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The Jack & Jill Series

Page 83

by Ann, Jewel E

“Luke and I don’t have secrets. Well … at least by the end of this weekend we won’t have any secrets. But you…” she jabbed her finger into his side “…you’re not telling me something. I know it. I feel it. It’s eating you up inside. Why won’t you tell me?”

  “I got a tattoo on my penis and it’s infected. I fear it’s going to fall off. Hopefully not during the wedding.”

  She giggled. “Shut up.”

  He smiled.

  “What did you get tattooed on your penis?”

  “Open wide.”

  Jessica rolled to her side, burying her face in his neck. “Oh my God … I can’t breathe.” Her body shook with laughter.

  “Go.” He gave her a playful shove. “Go shower. Some Vanessa person is waiting in the living room.”

  Jessica bolted up. “Vanessa is here? Why didn’t you tell me? Shit! She’s doing my hair and makeup.” She ran into the bathroom. “I can’t believe we were talking about your little wiener while Vanessa was waiting on me.”

  “I can assure you Vanessa doesn’t think it’s little.”

  Jessica gasped, peeking around the corner. “You did not fuck my stylist. Did you?”

  “Shut up and shower.”

  She threw off her robe and stopped at the shower door. Another pink sticky note.

  I’ve got you. I’ll always have you.

  Jessica mouthed the words I’m getting married today and did a silent, naked dance before hopping in the shower.


  “Cold feet?” Jude asked as they pulled into the church parking lot.

  “Hot vagina. Let me out. Park the car and keep your dick in your pants the rest of the day.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa … just until after the ceremony. It’s tradition for the single groomsmen to have sex with the single bridesmaids in a dark corner at the reception.”

  He stopped the car along the sidewalk near the backdoor of the church.

  Jessica pointed a stiff finger at him. “My bridesmaids are Kelly and Luke’s sisters. Dick. In. Pants.”

  Their mom opened Jessica’s door. “There’s my baby girl. Your dress is inside and Luke is locked in a room on the opposite side of the church until he has permission to come out. The coast is clear.”

  “Hey …” Jude grabbed Jessica’s hand before she got out. “I love you … but more than that … I’m happy for you.”

  Tears stung her eyes. “Fuck you.” She tried to laugh to keep from crying. “I just had my makeup done.”

  Jude’s smile was soft and heartbreakingly sincere. Jessica got out but ducked her head back into the car before closing the door.

  “I love you too.”

  “Bummer, sweetie, it looks like rain,” Sunny said as she ushered Jessica into the back of the church.

  “I don’t care. I’m marrying Luke today.”

  “Well, we have thirty minutes to get you dressed and ready to walk down the aisle. I expected you two to be here earlier.”

  “If you wanted me to the church on time then you shouldn’t have put Jude in charge of getting me here.”

  “Your dad’s idea, not mine.”

  Her mom opened the door to a large room with a few folding chairs and a full-length mirror that someone must have brought in there for the day.

  “Hi!” Jessica squealed as Kelly, Lara, and Felicity saw her.

  “Get in here, take off your clothes. You’re late.” Kelly shook her head as she unzipped Jessica’s dress bag.

  “Where’s Lake?”

  “Not here yet.” Felicity rolled her eyes. “She wanted to ride with Ben instead of coming with us. Those two are inseparable. I tried calling her cell phone, but she didn’t answer. It’s probably shoved into her purse, which is probably shoved into the backseat or trunk of Ben’s car.”

  “Oh my gosh!” Lara laughed, staring at the back of Jessica’s panties as she stepped into her wedding gown.

  Jessica looked over her shoulder and winked. “You like?”

  “Luke’s going to die.”

  Her light pink and white argyle panties read: Property of Dr. Jones.

  Sunny zipped and buttoned the back of Jessica’s dress. “I love that you wore your hair down.”

  “I always have it in a ponytail. Luke likes it down.”

  “Step.” Kelly set Jessica’s heels on the floor and held up the front of her dress so she could step into them.

  “How do I look?”

  Nobody answered. They just stared with loving smiles as Sunny pinned Jessica’s hair-clip veil onto her. The soft tulle flowed down her back.

  Jessica nodded slowly while looking in the mirror. “I’m getting married today.”

  The door behind them opened.

  “Felicity …”

  Everyone turned.

  Tom stood in the doorway. He didn’t make eye contact with anyone but Felicity. The grave look on his face sent haunting chills down Jessica’s spine. Tom didn’t have to say anything, she just knew that with his next breath he would forever change the memories of that day.

  “Lake and Ben were in a car accident. She’s been airlifted to the hospital.” His voice broke with the final word and tears filled his eyes. The strong man she’d come to love like her own father cracked.

  “No …” Felicity’s hand covered her mouth as Lara and Tom hugged her.

  “Luke …” Jessica whispered as she looked at her mom.

  Tom looked up as he held Felicity, collapsed and sobbing in his arms. “He doesn’t know.”

  “Go.” Sunny’s hand pressed to her heart as she fought back her own tears, the tears of one mother grieving for another.

  Jessica nodded. “We’ll meet you at the hospital.” She kicked off her shoes and sprinted to the other side of the church.

  “Luke?” She yelled through the hallway, not knowing for sure which room he was in.

  “Jess?” Gabe peeked out the door of a room she’d already passed.

  “What are you doing? He can’t see the bride before—”

  “Luke!” She shoved open the door, knocking Gabe out of the way.

  “Baby, what are you—”

  Her tears spilled over, a lump swelled in her throat the size of a baseball. She wanted to acknowledge how handsome he looked. She wanted to remember the way his eyes took in her dress, seeing it for the first time, but none of that mattered. Those would never be memories of that day.

  “It’s Lake … she’s been in an accident. We have to go now.”

  Luke shook his head. “What? What are you talking about?”

  “They life-flighted her to the hospital.”

  Luke patted his pockets with his hands. “My keys … my keys … where are my—”

  “Here.” Gabe handed Luke his keys. “You handed them to me earlier. Lane and Liam are ushering in the guests. I’ll get them and make sure they get to the hospital right behind you.”

  Luke’s hands shook as he took the keys. Jessica snatched them from him then grabbed his hand. “Let’s go.”

  Luke followed her to the car, his face blank like a zombie. She opened his door then hurried around to the driver’s side.

  “Shit!” she grumbled, realizing her veil had been shut in the door. She opened the door and tore the clip from her hair and tossed it onto the ground before shutting the door and squealing the tires out of the parking lot.

  “Is she alive?” Luke asked in a voice that sounded defeated—scared.

  Jessica honestly didn’t know. “Of course she’s alive. They don’t life-flight dead people.” She didn’t know that. What if Lake died in transit? They didn’t know anything.

  “My parents?”

  “They’re with Lara. I’m sure they’re on their way.”

  He nodded.

  Within minutes they were there. Jessica parked the car and they hurried into the emergency room.

  “Luke!” Lara called.

  They rushed into the waiting room. Luke hugged his sister as she sobbed into his chest.

  “Where is she?” he

  “They had to rush her into surgery. She was trapped in the car. That’s all they’ve been able to tell us.” Tom squeezed Felicity’s hand as she pressed a tissue to her nose with her other hand. Both Lane and Liam sat in chairs, hunched over with their heads resting in their hands.

  “What about Ben?” Jessica asked, looking around for his parents.

  Anne stood next to Lane’s chair, bouncing Gina on her hip. She frowned and shook her head slowly. “Ben …” She pressed her lips together and swallowed. “He didn’t make it.”

  Felicity’s body folded over on to Tom’s lap. Reality lacerated her heart and everyone in that room could feel it. Best case scenario, she would have to tell her baby girl that her boyfriend died. How could that be the best case scenario? How had the most perfect day turned into a harrowing nightmare?

  A doctor in navy scrubs emerged through two large doors. “I’m Doctor Stein. Lake has sustained life threatening injuries to her head and her left leg. It was severely damaged in the accident.” He paused for a second. “The prognosis for her leg is not good. She’ll never have use of it again and the extensive trauma to it will likely lead to infection.”

  “What … what are you saying?” Tom asked.

  Jessica squeezed Luke’s hand. He cleared his throat. “There is a good chance they’ll have to amputate it to save her life.”

  Dr. Stein looked at Luke and nodded.

  “No,” Felicity cried, her legs giving out. Liam helped her sit back down.

  “We don’t have to do it now, but we can.”

  “What would you do?” Luke asked.

  “No.” Tom shook his head. “It’s not his daughter. Why would you ask him?”

  “Dad …”

  “No. You save her leg. You don’t know Lake. It would kill her—”

  “Dad, she won’t ever use it again. We want her alive.”

  “I need to get back in there.” The doctor gestured toward the doors. It was a statement, but also an unspoken question.

  Luke looked at his dad. Tom shook his head. “No.”

  Luke grimaced. “Do everything you can for now.”

  Dr. Stein nodded.

  Luke turned, focusing in on Jessica, her dress, and her bare feet. His eyes filled with tears. “I’m sorry—”

  “Don’t you dare apologize.” She pressed her hands to his clean-shaven face. “I’m going to have Jude bring us other clothes. I don’t want anyone thinking about anything or anyone but Lake.”

  He nodded, folding her into his arms. His mouth brushed her ear. “I hope I never forget how you looked today, but I know I’ll never forget the words you just said. Jess … just … never enough stars …”

  Chapter Thirty


  Irene added a surgical mask to her GI Jane attire. The stench of infected flesh mixed with fecal matter must not have been her aroma of choice.

  “Are you excited to see your twin? I’m going to reel him in and toss him in the cesspool with you two.”

  “He won’t come,” Knox said.

  “Oh, he’ll come.”

  “Only to take your life. If you see him at the door, I suggest you say your last prayer.”

  Jillian tried to decipher Knox’s motive, if he had one. Irene captured both of them. There was no reason to believe she couldn’t get Jackson too.

  “Are you suggesting he’s smarter than the two of you?”

  “Yes.” Knox didn’t hesitate.

  “Do you concur?”

  Jillian looked at Irene and then at Knox. She didn’t want to join the discussion. “Depends on the day.”

  Irene grunted, a sly grin curled her lips. “Well, he’s not smarter than I am.”

  “He is.”

  “Listen, Mickey, shut your hole or I’ll do it for you.”

  “Don’t you fucking call me that.”

  There was never a bag of popcorn around when Jillian needed one. The Irene and Mickey show captivated her.

  “You cheated on me—twice. I’ll call you whatever I want to call you.”

  “I didn’t cheat on you.”

  “You fucked Sunny and her daughter.” Irene glared at Jillian.

  “I did not.”

  That got Jillian’s attention.

  “I didn’t fuck Sunny while we were married or while she was married, and Jessica …”

  She waited. He called her Jessica. Why?

  “It was training. Period.”

  Knox looked at Irene as if Jillian wasn’t in the room. Jillian dared him—needed him—to say that to her while looking her in the eyes.

  “I saw the security footage. I have the security footage. Did you really think Grant would send his precious little girl to someplace that didn’t have eyes? Of course mine are the only true eyes that have seen it. Jackson will come. He will watch it. He will kill you. I will kill him and …” She cocked her head at Jillian. “I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with you and your Dr. Jones. I’m sure it will be mind-blowing.”

  Jillian stared at Irene and her psychotic-bitch grin that reached her eyes. She couldn’t see her mouth, but she knew it was there. Irene’s eyes narrowed a fraction. Her brows drew together in a grimace as Jillian sucked in her bottom lip, sinking her teeth into it until blood dripped down her chin.

  “You’re a sick head case.”

  Jillian’s tongue swiped along her lip. “Don’t forget it, bitch.”

  Irene pivoted in her boots and stomped up the stairs.

  “You taste that?”

  Jillian looked up at Knox, her face stone, her heart numb, her emotions gone. She nodded once.

  “What do you taste, sweetheart?”


  “I sure as fuck hope so … it’s the only thing that’s going to save you. It’s coming … she’s going to bring you to your knees with Jackson and Luke as her weapons of choice. Kill or be killed. Do you understand?”

  Another nod.



  With Lake safe on a plane back to San Francisco, Luke decided to visit Dodge and Lilith. He also decided to bring coffee and pastries.

  The older man at the door gave him a once-over before saying anything. “Is this a special Sunday delivery? Have we been enrolled in the Breakfast of the Month Club?”

  “I’m a friend of Jillian Knight.”

  “Oh, well, why didn’t ya just say so.” He held open the door. “Come on in.”

  Breakfast proved to be unnecessary. Jillian Knight was the secret password.

  “I’m Dodge and the corpse over there is my wife, Lilith. You’ll have to get in her face if you want her to hear ya.”

  He took the drink holder and bakery bag from Luke.

  Lilith smiled and waved Luke over. “I can hear fine out of one ear. Have a seat.”

  “Thank you.” Luke sat on the sofa next to her rocking chair.

  “Did I hear you correctly? You know Jillian.”


  “Am I supposed to share this with you two?” Dodge asked over a mouthful of Danish, a to-go cup in his other hand.

  “What’s your name, young man?” Lilith ignored her husband.


  All remaining color drained from her already pasty-white face. “Downstairs, Dodge. Now.”

  “‘Please.’ Have you ever thought of asking instead of ordering me around?”


  Dodge grumbled a few expletives that included “old bat” and “bossy cow” as he grabbed the bag and headed toward the stairs.

  “Dr. Jones,” she said.

  He squinted, with an easy nod. “How—”

  “She told me everything. Not on purpose at first. Dodge led her to believe that I’m deaf. I let her think it because I wanted to hear the most romantic love story I’d ever heard … and I could tell she needed to share it, relive it. I think I love you too, but don’t tell old grumpy. Or do.” She winked.

  Luke smiled as something inside of him lit up. Jess
ica didn’t let him go. “Do you know where she is?”

  “Oh my goodness. You’ve tracked her down … you’ve come to save her like her knight in shining armor with your trusty steed.” She pressed her hand to her chest, tears pooled in her eyes. “That’s so … incredibly romantic. I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “I don’t actually have any official armor and I took a plane and rental car.”

  Lilith leaned forward and rested her hand on his. With one blink her tears released. Her eyes and smile filled with hope.

  He returned a small smile. “Yes. I’m here for her.”

  She sighed, sitting back in her chair. “You’re the one. You know that, right? AJ needed her, but you … she’s always needed you. She must need you now more than ever.”

  Her words pained him. They confirmed what he already knew—Jessica needed him. But he couldn’t find her.

  “Do you know where she is or have you heard from her?”

  “No. Sorry. Greta Housby, their neighbor across the street, she said Jillian was taking some time for herself. But I assume you’ve talked to Jackson so you probably already knew that.”

  “Yes. However, she left her phone at home and Jackson doesn’t know where she is so we have no way of contacting her. I’m worried about her. I understand she…” saying it was harder than thinking it “…loved him. So she has to be grieving.”

  “This must be terribly hard on you? How did you find her? How did you know she’s alive?”

  “I saw her at a hotel in Houston.”

  “Oh my. You must have thought you were seeing a ghost.”

  Luke nodded. “I think I should fly to Portland. I don’t want to be insensitive to his family. I’m sure they’re still devastated. But maybe she said something to them after the funeral.”

  Lilith shook her head. “That’s not possible.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because she wasn’t at the funeral.”

  “W-what are you talking about? Jackson said she went to the funeral.”

  “No. She wasn’t there. I think his family was a little disappointed, but they understood. AJ left treatment to be with her. She was the last person who saw him alive. We all assumed she was worried about their reaction to her, but they weren’t upset. She changed him and everyone saw it. In spite of the tumor, she made him a better man.”


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