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Trouble with Luv'

Page 25

by Pamela Yaye


  “Just like that?”

  “Just like that.” Ebony brushed her eyes tenderly over his face. There was nothing to think about. Xavier was the one. The right one. He improved her life dramatically. Not in financial means but in the ways that mattered most. Spiritually, emotionally and mentally. She had never defined her self-worth by a man, but Ebony had never felt more beautiful than when she was with Xavier. And there was no doubt in her mind that the day she became Mrs. Xavier Reed was going to be the happiest day of her life. Anticipating his next question, Ebony pressed an index finger to his lips to quiet him. “I’m sure about this. I love you and I want to be with you for always. I know that sounds corny as hell, but it’s true.” They sealed their reunion with another kiss.

  When they broke apart, Ebony spotted Xavier’s date at the bar. The woman was watching them, a funny expression on her face. “I should go over there and apologize to that poor girl. She probably hates you!”

  Ebony watched in stunned silence as Xavier raised his glass in the direction of the bar. Smiling, the brunette gave him a small wave.

  “Th-th-this…this was a setup!”

  Xavier neither confirmed nor denied her suspicions.

  “You sent Jacqueline to my house with that pitiful ‘Xavier is miserable without you’ story just to lure me over here!”

  “No, that part of the story was true!”

  Ebony pointed a finger at the brunette. “Who’s that?”

  Xavier struggled to keep a straight face. “My co-worker, Sandy, she teaches English.”

  “But how did you know I’d show up?”

  Brimming with confidence and smiling generously, he said, “I just did.”

  “You tricked me!” Ebony gave him a shot in the arm. “You liar!”

  “Now, is that any way to talk to your future husband?”


  Six months later

  “So, how does it feel to be an old married woman?” Opal asked, once the waiter left to place their orders. “Have your feet touched the ground yet or are you still floating on clouds?”

  “Girl, please,” Kendall scoffed. “Girlfriend doesn’t even remember how to walk!”

  Ebony laughed. Shaking her head wistfully, she admired her glittering pear-shaped diamond ring. “Who knew marriage could be this sweet? I’m so happy I don’t know what to do with myself!”

  Opal and Kendall cracked up.

  “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn’t hear it,” Kendall told her, rubbing her hands over her protruding belly. She was seven months pregnant, and in a clingy white turtleneck sweater, her stomach looked twice its normal size. “I’m just thankful Xavier stuck with your stubborn behind.”

  More laughter.

  “Ladies,” the waiter said in a diluted German accent, “here are your drinks.”

  “So, how was the honeymoon?” Opal asked, once the waiter left. “Did you guys have a chance to do any sightseeing or were you too busy doing other things?”

  Ebony and Xavier had returned late last night from St. Lucia. After grabbing some groceries from Big Stop Foods and moving some of his boxes from the garage into the house, they had collapsed into bed exhausted.

  “What do you think?” The playful expression on Ebony’s face brought giggles from her two friends. She took a sip of her Long Island iced tea, and then said, “We expected the island to be swarming with tourists because of the holiday season, but it was fairly quiet. We basically had the place to ourselves.”

  “Did you leave your hotel room or what?” Kendall asked.

  “That husband of mind wanted to stay in bed all day, but I reminded him it was our honeymoon, and there was a lot I wanted to see—outdoors.” Ebony chuckled at the memory of Xavier’s crestfallen face when he learned they wouldn’t be spending all day and all night in their honeymoon suite. “Our first stop was Pigeon Island—an absolutely breathtaking natural park with several historical sights and statues. I loved it there. Later in the week, I dragged Xavier to the Marquis Estate. He complained the whole way there, but once we reached the plantation house and finished the tour, he was glad we went. The lunch they served was to die for and the staff shared some amusing island folk tales with us. On our last night we went on a romantic boat ride and even managed to sneak in some shopping.” Ebony turned to Opal. “I got some stuff for the girls and some adorable tie-died outfits for Andrew, Jr. I can’t wait until Jacqueline and Andrew come over tomorrow night. He’s probably grown a foot in the two weeks we’ve been gone!”

  Kendall pushed her chair back and swung her purse over her shoulder. “Be right back, ladies. If the food comes while I’m gone, start eating without me.”

  Opal tasted her drink. “How are things going with Jacqueline? She looked happy at the wedding.”

  “I doubt that we’ll ever be best friends, but we’re cool. Did I tell you that she dropped by the Calhoun Square Boutique the day before the wedding?” When Opal shook her head, Ebony continued. “Yeah, she tried on a few items from the new Women of Sensuality line but didn’t buy anything. So I bought the silk pajamas and accompanying robe that she tried on and gave them to her as a gift.”

  “That was thoughtful.”

  Ebony glanced outside and was surprised to see large snowflakes falling from the sky. It had been snowing off and on since last night. “I think we’ll be okay.” She added, “As long as I keep supplying her with expensive lingerie.”

  Both women laughed.

  Kendall returned and their lunch entrées soon arrived. Conversation was put on pause as the server got the orders straight and refilled their drinks.

  “How are things going with Doc? Are you and Charles an official couple now?” Ebony took a healthy bite of her jerk chicken and chewed slowly. After all the food she had eaten on her honeymoon, it was a wonder she could still fit into any of her clothes. “I kept my eye on you guys during the reception. You looked mighty cozy.”

  Kendall examined Opal with her eyes. “They were, weren’t they?”

  “We’re taking things slow. Charles might not be tall, dark and handsome, but he’s cute, honest and sincere. A woman can’t ask for much more than that.”

  Kendall and Ebony nodded in agreement.

  Opal smiled. “It’s funny, I was sweating bricks over inviting Charles to the wedding because I was nervous about him meeting the girls. But it turns out I had nothing to worry about. Iyesha thinks he’s cool because he drives a Hummer and Tessa stole the stars from the man’s eyes! The two of them have a better relationship than Charles and I do! Actually I’m a little jealous.”

  “Maybe we’ll be planning another wedding before the end of the year,” Ebony said, wiping crumbs from her mouth with a napkin.

  “And this time I won’t look like a beached whale in my bridesmaid’s dress,” Kendall added, staring down at her stomach.

  All three women laughed.

  “Oh.” Kendall put down her fork and rummaged around in her purse. “I almost forgot. Here are some of the proofs from the ceremony.”

  Ebony took the envelope being offered and flipped through the stack of pictures. Her wedding had taken place two weeks ago, but the magic and excitement of that day still lingered in her heart. Ebony studied each picture as if it were under a microscope. When she came across the picture of Xavier tossing her over his shoulder as they walked down the church steps, she threw her head back and laughed.

  The Garrett-Reed wedding had been an intimate, elegant affair attended by only their closest friends and family—less than eighty people in all. The couple spared no expense for the event. A five-piece orchestra, an extravagant six-course meal and tables outfitted with bottles of champagne and personalized thank-you cards for each guest had made the reception a memorable night for all.

  “There wasn’t a dry eye in the church when Xavier recited his vows.”

  Kendall took a sip of her hot chocolate. “I think I even saw some of the men crying.”

  “What can I
say? Not only did I pick the most handsome man in the world, but he’s thoughtful and sensitive, too. My baby is a ten in more ways than one!” Giggling, Ebony fanned herself with her napkin. “As far as I’m concerned, the man can do no wrong.”

  Opal didn’t want to burst her best friend’s bubble, but she couldn’t stop herself from saying, “Ebony, get real. You guys are newlyweds. Everyone thinks like that until they have their first real argument. The honeymoon doesn’t last forever, girlfriend.” She returned to her penne pasta. “Count yourself lucky if it lasts six months!”

  Kendall nodded. “I’m surprised Xavier let you out. He wasn’t ticked that you took off to have lunch with us?” She took a sip of her water, before she finished her thought. “I mean, you’re not due back at the office until Monday. Your poor husband probably wanted to spend the entire weekend with you.”

  Ebony laughed. “Girl, please. Xavier was the one who encouraged me to come! He kissed me goodbye, walked me out to the car and told me not to hurry back. He’s at home unpacking as we speak. By the time I get home, he’ll have the house spick-and-span.”

  In the two weeks that Ebony and Xavier were in St. Lucia, twelve inches of snow had been dumped on the city. Roads were slick, sidewalks were icy and there was the constant sound of screeching tires and plastic shovels scraping against the pavement. The arctic-type temperatures and periodic snowfalls throughout the day were creating havoc all across the city. Ebony walked cautiously up the steps, appalled to see that her new husband hadn’t shoveled the walkway as promised. The bitter, shiver-down-your-spine wind was so fierce, Ebony was scared it would blow her away.

  Once inside, she slammed the door and turned the lock. Ebony didn’t care who called to invite them over for dinner tonight; they were staying in. After kicking off her boots and hanging up her jacket, she dropped her keys on the table and headed into the kitchen. Ebony swiped the thick stack of bills off the counter, and then set out in search of her husband.

  “Xavier!” she called as she went. Pushing open the bedroom door, she said, “Sorry it took so long for me to get back. Traffic was backed up for—” Ebony gasped.

  Hangers, clothes and toiletries were sprawled across the unmade bed, and dress shoes, belts and sneakers lined the carpet, making it virtually impossible for her to walk any farther into the bedroom.

  Wait until I get my hands on him! Ebony chucked the mail on the only patch of the dresser that wasn’t covered with Xavier’s junk. Her bedroom—her beautiful, clean, peaceful sanctuary—looked like a tornado had ripped through it, and to make matters worse, there were dirty dishes on the nightstand and an empty carton of orange juice.

  Ebony stomped back downstairs. The exhilarated voice of Marv Albert greeted her as she entered the basement. Xavier’s size twelve feet dangled casually over the edge of the couch and a stack of pillows were piled behind his head. Why is he lounging around watching basketball when the house is in shambles?

  Ebony stormed over to the couch. “Xavier, why does it look like Mother Nature unleashed her fury in our bedroom? I almost broke my neck trying to get up the walkway! You said you’d shovel the snow. What have you been doing since I left?” She tossed a look over her shoulder at the TV. “Besides watching basketball, of course.”

  Xavier stood up. He tried to kiss her, but she turned away. Steeling herself against his kiss, she pressed both hands against his chest. “You promised you’d finish unpacking before I got home.”

  Ebony heard a low humming sound. “What’s that?”

  Xavier brought his arms from around his back. A tiny white terrier with big brown eyes and a thick coat of fur was cradled in his hands. He held up the puppy for his wife to see. “Surprise!”

  “It’s a terrier.”

  “Just like the one you used to have.”

  “Where did you get her from?” Ebony took the dog from Xavier. Stroking the top of its head, she spoke quietly in the puppy’s ear. “She looks just like—”

  “Lace. I know. That’s why I bought her.”

  Amazed that Xavier remembered the story she had shared with him on their first date, Ebony smiled up at him. Her husband was wonderful in every sense of the word. Kissing him lightly on the cheek brought a self-satisfied grin to Xavier’s lips. Ebony cuddled the puppy to her chest. “What’s her name?”



  Nodding, he let his eyes drift lazily over his wife’s body. Xavier’s hands reached out to explore. He pulled Ebony into his arms and kissed the side of her neck. “After what we did last night with that bowl of fruit, I think the name’ll stick. Don’t you?”

  Xavier pawed Ebony through her dress and she replied by planting a body-tingling kiss on him. Her tongue pushed its way into his mouth and she rubbed her body sensually against his. Just before they reached the point of no return, Ebony pulled away. Tapping his chest, she said, “Work before play, baby,” and then turned and raced upstairs, with Xavier hot on her trail.

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-0697-1


  Copyright © 2007 by Pamela Sadadi

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