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The Unlucky Viscount

Page 7

by Emma Brady

  "How can you look at her and think that?"

  Both men turned to watch Rachel across the room. She was talking to one of the older ladies, and when she laughed, it proved his point. Rachel was like a bright flower among the dull grass. Alex knew every man in the room would be looking at her. He flinched. She turned to give him her victory grin, and the warm intimate feeling returned. Her focus was only on him and winning their challenge.

  "I definitely think I have seen her before." Lord Bittleby leaned in and squinted at Rachel.

  "You wouldn't forget a face like that."

  The lord pursed his lips together but still couldn't remember her. Alex was grateful Rachel had always been wearing a mask when she was the Raven. Dressed in proper gowns, she looked nothing like the gambling hell’s leading lady. Keeping her secret identity a secret was crucial in making her a proper viscountess.

  Alex took his eyes away from her for just a moment, and when he looked back, Rachel was gone. She had been standing only a few feet from the door to the garden, so he suspected she had gone out for fresh air. She was accustomed to the security she had in the club, as well as the freedom of going where she wanted, when she wanted. There was always one of her father’s men watching out for her and now that was gone. They were going to have to talk about this soon, before she ended up getting hurt in a bad situation.

  Outside, the light from a full moon cast shadows across the lawn and illuminated his new wife standing in close conversation with an older man. At first, she was smiling and relaxed, but the old man leaned in. Her demeanor changed quickly.

  Alex ran in their direction, but he was not fast enough. She slapped her palm across the man’s face hard enough to be heard from the house and Alex could only watch. It looked like the man was going to raise his hands against her as well before Alex finally reached them.

  "Having trouble?" Alex grabbed the man by the arm, prohibiting the strike. "You appear disheveled. You took a fall, perhaps?"

  "This upstart had the nerve to strike me!"

  "Is that really the story you want to tell the other guests when you go back into that ballroom?"

  No man wanted to admit he had been struck by a woman. "No. I think it might have been a fall after all."

  Alex released him and allowed him to shuffle back into the ballroom. They were finally alone.

  "What just happened here?" Alex kept his voice soft and his tone low so not to frighten her with his anger.

  "That man felt he had the right to proposition me. A married woman!"

  "I thought you knew how men behaved."

  "In a gambling hell, yes, but this is supposed to be a proper home. I'm not a courtesan who gets paid for my company, so why would he approach me like that?"

  "Men are the same no matter the room they are in."

  "Are there some women in society who agree to such things?"

  Alex looked at the confused expression on her face and realized that he didn’t know how to explain that to her. He didn’t want her to get a negative idea about marriage, but some truths were hard to avoid.

  "Only the unhappy ones. Let's find Daphne and go home."

  The quiet discomfort followed them home. Daphne watched the two of them, but didn’t ask what caused the silence and at the house she chose to retire to her room. Rachel attempted to do so as well but Alex followed her upstairs.

  “I would like to be alone tonight.” Rachel said as the approached the bedroom door. Her head was tilted down and her shoulder were slumped, matching the sad tone of her voice.

  “I’m sorry tonight didn’t go as you hoped.” Alex tried to find the right words to comfort her.

  “I hoped for Daphne to do well and she did.”

  “You were also hoping to do well.”

  “We won’t know if I did until tomorrow.”

  The strong tone of confidence was gone from her voice as she spoke and Alex felt a stab of guilt over their wager. He could have helped make it easier for her to make introductions, but he chose to let her fail in order to further his own cause. Now he was facing the outcome of that decision. At the door, she tried to slip into her room quickly but his hand reached out, wrapping around her elbow, stopping her. The motion made her twirl around to face him and her eyelashes sparkled with tears.

  “Are you sure you want to be alone? You have had a difficult night.” He asked, keeping his voice gentle.

  “If you are referring to what happened in the garden, I barely remember.”

  “I thought you were a better liar.”

  Alex reached out to cup her chin in his palm and tilt her head back to look at him. Her eyes were watery and her cheeks a bright red. He could feel the tension in her body, as she held back the tears threatening to spill.

  “He frightened you.” Alex growled. “Did he do something I don’t know about?”

  “No, you had a good view of the entire scene. Front row I should think.”

  The tone of her voice was sharp and her cheeks reddened further.

  “I was simply trying to help.”

  “I didn’t need your help, but I didn’t want your attention. That man thought the worst of me and you got to see how he treated me.”

  “Do you think I might think poorly of you because of that?” Her bottom lip trembled. “You’re my wife. I’m not going to change my opinion over the wrong assumptions of a drunken fool. I know what type of woman you are and I find it mesmerizing.”

  She was going to argue, he could feel it in the movement of her face in his hands and he couldn’t bare it. Using one of his thumbs to brush across that full bottom lips to distract her he swooped in for a kiss. Her mouth was just as hot and sweet as he remembered, pulling him in until their mouths were devouring each other. His hands never moved but he could feel her pressing against his chest, then sliding around to clutch the fabric of his shirt beneath his coat. Those soft breasts he had admired beneath the fabric of her gown were now rubbing against him and he felt himself losing control. His hand now slipped down to the back of her neck and tugged her tightly against him. That’s when he tasted the saltiness against her lips.

  “You don’t have to stop.” Rachel said when he pulled back to see her face streaked with tears. “I know it’s been longer than it should. I’m your wife and this is what’s expected.”

  Alex stopped what he was doing, a cold sensation flushing through him. “You are willing to bed me out of duty?”

  Rachel nodded and he felt his body clench, pulling back from her. He felt he need distance to keep himself in check.

  “I see there are many wrong assumptions being made tonight.” Alex could feel from the way she had kissed him that she wasn’t being entirely honest about it being just about duty. “I’m not going to bed you until you want the pleasure as much as I did. If you say that not tonight, I’m willing to call your bluff.”

  The sound of the slamming door echoed behind him.


  THE SILVER PLATTER in the foyer was still empty, just as it had been the dozen times she had checked it before. All morning, Rachel had been checking, hoping for some sign that her night had been a success. Instead there was only the blatant proof of her failure. She finally just stood there, staring at that spiteful little tray.

  "Are you hoping to frighten the silver into producing something for you?" Alex stepped into the foyer from his study, smiled at her as he put his coat on.

  "I can't believe there isn't a single card. I'm starting to think you made the whole thing up."

  "I'm afraid not."

  "I couldn't have made a bad one. I barely got to talk to any of them long enough to say something wrong."

  "Sometimes they decide not to like you before you say anything."

  "That's hardly fair."

  "Most things aren't."

  Rachel frowned at the empty tray, then at her smug-looking husband. "Have you come to collect you winnings?"

  "No. I wouldn't waste it on an afternoon activity. I prefer to do things a
fter dark."

  A shiver ran through her at the sultry sound of those words. She should have made more stipulations on what wasn't going to be allowed.

  "I have to go out for a little bit and take care of some business with a few men I owe money to."

  "Leaving me alone in the house?"

  "Daphne is here and I have invited a few friends over to keep you both company."

  That surprised her. "Gentlemen?"


  "I didn't think you would have any lady friends."

  "I'm full of surprises."

  The grin he gave her was so sweet and boyish that her heart fluttered a little. She reminded herself that he was her competitor, but she was smiling back at him.

  "I won't be late getting home. I have something very special in mind to claim my winnings."

  "Will I be scrubbing the floor naked?"

  She hoped he said no.

  "That would be interesting, but I have something better in mind."


  His hand was on the door, but he stopped and turned around slowly. The smile was gone and those green eyes were burning with intensity. Rachel's breath caught as he swept her up in his arms, pressing their bodies together tightly. She couldn't tell if the heart pounding she felt was his or her own. She was too surprised to say anything before his mouth tasted her, both hot and firm.

  At first, Rachel was unable to do anything but allow him to have his way with her lips. Alex knew exactly what to do to make her knees go weak, and she melted against him. All the barriers she had been holding up seemed to fade away form the heat of his mouth.

  Soon what he was doing wasn't enough and she became more active in the kiss they shared. She slid her hands up from the edges of his jacket to the nape of his neck. She felt his hair under her palm as she dug her hands into the thickness of it and pulling him in deeper. She opened her mouth and let her tongue dance with his. The rest of their story was forgotten as she became wrapped up in this moment.

  He was suddenly pulling away from her, leaving the taste of him on her lips.

  "We will be finishing this later."

  Rachel was still wobbly when he left the house. She leaned her forehead against the door, gulping for air. Thoughts about what he might have meant by that swirled in her mind. She remembered him undressing in front of her and how he could remove her clothing in the same way. Once they were both bare, he could touch her and taste her with the same vigor he kissed her. All of the ideas she had made her skin flush.

  She returned to the parlor where a cup of tea still waited for her. As she sat, she heard the door. The butler came in to announce guests, the Duchess of Ashford and her cousin.

  Her mouth fell open slightly as the two women walked into the room. The first one was the perfect example of English beauty with big blue eyes and soft blonde hair pinned up under a dainty hat decorated with daisies. She wore a white and blue striped day gown with daisies decorating the collar of her coat. She was smiling warmly, but Rachel immediately felt on edge. Another woman entered, but Rachel was focused on the beauty in front of her.

  "Your Grace." Rachel attempted to curtsy, uncertain the proper response for such a guest. "I’m afraid I’m not prepared for your visit."

  The woman that came in second stepped forward, giving Rachel a better view of her tall and elegant appearance. Her dress was a plain gold silk without any embroidery, but it was cut to accentuate her narrow hips and long legs. Her face and hair were nothing to be described as beautiful, but she had a friendly expression and a sharp intelligence in her brown eyes.

  "I thought my husband had sent word I was going to be calling on you." The Duchess of Ashford said. "Please call me Eloisa. This is my cousin Sarah."

  Rachel couldn't help but be surprised. Eloisa didn't look like Rachel's expectation of a duchess, but that made her feel more at ease. Perhaps that might make Eloisa an easier ally than any of the other ladies in society.

  "Alex told me there would be guests, but not who." Rachel straightened and found that she and the duchess were about the same height.

  "Most likely he didn't think it would matter."

  "He was mistaken."

  "Am I frightening?" Eloisa smiled in a bright way that left Rachel unable to say anything.

  "Like a kitten with a ball of yarn." The other woman said. "I'm constantly looking over my shoulder."

  Eloisa and Sarah could not have been more different but the way they talked revealed how close they were. Rachel envied them that kind of close friendship. She had grown up without any siblings and hod only had servants to spend time with. Now she seemed to be collecting friends quickly.


  Daphne stood at the door looking confused at the two guests. She had spent the morning in her room, no doubt as disappointed by the outcome of he previous night as Rachel was. This was supposed to be her introduction to society, and so far, it wasn't going very well.

  "Daphne! I'm so glad to finally meet you." Eloisa was the first to rush forward, pulling the younger girl into a hug. "I have heard so many wonderful things about you from my husband and your brother. I was greatly disappointed we haven't met before now."

  "Your husband?"

  "Thomas Powell, Duke of Ashford. He's a friend of your brother's."

  Recognition lit up her expression and Daphne smiled. "Alex told me about you. He is very impressed with the way you handled society last season."

  "Come in and sit. We have much to discuss."

  Eloisa pulled Daphne by the hand and the ladies all sat in the comfortable chairs in the parlor. Rachel was the last one to be seated, still a little unsure about why her guests were there. She wished she had told the servants to prepare something to serve but she hadn't. She should have dressed better for company. Rachel was beginning to realize how ill prepared she was for hosting society ladies.

  "I heard that you didn't enjoy your time at the ball last night and I wanted to give my sympathy. I know how difficult it can be when you don't have a friendly face." said Eloisa.

  "There wasn't a problem." Rachel tried to sit up a little straighter in her seat. "I think both of us did fine. Don't you, Daphne?"

  Daphne nodded but her eyebrows were drawn together, confused about Rachel's answer. They both knew it was a complete failure.

  "I heard that you slipped away into the garden with another man and when he came back he was injured."

  "He fell." Rachel said quickly.

  "So he said."

  The corners of Eloisa's lips turned up, and her cousin giggled behind her hand.

  "How did you know about that?" Rachel didn’t think anyone in the ballroom had noticed. No one had said anything to her about it as she said her good-byes before leaving.

  "Gossip moves faster than money in this city. It's very valuable and can be traded for almost anything."

  "I didn't mean to cause a scene. I was only defending myself."

  "I know and I don't judge you for it. Other people aren't so understanding."

  "It's too late for me to change that now. They have decided to cast me out and I will have to accept that."

  "Not necessarily."

  Now the duchess and her cousin were both smiling. Rachel had seen that kind of grin before, when a card sharp had very good hand.

  "I think we have a way to get you back into good favor with the ton. It will just require an afternoon of your time."

  Daphne cast Rachel a look, asking for her approval. At first Rachel wanted to say no, having trouble trusting that it could be so easily fixed, but seeing that hope in Daphne’s expression changed her mind. Rachel nodded and Daphne lit up with joy.

  "What do we need to do?" Rachel asked.

  Daphne was sitting on the edge of her seat, leaning forward with wide eyes, her hands clutched in her lap. Rachel had forgotten that she wasn't the only one who had suffered the night before. Daphne had a lot more to lose if she wasn't accepted.

  "You will accompany us this afternoon for a few of
our social calls.”

  "How will that help?" Daphne asked Eloisa.

  "Once the right people know you are both wealthy and good friends with some influential people, they will be clamoring for your attention. We can make you both the most popular people of the season."

  "In one afternoon?"

  Eloisa just smiled back at her and Rachel felt like she was being pulled in by her confidence. Everything after that happened in a blur. Sarah and Eloisa took the lead, directing Daphne and Rachel to the home along St. James. They made sure to make the proper introductions and include only the most flattering information. They let it slip that Rachel had money to spend and how she was such a good friend to them. Each lady they met suddenly pretended they were the best of friends as well. Rachel grew tired of the false smiles and insincere compliments, but Daphne was glowing from it. She didn’t seem to realize it was all for show

  By the time they were finished the ladies had spent met more people than Rachel was ever going to be able to remember, but Eloisa was beaming with pride. She firmly believed that their efforts would prove to be successful. Rachel had her doubts but didn't want to be the only one in the group.

  As they got into the carriage to return home, Rachel spotted her father watching her from down the street. She smiled and waved. He didn't do either of those things. He shook his head and he turned, walking down the street in the opposite direction.

  "Did you know that man?" Eloisa asked as she came up beside Rachel.

  Tears were stinging her eyes and her throat was tight. “No, I don't think I do."

  Rachel was not in the mood to continue playing hostess as they arrived home. She fought back the tears as long as she could, but she excused herself and hid in her room. She fell into her bed and let the sadness flow from her. Tears soaked her pillow, and her breathing turned to moans. She couldn't form coherent thoughts, just feel pain and loss that her father’s unexpected rejection brought. As she sobbed into the bedding, Rachel lost track of time and eventually she fell into an exhausted sleep.

  The sound of footsteps in the room brought Rachel awake. It was dark, and she suspected it was well past sunset. Her head felt heavy as she lay against the pillow, curled up with her hands tucked under her chin. She couldn't see who it was moving around the bed, but there was only one person it could be.


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