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SEAL's Revenge (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 4)

Page 16

by Makenna Jameison

  “You should move out here,” Hailey said with a grin. “Otherwise, how will you ever catch up?” she joked. “But seriously, think of how much fun it would be! There are plenty of DOD jobs in this area. You might even be able to stay with your same defense contractor and switch to a job out here.”

  “Who knows what’ll happen,” she said, and Ethan resisted the urge to smile. He loved how she immediately looked over to him. He went back to the table, sinking down into a seat beside her. He took her hand in his, not caring that all his friends could see them. His large hand practically engulfed hers, but hell if he didn’t love the feel of her smaller, feminine hand in his own.

  “I’m still pretty much in shock here,” Ethan admitted. “I figured Raptor would get hitched first and knock up his woman.”

  Clarissa playfully swatted at him. “Hey now,” she chastised.

  “We’re waiting a few years for kids,” Blake said. “Eventually? Sure, we’d love to have a few. But we’re not in a rush.”

  “Absolutely not,” Clarissa agreed. “How long will you be out here, Kim?” she asked, changing the subject from children.

  “Well, my flight back is next Sunday. My mom was upset that I flew out here to begin with. I mean, I just got home. I just needed to get away from everything back home and clear my head though. Right now, it feels like I’m on vacation and can just ignore the rest of my life for a while.”

  “You definitely need to come visit when the weather is warm so we can hit the beach,” Hailey said. “Of course, I’ll be majorly pregnant by the summer waddling around, but….”

  Kim smiled, shaking her head. “I don’t even know what I’m doing next week, let alone next summer.”

  “That’s okay,” Ethan said easily. “You’ll come out here again. You two can relax on the beach while Ghost surfs.”

  “Do you surf?” Kim asked, looking over at him curiously.

  “Nope. Troy does. He grew up here in California. And although I’m from Florida, I never got into surfing. I do love scuba diving. We dive now as SEALs, but even when I was a teenager, I was into it.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty cool,” Kimberly said. “I’ve been snorkeling but never scuba diving.”

  “California’s not the greatest for snorkeling, obviously. Florida of course has awesome spots both with and without a boat.”

  “Huh,” she said, looking interested. For a brief flash, Ethan pictured taking Kimberly back home with him to Florida—introducing her to his parents, enjoying the beaches together, and showing her where he grew up. It was such a vivid image in his mind, he blinked, trying to clear his head.

  He wasn’t about to take her home with him. Was he? They weren’t officially dating. And yet with the looks his friends were giving him, he knew Kimberly was special. He wasn’t about to let her fly home in a few days and ignore whatever was brewing between them. He cared about her. And he sure as hell never had felt the instant connection and chemistry they had before.

  Grayson was telling the women about the time he’d tried to teach some of the guys to surf, and Ethan smirked, getting up to take the burgers off the grill. For a bunch of guys who loved the water, they hadn’t been great at surfing. Jackson was massive and hadn’t been able to balance long on the surfboard. Logan had been more interested in flirting with some pretty women watching them on the beach. And Ethan and Blake had done okay for beginners but were more content tossing a football around on the sand.


  Now that Hailey was pregnant, he wondered if Ghost would keep surfing. Maybe this summer, but next year they’d have a toddler running around. Troy might be out there surfing alone.

  It was crazy how fast life had changed.

  “I want to learn to surf,” Kim suddenly said, surprising him. She was adventurous, so he supposed that shouldn’t have caught him off guard.

  “As soon as it’s warm enough,” Ghost promised. “You can come back and stay with us or hang with this knucklehead again.”

  Ethan watched the pink spread across her cheeks. Hell. He liked the idea of her coming back. Could he do a long-distance relationship? It was hard enough for most women to be dating a guy in the Special Forces when they lived in the same zip code. Then again, if she had her own life on the East Coast—at least for now—she wouldn’t miss him as much. He’d deploy on his ops, and she’d still be living her life back in Virginia.

  Why that bothered him so much, he wasn’t sure. Did he really want her to move out here? That was nuts. A woman wouldn’t just move cross country for a man she barely knew.

  “Food’s ready,” he said.

  “Oh, I should get the side dishes,” Kim said, standing up and going back into the house. Clarissa followed after her to help.

  Ghost smirked. “She seems comfortable here.”

  Hailey lightly swatted him. “Don’t tease them.”

  He chuckled. “I like her. I’m just not used to seeing Ethan with a woman at his place. I’m pretty sure that’s happened all of never.”

  “Maybe she’ll move out here, we’ll have a double wedding, and all raise our kids together. We’ll put you two on daddy duty while we go to the beach and watch all the BUD/S trainees.”

  Grayson nearly choked on the beer he was drinking. “Hey now. Those guys might be younger, but experience counts for something.” He winked as Hailey flushed, and Ethan shook his head. Damn. At the rate they were going, in a couple of years, his teammates would be raising kids. He knew Jackson and Taryn wanted them. Not that they were engaged yet. But if Hailey was newly pregnant, by this time next year, they’d have a baby.

  “We could smoke those guys in BUD/S any day,” Logan joked.

  Jackson raised his eyebrows. “We could, but why would we want to? I’m too old for that nonsense,” he joked.

  “Hey, you’ve got a pretty girl,” Logan said with a grin. “The rest of us still have to find ways to impress the women around San Diego.”

  Ethan set the burgers on the table and moved to the door, lifting the heavy tray from Kim’s hands. “You didn’t need to bring it all out at once,” he said, smiling down at her. “I was planning to come help as soon as I got the burgers.”

  “I know. I’m just efficient that way,” she joked. “I live in an apartment, remember? I haul all my groceries in at once to save myself some trips.”

  “It’s true,” Hailey chimed in. “I’ve seen it.”

  “Speaking of apartments, we need to get a bigger place,” Grayson said. “We’ll need a couple more bedrooms and a nice yard.”

  Clarissa set down the drinks she’d carried out behind Kim. “Where would you guys move?”

  Ethan handed Kim a plate, only half listening to his friends talk as he watched her get some food. Her dark hair blew in the breeze, and she looked over and smiled, a flush creeping across her cheeks. He wondered if she’d want him to hold her in his arms again tonight. Not that he expected anything else to happen. Hell. He’d wait however long she needed.

  But he wouldn’t mind holding her close, feeling all those soft curves against him as they lay in his bed. His bed. He wanted her there, he realized. Holding her in the guest room had been one thing, but to have her in his space?


  His groin tightened just thinking about her lithe curves between his sheets.

  Kim was beautiful. She was adventurous and clearly strong for having endured her captivity. She was smart, too. She had a master’s degree and a job at the Pentagon. She was someone who’d always hold her own. Not that he’d mind supporting a woman when he did settle down one day, but she didn’t seem like the type who’d be content to stay home. He didn’t even know if she wanted kids.

  And although that kiss earlier had been the briefest of all kisses, hell if he didn’t want more. Someday he’d love to slowly undress her and explore all those gentle curves. He’d wait forever if he had to, but nothing would be better than kissing all that soft skin and making her come apart in his arms.

  “These burgers
smell amazing,” Kim said, and his gaze shifted back to her as she took a seat.

  “I forgot the ketchup,” Ethan said. “You want another beer?” he asked Ghost.

  His buddy nodded and jumped up, following him into the house. “You two look like you’d rather be alone than have the entire team here,” he said with a chuckle as they walked into the kitchen. They heard a roar of laughter outside, and Ethan looked outside and wondered what Blake had just told everyone.

  “I saw that look you were giving her,” Ghost ribbed him.

  “She’s beautiful,” Ethan said. “And I care about her. I’d never rush her into something though. She’s been through a hell of a lot. I just—I like her.”

  “When you know, you know,” Ghost quipped. “Look what happened with Hailey and me.”

  “That’s different,” Ethan protested.

  Ghost popped the cap on his beer, taking a long pull. “How so? We met in Bagram, Hailey moved out here, and she pretty much moved in and never left.”

  “Well, Kim’s not moving out here for one thing,” he said dryly.

  They headed back to the door, watching the women laughing on the patio with the rest of their friends. Kim’s eyes shone brightly as she giggled with Hailey, and Ethan swore his heart swelled. It was good to see her so happy.

  “Never say never,” Grayson said.

  Ethan’s gaze shifted back to him. “I had the crazy notion of taking her home to meet my folks,” Ethan admitted. “I can’t say I’ve ever wanted that with a woman before. But damn. She’s got me wrapped around her finger and doesn’t even know it.”

  His buddy laughed. “I knew you were whipped. Welcome to the club.”

  Chapter 19

  Three days later, Kimberly flipped the fried eggs on the stove while Ethan showered after PT. He had to head into base again that morning but had off the next couple of days. She planned to go jogging with him then, but for now, he’d gotten in a workout with his team.

  He’d held her in his arms every night, and after the very first night in the guestroom, she’d moved down the hallway into his bedroom. They hadn’t really discussed it. After the dinner with his teammates, they’d just gravitated there at bedtime. More of her things had ended up on Ethan’s dresser, and he’d finally just carried her suitcase in there as well.

  It felt more intimate sleeping in his space—in his bed. Ethan’s bedroom was sparsely masculine, but she loved snuggling up with him beneath his sheets. Nothing felt better than Ethan’s muscular body wrapped around hers, and her nightmares had abruptly stopped when she began sleeping in his arms.

  Things had progressed naturally between them. They’d done no more than kiss, and Ethan had always assured her that she was in charge. She’d definitely felt his arousal that morning as he’d spooned her in bed. Maybe it should’ve frightened her, but this was Ethan. The man who’d risked his own life to save her.

  “That smells amazing,” Ethan said, walking into the kitchen in only his boxers. She couldn’t imagine feeling comfortable enough to walk around in nothing but her bra and panties, but he wasn’t shy in the least. And he looked damn good bare-chested. “You didn’t have to get up early and cook for me.”

  “I wanted to,” she said, watching as he crossed the room toward her.

  She squealed in surprise as he lifted her up onto the counter, ducked down, and kissed her. His lips were soft and full, and when he kissed her this way, she swore she could see stars. Kimberly spread her legs slightly, pulling him closer, and let him kiss her more deeply. He’d shaved and smelled of clean soap, but there was something real and raw about him as well.

  She was shocked to feel her panties dampening. She was crazy attracted to Ethan but hadn’t expected to feel anything sexual for a man for a long time. Ethan pressed slightly closer as their kiss intensified, and then she felt his erection right between her thighs.

  Kim gasped, shocked at how aroused she was, and he quickly shifted away.


  She rested a palm on his bare chest, trying to catch her breath. “It’s fine, Ethan. I’m fine. God. You felt so good against me.”

  His dark gaze met hers, and he kissed her again but made sure he wasn’t rubbing against her this time. “I don’t want to scare you,” he admitted.

  “You don’t scare me, Ethan. I might not be ready to strip naked and go at it on the kitchen floor, but you kissing me is fine. More than fine.”

  He chuckled, looking in amusement down at the tile. “My bed is much more comfortable anyway,” he joked.

  “Yep. That too,” she said, heat washing over her face. “Help me down?”

  He cupped her cheeks instead, looking at her intently. “I love having you here. I’ve never lived with a woman before, never had anything like this. I like you in my space and in my life. I know Hailey was joking about you moving out here, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it.”

  “I don’t want to leave you,” she admitted. “I can’t just up and move cross-country though. My job, my life—everything is back in Virginia.”

  “I could see about transferring to Little Creek.”

  Her mouth dropped open in shock. “You’d do that?”

  His hands moved to her hips, his thumbs tracing in small circles. She had on another set of lightweight sleep shorts and a tank top. Ethan’s touch through the thin cotton felt like it was burning into her skin. And with his large frame before her, she felt fragile and delicate.

  “I would if it meant I could be closer to you. Hell. My family is on the east coast. I’d be closer to them, too.”

  “But your friends and teammates…your entire career is here.”

  “It is, but I could join a different SEAL team. You just went through hell. I know your family is back in DC. I’d understand if you couldn’t leave them. Little Creek is a hell of a lot closer than Coronado. We’d be able to see each other on weekends.”

  Her eyes watered as she looked up at him. “This feels so impossible.”

  Ethan stepped closer once more, and she spread her legs wider, letting him in as he gently ran his thumb over her cheek and swiped away a stray tear. “Not impossible. I want to make this work. To make us work.”

  She reached out, pulling him closer, until his sex brushed up against hers once more.

  “I’m trying to go slowly with you,” he said huskily.

  “What if I don’t want slow?” she whispered.

  Suddenly Kim shrieked as the smoke alarm went off, the eggs she’d left on the stove smoking.

  “Shit,” Ethan said, lifting her down from the counter. He grabbed the pan off the stove, shutting it off, then crossed the kitchen. He dumped the eggs into the sink, turning on the water as Kim rushed to open a window and let some of the burnt smell out.

  “Oh my God,” Kim muttered. “I almost burned your house down!”

  “We almost burned it down,” he chuckled. “But they were smoking, not actually on fire. And we were right here.”

  “And I ruined breakfast,” she said.

  Ethan winked. “That kiss was totally worth it. I do have to eat and get to base though. You’re sure you’ll be okay by yourself today? Tomorrow we can head to the beach or do whatever you want.”

  “Yeah. I’ll just hang out and read again. Hailey will come by in the afternoon, and then I’ll see you tonight.”

  Ethan frowned as he looked in the fridge. “There’s only one egg left. Are you okay with us eating cereal?”

  “I’m fine with it,” she assured him.

  He looked over at her, pausing for a moment. “What?” she asked, flushing. She’d just been pressed up against the man, kissing him, but the heat in his eyes from across the room was so intense, she felt like she was about to combust.

  “I like coming home to you,” he admitted. “I don’t mean that in a sexist way, like I’d want you sitting around my house all day every day. I just like having you here.”

  “Me too,” she said. “I’ve lived alone for a long time, and I sure the
hell never expected to meet someone when I went TDY to Bagram.”

  He moved closer to her, quickly brushing a kiss over her lips. “We’ll figure this out. Promise.”

  Her cell phone rang on the kitchen table, and she saw her sister’s name flash across the screen. “Hey Shannon,” she said. “What’s up? Why are you calling so early?”

  “Kim,” her sister said. “Someone broke into your apartment. The police just contacted us. Your door was broken down.”

  “What?” Kim asked in surprise. “Someone robbed me?”

  Ethan turned toward her, his eyes narrowing. For a man who was standing there only in his boxers, he looked positively deadly. His entire body had stiffened, and he was completely alert.

  “I don’t know. Dad’s on his way over there now to meet with them. It sounded like they didn’t think anything had been taken.”

  Kim rubbed her forehead. “But they broke in? Do you think someone was looking for me?”

  “Tell me what’s happening,” Ethan demanded.

  “Shannon, I’m going to put you on speaker phone.”

  Shannon quickly repeated what she’d told Kim. “The neighbors saw someone running away and called 911. Hopefully they got surveillance footage. Dad is giving the police your contact information, so you’ll hear from them later.”

  “Was there a description of the suspect?” Ethan asked.

  “One of the neighbors thought he might be Middle Eastern.” Ethan stiffened, clenching his fist. “I’ll get a better description from the police,” her sister continued. “Wait—do you think this is related to her kidnapping? Oh my God. I just wanted to call as soon as I heard anything….”

  “You did the right thing,” Ethan assured her.

  Kim could see the anger on his face. But the DC metro area was extremely diverse. Just because a man who appeared to be Middle Eastern broke into her apartment didn’t mean it was directly related to Bagram.

  “Be careful,” Kim told her sister. “I hope this is just some sort of weird coincidence, but I’m worried someone was looking for me. Let me know as soon as you find out anything else.”


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