.

  Judit Kendoro—assistant to psychiatrist Alton Forelle at Amalgamated Mining, saved Acorna from certain death. Later fell in love with Gill and joined with him to help care for the children employed in Delszaki Li’s Maganos mining operation.

  Kaahi—a high mountain peak on Vhiliinyar.

  Kaalmi Vroniiyi—leader of the Linyaari Council, which made the decision to restore the ruined planet Vhiliinyar, with Hafiz’s help and support, to a state that would once again support the Linyaari and all the life-forms native to the planet.

  Kaarlye—the father of Aari, Maati, and Laarye. A member of the Nyaarya clan, and life-bonded to Miir

  ka-Linyaari—something against all Linyaari beliefs, something not Linyaari.

  Karina—a plumply beautiful wanna-be psychic with a small shred of actual talent and a large fondness for profit. Married to Hafiz Harakamian. This is her first marriage, his second.

  Kashirian Steppes—Makahomian region that produces the best fighters.

  Kashirians—Makahomians from the Kashirian Steppes.

  kava—a coffeelike hot drink produced from roasted ground beans.

  KEN—a line of general-purpose male androids, some with customized specializations, differentiated among their owners by number, for example—KEN637.

  Kezdet—a backwoods planet with a labor system based on child exploitation. Currently in economic turmoil because that system was broken by Delszaki Li and Acorna.

  Khaari—senior Linyaari navigator on the Balakiire.

  Khiindi—He is supposedly Khorii’s cat, one of RK’s offspring. He is, however, much more than that. He is actually Grimalkin, an Ancestral Friend who got into more mischief than his shapeshifting people approved of. They trapped him in the body of a cat and gave him to Khorii, as penance for his harm to her family and also to allow Grimalkin time to work out his destiny.

  Khleevi—name given by Acorna’s people to the space-borne enemies who have attacked them without mercy.

  Khoriilya—Acorna and Aari’s oldest child, a daughter, known as Khorii for short.

  Krishna-Murti Company—The shipping and supply company that subcontracts to House Harakamian and owns the Mana, Jaya’s ship.

  kii—a Linyaari time measurement roughly equivalent to an hour of Standard Time.


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