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Shadows (Guardian Of The realms Book 1)

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by David Gallie

  ‘You have to understand that for you to be good at what you were born to do, you have to learn certain things on your own. If I told you everything there would be no learning,’ he says, and I find myself growing tired again.

  Outside I can hear Roland patrolling the hallway which means it’s early morning and in an hour or so I would get to enjoy another fun-filled day in the asylum.


  There is a vague smell of disinfectant in the air as Roland leads me out into the hallway. The handcuffs tight against my skin. My stomach starts to knot like I want to be sick.

  I doubt I could, even if I wanted to. It was hard for me to eat anything let alone keep it in my stomach which meant most days I had just one meal. Which is breakfast. But before I get to that delicious bowl of mushed oats and milk I get to have a bathroom break first.

  I glance behind me at Roland. His face is carved in stone and he looks tired. Melina is still nowhere to be seen and I assume that she must be on a holiday or something like that. The faces of the older men stare out at me through the bars of their cells and for the first time in over a year I feel nervous, which doesn’t help that sickly feeling in my stomach.

  ‘Keep moving princess,’ Roland jabs me in the back with his finger.

  ‘Sorry,’ I try my best to smile at the big man but there is something off with him today. His usual sneer is not there and I can see Slendy following behind us, his head tilting from side to side as he stares at the nurse.

  ‘Am I the only woman in here?’ I ask, keeping my eyes straight ahead and not really expecting much of an answer.

  ‘You’re the only girl here,’ Roland emphasizes the word girl which I think is his way of reminding me that I was still only seventeen, although at times I feel much older.

  The smell of disinfectant is much stronger in the bathroom and I notice the wet patches on the floor where the cleaners have mopped it. I don’t spend much time in the bathroom and make every effort to ignore the mirror above the sink as I go about my business in the stall.

  Even as I head back out, I consciously avoid looking near the mirror even though I can see something black dart across its surface. My fear grows as do the knots in my stomach.

  ‘That was quick,’ says Roland, as I clasp my hands in front of me again.

  ‘I didn’t need to pee that much,’ the words are leaving my mouth as he grabs the chain of the handcuffs and starts pulling me towards the unmarked door which sits just a few feet away from the dining hall.

  My heart is racing because I know behind that door lies the machine that the nurses like to use to zap my brains until I feel like mush. I try to recall what it was I said or did to upset the nurse but nothing comes to mind.

  ‘Do yourself a favor and don’t bother thinking about trying to get out of here, or I will take you in there and fry that pretty little head of yours until all you can do is sit and drool all day,’ there is a dark cloud of anger spreading across Roland’s face as he stops me outside the door.

  I can’t ignore the fear wracking my body and my legs tremble without much control on my part. The big nurse sees my fear and it makes him smile. He’s got what he wanted.

  ‘I won’t, I promise,’ I say, my voice trembling and my eyes growing watery as I try to stop the tears from coming.

  ‘It amazes me you know. I’ve seen a lot of crazy people in this place, but I still find it hard to believe something so beautiful is so utterly insane,’ He holds my chin up with his big meaty hand and studies my face.

  After a year in the dungeon, I had grown accustomed to being treated as an object. I stopped being a person and instead had become something that had to be dealt with, contained for the sake of the outside world and of course myself. I had never been called beautiful, though. That’s a first.

  Once he’s done studying my face Roland grabs the chain of the cuffs and pulls me towards the dinning area, then he moves behind me and shoves me inside.

  The room is empty except for me and Dina, the old woman who serves the food. She offers me a broad smile as Roland shoves me in the direction of the serving counter.

  ‘Good morning honey, how are you today?’ Dina seems to be a sweet-natured old woman, and from what I can tell, she doesn’t know why I’m in the dungeon. Or maybe she does and she just doesn’t care?

  I offer my best smile despite the fact my body is still trembling. Roland hangs back to a position near the doors where he can take in the whole room.

  ‘Morning Dina,’ I say, once I’m close enough for the old woman to hear me. Her hair looks grayer than it was yesterday and the lines on her face seem to grown deeper.

  ‘What you having this morning honey, I have your usual oats and milk, or you can have toast with some scrambled egg, or how about some sausage and egg?’

  I look at the food laid out in the heating tray and my stomach lurches. Just the thought of eating makes me feel ill, and I nod towards the gray mass of oats and milk mixed in a giant bowl.

  ‘Just the oats please,’ I say and watch as Dina sets about spooning the goop into a small bowl for me.

  ‘You really need to eat something different someday honey. It’s no good for a woman’s body to eat the same thing every day,’ she says, spooning one last lot into the bowl before dropping a plastic spoon into it and handing it over to me.

  Thankfully, Roland has left the cuffs a little looser this time so I can move my hands without dropping anything. When I reach out to take the bowl I notice that Dina is still smiling but there is something different about her eyes. Normally, they would be bright and sparkling but this morning they seemed dull, almost dark, as if the life was draining out of her.

  ‘This is about all I can stomach for now,’ I say, accepting the bowl and I turn to find a seat.

  ‘Well, you’re going to need your strength when the shadows come out to play,’ I hear the old woman say.

  ‘What did you say about the shadows?’ I ask and Dina looks at me confused. The dullness in her eyes has gone and once again their bright and full of life.

  ‘I didn’t say anything about shadows sweetheart,’ the smile drops from her face and she shoots Roland a nervous glance.

  ‘Sorry, I must have miss heard,’ I say, and quickly find a seat.

  The salty smell of the oats and milk does nothing to help my appetite, but I sit there under the gaze of the nurse and the old woman and force each spoonful into my mouth. It feels like I’m eating wallpaper paste and as each spoonful hits my stomach I feel it rumble in complaint.

  ‘Ten more minutes’ princess and then it’s back to the cell with you,’ shouts Roland as I force another mouthful down my gullet.

  ‘Can I go to the garden today?’ I ask, looking up at the big nurse with a hopeful expression on my face.

  ‘We’ll see, you still have your session with doctor Treckle before you can think about anything else,’ his shoulders sag as if it’s a burden to have to deal with crazy girls like me.

  The thought of sitting in Treckle’s small office doesn’t appeal to me, but if I answer his questions I might get to go outside for an hour and actually breathe some air.

  ‘All done,’ I say, getting to my feet and handing the empty bowl back to Dina who doesn’t smile at me this time. Slendy hovers nearby, he too is rather silent, which isn’t anything unusual.

  Roland approaches and tightens the cuffs once again. I can feel my stomach lurch back and forth as I desperately try to keep my breakfast from coming back up.

  ‘Why do I need to keep my strength up for the shadows,’ I ask Slendy, once I’m safely back in my room.

  He hovers in the corner, watching me for a few moments, his mouth moving but no words are coming out and I begin to wonder if I have gone deaf.

  ‘The shadows are evil spirits which aren’t constrained by any physical body. To get rid of them will take a lot of energy, and it’s something you’re not ready for yet, although you are going to start preparing soon,’ he says, his head doesn’t move this time.

  I turn my attention back to the cracks on the floor. I don’t feel like I’m ready for anything. It wouldn’t be so bad if the drugs I’m forced to take actually stopped me from seeing and hearing the things, but all they did was slow my body down instead. Everything else remains the same.

  ‘Lynk Amber Grey, how are you today?’

  I sit in the comfy leather chair inside Dr. Treckle’s office. He’s a kind looking man with soft brown eyes and thinning hair. He studies me as I look up from my bare feet and dirty legs.

  ‘I’m fine,’ I say, offering him a weak smile. k`1`2

  Slendy hovers near the man as he scribbles something down on a piece of paper. After a year of this, I know that he’s writing down everything I say for later analysis.

  ‘When will I get out of here?’ I ask, expecting the doctor to laugh at me.

  Treckle looks up and over the rims of his glasses, his face a picture of seriousness.

  ‘The judge ordered that you be kept here indefinitely until you can prove that you are of sane mind,’ says the doctor.

  ‘My mind is getting better,’

  ‘No Lynk, it’s not. Both Roland and Melina have been informing me that you’re speaking to yourself in your room,’ he says and I open my mouth to tell him that I wasn’t speaking to myself, I was, in fact, having a conversation with a tall thin man who only I can see.

  He’s right. My mind is very far from being fixed.

  ‘Or are you still conversing with the tall man you say you can see?’ There is an accusation to his tone that I don’t like and a part of me wishes Slendy would just slap him on the back of the head.

  I decide, as always with these sessions, the best thing to do is stay silent. This was going to be a long one.

  After an hour of silence, the good doctor is annoyed enough with me to stuff the three white pills down my throat. This time I try to tuck them under my tongue. I have tried this stunt before and got caught, but this time he doesn’t bother to check that I’ve swallowed them.

  ‘Roland get her out of here,’ he shouts and Roland comes barging in, handcuffs at the ready, as I get to my feet with my hands clasped in front of me.

  ‘Another good session?’ The nurse asks, a broad smile on his face as he slaps the cuffs on me.

  I concentrate on the floor and quietly pray the pills don’t dissolve under my tongue.

  ‘I think we may have to try a different kind of therapy because this young lady just doesn’t want to play ball,’ spits the doctor and I look up long enough to see the anger on his face.

  ‘Come on princess, looks like you’ve lost your garden privileges,’ chuckles the big man.

  A part of me hurts inside and I can feel tears well in my eyes. The small patch of grass at the rear of the building is the only place in the outside world where I looked forward to going. There isn’t anything particularly nice to see there, but just being outside and being able to breath clean air was all I was looking for.

  The big nurse continues to chuckle to himself as I’m led back to my room.


  When the cell door slams shut I open my mouth and spit the pills into the palm of hand. Slendy watches me as I tuck them into a small tear in the mattress, before wiping the residue on to my nightdress.

  ‘What are you thinking?’ He asks, tilting his head once again.

  ‘If I have to deal with these shadow things, whatever they are, then I need to be able to physically move. Those pills will just make me a vegetable,’ I say, grimacing at the bitter aftertaste left in my mouth.

  ‘So you believe then?’ There is a note of surprise in his voice.

  ‘Well yeah. Since I’m the only one who can see you and them, then I guess I have no option but to believe,’ I say.

  ‘Then we shall begin,’ he says, stepping away from the corner and moving closer to me.

  I look up at the gaunt man, confused. I still feel tired and weary but he has my full attention.

  ‘Begin what?’

  ‘Begin to learn,’ he says.

  ‘What do I need to learn?’ I bounce on the bed, trying to feel for a patch that might be comfortable.

  ‘Long before you’re school was built, it used to be the sacred grounds of a local cult called The Shadows. It was on that land that they performed rituals and sacrifices to Satan himself. When the locals turned against them, fearing that they would bring hell down on them, The Shadows promised they would return with the help of the unholy one,’ he explains, his head bobbing back and forth like someone was making it move with their hand.

  ‘Okay, so why are they coming back now?’ I ask, rubbing at my eyes and fearing that some of the medication might have made it into my system.

  ‘Because someone re-created the sacred ritual in the basement of your school. This opened the portal to the underworld.’

  ‘So how am I supposed to stop these shadows while I’m stuck in here?’ I ask, genuinely curious as to how I could be of any use to anyone.

  ‘I believe you are about to get some help with that.’

  ‘Get to your feet princess,’ I hear Roland shout as he unlocks my cell door.

  My heart speeds up as I get to my feet and clasp my hands in front of my belly. My mind is racing trying to figure out what’s coming next. Has the doctor ordered a new form of therapy so soon?

  ‘Where am I going?’ I ask.

  ‘You have a visitor,’ says the big nurse.

  ‘Who would want to visit me?’ I ask, confused.

  ‘I don’t know. Maybe they just want to see a pretty face,’ he says and I’m still confused as he leads me out into the hallway.

  My fear is tempered with the thought that my visitor might be Aunty June. She was basically my mother since my parents died, but for the last six months, she never came to visit me in the asylum. She always maintained that she knew I didn’t kill all those people, but I think secretly it was all just too much for her to visit her insane niece in a lunatic asylum.

  On Roland’s nudge, I start walking towards the doors at the bottom of the hallway. The same doors that lead to the dining hall. There is a room upstairs specifically for visitors, but I wasn’t allowed to use it. Instead, all my human interaction with anyone who wasn’t a doctor or a nurse was held in the dining hall.

  My stomach starts to knot again and I begin to feel sick.

  The tables and chairs are all empty except for one in the middle where a man sits. He’s good-looking with short brown hair and fair skin. His jawline is chiseled giving him a more classical look and I can tell as he gets to his feet that he tries to look after himself.

  ‘Lynk, it’s very nice to meet you,’ he says, putting out his hand for me to shake it.

  I do my best with the cuffs still binding my hands. As he motions for me to sit down, I feel someone tap my shoulder and I when I glance back I see it’s Slendy. That’s the first time he’s done that which surprises me, and then he leans in to whisper in my ear.

  ‘You asked for help, so I brought it to you,’ says Slendy and then he takes a step back.

  I catch the young man watching me as I smile and nod at my imaginary friend and I suddenly realize how insane I must look.

  ‘My name is Steven Darchell, you won’t know who I am, but I know who you are,’ he says, his voice low as he eyes Roland watching us from across the room, and I finally understand why he chose to sit so far away from the doors. He must have known that Roland would guard the exit.

  ‘Are you another reporter?’ I ask, remembering that they had tried relentlessly to get an interview with me. A couple of them even managed to get this far only to be found out and quickly hauled back outside.

  ‘No, not at all,’ he laughs and his eyes light up.

  ‘Then how can I help you, Steven?’ I ask, lowering my own voice.

  ‘We both have a mutual friend that needs you out of here,’ he leans closer and I’m certain he’s going to try and kiss me on the cheek, but he doesn’t.

  ‘The one stan
ding behind me?’ I ask, raising my eyebrows. I wonder if he will think I’m truly insane now.

  But instead he nods his head and his smile grows. My fear and anticipation dwindle and I’m almost feeling comfortable with this strange man. I even start to wonder if he has a girlfriend.

  ‘Can you see him too?’ I ask, a little shocked.

  ‘No, not in the way that you can, but we can communicate with him,’ he says and now my curiosity is peaked.


  ‘I’m one part of a much larger group. We’re the good guys, but there is just too much to explain right now. We need your help Lynk and if you’re willing to help us out we’ll get you out of here,’ I look into his eyes, searching for any sign, any twitch of muscle, which might tell me he’s just messing with me. But I see nothing.

  ‘Okay, I’ll help if you can get me out of here,’ I say.

  ‘Deal. Tomorrow morning you’re going to be taken to the local hospital for a physical checkup, but you’re not going to make it to the hospital,’ Steven keeps smiling as he tells me this and I find myself lost in his eyes. There is something familiar about him and I can’t place it.

  ‘Okay, visiting time is almost over folks,’ shouts Roland as he checks his wrist watch.

  ‘Whatever you do, don’t panic. Everything will be under control,’ says Steven as he gets to his feet.

  I think he’s about to walk away and leave me sitting at the table when he suddenly leans over and kisses me on the cheek. My body bristles with excitement. Not because I was just kissed by a boy, but because it was the first time another human being had touched me in over a year.

  It felt surprisingly good.

  ‘I’ll see you soon,’ I say, watching him head towards the double doors.

  ‘Okay princess, time to go back to your little slice of heaven,’ says Roland, grabbing the chain of the cuffs and hauling me to my feet.

  By the time we’re back out in the hallway Steven is gone and the first time in a year, I feel excited.


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