Romance: Dirk (BBW Billionaire Bad boy Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Taboo Short Stories Box Set)

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Romance: Dirk (BBW Billionaire Bad boy Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Taboo Short Stories Box Set) Page 3

by Ash, Leela

  He pulled his hair out of his ponytail and rubbed his head. It was evening on the island, and most of the staff was settled in for the night. He had no reason to expect any company, and so he was very surprised when he saw Katherine's silhouette sitting forlornly at the fountain. She was gazing over the water, her shoulders slumped, and he suddenly felt a pang of guilt for how badly he had been treating her. He sighed, studying the way the vibrant lights made her blonde hair shine ethereally in the night, almost like she was a being of light from somewhere far more pure than his cursed island.

  Dirk approached her quietly. She didn't notice him at first, and he gazed in the direction she was looking, staring up at the bright cluster of stars above their heads. He cleared his throat softly and she jumped, startled out of her thoughts. She turned her face toward him, and he was stricken by its beauty. He opened his mouth to speak, but found no words. Her perfect features tightened into a scowl, and he braced himself. He knew what it meant when a woman got that look.

  “You know, it's not very fun for me to be stuck here, either,” she said to him. “I know you're super busy and all, planning out your next tattoo or whatever it is you do, but you don't have to treat me so badly.”

  He wanted to apologize, but he was angered by her presumption. He had been up for days trying to make sure that his fortune and his family were safe. It really pissed him off to hear his hard work trivialized like that. More than that, though, he felt guilty. It wasn't her fault he was so stressed out. And yet there she was, constantly underfoot, making him feel very strange and unsure of himself.

  Instead of answering her or apologizing, he held her gaze and approached her. She shrank back, unsure of his intentions. Suddenly his strong, warm hands were wrapped around her biceps, and she felt herself being lifted from the fountain. He brought to her feet and held her arm tightly in his, the way he had during their first meeting. Before she could protest, Dirk led her away from the fountain and walked calmly with her, deeper into the island.

  Chapter 10

  They walked quietly, their arms linked closely together. There was a forbidden type of intimacy in their stroll, and neither spoke as their bodies moved forward, almost of their own accord. She caught the fresh scent of his cologne as it wafted around them on the wind and had to stop herself from reaching down to grip his large hand tightly. His body was rigid but strong, and she allowed him to lead her deeper into the tropical wilderness.

  Finally, he paused and dropped his arm from hers. He motioned to a large rock and she studied it quizzically, not entirely sure what he intended for her to do. Finally, he sat on the rock, and she sat beside him, finding herself looking out over a vast expanse of ocean water, brightly lit by the large, saucer-shaped moon. They stared at the scene together in silence, until finally Dirk cleared his throat and spoke.

  “You're welcome to stay here as long as you need,” he told her, his hair falling in front of his face. “I'm very busy and have a lot of obligations. Don't take my lack of courtesy too personally. I'm not very good at politeness rituals.”

  “I noticed,” she said. The sound of her laughter filled the air, causing Dirk's heart to thud. Her voice was musical. Everything about her seemed so damned perfect. If only they weren't related now.

  “Yeah, well, they just don't make any sense to me,” he said, allowing himself to join in her laughter. She eyed him fondly before looking away. “I just do what makes the most sense to me. I don't have much problem offending people.”

  “You must feel very free,” she observed, gently touching one of the bold tattoos on his forearm. “It must be nice having so much power and nobody to impress.”

  The warmth of her hands ignited a fire within him, and he gazed into her eyes. They shone brightly in the moonlight, and he could almost imagine the burst of colors in them that had captivated him a few days prior when they had been having drinks together, not a care in the world. Until Tanner had called him about the Russians.

  Suddenly his handsome face darkened, and he looked away from her.

  “What's wrong?” she asked him, fighting the urge to caress his cheek. She had to remind herself that he was her stepbrother now. Any affection she showed him should be as platonic as possible.

  “I'm just so tired,” he said, miserably. He wanted to tell her the whole story. Explain about Tanner, give her every detail about his job and his work, and why the obnoxious group of Russians were trying to get as close to his work as they could. It was just too much to say, though, and he felt his breath lock up inside his chest. He shook his head dismissively.

  “What's making you so tired?” she prompted, sensing there was more to his demeanor than he was letting on.

  “I haven't been sleeping very well,” was all he said.

  Dirk rose from the rock and stared out over the ocean. Katherine studied his form in the moonlight. His looks were beyond perfect, and the way his long hair wafted in the breeze as he stared pensively out over the ocean looked striking – almost philosophical. Maybe there was more to him than the brutish playboy she had seen at the wedding.

  Katherine sighed and stood beside him. She took his hands in hers and looked deeply into his eyes. He looked down at her in surprise. His perfectly shaped mouth pursed for a moment, and she sighed again to herself. She knew she shouldn't be doing it, but...

  Dirk didn't seem to give it a second thought. He looked at her tenderly, tightening his grip on her soft hands, and then they were kissing. His hot lips were eager to taste hers, and she accepted them hungrily, allowing her hand to roam up his strong forearm and settle onto his bulging bicep. Their tongues danced, sending waves of longing crashing throughout their bodies. He gripped her tightly, pulling her closer into his body, until she could feel the hardness of his lust pushing urgently against her.

  The overpowering force of her desire startled her back into herself. She shouldn't be doing this. Dirk was her stepbrother now. Maybe it would have been okay before the wedding, but not now. She pulled roughly away from him and looked down at the ground to collect herself. She was embarrassed to find that she was panting, and when she looked back up at Dirk, he was avoiding her gaze, looking awkwardly over the ocean again.

  “Let's go,” he said quietly, without meeting her eyes. He led her down the path and back to the manor, where they went back to their rooms without another word.

  Chapter 11

  Katherine laid in bed, tossing and turning all night long. She couldn't believe she had let that scoundrel put his hands on her. He obviously lacked any type of morality whatsoever. He would kiss his own stepsister and not think twice about it. It disgusted her, and yet, whenever she closed her eyes, she relived the passion he had touched her with and the immense desire he had ignited deep within her. She had never responded so strongly to any man before. It was scary. And worse than that, it was wrong. She had to get off this island. It was starting to make her feel crazy.

  She sighed and got out of bed, pulling on a luxurious silk robe and heading out to the balcony that was attached to her room. Maybe a bit of fresh air would help her sleep. If she still smoked, she could have used a cigarette right about then. She sighed and unlatched the balcony door, stepping outside into the cool, soothing night air.

  She couldn't believe her predicament. Not only would it be weeks before her passport was reissued and delivered, but she had just kissed her stepbrother and made everything that much worse. Or, more to the point, he had kissed her. But she had let him; she was just as guilty. They were both to blame, and now they would have to suffer endlessly in the weeks that remained of her stay. Whether it had felt good or not, Katherine wished it had never happened.

  A dark cloud began rolling over the moon, and she stared at it, suddenly overwhelmed by an irrational feeling of dread. She heard the creak of the balcony door swinging closed, and she turned around just in time to see a hideous man's ugly smirk as somebody else grabbed her from behind and held a strong-smelling cloth over her mouth. She didn't have time to
scream before she was knocked out cold. The men laughed shrilly, dragging her from the balcony and deep into the night.


  Dirk awoke late in the night, his body drenched in sweat. He had had a horrible dream. He forced his body to awaken through the panic, absolutely convinced that it was the end of the world as he knew it. The adrenaline left his heart pounding, and he laid back against his pillow, his tattooed chest rising and falling rapidly. Finally, he was able to catch his breath, and he slipped out of bed in his boxers to get a drink of water from the kitchen.

  That's when he heard the nearly imperceptible sound of laughter. It came from outside, and it chilled him to the bone. He stopped in his tracks, nearly dropping his water, and ran through the house, yelling for the staff to be alert. He demanded everybody gather in the common room, and when Katherine didn't show up, he glowered. The staff stared at him, some of their eyes filled with resentment, others with fear. He explained the situation to them as quickly as he could and looked around impatiently for her.

  “She needs to be here,” he exclaimed. “Could somebody – oh, never mind.”

  Dirk spun on his heel and ran toward her bedroom. He knocked politely, and when she didn't answer, he called her name.

  “Katherine, I need to talk to you!”

  There was still no response, and he felt himself filling with anger. She was probably ignoring him because of what had happened before. The kiss had left him feeling pretty awkward around her, too, but this was ridiculous. It could be life or death. He tried the doorknob and discovered that it was unlocked. He pushed his way into her bedroom and called her name, leaping to her bed.

  It took him a few seconds to register the fact that she was gone. His face paled, and he began searching wildly, calling to the staff in a panic. Soon, the room was crawling with staff members as he tore the bed apart and glanced in her bathroom. Suddenly, a hand was in his face, waving a hand-written note in front of him. He read it, and his heart began to pound loudly in his ears.

  “We have the girl. You know what we want. Let's make a deal.”

  Chapter 12

  When Katherine awoke, she squinted in the darkness. The cool night air was chilling her, and she could vaguely make out the dark shapes of three men lurking about in the dark green foliage. They were speaking in a foreign language that she recognized, but it wasn't until she was fully conscious that she pinpointed it. They were speaking Russian.

  She began to squirm, hoping to free herself from her captors, but discovered in dismay that she was tied up. Katherine fought the urge to panic and stifled her intuitive desire to scream, and instead began to wriggle herself into an upright position. One of the men noticed and moved lankly toward her. It was the same man whose ugly face had sneered down at her before she had been abducted. Her eyes widened with fear when he pulled out a knife and circled it against his fingertip in front of her face.

  “You do funny thing and we cut you,” the man said, his broken English caked by a heavy accent. “If you don't behave, you get hurt. Understand?”

  She nodded, realizing suddenly that she was gagged and unable to speak. The man seemed satisfied at his intimidation tactic and returned to the other two men. They began conversing in Russian again and seemed to completely forget about her. She looked around, weighing her options. If she stood, she may stand the chance of running. But it was likely that they had guns and wouldn't be afraid to use them on her. Besides that, she would have to remove the rope that was binding her legs and hands together to be of any use at all. It seemed as if she was stuck there.

  She fought the urge to cry, wishing desperately that somebody would notice she was missing soon.


  Dirk grabbed his handgun and headed out the door. He could vaguely recall the direction he thought the voice had come from, and so he took a deep breath and closed his eyes briefly, willing himself to go in the right direction. He hadn't even bothered to dress, or even slip on shoes for that matter, but he was confident he would come to no harm. He knew the island inside and out, and although he had his own estate on the other side of the world, as far as he was concerned, this was his home. It was where he had grown up.

  A gentle wind blew his long hair back, and he noticed it was blowing in the direction he thought he had heard the man's laughter. He took it as a sign, and on good faith headed in that direction. He hadn't even bothered to dress or slip on shoes. He pointed the gun out ahead of him and began marching steadily through the foliage.

  He saw a quick movement ahead of him and tensed up, peering deeply into the darkness. The leaves rustled and he aimed his gun steadily, ready to fire. A large hare hopped out and bounded away into the darkness, and he lowered the gun in relief. He would much rather go in for a sneak attack. He had learned a long time ago how to move quietly through the island, virtually undetectable, and had every intention of utilizing this technique to his advantage.

  Finally, he heard a hushed voice in the distance and stopped moving so he could hone in on it. It was a deep, masculine voice. It sounded taunting, and he suddenly heard the pitiful squeals of a woman in distress. But not just any woman. The woman who had been on his mind day in and day out since the moment he met her. His blood reached its boiling point, and he lifted the gun firmly, ready to aim with intent to kill.

  Dirk crept slowly in the dark, moving to a better vantage point. He saw three men, two of whom were off in the distance, speaking conspiratorially together, and the other who was kneeling in front of Katherine, dragging a blade lightly over her flesh. She winced and tried to squirm away, but she was tied up and unable to escape. This sent Dirk over the edge. He aimed his gun and prepared to fire.

  Chapter 13

  Katherine pulled away from the disgusting man. He had begun to fixate on her, and the other two men simply let him. They continued their deep conversation, ignoring her cries of pain and squeals of protest. The man—she thought she had heard him referred to as Pasha—was dragging his knife across her flesh, lightly at first, and then harder and harder until it began to break through her skin. She was doing her best not to scream, which was obviously what he was hoping for, when suddenly a loud gunshot rang throughout the island.

  One of the men by the trees fell to the ground, blood seeping through his green sweater. Katherine's eyes widened in disbelief as Dirk leapt out of the foliage with a gun drawn and shot the other man near the trees. It happened so swiftly that she hadn't even had a chance to respond. Suddenly, Dirk was in front of them, his half-naked body glimmering in the moonlight. His chest heaved up and down, and she was captivated by the primal fire in his eyes. His body moved languidly, like a panther about to strike, and he held the barrel of the gun against Pasha's head.

  Katherine flinched backward and closed her eyes, sure she was going to have the man's blood and guts all over her soon, but nothing happened. She opened her eyes again as Dirk glowered down at Pasha.

  “Drop the knife,” he demanded.

  Pasha's hand shook violently, and he sat the knife gingerly on the ground.

  “Kick it over to me,” Dirk said, his silver eyes hard and ruthless.

  Pasha did as he was told, and Dirk bent over to pick up the knife. He made his way around Pasha, keeping his gun drawn on him as he moved, and knelt beside Katherine to examine the wounds on her arm.

  “Death is too good for you,” Dirk sneered, gripping the knife tightly.

  He dropped the gun and pounced, unleashing the whole of his fury on the ugly man, who sobbed like a child beneath him. Katherine watched, both captivated and horrified, until Dirk finally released him. When she looked at Pasha, her eyes widened. On his chest, a familiar symbol had been etched into Pasha's chest, bloody and pronounced. It was Dirk's business logo.

  “You're never getting anywhere near my intel, and you better stop trying before none of you are left. Understood? Now take your friends out of here and never come back.”

  Pasha paled and nodded. Dirk untied Katherine and lifted her to
her feet, and they watched as Pasha's small boat sailed away.

  Chapter 14

  Dirk's silver eyes filled with concern as he held her wounded arm gently in his hands. He had led her directly into his bedroom, bellowing that he had taken care of everything and that everybody could return to sleep. The staff breathed a collective sigh of relief and headed to their rooms, leaving the manor empty of all noise. All that could be heard was Dirk as he bustled around in his private bathroom, looking for medical supplies.

  He sat her on his bed and gently cleaned and bandaged the wound on her arm. He had a surprisingly light touch when he chose to, and she found herself blushing as he fawned over her as if she were the thing he most cherished on all the island. The unexpected tenderness from him re-ignited the forbidden but passionate flame that he ignited so primally within her. Her dazzling green eyes settled on him as he put the finishing touches on the wrap.

  She allowed her eyes to roam his muscular body as he admired his handiwork. He had rescued her in nothing but his boxers, and Katherine's eyes settled on the pronounced bulge between his legs. He grinned his cocky grin at her, and she blushed and shook her head. He looked at her, suddenly serious. He could have lost her. Thankfully, no harm had come to her. His feelings were powerful, and real. Anything keeping him from expressing them was silly. It didn't matter whether some piece of paper claimed they were related. Dirk defied tradition and always would. This was his life, and fuck what anybody else thought about it.


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