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Every Pearl Has Its Oyster

Page 10

by India Lee

  “How about you ignoring me for a week? Even though I apologized for what I said in the interview, the stupid thing about ‘forever’ – I said I was sorry. But you still wouldn’t talk to me and you left for work early to avoid me and then suddenly, things are incredible between you and Madison and everyone’s wondering about your amazing chemistry! Do you get how that looks weird to me?” she demanded, her chest heaving. A pathetic hiccup surfaced from the bottom of her throat. Tyler shook his head at the floor before turning his to look at her, his eyes surprisingly scornful.

  “Christ, Gemma, you really don’t get it. At all. How you feel? Right now?” he laughed tartly, running his hand over his mouth. “Imagine that a hundred times worse and you’ve got how I feel. What I did to you for a week is what you’ve been doing to me for a year.” He paused to take in her bewildered reaction but continued before she could interrupt. “Just because you’re next to me, Gemma, and talking to me doesn’t mean that you’re not ignoring me. You never once opened up about your past, about high school, about Madison – all the things that still haunt you. It’s too much work for you to go over all of that again, just for me. It’s not worth it. So when you’re lost or upset and I want nothing more than to make you happy again, you’d rather run to Damian and let him take care of you. I saw you two talking at the sponsor party.” Tyler sneered. “And the world wonders why I’m not a good enough boyfriend. You won’t fucking let me be.”

  Gemma’s jaw clenched. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she felt her closed fist pound on Tyler’s chest. “That’s not fair, Tyler, it’s not even true! Damian has nothing to do with this!”

  “He has everything to do with this!” Tyler’s voice was a surprising growl as he closed in on Gemma, his face just inches from hers. She stiffened, startled. Suddenly, James was behind Tyler with a hand gripping his shoulder. Tyler flung his arm away with irritation, jerking free before pacing away from both of them. “You didn’t even know what I was upset about, Gemma. It wasn’t the ‘forever’ thing, it was your answer about Damian. How he was your best friend. He’s been through everything with you. He gets you. Beauford. Los Angeles. He gets everything.” He shook his head, running his hands through his disheveled hair. “You know what’s sick? I actually thought you and I might have some sort of bond after what happened with Elizabeth. Something only we understood. But turns out everything goes back to Gemma, and the only person who knows everything about Gemma is Damian. So this chemistry between me and Madison you’re upset about? This act we put on for the camera?” He laughed. “Imagine how you’d feel if it was real, and it was the reason why you always got ignored. Imagine that, ‘cause maybe then you’d start to know how I feel when it comes to you and Damian.”

  The roof was silent for the next five, perhaps ten minutes – Gemma lost track. She stood in the middle of the roof, watching Tyler lean against the balcony and stare down at the street, his shoulders heaving less and less as his breathing seemed to calm. But Gemma knew that calm didn’t mean settled.

  “Tyler,” her hoarse voice finally rasped. She wiped tears from her cheeks before glaring at James, who reluctantly excused himself out the exit. He’d be planted on the other side of the door, but that was good enough for Gemma. She inched closer to Tyler and the edge of the roof, going on her tippy-toes and daring to drape her arms over his wide shoulders. His back was stiff, but she felt his hands take hers. “I’ll tell you everything from now on,” she said quietly. “Just promise you’ll be you again. The real you – not this angry guy. Stop trying to prove things to the world, because I don’t need it. I know you love me.”

  It took a few minutes but finally, Tyler nodded, and quietly, they left the roof. As they climbed down the stairwell with James behind them, Gemma released a sigh, wondering if it could possibly be over – if Tyler would be Tyler again. If he’d go back to sweet and charming instead of silent and brooding.

  Her answer came fast.

  “Hey, you ready to go?” Andro met them at the bottom of the steps. He looked at Gemma. “I talked to the guy, he’s not gonna bother you anymore.”

  “What guy?” Tyler asked. Gemma flashed Andro a look, but he didn’t catch it before answering.

  “Your friend, Liam.”

  And without even asking what happened, Tyler exploded across the room, a blur as he headed straight for the rest of the cast. He didn’t stop, prompting a ripple of gasps as he pummeled directly into Liam, driving an elbow into his chest and shoving him onto the tabletop of bottles and glasses.


  Pop Dinner

  September 1st

  Fighting with Liam Brody? Having an alleged affair with smoking hot Madison Lennox? The same Madison Lennox who ruthlessly bullied his girlfriend back in high school? Tyler Chase is veering into serious asshole territory… and we’re loving it!

  If these rumors are true, we might be inclined to stop making fun of the pop idol here. I mean, fighting with a pompous jerk like Liam Brody earns you points already, but a possible fling with the incredibly sexy Madison Lennox? Tyler, that might just earn you our elusive stamp of approval.

  Chapter 8

  “Look!” Kate shouted, running to Gemma with her phone in her hand. Gemma lifted her sunglasses to look at what Kate was so excited about. A picture of Tyler had been posted on Twitter. “He looks so incredible!” Kate swooned. Gemma looked at the recently uploaded photo, taken just moments before on set. Tyler looked ruggedly sexy as he sat on a motorcycle.

  “Whose account is that?” Gemma asked, blushing as she smiled at his image. Leah and Kate giggled at her reaction. Underneath the towel over his face, Gavin let out a snort of disgust. The three had gathered in Gemma’s backyard as a bit of a last hurrah before they headed back to their respective schools. Classes were to begin in a week.

  “One of the producers,” Kate said, twirling her hair, giddily. “She posts so many updates a day, it almost feels like you’re on set too.” Kate turned her attention to Gemma. “Which you have the option of doing, but you’re not!”

  “Way to make me feel wanted!” Gemma laughed. “If I were on set right now, I wouldn’t be hanging out with you guys.” She was happy to have been able to squeeze some time out to see them before they left, though it meant canceling two meetings with Perrin and Oro that day. But Kate also had a point. Gemma had the option of being with Tyler on set, something she was sure he’d like, especially in their fragile state.

  It was as if a switch went off in Tyler since the Frances Browning interview and thought she knew now what it was that had upset him, Gemma still wasn’t quite sure how to handle it. Between the silent treatment and his sudden outburst at Liam, all she knew was that she was desperate for things to return to normal. Outwardly, no one would know that the couple had been traveling through rough waters. They were once again affectionate and loving with Tyler looking happy and radiant at every sight of her. It made Gemma feel that much more guilty for her misstep with Frances Browning and worse, she knew she had done virtually nothing to rectify it.

  I just don’t know how, she thought as she bit her lip. Gemma wanted to ask her friends for advice while she had them, but it meant having to admit that there was still a problem. Word traveled fast about Tyler’s tussle with Liam and it seemed like everyone had seen the Frances Browning segment, so it wasn’t exactly a secret that there was trouble. But with the way that she and Tyler had been carrying on, her friends brushed it off as another media overreaction. She wondered why Tyler was having so much trouble doing the same.

  “How’s my tan looking?” Gavin asked, taking the towel off his face as he sat up. “Tan enough to fit in with the Los Angeles crowd yet?” Gemma looked over. He had indeed picked up some color.

  “Hanging out with Zoe tonight?” she teased.

  “Yep,” he replied. “It’s going to be awhile before I see her again, so you know…”

  “See her again?” Gemma raised her eyebrows. “There are already plans for
that?” Gavin grinned.

  “We’re going to give it a try. See how it goes,” he shrugged. Gavin walked over, giving Gemma a quick kiss on the forehead. “See you later, baby sister. Let me know when you’re on the east coast.”

  “The superior coast,” Leah said as she sprawled poolside. Gemma laughed.

  “You say that now,” Gemma replied. “But keep in mind that what you’re doing now is what I enjoy year-round.” As soon as she said it, she realized how untrue the statement was. Los Angeles hadn’t disappointed with its reputation for perpetual sunshine, but Gemma never really got to take full advantage of it. Between work and the constant drama that had seemed to plague her since her move, there was rarely any time. In fact, she wasn’t sure she had ever even stepped foot into Tyler’s pool.

  “You’re seeing Damian at that perfume photo shoot thing right? Say bye to him for me, okay?” Gavin asked.

  “I will,” Gemma replied.

  “Tell him what I really wanted was an inappropriately long goodbye in person,” Gavin added. “Like one that involves sunsets, long hugs and tears.”

  “I’m not telling him that,” Gemma shook her head, laughing. She watched as Gavin hugged Leah and Kate goodbye before disappearing into the house. She was sad to see him go. Having been the person she saw the most throughout her life, adjusting to Gavin going off to college was difficult, but not nearly as difficult as living on opposite coasts. It was something she hadn’t recognized until seeing him again in her new home.

  “So when are you going to be back on the east coast?” Leah asked.

  “I have to check my tour schedule,” Gemma replied. “I have a couple dates set in New York alone so I’ll probably be there for awhile before I go to Europe.”

  “Ugh, lucky!” Kate squealed. “I’m trying to save up so I can study abroad in Florence but I have to be accepted into the program first. Oh my God, maybe we can both meet up if we’re there at the same time!”

  “Maybe,” Gemma smiled.

  “It’s a big ‘if’ though,” Kate frowned.

  “How long is your tour?” Leah asked, sitting up and dangling her legs into the pool.

  “We have about a year scheduled,” Gemma said. “And depending on how it goes, we might add more dates.”

  “A year?” Leah gaped. “I can’t imagine knowing exactly where I’ll be everyday for a year.”

  “Well I don’t know every day,” Gemma shrugged.

  “I know we’re the same age but I feel like such a kid around you,” Leah laughed. “I have no idea what I’m going to be doing ever and you have a job and your life planned out for a year.”

  “I don’t even know my dorm assignment yet,” Kate nodded. “Oh God, I don’t even have a major. At least you have a major, Leah! I have no direction at all! I have no idea what happens next!” Kate faceplanted into her crumpled-up towel.

  “Calm down!” Gemma laughed. “You’re going to be fine!” She got up from her seat, walking over to shake Kate from her panic. Gemma sat down beside her, coaxing her to sit up.

  “I need a hug,” Kate whined. Gemma wrapped her arms around Kate, squeezing her tight as she continued to frown. She noticed Kate’s iPhone still open to the producer’s uploaded pictures.

  “Let’s look at more set pictures of Carbine,” Gemma said. “Will that make you feel better?”

  “Will it make me feel better to look at people who already have jobs and lives and your stupid, sexy, famous boyfriend when I don’t even know where I’m going to be living in a few weeks?” Kate asked, dramatically. Leah snorted, shaking her head as she jumped fully into the pool.

  “I suddenly feel like less of a mess,” Leah joked, wading in the water. Gemma laughed, looking again at the picture of Tyler on set. She continued flipping through the photos, admiring his image quietly as she rubbed Kate’s arms to soothe her. Kate didn’t pick her head up, still whining steadily into Gemma’s shoulders. She smiled to herself, truly feeling lucky as she looked at the various photos of Tyler, working hard and looking great in every single one.

  But then she popped up. The series of pictures began with Tyler and Madison rehearsing scenes but progressed to shots of them laughing offset as well. Gemma only became more disturbed as she got into the shots of Liam Brody. While he was in the foreground, posing for lighting fixes and talking to other cast members, Gemma could see Tyler and Madison in the background, still talking. The pictures were from all different shoot days spanning from the beginning of the production to now.

  Kate lifted her head from Gemma’s shoulders. Thankfully, she had flipped to an innocuous looking photo of a shirtless Tyler standing alone on set. Kate giggled, taking the phone from Gemma’s hand.

  “This is my favorite picture of him,” Kate exclaimed, seemingly recovered from her brief state of depression.

  “Shirtless one?” Leah asked, floating peacefully in the pool.

  “Yep,” Kate nodded, excitedly.

  “Yep,” Leah laughed. “Hope you don’t mind us perving on your boyfriend, Gem.”

  “We’re only human,” Kate shrugged. “Also, we loved him before you loved him.” Gemma forced a laugh. Of course, she didn’t mind Leah and Kate fawning over her boyfriend. It was innocent, more playful than serious. She just wasn’t sure it was the same case with Madison.


  Pop Rock Gossip

  Posted by Jessie O.

  September 12th

  Is it just me, or is Tyler Chase becoming a bit of an asshole?

  Remember when the kid was this sweetheart who serenaded twelve-year-olds and flew them out to his concerts because they cried for him in a YouTube video? Looks like those days are over. Check out Tyler’s last three moves into the Asshole Hall of Fame:

  1. Opts to do a movie with Madison Lennox, the evil hag who tortured his girlfriend when she was poor, lonely Gemma Hunter in high school. Way to be loyal to your lady there, Ty.

  2. Initiates a scuffle with Liam Brody for unknown reasons at Smythe. Sure, Liam’s no angel but really, Tyler? Starting club fights for the fun of it? That’s like, the signature move of a full-blown jerkwad.

  3. And the best for last: Rumor has it that instead of kissing his actual girlfriend on New Year’s Eve last year, Tyler actually locked lips with Elizabeth Clarke, Queen Bee’s stalker and impersonator! Ewww. Yeah, we hear Elizabeth was pretty skilled with the makeup brush, but don’t you recognize an imposter when she’s got her tongue down your mouth? Maybe he didn’t even care. He’s obviously not the guy we thought we knew.

  Emerging from her trailer in a plain white leotard and no shoes, Gemma looked out at the vast, emerald green field before her. A small crew was setting up for the photo shoot about a hundred feet away between, two tall trees. Not far from them were Perrin and Andro, no doubt discussing safety or something dull with Thierry Marc.

  “Let’s make this quick, okay?” Perrin said, looking bored already as she stood with Andro at Gemma’s second and last photo shoot for Thierry Marc’s fragrance, Wanderlust. “Bee needs to be at Oro by three. There’s a lot to cover with Cliff today.”

  “Alright,” the new photographer Darlene said, ignoring Perrin and taking Gemma’s hand. She took her thick, red-framed glasses off and let them hang from its turquoise chain. She gave Gemma a quick onceover, twirling her around as if there was anything to look at. There was barely a hair and makeup team and she was wearing something that resembled a modestly cut, one-piece bathing suit. It was a low-key enough concept that Tyler and even Nicki hadn’t felt compelled to accompany, unlike last time when the ad was shot by the overtly sensual photography duo, Lourdes and Cai. The pair was famously responsible for aiding in the growing complexes of Gemma and Damian’s significant others.

  “So, we’re going to put the wander in Wanderlust since Lourdes and Cai put enough lust in the last campaign to last a couple years. The goal is like I said – we’re going to make you two look like you’re flying so I hope you two don’t hav
e a thing about heights. You ever hear of aerial silks?”

  “I think so,” Gemma said. Her mind flashed back to a Cirque du Soleil performance she had seen when she was younger. She had been fascinated with the woman who suspended herself between two luxurious pieces of silk, rolling her body up and performing elaborate acrobatics while swinging through the air. She had certainly looked as if she were in flight.

  “Well the crew here is well-trained in that,” Darlene said. “They’re going to teach you how to do a simple wrap but we’re going to have you suspended a little higher up than most beginners since we’re going to shoot from below. You’ll look like two clouds in the sky.”

  “Oh,” Gemma cocked her head to the side. “That actually sounds really nice.”

  Darlene clapped her hands. “Damian!” she shouted. “You okay over there?” Gemma turned to see Damian cautiously making his way out of his trailer, wearing a pair of knee-length, white spandex shorts.

  “I think,” he shouted back. Gemma laughed as he jogged over to them, looking a little less secure than his usual self. Darlene smiled, giving him a comforting pat on the shoulder.

  “If I gave you anything looser, it’d be a safety hazard,” she said.

  “No, I know,” Damian nodded, pulling the spandex away from his thighs. “I understand. It just feels… awkward.”

  “You’re an athlete, think of them like compression shorts,” Darlene suggested before skipping over to check on her crew. Gemma smiled, crossing her arms and giving Damian a sympathetic look.

  “Well,” she said, holding her arms out to show Damian her matching spandex. “A little less glamorous than our last shoot.”

  “I feel like we’re about to run away with the circus or something,” Damian laughed.

  “That doesn’t sound so bad these days,” Gemma mumbled. Damian put a hand under her chin, turning her face up towards his.

  “Hey. Talk to me,” Damian said, his warm eyes studying her. Gemma looked up at him. His eyes were focused on her with a softness that made her want to pour her heart out and an intensity that assured her he’d be listening to every word. But despite the comfort of that familiar glance, those three words suddenly felt threatening. She wanted to talk but she remembered the anguish in Tyler’s voice when he confessed to her what it was that had upset him so much about her interview with Frances Browning.


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