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Page 11

by Nicole James

  He lifted his chin. “Eat up, we can talk after.”

  She was grateful he didn’t ask about her mood shift and took up her fork again. They ate quietly and when she was finished, he refilled their wine glasses.

  “Want a tour?”

  She wiped her mouth with the napkin and looked eagerly around the place. “Sure. I’d love one.

  They scooted from the booth, taking their wine glasses with them. He took her by the hand and led her around the club.

  “This back room is often used by gold card members and for private functions.

  It was upscale décor, very classy, and everything about it screamed money. Expensive bottles of bourbon lined the glass shelves behind the bar, all a-glow with amber lighting.

  He led her back to the large front part of the club. It was modern with purple lighting. “This is where all the action takes place. The dance floor is packed on the weekends.”

  “I’ve heard of this place, but I’ve never been here. I heard the cover charge is enormous.”

  He winked. “Seems to make people want to get in all the more.”

  She surveyed the place. “I think it might have something to do with how amazing the inside is. It’s really stunning.”

  He lifted the hand holding his wine glass and extended his index finger toward a large smoked glass window on the floor above them. It overlooked everything. “See up there?”


  “That’s the office. Come back on a Saturday night, and I’ll take you up there. You can watch the crowd.”

  She chuckled. “Hmm. Probably more fun than it sounds.”

  “We can make bets on which guy’s about to get shot down by which girl.”

  “Oh, so you study their moves, do you?”

  “Only the ones that work.”

  “Somehow I’m guessing you have no trouble in that department.”

  “Let’s find out.” He grinned, hooked an arm around her waist, and pulled her flush against him. The wine in their glasses sloshed, almost spilling. And then he kissed her.

  AJ found her free hand stealing up to cup his neck, her fingers sliding into the hair at his nape. He smelled so damn good it was intoxicating. She loved the way his strong arm held her tight against his muscular body. It felt good. It felt right. And the things he was doing with his mouth chased every thought from her head.

  The heady moment was broken by the ringtone of a cell phone.

  He pulled back an inch to look questioningly down at her. “That’s not mine.”

  It was the theme song from Star Wars.

  He huffed out a disbelieving laugh. “You’re kiddin’, right?”

  She rolled her eyes as she dug her phone out of her tiny purse, its strap slung cross-body style. “I’m a Star Wars fan, shoot me.”

  He chuckled. “I had no idea you were such a nerd.”

  “Look who’s talking, Disco King.”

  He laughed even harder.

  She glanced down at the screen. “It’s the women’s shelter. I need to take this, I’m sorry.”

  “No problem,” he replied, the smile sliding from his face.

  “Mavis? Is everything okay.” He studied her intently as she listened. “Oh, my God. Is he there now?”

  That had Undertaker stiffening, his laser focus on her.

  “Okay. I’ll be right there.” She disconnected. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”

  “What’s wrong?” His voice was almost a growl, taking on a no-nonsense tone.

  “There’s a problem at Sunrise House. It’s a safe house where abused women can stay without their abusers knowing where they are. It’s supposed to be a secret location. Apparently one of the girl’s ex-boyfriends found it.”

  “What happened?”

  “He showed up there and tried to get in. Scared them all to death. The police came, and he took off, but Mavis said the girls are a wreck. I’m sorry, I have to go.”

  “Of course.” Taking the glass from her hand, he set both theirs on a nearby table. “I just need to lock up.”

  “I enjoyed tonight. Thank you for everything you did for me. I can catch a cab. I don’t want to trouble you.” She began to turn away, but was brought up by his firm hand on her arm, tugging her gently back around to face him.

  “You think I’m going to let you go up there alone when that asshole might still be in the area? Think again, lady.” When she bit her lip, he paused, his head pulling back an inch. “Unless you got a problem with me knowing where this safe house is.”

  “No, it’s not that.”

  “If you don’t trust me with the information, AJ—”

  “I didn’t say that. I just don’t know if…” She broke off, her eyes taking in his vest. “I mean, well, the vest you wear, and the motorcycle you ride, and the tattoos… It’s just that you might scare the girls.”

  His jaw tightened. “It’ll be fine, AJ. I promise.” He took her by the hand and led the way to the front door. “Wait here while I shut off the lights.”

  She watched as he disappeared down a hallway.

  The music faded away, and then the lights shut off, and she found herself standing in absolute silence in the dark club except for the glowing exit signs. She heard his boots as he approached, but she couldn’t see him until he was about ten feet away.

  As her eyes swept over his tall form and broad shoulders, she had to admit she would be glad to have him by her side tonight.


  Undertaker locked the nightclub and led AJ to his bike. She gave him directions to the safe house, and twenty minutes later, they arrived. The place was set alone at the end of a wooded drive.

  His eyes swept over the area as they rode in. He supposed it served its purpose in keeping the house secluded and out of view from the road, but his trained eye saw all the ways the house could be accessed with little notice or warning. Anyone with ill intent could come in through the woods from two sides or cut up through the cul-de-sac on the east.

  There was one squad still there. Undertaker parked the bike and took a jacket from his saddlebag, putting it on over his vest.

  His eyes met AJ’s. “Better?”

  She nodded. “Thank you.”

  They walked up to the house, and an officer met them on the stairs.

  Undertaker’s eyes swept over him. He was young, probably fresh out of the academy, low on the totem pole, which was why he most likely pulled this duty of being left to guard the house. Undertaker hadn’t had any run-ins with him, so he doubted the kid recognized him.

  “I’m Dr. AJ Carter, officer. I’m on the board of directors for Sunrise House.” AJ introduced herself with a nod toward the building. She extended her hand, and he shook it.

  “I see,” he replied, his eyes skating past her to Undertaker. “And you?”

  AJ replied before he could. “He’s with me. Have you found the man yet?”

  “Not yet. We’ve got units out searching, and we’ll be patrolling the area all night.”

  “Thank you. We appreciate your help, officer. I’m going to go in and see if I can calm the ladies down. I’m sure they’re upset.”

  He nodded, and they walked past him into the house.

  An older woman met them in the hall, hugging AJ. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “The police will catch him,” AJ assured her. “Everything will be okay, Mavis.”

  The woman pulled back and stared at her, shaking her head. “Not this time. Shelby has court tomorrow. She’s supposed to testify against Lyle.”

  “And now she’s afraid to?”

  Mavis nodded. “Exactly. Said she’s not going.”

  AJ patted the woman’s hands. “I’ll go up and talk to her.”

  Mavis’s eyes moved to Undertaker, and he extended his hand. “Name’s Derek, ma’am, a friend of AJ’s.”

  She shook his hand tentatively. “Nice to meet you.” Her eyes swung back to AJ. “I thought you had dinner plans tonight.”

  “I did,” AJ replied. />
  Mavis’s gaze swept over Undertaker again. “Oh, I see. I’m sorry I had to disturb you.”

  “Not at all. You know I’m always available, especially at times like this.”


  Undertaker stood in the hall while AJ went upstairs. He glanced in the living room to see children clinging to their mothers who were trying to soothe or distract them. One young mother sat on the couch with a child on either side of her. She was reading them a story, but her nervous eyes lifted from the page to him, and she pulled her children closer.

  On the carpet was another mother playing with blocks with her children and a boy off to the side, rolling a car back and forth repeatedly.

  The women all appeared beat down and scared, although they were doing their best to hide it from the children.

  Undertaker ran a hand down his face. No one should have to live in fear like this. He’d like to get his hands on this son of a bitch. Seeing this firsthand, he had a new respect for what Allison did and a deeper understanding of why she was so committed to helping these women and children.

  “I was just about to make a pot of coffee. Would you like some?”

  He turned to see Mavis standing there. She was a middle-aged black woman with an intelligent face that brooked no-nonsense. Undertaker smiled. “I’d love one.”

  He followed her into the kitchen and took a seat at the table.

  She took the carafe from the coffee maker and moved to the sink to fill it. Her head turned toward him, and her eyes ran over him again. “How long have you known Dr. Carter?”

  “We met years ago. Just reconnected recently. Why?”

  “She’s been a Godsend here. Without her help with the women and with raising money for Sunrise House, this place probably would have closed two years ago.”

  Undertaker nodded. “This is important to her.”

  “And she’s important to everyone here, me especially.” Mavis gave him a warning look, and Undertaker had to fight to keep the grin off his face. It had been a long time since he’d been treated like a high school boy who’d come to pick up his prom date and had to pass muster with her father.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  She filled the tank in the coffee maker, added grounds to the basket, and flipped it on. Then she turned, leaned against the counter with her arms folded, and studied him. “Why are you here?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me.”

  The corner of Undertaker’s mouth pulled up at her directness. “Our date was interrupted. She didn’t have her car, so I brought her here.” Undertaker had a feeling that wasn’t the answer she was waiting for. Her uh hmm said as much. So he laid it out for her. “Look, there was no way in hell I was letting her come up here alone. Not with that guy around.” He lifted a brow at her, daring her to make a comment.

  She seemed to like that answer better. The coffee maker percolated behind her as she turned and got two mugs from a cabinet. When the pot was finished, she poured them each a mug and carried them to the table.

  They studied each other over the rims as they sipped.

  Finally, she set her mug down and spoke. “Not too many people Dr. Carter trusts. Don’t give her a reason to be wrong about you.”

  “Hadn’t planned to.”

  They heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and AJ appeared in the doorway. Her eyes met Mavis’s, and she shook her head.

  “Oh, Lordy,” the woman muttered. “If she doesn’t testify against that man, he’ll do it again.”

  “Do what?” Undertaker asked, his eyes moving between the two.

  AJ took a seat at the table, staring at her folded hands.

  He could see she was struggling with how much to reveal to him.

  “Tell him.” Mavis lifted her chin toward him, her eyes on AJ. “You trust him, don’t ya?”

  AJ met her gaze. “Yes.”

  Mavis stood and patted her on the shoulder. “I’ll get you a cup of coffee. Looks like you could use it, hon.”

  AJ turned to him. “It started with black eyes and then progressed to outbursts in public, then to beating up anyone who looked twice at her. She got her first restraining order when he broke one of her ribs. The last time he beat her, he put her in the hospital. She still has the cast from the broken arm to prove it. Every time he apologizes and swears it’ll be the last time.”

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “She was with him four years. It started not long after they moved in together.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he breathed.

  She nodded. “He can apologize all he wants; I know for a fact he’s threatened more than once to kill her if she ever left him. And now she has.”


  Mavis returned to the table, sliding a mug in front of AJ. “He’s a piece of shit, is what he is. Only one who belongs six feet under is Lyle.”

  AJ reached up and patted the hand that Mavis put on her shoulder. “She’s the only one who can put him away, and to do that she has to testify, but she’s terrified. I’m afraid he’s got her so scared that she’ll go back to him out of fear.”

  Undertaker leaned forward, his elbows on the table, and dipped his head close to AJ’s. “Ask her to come down here. Let me talk to her.”

  Her brows rose. “You? What could you do to change her mind?”

  “Let me try.”

  “I don’t know. She’s fragile right now.”

  “Babe, let me try. Like you said, she has to testify. Either that, or I put him in the ground myself.” He could tell by her wide eyes, she thought he might do it.

  “Now you’re talkin’,” Mavis muttered, sitting back down.

  AJ gave her a glare.

  Mavis shrugged. “Worth a try, honey. She ain’t goin’ unless someone changes her mind.”

  AJ pinned him with a look. “You’ll be careful what you say?”


  She stood and left the room to get her.

  Mavis grinned at him over her mug. “Knew I liked you.”

  Undertaker chuckled outright at that lie. “Right.”


  Undertaker pulled up at AJ’s place—a small new construction brick house in a quiet neighborhood on the east side of Slidell—and walked her to the door. It was late, and he knew she was worn out from dealing with what had happened.

  When they reached the door, she turned to him. “Thank you for tonight. Dinner was lovely.”

  He smiled. “You’re welcome, angel.”

  “And for talking with Shelby. You were good with her. I suppose that’s why Holly is so attached to you. You have a very caring side.”

  He studied her eyes. “No woman should ever be treated like that.”

  “I agree.” She nodded and searched his face. “But you didn’t have to offer what you did.”

  “She needs to testify, and if it will make her feel safe, I’m glad to do it.” He paused. “Unless you got a problem with it.”

  She chuckled. “Nope, not at all. I’m looking forward to seeing the look on his face tomorrow.”

  Undertaker grinned. “Intimidation is our specialty, babe.” He lifted his chin to her door. “Get some sleep.”

  She hesitated, then leaned toward him, her hands on his chest, and pressed her mouth to his.

  He took it from there, his hands sliding to her waist and pulling her against him. His tongue swept into her mouth, and her head fell back. She tasted sweet, her lips soft and willing. He wanted her like he hadn’t wanted a woman in a long time, but now wasn’t the time. He wanted the first time he took her to bed—the first time he fucked her—to be special. And tonight he had some things he needed to deal with. It hadn’t been the plan originally. Originally, he’d planned to have all night with her, but the events of the night had changed things.

  He pulled back, studying her face, and ran his thumb along her cheek. “One of these nights, lady, we’re not gonna be interrupted. And it’s gonna to be so good.”

; She smiled up at him and whispered, “Come inside. It can be good now.”

  He ground out a growl. Damned if that soft request didn’t have his dick going rock hard. But he knew the time wasn’t right. “Wish I could, but there’s some business I have to take care of.”

  “Club business?” She frowned.

  “Yeah, but nothin’ for you to worry about.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Understand?” When she nodded, he dipped his head and brushed his mouth over hers one last time. “Goodnight, baby.”


  He waited until she was safely inside, then turned and walked back toward his bike, pulling his cell phone out as he walked. Mooch picked up on the second ring.

  “Yeah, man?”

  Undertaker stopped next to his bike, his eyes aimed down the street. “Got a job tonight. Who’s at the clubhouse?”

  “Sandman, Easy, me, and Joker.”

  He pulled the scrap of paper from his hip pocket and read the address Shelby had given him. He reeled it off for Mooch. “Need the four of you to meet me there.”

  “You got it. We’ll roll out right now. See you there.”

  When Undertaker disconnected, he grinned. “Time to give that motherfucker a taste of his own medicine.”


  Undertaker and his club brothers didn’t have long to wait in the alley before they caught the little asshole sneaking into his grandmother’s house. It was a place that Shelby had told Undertaker he’d possibly go, somewhere he’d think the police wouldn’t bother to look for him.

  As Lyle crept past, Joker and Easy jumped out and slammed him up against the side of the garage. Undertaker put a knife to his throat before the kid knew what was happening.

  When he saw the five leather-clad men surround him, his eyes got huge above the glove Easy had clamped over his mouth.

  Undertaker could hear his muffled sounds of terror. “Hear you like to beat up on women, Lyle.” He got right in the little punk’s space, an evil grin on his face as he let his eyes slide to the back of the house. He lifted his chin toward it. “You love your Granny, Lyle? She good to you?”

  Lyle could only nod.

  Undertaker sheathed his knife and yanked a pair of gloves on slowly, flexing his fist a couple of times. “I like to beat on things, too.” He glanced toward the house again. “Little old ladies… They don’t run too fast, do they?”


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