Romance: Dirk (BBW Billionaire Bad boy Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Taboo Short Stories Box Set)

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Romance: Dirk (BBW Billionaire Bad boy Alpha Male Romance) (Contemporary New Adult Taboo Short Stories Box Set) Page 4

by Ash, Leela

  He stood and loomed over her, his pensive gaze consuming her and setting every nerve in her body on fire. He kissed her hard, relishing in the sweet taste of her tongue before she pushed him away, obviously tortured by the label society had tacked onto them. He gripped her unharmed arm and pulled her up roughly, curling her into his strong body. She was overwhelmed by the desire his erection inspired in her and unable to fight her desire any longer. She moaned as his lips roamed her neck and found her clavicle, his erection pressing firmly against the thin fabric of her silk nightgown.

  He lowered her onto his bed, and she was surrounded by the spicy scent of his cologne once again. This time it was everywhere, all around her, just like his touch, his hands, his lips. She closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure as he freed himself from the confines of his boxers and slipped her panties down, laying his full length against her leg and gently teasing her open, until she was frantic with pleasure. She gripped his back hard, and he buried his face in her neck as he slipped himself inside. They moaned together as the warmth of their bodies merged, and they made love late into the night, their soft grunts of pleasure resonating privately in the manor.


  When their parents returned from their honeymoon, the pair was miserable. Katherine's mother accused him of cheating, and he had accused her of being a gold-digging tramp. Katherine and Dirk watched the fight, exchanging secret glances of amusement. They had both been right about their parents. And even though it was exhausting to live with them, at least something good had come of it. Dirk and Katherine had found each other.


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  What the Outlaw Desires

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  Preview of What the Outlaw Demands

  Please check out this sample of Samantha Leal’s MC Romance short story…I think you will like her style …

  Kristin watched the hands of the clock ticking opposite her. Every second seemed to drag and she bit the edge of her pen as she turned to look out of the office window. After working so hard to get there, now all she wanted to do was run. The thought of spending another week in that place was making her skin crawl.

  Outside, in the corridor, she could see the male partners all patting each other on the back and boosting each other’s egos. She was never invited into their little office chats, ones where she could be a part of the boys club. In the center of it was Pete, grinning from ear to ear, taking the odd glance back to her office because he knew she would be watching.

  Fucking Pete, she thought.

  She knew at home later he would be full of it. He’d swagger in, puffing his chest and try to make her feel inferior. It was how it always went… She got ignored and he made her feel like crap about it. She knew she needed to change firms…and boyfriends…but she had wanted to be a partner at Anderson and Coleridge Law so much that she just didn’t think she had it in her to walk away.

  She realized she was holding the pen so tight, it was almost snapping in her hand.

  “Shit,” she breathed out and dropped it on the desk. She was going to have to calm down. She didn’t need to work herself up like this… She was bigger than them and she wasn’t going to rise to it. Instead, she got to her feet, walked over to the door and lowered the blind so the pane of glass allowing her to see the little boys club grooming each other in the hallway was blocked out. She went back to her desk, sat down and closed her eyes.

  She was reaching her limit. She and Pete had been together for almost a year, and while it had started out really well, it had rapidly declined into something rather sinister. Pete was a control freak. He loved making her feel inferior, and even though she was a strong woman who could see right through him, there were times when she was afraid of what he was capable of. She could hear him out in the hallway, laughing and joking with the other male partners. She was the only female partner at the firm and was regularly left out, and although she was used to it, she was still struggling to accept it. Deep down she knew it was time to move on.

  Her phone rang and made her jump. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hi, Kristin,” her PA Sally said from the other end. “Did you finish with the paperwork for the Green Case?”

  “Just give me five more minutes and I’ll bring it out to you,” she said with a sigh. She hated to admit it, but her work really was starting to suffer. She could never seem to keep her mind on the job.

  She looked down and scanned the explosion of files on the desk in front of her and wanted to scream. She rubbed her eyes and massaged her temples with her fingers.

  “I need to get out of here,” she whispered.

  She got to her feet and looked out across the skyline. It was almost five and the sun looked like it was already on its way down, which was impossible for summer, but she felt it all the same.

  “I guess it’s always night somewhere,” she said to herself.

  Her telephone rang again and she jumped. She turned around and grabbed the receiver. “Just five more minutes, Sally,” she snapped.

  “No,” Sally said quietly, clearly taken aback by her boss’s tone. “It’s a call from the police department. They have someone in custody who wants to talk to you.”

  “What?” she said rubbing her temples again. “Can’t it wait? We have a duty lawyer who could deal with that.”

  “They asked for you specifically,” she said nervously. “The cop said his name was Dan Lockhart.”

  Kristin paused for a moment, her heart rising into her throat at the sound of the name… A name she hadn’t heard for years.

  “Did you say Dan Lockhart?” she repeated as she sat back down at her desk.

  “That’s what the cop told me, yeah,” Sally confirmed.

  “Okay,” Kristin said quietly, “Put him on.”

  Click here to continue this compelling short story, and I just want to thank you for reading Leela’s story!

  Preview of Taken by Alien Lords

  If you enjoyed this story, here is a sample from another author in my circle. It is a slightly darker toned romance abduction story that I hope you enjoy:

  The light came back. But this time it wasn’t the dull shine of the garbage truck out in the street. It was bright blue and green. Piercing and vivid inside her bedroom, shining down from the ceiling.

  She rubbed her eyes as she looked up at it, convinced she was dreaming. None of it could really be happening. She was asleep. Simple as that. She looked up at the light and at how it twisted and turned above her. It made patterns on the wall and splintered, turning her room into a maze of stars.

  Victoria didn’t dare breathe. Her hands were ice cold and fixed rigidly in front of her, gripping the sheets.

  “Who’s there?” she whispered.

  Was she awake? Could this all be real?

  She felt weightless, as if suddenly the gravity had disappeared from around her. She was still in bed, but she felt herself move an inch higher, as if she were drifting towards the ceiling.

  “No,” she said aloud, “No!”

  She grabbed onto her pillow and tried to turn herself onto her stomach so she didn’t have to look at the light and could grasp onto the bedframe. She clamped her eyes shut, but she just couldn’t move her body. She felt paralyzed.

  Within seconds she couldn’t even keep her eyes closed. They wanted to be open. They needed to see what was happening. Even though she was trying with every fiber of her being to close them and shut it all out, they defied her and stayed wide open and alert. She was glaring at the ceiling and the shards of light. Strobes of it shone down around her and a hole slowly appeared as if the ceiling was cracking away above her. But instead of the upstairs apartment coming into view, it was a clear sky with a trillion stars.

  I’m dreaming, she thought. Wake up, Victoria, wake up.

  Her skin prickled with cold and she felt smooth, wet hands gliding over her. She s
creamed and tried to kick out, but she couldn’t move. The weightlessness became more pronounced and before she had chance to process what was happening, she was drifting up towards the hole in the ceiling, up through the light. She could feel the tingle of fingers running all up her back and combing through her hair. She screamed but no sound came out. She was tearing her throat into pieces but the air around her remained silent. There was no sound anywhere. She had never heard a silence like it, and as she drifted upward, the ice suddenly turned to heat. She was drifting out of consciousness. It was if she was lying on the beach under the blazing sun and her skin felt dewy and glistening. It was beautiful. She felt euphoric. She was warmed inside and out and the sensation was so intense and calming that she felt her eyes finally close as she crossed over into a blissful sleep.

  The heat rumbled through her and kept her calm. She was still aware of it as she slept and the silence turned slowly to the familiar sounds of the birds singing in the morning sun. When she woke, she was still in her room. She had been dreaming but it had felt so real. She breathed out a sigh of relief and for the first time in days felt calm and relaxed as she sat up in bed and woke softly. It would have been a perfect morning--the apartment was warm and the sun shone brightly through the the blinds--but suddenly something struck her like a ton of bricks. She looked down at her wrists and they were bound to the bedframe with a silver wire that made them impossible to move, and she quickly realized her ankles were the same. As she looked up, the door to her bedroom seemed to melt in front of her, as did the rest of the room around her. As the features of wallpaper and photo frames slipped into a sludge on the ground before evaporating entirely, she was aware of someone else in the room with her. It was the man from the bar. The tall, slender man with the black eyes and the white blonde hair. He was standing in front of her and watching. All behind him a white, empty room was coming into view, and she realized that she was in it, tethered to a white table.

  “Who are you?” she screamed, “What the hell is going on?”

  The light was so unbelievably bright that she could barely open her eyes. She squinted across the room at him and noticed immediately how long he seemed. He didn’t appear to be the same as he was when she had met him in the bar. She knew it was him… but he was somehow different. His eyes were wider and he was taller. His fingers were long and his hands large. She squirmed against the table and cried out.

  “Shhh,” he whispered. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “Help me!” Victoria screamed.

  She tried her best to wiggle free but the silver restraints were keeping her perfectly in place, and she could barely move a muscle. It wasn’t long before she realized he wasn’t the only other person in the room. Slowly others, who appeared to look exactly like him, came into view out of the bright white light behind him.

  “What’s happening?” she asked, trying to remain calm. She could see being hysterical was getting her nowhere.

  “We’ve been watching you,” the man spoke. “We have been looking for someone like you for a long time.”

  “What do you mean?” she said, confused. “You are the man from the bar the other night, right?”

  He didn’t answer her but turned and walked away. As he disappeared into the crowd behind him, she looked at the other men standing around the table and could see that their eyes were all exactly the same as his. They were all large and black… She bit her lip and shuddered.

  Click here to continue this compelling short story

  Other Quality Stories from Totally Romance Publishing

  Kindle Unlimited subscribers read this entire catalog for FREE!

  MC Romance “Outlaw” Series of Stand Alone Short Stories

  What the Outlaw Wants by Samantha Leal

  What the Outlaw Needs by Samantha Leal

  What the Outlaw Craves by Samantha Leal

  What the Outlaw Demands by Samantha Leal

  What the Outlaw Takes by Samantha Leal

  What the Outlaw Must Have by Samantha Leal

  What the Outlaw Desires by Samantha Leal** not in KU

  What the Outlaw Likes by Samantha Leal** not in KU

  Forsaken Riders Novella length MC Romance

  King by Samantha Leal

  Time Travel/Fantasy Romance

  The Highland Locket by Jessica Savage

  Through the Highland Gateway by Leela Ash

  Through the Gateway by Iona Savage

  Touched Through Time by Samantha Leal

  Into the Highlander’s World by Samantha Leal

  Into the Highlander’s Realm by Samantha Leal

  Into the Highlander’s Arms by Samantha Leal

  In the Time of the Caveman by Samantha Leal

  Runes of Argyl Scottish Time Travel

  The Highland’s Call by Jessica Savage

  Contemporary Romance

  The Billionaire’s Rumpus Room by Natalie Nixon

  My New Billionaire Stepbrother by Cynthia Wilde

  My Holiday Billionaire (BBW) by Pamela Avery

  Badass Billionaire (BBW) by Leela Ash

  Dirk: A Stepbrother Romance by Leela Ash

  Post-Apocalyptic Steamy Romance

  Finding Love in a Dark World: A Post-Apocalyptic Romance, Book 1

  Finding Love in a Dark World: A Steamy Post-Apocalyptic Romance, Book 2 by Cynthia Wilde

  Welcome to Zombie Island by Natalie Nixon

  For the Love of Zombies by Sadie Simms

  Paranormal Books

  Chased by the Bear by Cynthia Wilde

  Saved by a Werewolf Billionaire by Samantha Leal

  The Bear Wants Babies by Cynthia Wilde

  His Darkness Revealed (Vampire Romance) by Samantha Leal

  Saved by the Billionbear by Stephani Sykes

  Desired by the Billionbear Pamela Avery

  Babies for the Bear by Cynthia Wilde

  A Baby for the Bear by Samantha Leal

  Alien Romance

  Taken by Aliens by Cynthia Wilde

  Taken by Alien Lords by Samantha Leal

  And one more thing…

  Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this book and if so, please leave a review. Please consider checking out some of the other books in our catalog. Either way have a fantastic day, don’t be too hard on yourself and may all your dreams come true.

  FREE Bonus Books

  My Holiday Billionaire

  Chapter One

  Alexandra Jordan’s big blue eyes filled with unshed tears as the plane taxied down the runway, increasing its speed exponentially, before rising into the air, its powerful engines vibrating beneath her wings.

  She tossed her head, deliberately hiding her face beneath her cloud of riotous blonde curls as she stared out at the rapidly diminishing landscape. Her seat mate, a batty old woman in her nineties chattered incessantly, trying to draw Alexandra into conversation. After several minutes engaged in what turned out to be a droning monologue, the woman took the hint and relaxed back against her seat.

  I should be happy, Alexandra told herself. I should be ecstatic, over the moon; I should be the one talking the old woman’s ear off!

  She had won a trip to freaking Hawaii and was flying first class for the first time in her entire life; plus she was going to spend two exotic weeks at a five-star resort; all expenses paid, and yet she could barely summon a smile.

  She knew why, of course, her eyes filling anew as she ducked her head; she was mourning the death of her relationship of five years. It had ended just two days ago when she had borrowed Andrew’s phone to show him the email she had received about winning the trip. She had seen a text message that came in at that very second, “Hey Baby…remember, I’m serious…no more unprotected sex!. Pleeeease bring condoms! I miss you!”

  Her mouth tightened now again as she recalled how her hand had shook as she looked up in shock, her disbelieving eyes zeroing in on where her fiancé was calmly sipping the bowl of soup she had made for him.

  “Who is Cindy
Jacobs?” she had asked in a shrill voice she barely recognized as her own.

  Andrew had paused, his hand arrested half-way to his mouth and then he had blithely informed her, his eyes turning hard as he obviously braced himself and said, “She’s the woman I love.”

  Alexandra shut her eyes now in remembered pain as she recalled the strange tunneling sound she had heard after that. A part of her had been afraid she might even be having a small stroke at the time.

  Andrew had simply glared down at her as he rose to his feet and announced he had been dying to tell her that he had had enough, but now was as good a time as any. Then before her shell-shocked eyes, he had marched into the bedroom, grabbed a small duffel bag, and was heading towards the door before she could so much as sneeze.

  The worst part was that whenever she remembered that encounter, what stood out most in her mind’s eyes was the apparent disgust etched onto his features as he looked at her. The pain was still there, but she wished she could believe it when she told herself that he didn’t deserve her. Her weight had always been a sore subject for her and he had known exactly what button to press. At the same time she knew her own self-worth and she wanted to be with a man who saw her as beautiful. She knew that she had to believe it first though. As he had left he had actually had the balls and gall to say “And lose some weight!” Thankfully, in this one instance she did not regret her temper. Before she had a chance to stop it, she had slammed her fist into his nose before shutting the door in his face. What a dick, she thought now.


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