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Queen of the Demonweb Pits

Page 22

by Paul Kidd - (ebook by Flandrel; Undead)

  “Almost certainly. Swords, tracks… she killed him in a single pass—three hits, all at once.”

  “Creepy.” Escalla pondered memories of the tanar’ri. “She had nice hair. And a nice butt—for a snake, I mean.” The faerie turned. “Polk! Careful, man! You don’t know what’s been in there!”

  Polk had taken possession of the fallen jug, smacking his lips. Every cell of his body craved an alcoholic interlude, and crabapple brandy would surely hit the spot. He held the jug in his back feet and inverted it, eagerly opening, his mouth. Thick vapors swirled from the jug and pooled out over the floor to gather in a mist behind him.

  Behind Polk, Escalla hovered in front of the Justicar.

  “So Jus, are you sure about this? How does someone manage to kill a vampire with a single blow?”

  The mist behind Polk suddenly flashed. In its place, appeared a female vampire, black clad and arrowing toward Escalla and the Justicar. Escalla squeaked and sped skyward. Screaming, claws reaching, the vampire streaked below her. There was a sharp whisper and a blur of light, and the vampire stopped and stared in shock.

  The Justicar held his pose for an instant—sword out. He reversed the blade and sheathed it, sliding Benelux slowly back into her scabbard.

  The vampire’s severed head tilted back, burning slowly as it fell. The decapitated torso stood swaying, the undead flesh beginning to wither from contact with the metal of Benelux. The torso finally fell. Staring at it, Henry blinked then snapped a crossbow bolt in two and hammered it straight into the vampires heart.

  “Um… all right!” Escalla looked at the corpse. “Yeah, like that! That was good.”

  Completely unconcerned, Polk had already begun helping himself to the dregs of brandy in the jug. “That’s just the way I would have done it, son! But you need just a little bit more style.”

  A horrific scream came from the courtyard below, followed by the sound of claws scrabbling beneath the windows. The Justicar directed his friends back from the windows and doors, guiding them to the center of the room.

  “Henry, back to the middle of the room! Enid and Escalla, up in the rafters. Polk, play dead!” The Justicar drew his sword. “Here they come!”

  Through the doors and windows, a howling mob of ghouls—jackal-thin, stinking, skeletal, and crazed—rushed into the room and ran madly at Henry and the Justicar. Henry coolly opened fire, his magic crossbow stuttering. A stream of five crossbow bolts tore through one ghoul, sent it crashing to the ground, then Henry drew his sword and followed the Justicar as the big man ploughed into the foe.

  Cinders snarled and sent a blast of flames writhing through the ghouls. The creatures twisted and screamed, burning as they fell. The Justicar wielded Benelux in a savage blur, the ghouls burning like paper as they fell. The ranger’s stoneskin flared and died.

  Henry blocked a ghoul’s claws and ran the creature through. Another ghoul sprang at him in a fury, only to be torn apart by a stream of golden bees shot from the rafters. Enid fell atop the last three ghouls—swatted one so that it simply fell in half—and discovered another flat beneath her paws.

  The last ghoul turned to flee. Jus whip-cracked his magic rope about the creature’s torso, jerked it from its feet and rammed Benelux through the monster’s head. The body flared into flames, and Jus yanked on the rope, spinning the burning corpse across the floor.

  Still sitting in the rafters and nursing her unused wand, Escalla looked suitably impressed. “Hoopy! What was that—nine in, nine down?”

  “Nine! Are you blind, girl? It was a dozen!” Polk happily jotted notes into his chronicles. “For every piece of evil seen, there’s three waiting in the wings, so that makes four-dozen defeated! Forty-eight ghouls! Not bad for a minute or two.”

  “Polk, shut up.” The Justicar kicked a ghoul’s corpse over and examined the body. He stabbed it once more to make it burn. “Scavengers that serve the vampires. They eat bodies drained of blood.”

  Still panting and pale, Henry wiped his mouth. “Why did they attack like that, sir?”

  “If they can stop us from killing the vampires, then they still have their meal ticket.” The Justicar burned away the last remnants of both vampires’ skulls. “Everyone check this room, then retreat back into the tower.”

  Escalla had already begun a search. Rummaging behind a painted throne, the faerie gave a whoop and dragged out a sack that clinked and clanked.

  “Treasure! Finally we find a treasure!” She upended the sack. Out spilled gold coins, silver coins, bent copper pennies, wooden slugs, little gems, big gems, potion bottles, and a scroll. “Look, guys! Treasure! Whoever offed the vampire just left the stash lying around!”

  Beside herself with excitement, the faerie flung herself atop the gold and wallowed atop the pile. “Enid, come over here and try this! Oh, I’m so excited I can see through time!” Escalla plucked a bottle from the treasure pile. “What’s this? Magic potions? O-o-oh, a regeneration potion!” The girl unshipped the slowglass gem from down her front. “All right! Everyone pose with the money and wave! Smile!”

  The Justicar found the discarded bag that the treasure had once been in. He lifted it to Cinders’ nose, and the hell hound sniffed at it carefully.


  Tanar’ri snake!

  “Yes.” Rising, the Justicar signaled Henry to his side. “Get back into the room with the food. Barricade the door to the courtyard. I’ll bring Escalla and the treasure.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  They retrieved the treasure through the simple expedient of opening the portable hole, then pushing the entire loot pile inside—faerie, potion bottles, and all. Escalla gave a squawk and looked out over the edge of the hole as Jus dragged it over the floor to the other room.

  “Hey, Jus! Hey look! Treasure!”


  “Real treasure! There’s gold and potions… and jewels! One of them’s a diamond!”

  “Uh-huh.” The Justicar nodded. “Exactly the right size to use for a stoneskin spell?”

  “Oh—oh, yeah. Did yours run out yet?”

  “Just then.”

  “Ah.” The girl suddenly took on a thoughtful look, ducked into the hole and came up with one of the potion bottles. She gave it a sniff. “Healing potion, Flanaess style.”

  “The sausage in the room is lying on a bag. The bag is stenciled with the seal of a Keggle Bend merchant.” The Justicar reached the far room, where Henry was busily dropping a bar into place against the outer door. “Our snake woman is a busy girl.”

  “A busy girl with an agenda.” Escalla climbed out of the hole. Her eye took in the food, doors leading off to two other small, quiet rooms filled with bedding. “She wants us to rest.”

  “She took care of the only thing here that was dangerous. The chief vampire would have been a lot tougher than his bride.” Jus spied a fireplace and checked it—a metal grate sealed off the chimney flue. “We each need at least four hours to rest and get spells back. Polk and Cinders can keep guard. We can put that mutton on to cook.”

  Enid looked up guiltily. The stripped mutton bone lay on the floor before her, and she covered it up with her paws.

  “Um, aren’t you all going to fry up that nice sausage?”

  “I guess we are.” Escalla looked about the table and sighed. “Any faerie cakes? Honey? Jam? Sugar?”

  “No. Sorry.”

  “Sod it. If I don’t keep my sugar intake up, I get into such a mood!” Escalla tugged at the Justicar, dragging him over to one of the little side rooms. “All right. You meditate, I’ll grab my spell book, and we can grind that diamond. Let’s get rested up.”

  The next room was small, dark, and had windows bolted, sealed, and shuttered tight. Spreading Cinders out over a chair to keep guard in the kitchen, Jus closed the door on the sounds and smells of dinner. He dropped down into the portable hole, retrieved blankets and a pillow made out of an old sack, then clambered wearily out again. He found Escalla sitting surrounded by he
r loot and tools—lich staff, frost wand, spellbook, and potion bottles.

  Peace at last. Still dressed in her awful makeshift dress, she gave Jus a wan little smile.


  He kissed her softly, and she curled into him. It was a simple, powerful love with so few complications. Escalla wound her arms about Jus’ neck, leaned her forehead against his skin and sighed.

  They held each other for a long, long time. Escalla rested a hand on Jus’ skull as they drew apart, and she scratched his stubble with a smile.

  “Stubble.” She loved the feel of it beneath her hands. “Let’s get you shaved. Can’t have you facing ultimate evil with afternoon shadow on your head.”

  He was tired, but he laughed. She sat on his thigh and raked through the loot, shaking the potion bottle beside her ear. Jus looked at the writing on the label and scowled.


  “Drow.” The girl nodded. “Yep. All drow. Looks like about five healing potions and five spider venom antidotes: one each. Convenient, eh? Plus we’ve got a potion of regeneration. All are labeled.”

  “I thought so.”

  “So what’s going on?” Escalla rattled the bottles with her foot. “You think Lolth’s playing with us? Wants us to make it to the palace so she can flatten us?”

  “No. The problems we’re facing aren’t cruel enough.” The Justicar sighed, feeling tired. “There’s nothing specifically intended to make us suffer. It’s been just guards.”

  “Heh. And Recca and Tielle.”

  “Them, too.” The Justicar looked over their weapons and tools. “Is your frost wand holding out?”

  “Yeah. Running low on charges, though. Lich staff too.” The girl ran frustrated fingers through her hair. “I have to relax! Clear my mind! I can’t memorize spells while I’m all keyed up.”

  There were empty bottles amongst the full. Jus picked up a familiar little vial and shook it.

  “Giant growth potion?”

  “Yeah. Last one left.” Escalla picked it up and looked at the liquid gleaming through the clear glass bottle. “Ah, well. I guess we’ll make more someday. I’ll find the ingredients somehow….”

  Jus rubbed his eyes.

  “We should meditate. We only have four hours. Do faeries do anything special to relax?”

  Escalla laughed. All of a sudden, she looked at Jus, and Jus looked at her. They looked at each other, then Escalla pounced, tearing at the potion bottle’s cork.

  Hanging from the door handle nearby, Benelux wailed. No! Not again! No! I demand to be put in another room! The sword buried herself inside her sheath and sang to try to block away the noise. La la la la!

  * * *

  Outside the door, Enid blinked. She pushed more wood into the fire, hoping the crackling flames and sizzling sausage would mask other sounds. Diligently slicing sausage at the table with Polk, Henry looked at the door in puzzlement.

  “What’s that noise?”

  “Mantra!” Enid managed to go pale and blush bright red at the same time. “Escalla’s meditating.”

  Polk pricked his ears. “Mantra? Sounds like she’s just yelling ‘yes!’ over and over again.”

  “It’s a very happy mantra.” Enid cleared her throat. “Mmm! Sausages smell nice, don’t they?”

  She stirred the sausages in the pan and burned her paw. Henry leaped to her aid and knelt with her, cradling her big paw in his hands. They looked at each other, turned pink as crabs, and both hastily looked away—yet stayed sitting as close beside each other as they possibly could.

  Draped over the back of a chair, Cinders saw all, heard all, and knew all. He sucked on a lump of prime new coal and slowly wagged his tail.


  “What do you mean there’s no sign of them? Have you looked?”

  Wild, furious, worn, and thoroughly annoyed, Tielle hovered above a hillside with her wings beating like a mad dragonfly. She had been so certain that today would be the day of her revenge that she had dressed herself in her most outrageous outfit. It consisted of a few threads and thongs—all pulled as tight as comfort would allow. The effect was like a pale white pudding bound up with string. With thirty chain monks spread about the hillsides, with spells and imps and bloodhounds sniffing the ground, she had still failed to find Escalla’s trail! The crystal ball was useless, drawing a blank hour after hour. It was as though Escalla had disappeared without a trace!

  “Damn her! She can’t possibly have a scrying shield! Not every hour of every day!” Tielle sat on a tree stump, the bark agony to her bared bottom, and snatched her crystal ball out of the hands of a monk. “Where is she? If she’s on this plane, then why can’t we find her?”

  A monk dragged its chains and gibbered at her, waving its arms in a mad attempt to be understood. Blonde, plump, and underclad, Tielle tossed the useless crystal ball into its arms.

  “Don’t be an idiot! I know exactly what to do. All we need is a little patience. I’ll flay her alive and use the skin to make a puppet show!” The faerie stood, dusted herself irritably, and rose into the air. “Come on. Gather those other idiots here. We’ll head back to the gate and go home!”

  The chain monk made a pathetic, hungry noise. From above, Tielle gave it a look of angry contempt.

  “I know my sister. Escalla is nothing but a strutting, puffed up little peahen. We’ve bested her, so she’ll want her revenge! All we have to do is wait for her to come into our lair.”

  Tielle watched her minions gathering. The search had been long and annoying. To escape her, Escalla must have hidden in the darkest bowels of the earth or the foulest swamps of some other plane. The girl hovered, looking nastily out across the wilderness, consoling herself with the thought of her sister in humiliation and agony.

  “Well, wherever she is, at least she’s suffering!”

  * * *

  A few hours of rest had worked miracles. The castle remained quiet, the fried sausage had a hint of garlic, and the wine was a Verbobonc vintage that must have cost a hundred crowns. Escalla had to be ladled out of bed like limp, boiled noodles. She was slipped into rough new clothes made out of a soft cloth, and draped over Jus’ shoulders like a collar. As the group edged into the castle courtyard under a blood-red sky, Henry coughed politely to attract her attention.

  “My Lady? You seem less tense.” The boy leaned closer. “Did you study your spells?”

  “Hmm? Spells? Yeah. Hoopier than hoopy!” The faerie girl gave a dazed thumbs up. “Recharged and rarin’ to go. You have a problem, and I’m right on the job.”

  With that, she curled back down to snooze again. One part of her brain registered something new, and she sleepily eyed off her brand new clothes.

  “Where did these come from?”

  “I made them out of a polishing cloth,” Henry replied. “Enid and I thought it was, ah, more dignified than the others you were wearing.”

  “Henry! You are just the sweetest thing!” Raising her head, Escalla made long streams of her golden hair cascade down Jus’ back. “Hey, you two guys just earned yourself a faerie boon. Straight from the faerie princess to you!” The girl rolled luxuriously, spreading her hair into watery drifts of light. “I’ll do the ‘true heart’s desire’ thing right after we get back home.”

  The doorway to the Demonweb Pits stood as it always had, but lying beside the door was a tiny, glittering snake scale. The Justicar knelt over his find and carefully pocketed the evidence before clearing the scene. He jumped through the barrier between worlds, emerging into the stench, the prickling light, and formless dread of the Demonweb. The others followed him one by one as he carefully examined the path in each direction, opened his map, then signaled the way forward.

  They had shared out healing potions, water bottles, and tools. Escalla sat up, her spells firm in her head and her frost wand in her hands. They all moved to the end of the path to a great bronze door that marked the entrance to another world.

  Again, there was a clear window. This time, the
view revealed a bleak plain of windswept obsidian boulders and cracked rivers of volcanic glass. Electrical storms sheeted across the sky, revealing the sinister shape of Lolth’s palace squatting on a hilltop a mere hundred yards away.

  The palace seemed deserted, and yet light leaked from the huge windows that served as its eyes. The Justicar dug in his pouch for the remaining key and fitted it into a depression on the door. He swung the door open, and the party stood before a transparent barrier that led into Lolth’s private, most secret home.

  The Justicar checked the fit of his equipment, using the same quiet, careful moves that had seen him through a hundred battlefields.

  “This is Lolth’s inner sanctum. Touch nothing you don’t have to. Look on everything as a deadly trap. Watch for magic. Watch for enemies. Your enemy can shape change, teleport, cast magic and illusion… so kill first and strike hard.”

  He looked from Enid to Henry, Escalla to Polk, and then reached up to tie Cinders into place.

  “I’m yours, and you are mine. You never abandon your people. If any of you get in trouble, remember: I will come for you.” The big man turned and waved the others in his wake. “Forward.”

  Escalla turned invisible to scout ahead. Polk and Enid moved forward stealthily into the black glass boulders. Henry followed, his magic crossbow hunting at shadows.

  They had scarcely crossed the threshold when the folded map on Jus’ belt caught fire. He scowled at it as it burned against his dragon scales, then dragged the map free before it could damage his sword belt. He stamped on the ashes then took a swift look across the plains to see if the fire had been noticed. Lightning flashed and obsidian sparkled. Hopefully, one tiny little fire had not been seen. Escalla cocked an eye at the last few wisps of crumbling map and gave a wry little smile.

  “Smart girl, isn’t she?”

  “Smart girl.” The Justicar abandoned the map and moved on. “Everyone move carefully.”

  * * *

  Vast and foreboding, Lolth’s palace was watchful. The brass metal of its hull swam with images of screaming faces and clawing hands, as if it were pressed out of the souls of the dead. Vents high upon the hull leaked smoke into the sky, and steam hissed from its joints. The body rested just above the ground, stairs spilling out from the spider palace’s monstrous head like a tongue feeding into its cavernous jaws. Little quasits scampered through the boulders like monstrous rats, their demonic shapes casting immense, terrifying shadows in the unclean light.


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