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A Billionaire's Roar (Charmed in Vegas Book 4)

Page 6

by Vella Day


  “Why don’t you two come inside where we keep our tame tigers? You can pet them if you want.”

  “I’d love to see them up close.” Joy spread through her at the thought.

  How cool was it that she could cross off another item on her bucket list? Coming to Las Vegas had been her first.

  Max escorted her inside and she halted despite her heart pounding. The cats were wandering around the room, some playing with each other, while others were resting, but no barrier was between her and the wild creatures.

  “Is it safe?” she asked, backing up.

  Max grinned. “Yes. Let me show you.”

  He let go of her hand, walked up to a large male tiger and rubbed his head. The glorious creature jumped up and placed his paws on Max’s shoulder, causing him to laugh. Elise feared something bad would happen, but when the tiger licked Max’s face, he grinned and stepped away. “See? He’s harmless. You want to give it a try?”

  “I can do without the licking.”

  Max turned to the tiger and wagged a finger. “No licking, okay?”

  She chuckled. He acted as if the tiger could understand what he was saying. Elise edged toward the beautiful animal that was more tan and black than the one she’d seen in the room—or the one she thought she’d seen. Elise held out her hand, and the animal came toward her. When he placed his head underneath her palm, she grinned. “Aw, he’s like a big kitten.”

  Max growled out a laugh. “Let’s not insult him.”

  “He can’t understand me.”

  One brow rose. “You’d be surprised how intuitive animals are.”

  For the next few minutes, she petted the tigers, loving their vibrant colors and gentle nature. After a few strokes on their soft fur, they’d purr and keep nudging her hand for more. Many of the group waited close by for their turn, acting as if this was a treat for them.

  “Where did these cats come from?” she asked.

  “Mostly from the circus shows. If they are injured or just old, this is a great place to live out their final days.”

  “That’s really nice.”

  After she had the chance to visit with each cat, Max stepped closer to her. “Have you ever been to Venice?” he asked.

  “Venice, Italy?” She sighed. “No. Like I said, I’ve lived a boring life.”

  He held out his hand. “Then come with me.”

  They thanked the tiger keeper and headed out. To her delight, the cab driver was waiting for them. “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “To put a little romance in your life.”

  She laughed. Max was her dream man after all.

  * * *

  Max couldn’t remember the last time he’d had such fun. Elise had loved the gondola ride at the Venetian and enjoyed checking out the shops. Her wide eyes and enthusiastic responses convinced him that she was what he’d been missing in his life. Add in the fact that she seemed to be so at ease with the tigers, he was sure that she’d make the perfect Alpha’s mate. At some point, he’d have to tell her that all of the tigers in the building had been shifters, and that the one who’d licked his face had been Nikolai.

  Then again, perhaps some things might be best left unsaid.

  “Since I didn’t get to eat lunch, would you be up for a snack while I order something?” he asked.

  “Sure.” Max clasped her hand and led her through his casino to the bank of elevators. She looked up at him. “There are restaurants upstairs?”

  “I thought we’d have room service.” He couldn’t believe how fast his heart was pounding, awaiting her answer. With the way Elise had laughed at all of his jokes, grabbed onto his arm at every opportunity, and listened to what he had to say, Max had no doubt that Elise was interested in making love with him.

  Or was that his ego speaking?

  No, Elise was a highly sensual woman. Too bad when he told her what a cad he was, she’d hightail it out of there—but hopefully not for long. He’d have to find a way to show her they were meant to be together.

  Once at the top floor, the elevator doors open. “You live up here?” she asked.

  “I live on the outskirts of town, but I have a suite for when it’s too late to drive home.”

  He’d purchased a mansion in the hopes he’d raise a family there, but of late, it had brought him little pleasure—until he’d met Elise.

  As he led her down the hallway, her jaw dropped and he could understand her amazement. The ceilings were painted with a jungle theme to go with the rest of the building and even impressed him every time he walked down the corridor. Max had debated taking her to Nikolai’s suite where they’d first met, but he feared Elise would freak and not listen to reason.

  As he neared his set of rooms, his inner tiger threatened to bust out. Being with her all day had tested his resolve, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep from making love with her before he told her the truth.

  Max swiped his key in the lock and opened the door. As soon as Elise stepped inside she halted. “Holy shit,” she spun around and faced him. “Do all the casino dealers live like this?”

  “No, and I’m no longer a dealer.” That was the truth. “How about if we have a drink, and then order some food? There are a few things I need to tell you.” Food was the last thing on his mind at the moment.


  Elise was stunned by the opulence of the suite. She had definitely misjudged Max. At first she believed him to be a repairman. After he explained that he was merely helping out the IT department, he led her to believe he held a good job at the casino, but not one this grand. Now she wasn’t sure what his role was. Perhaps he’d made his money gambling, and she wasn’t sure if she liked that he relied on luck for his income.

  “White or red?” he asked.

  “Oh, ah, white.” Drinking alcohol might not be such a good idea right now since keeping her hands off him was hard enough. The euphoria she was experiencing felt as if he’d injected a lust drug in her system.

  Maybe it was that he looked so much like the other Max that she kept confusing the two. Their laughs were identical, and they gave her the most amazing ego-boosting compliments.

  “Here you go. Come sit next to me on the sofa,” Max said.

  Being alone with him had her pulse racing and her imagination going wild. She should be scared that something would happen, but no internal sensors were going off. In fact, the opposite was happening. With each passing hour, a connection grew deeper between them, almost as if his animal magnetism had connected with her inner being.

  Max held up his glass. “Here’s to a wonderful day, thank you.”

  “I’m the one who was treated to the delights of Las Vegas. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.”

  As he sipped his wine, his eyes seemed to turn a shimmering gold. Without a word, he set down his glass and slipped hers from her fingers. “I know this is fast, but I’m barely able to control myself around you, Elise. That’s not some bullshit line, believe me.”

  The Elise who worked in California would have jumped up and run. But after her hypnosis, she was no longer that person. This seemed right. “I believe you. In fact, ever since we stepped into that French restaurant, I’ve been giddy and super excited. I felt as if you were able to see the real me.”

  Oh, God. Why had she told him that? Now, he’d think she’d fallen under his spell—which she had.

  He cupped her face. “That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Please kiss me,” he said, his voice sounding far off—or else it was her head that had floated away.

  The power to control what happened next gave her a heady thrill. Elise leaned forward, grabbed his shoulders, and lightly pressed her lips to his, wanting to savor their fullness. Then what sounded like a growl started in her chest and bubbled upward.

  Breaking the kiss, she looked deep into his eyes. “Was that me?” she asked, planting a hand on her chest as heat raced up her face.

  “I think so, but it might ha
ve come from me.” Green flecks swirled in his eyes, mesmerizing her with their intensity. “So where were we?”

  She blinked. “I think I was kissing you.”

  “If you don’t remember perhaps I need to take the lead.”

  She giggled, relishing how he could always make her comfortable. “I’d like that.”

  His hands slid down to her shoulders and then eased her onto her back. No question about it—he intended to make love with her, and it was equally as clear that she wanted him to. For once in her life, she was going to enjoy life and not worry she might lose her job because of it.

  Max crawled on top of her, but she barely felt his weight. Their lips locked, and suddenly Elise was transported back to the room with the animal prints on the wall. She wanted this to be real and not a dream like before, but this Max made it hard for her to tell the difference. When his tongue begged for entry, her libido took over, dashing all objections. During their time together he’d become the most important person in the world to her. How that was even possible, she didn’t know.

  Her parents would have shouted at her to get the hell out of there, that he was a stranger, yet it was as if she’d known him forever.

  She slid her hands around to his back and pulled him closer, needing him in order to breathe. Never before had she experienced such overwhelming urges, and she wasn’t sure how to handle the infusion of lust. Their tongues collided and her inner walls convulsed with a powerful dose of passion. His taste and smell invaded her body and they seemed to be one.

  “Elise, I need you so bad.”

  Her insides melted. Normally Elise was tentative with men, but with Max, she’d lost her inhibitions. She might have attributed it to the wine, but she’d only had one sip. Consumed with the need to feel his skin, she lifted his white shirt from his slacks. When she smoothed her palms up his back, heat nearly seared her skin. That one touch made her want him even more.

  “Take me,” she pleaded.

  She’d said the same thing to her fantasy man, but this time it was for real. At least if he had doubts and stopped, there wouldn’t be a magician snapping his fingers and bringing her back to reality. This time, she’d make sure he wanted to keep going.

  Max sat up. “A couch is no place for a lady.”

  Elise pressed her lips together to keep from saying she’d make love with him in the middle of the desert, but a man like Max wouldn’t be attracted to a desperate woman.

  He stood, lifted her up in his arms just like her fantasy man had and carried her through the living room into a large bedroom. The circular bed didn’t seem like something Max would have chosen, but she certainly wouldn’t complain.

  Instead of placing her on top, he set her on her feet. “I want to strip you naked and make love to you.”

  She nearly swooned. “Would it be okay if I start by getting you naked first? It might calm my nerves.”

  Max’s gaze focused solely on her. “You can do anything you want.”

  Was he wonderful or what? If she could unwrap his clothing one piece at a time, it would be better than Christmas morning. She’d take off his shirt first then delve into the wonders inside his pants.

  Lift arms. Undo buttons.

  Her fingers failed to cooperate in getting the white pearl buttons through the loops, but she wouldn’t give up.

  “Don’t take too long.” Max actually sounded in pain.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  “All I can say is that this is taking all of my control not to touch your soft skin or kiss your delicate lips while I stand here.” He looked down at her. “I want to be inside you more than I can say, inhaling your scent and enjoying every inch of you.”

  Her fingers stilled at his romantic words. “I’ll hurry.”

  Concentrating, she undid the first two buttons but the third one from the top refused to go through the hole. Max stepped out of her grasp. “Let me.”

  With one tug, the shirt flew open and the remaining buttons dropped to the carpet. She winced. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Trust me, I did.”

  He slipped the shirt from his shoulders and she stood mesmerized by his golden skin, taut abs, and powerful muscles.

  “Wow.” Okay, she hadn’t meant for that to slip out.

  Max moved closer. “I have more to show you.”

  She bet he did. Not wanting to look obvious, she lowered her gaze to right below his waist then back up again, but not before the huge bulge made her heart hammer. Elise was torn. Should she take off his pants and suck on his cock, or just tell him to take her. Decisions, decisions...


  Oh, shit. She must have been staring. “Can you take off your shoes?” she asked.

  “My pleasure,” he said and slipped them off along with his socks, and then unhooked his belt.

  My pleasure? That was the phrase Max her dream man had used. She shook that image out of her head, not wanting to believe she’d been hypnotized again.

  Needing affirmation that this was real, she reached out and unzipped his slacks. As she lowered the material, her heart pounded. The silky fabric floated to his ankles and he stepped out of them. With trembling hands, she lowered his briefs. Whoa.

  “You can touch me if you’d like.” This time his voice came out shaky.

  Elise looked up and swore his facial hair had instantly turned into a five o’clock shadow. Not wanting to think about why or how, she grabbed his cock and could barely close her hand around it. Dropping to her knees, she pulled his hard length toward her and licked him from balls to tip.

  “Jesus girl, you’re killing me here.”

  Not wanting to disappoint him, she drew him inside of her mouth, and his tangy flavor ignited her from the inside out. She couldn’t say what was happening to her, but it was as if they were bonding molecule by molecule.

  Needing more contact, she wrapped an arm around his butt and drew him closer. Encouraged by his moans and groans, she licked, sucked, and devoured his cock. Max drove his fingers through her hair, and when he tugged, her senses sharpened and the urge to fuck him overwhelmed her.

  Drawing him even deeper into her mouth, she swirled her tongue while squeezing one of his tight, sexy butt cheeks. She’d never been this needy in her life. Maybe the Vegas air had altered her somehow.

  “Enough!” Max stepped back. “I’ve never been this weak.”

  Weak was not the word she would have used. Max was not only powerful, but he was amazing and sexy as hell.

  He lifted her to her feet then took off her shirt. Thankfully, she’d worn her red bra today instead of the plain white one she had on with her fantasy man. His eyes glowed, and for a moment his incisors peeked out from his mouth, convincing her that her hormones were messing with her sight.

  Driven by some unknown force, Elise needed Max—now. She kicked off her shoes and undid her jeans as he unhooked the back of her bra. Before she could slip the material over her hips, he lifted her up and placed her on the bed. With one tug, her jeans and panties disappeared.

  “So beautiful.” His chest rose and fell as his lids lowered over his desire-filled eyes.

  He ran a hand over her breast. At that very moment, she was transported to another dimension, floating in a surreal space. After lowering the straps of her bra, he tossed it on the bed next to the rest of her clothes.

  When she was naked, Max opened the side table drawer and pulled out a condom.

  “Can I put it on?” She didn’t know where that bold statement had come from, but Max radiated a confidence that seeped into her.

  “Next time. I’m hanging by a thread and about to burst.”

  With a dexterity she’d never seen before, Max donned the condom and slid on top of her. Instead of widening her legs, he dipped his head and plucked a nipple until the peak hardened and caused spikes of pleasure to rush through her.

  He looked up at her with more desire than she’d ever seen, and her body lit up with the strongest need ever. “
I thought you were in a hurry,” she managed to say.

  Max closed his eyes and his chest fully expanded. “I am.”

  He nudged open her legs, and his large cock pressed against her opening, sending her spinning in anticipation. Blood pounded in her ears and bliss coursed through her. Not sure what he was waiting for, she grabbed his hips and lifted her own up to meet him, driving his cock into her, stretching her so wide she had to gulp in more air.

  Max looked up and then kissed her. As he thrust into her, their tongues entwined, and for the first time in her life, she was making love with a man who seemed to relish every part of their union. She clawed his back and was surprised when she actually scratched him since her nails had been clipped short. It was as if she’d been possessed by some inner animal who was trying to break loose.

  Max broke the kiss and dragged his lips over her chin and down her throat. With each breath, her senses sharpened. His fresh, linen scent teased her nostrils and his hard packed muscles ignited her. Elise moved her hands up his back, and then threaded her fingers through his silky hair.

  “Fuck me hard.” Never had she uttered such decadent words before, but she meant every one now.

  “Be careful what you wish for,” he growled.

  Elise wrapped her legs around his waist and tossed away every insecurity she’d ever had. She was so lost in her own world of wonder, that when she felt two pricks on her neck, she ignored the slight ache.

  Fast and furious, he pounded into her, taking her higher and higher until her orgasm swooped in, causing a scream to erupt. His hot seed then filled the condom. After another minute of soaring high, Elise collapsed. Her body tingled all over and she bet her skin glowed. Joy pummeled her heart as she fought to catch her breath.

  Max rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Her body limp on top of his, she waited for her pulse to slow. His hands roamed up and down her back and rear in such a loving manner that she believed they must have known each other in some past life.

  “You are amazing,” he said with such awe she believed him.

  “You are too.”


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